
could anyone help? there's a few things im unsure about.

Posted By: weran_everything

could anyone help? there's a few things im unsure about. - 03/01/06 11:02 PM

There are of few things im unsure about from the Godfather, part 1 and part 2. They might have been discussed before, and I apologize if they have, but if some one could answer these questions itd be a big help.

How were Johnny Ola, Moe Green, and Hymen(sp?) Roth connected to the Corleone family(what was there background), what business did Roth and Vito Corleone do?

Same with Pentangeli, what was his background? Was he one of Clemenza's guys, or the other way around? Was he the other guy in GF 2 having lunch/dinner with Vito and Clemenza or was it Tessio?

Willi Cicci was one of Pentangeli's guys right?

Did Clemenza take over the buisness in New York when Mike left, and once he died, Pentangeli did?

The Rosato Bros were Roths guys right? or where they in a family?

Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: could anyone help? there's a few things im unsure about. - 03/01/06 11:50 PM

Same with Pentangeli, what was his background? Was he one of Clemenza's guys, or the other way around?
He was created for GFII. He was in Clemenza's regime.

Was he the other guy in GF 2 having lunch/dinner with Vito and Clemenza or was it Tessio?
That was Tessio.

Willi Cicci was one of Pentangeli's guys right?

Did Clemenza take over the buisness in New York when Mike left, and once he died, Pentangeli did?

The Rosato Bros were Roths guys right? or where they in a family?
I guess they were dissidents in Clemenza's/Pentangeli's regime, wanting to have an own family.

Turnbull could tell you more about them and the link to the Gallo Brothers. wink
Posted By: olivant

Re: could anyone help? there's a few things im unsure about. - 03/02/06 12:33 AM

You know, if you really did watch GF I & II, you should be able to answer your own questions. The one about Moe Green's connection to the Corleone family - that was competely explained in the GFI scene when Mike comes to Las Vegas and meets with Moe Green. In GFII, Roth tells everyone at his birthday party about how he and Mike's dad did business in Cuba then goes on in a later scene to relate Moe Green's biography. Watch them again.
Posted By: DonColletti

Re: could anyone help? there's a few things im unsure about. - 03/02/06 12:50 AM

Welcome to the boards man.

I found Godfather Part II very confusing the first time through, so no worries. Pentangeli was the replacement for Clemenza because he and Franis Ford Coppola(FFC) could not agree on terms for the movie.

The main reason for the Rosato brothers in the film is for Pentangeli, Michael, and Roth all to be connected. By having them, we are able to see how Michael and Roth feel about their business. And ultimately that Michael would kill Pentangeli for their business to continue.
Posted By: Toni_corleone

Re: could anyone help? there's a few things im unsure about. - 03/02/06 01:22 AM

Originally posted by DonColletti:

ultimately that Michael would kill Pentangeli for their business to continue.
Michael didn't kill Pentangeli Pentangeli killed himself and if your talking bout the part when they jump up and say "Michael Corleone says hello" was to make Pentangeli think it was Mike it was Roth who ordered that.
Posted By: weran_everything

Re: could anyone help? there's a few things im unsure about. - 03/02/06 02:47 AM

thanks for the help so far guys, ive been watching part 1, and part 2 non-stop lately, and figuring these things out is really helping me understand a few things.

im still kind of unsure about the Pentangeli stuff, along with where did Johnny Ola come from? im pretty positive that someone could explain it too me, it seems like everyone on this board really knows what there talking about.

something else i was thinking about was that it seem that if Tessio and Clemenza were very close, do you think that Clemenza new that Tessio was a traitor, before everyone else found out?(because of the Barzini thing)

thanks for the help so far, i appreciate it. cool
Posted By: weran_everything

Re: could anyone help? there's a few things im unsure about. - 03/02/06 02:51 AM

Willi Cicci was the one who was hit by the car after the shootout, after the attempt on Pentangeli's life, right?

he survived, and him and Pentangeli were both "found out" causing them to testify(somewhat) against Corleone, am i right or am i totally off?
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: could anyone help? there's a few things im unsure about. - 03/02/06 03:12 AM

Don't worry about finding the whole thing confusing. I don't think there's a soul alive who has had GFII figured out after only one viewing, or even the first few times!! Unlike The Godfather, it's quite a complicated piece of work. There's just too much going on, too much to absorb.

