
clemenza' death

Posted By: norweejun

clemenza' death - 01/25/04 11:44 PM

aside from Cicci's comments and the arm bands, i am left clueless as to how clemenza died if "it was no heart attack"
Posted By: cannoli

Re: clemenza' death - 01/26/04 12:05 AM

I get the feeling, from reading between the lines, that Clemenza was somehow done in by the Rosatto Brothers.
Posted By: waynethegame

Re: clemenza' death - 01/26/04 12:46 AM

Well, in the initial draft (actually second draft, I think?) of Godfather II, there's a scene that wasn't filmed where Pentangeli is talking to one of the Rosatto brothers and says pretty much that they caused him the heart attack because of how they ran their territory ("Everything with them is whores, and.. eh.. (something in Italian?).. dope!") I assume that when Clemenza was given the Corleone's old territory the Rosatto Bros. were under him, and he wanted them to run things a certain way. When they didn't, it caused him a ton of stress and, ultimately, a heart attack.

That's just my interpretation.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: clemenza' death - 01/26/04 02:27 AM

Originally posted by waynethegame:
(something in Italian?).. dope!")

( not sure of the spelling, need our new Italian friend to check my spelling ).

Don Cardi cool
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