You'll find that each time you watch, more becomes clear, another thing just seems to 'click'. And finding these revelations on your own is alot more fun than having it explained on the BB, although that does help...depending upon who's doing the explaining.

I'll tell you one thing that's pretty obvious though...even though you didn't ask. Fredo didn't know.

Sit back & enjoy the film...that's why it was made!!

Posted By: DonColletti

Re: could anyone help? there's a few things im unsure about. - 03/02/06 03:19 AM

where did Johnny Ola come from?
He was an "errand boy" for Hyman Roth. He came to Nevada to tell Michael what was happening with Roth.

do you think that Clemenza new that Tessio was a traitor, before everyone else found out?(because of the Barzini thing)
He did not know or else he would have told Michael. Vito tells Michael how they will come at him, and Vito is right. But I don't think Clemenza knew, someone may be able to bring light to the subject.

And about Cicci and Pentangeli testifying against Michael, I believe Turnbull will be able to give us an essay on it. Hope this helped.

Posted By: Turnbull

Re: could anyone help? there's a few things im unsure about. - 03/02/06 03:26 AM

weran, I don't know if you follow real-life organized crime. But FFC and Puzo did, and they built certain characters in the GF Trilogy around real-life people. It might help you to keep in mind that:
--Hyman Roth is based very closely on Meyer Lansky, a gambling kingpin who was one of the major powers in early Las Vegas.
--Moe Green is based very closely on Benjamin (Bugsy) Siegel, a close friend and associate of Lansky's, who was also a big player in early Las Vegas.
--Johnny Ola is based very closely on Vincent (Jimmy Blue Eyes) Alo, a Mafia guy who was very close to Lansky and was a partner in his gambling operations. (Note that "Ola" is an anagram for "Alo.")
This real-life stuff comes together in GF and GFII in that Vito was partners with Roth only in the Prohibition-era booze business, but not in gambling--Vito was king of NY gambling, Roth ran gambling in Nevada and Cuba. But Michael determined to muscle in on Roth's gambling empire. Note that the first thing we see him doing after he returns from Sicily in GF is to try to push Moe Green out of his Vegas hotel. When Moe resists, Michael has him killed. By GFII, Michael is horning in on Roth's Nevada operations and is angling to replace him in Cuba. That's why Roth wanted him dead.
After Michael relocated to Nevada, he put Clemenza in charge of the "olive oil business" in New York--in effect, his caporegime. The Rosato brothers were a faction in Clemenza's operation. After Clemenza died, Frank Pentangeli took over as Michael's New York caporegime. The Rosatos claimed that they were promised three territories in the Bronx by Clemenza, and that Pentangeli "welshed" on that agreement. This scenario is based on a real-life Mafia drama ca. 1960. The Gallo brothers were a faction in the family of Joe Profaci, a Mafia Don who was the "olive oil king" of America. Profaci promised the Gallos several gambling territories if they'd whack a guy who'd opened some gambling in Profaci's territory and didn't pay him tribute. The Gallos whacked the guy, but Profaci didn't give them the territories--he "welshed." So the Gallos declared war on Profaci. That war ended in one of the Gallos being garrotted in a bar--and a cop happened in and broke it up. See the parallel?
Willie Cicci is not based on a real-life character. He first appeared in GF, probably as a member of Tessio's regime. But after Tessio was exposed as a traitor, he was with Clemenza (it's Cicci who says, "Excuse me, Sal," when Tessio is about to be taken for his Last Ride). By GFII, he appears to be second-in-command to Pentangeli, who took over for Clemenza.
Hope this helps.
Posted By: weran_everything

Re: could anyone help? there's a few things im unsure about. - 03/02/06 03:34 AM

that helped out alot, thanks.

yeah, the whole fredo situation i pretty much figured out already, but it was hard to come to what i figured out. Both movies come of as confusing, but yeah watching them over and over helps.
Posted By: DonColletti

Re: could anyone help? there's a few things im unsure about. - 03/02/06 04:11 AM

Now didn't I say Turnbull would do it?

You haven't changed at all, I love it.
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