
Luca Brasi & The Don

Posted By: Louren_Lampone

Luca Brasi & The Don - 04/13/10 04:18 PM

In the novel doesn't it state that Vito was uneasy around Luca Brasi, he made him nervous like he was handling dynamite or something to that effect?

I think that Luca was the only character that really made the Don nervous, and I could never understand why Vito's character reacted that way with him. You can see it in his face, as he replies to Tom "do we really have to see him"? What great acting right there too BTW!

But here are my questions-
1)Did he not trust Luca Brasi, did he think maybe at the wedding he was going to try and kill him?

2) Do you think Vito would ever whack Luca because of this nervousness/paranoia?

3) How many people in the family knew how to contact Luca? Sonny & Tom did but what about the capos? Did they know him that well too?
Posted By: mustachepete

Re: Luca Brasi & The Don - 04/13/10 06:59 PM

Originally Posted By: Louren_Lampone
In the novel doesn't it state that Vito was uneasy around Luca Brasi, he made him nervous like he was handling dynamite or something to that effect?


Vito's insight into Luca (as explained in the novel) is that Luca wants to die. I think Vito's ambivalence toward Luca contains some part of guilt about using him, and some part of fear over Luca's instability. Even while remaining completely loyal, Luca could cause a lot of trouble by accident.

That said, I think we overstate Luca's weirdness on a everyday basis. He plays cards, he consorts with women, he goes with movies. He has cronies. He lives with family. I don't think he was completely isolated in the family.

Finally, while I'm sure that Luca's loyalty was legendary even within Mafia society, I don't think it was such that everyone in all the families would know that he would never turn against the Don, so that everyone would know that his mission among the Tataglia was a ruse.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Luca Brasi & The Don - 04/13/10 07:13 PM

To your last point:
Luca was "special" because, as the novel says, "He could do a job of murder all by himself." So Vito restricted access to Luca to himself only--not even Tom conveyed orders from Vito to Luca. He wouldn't want his capos to be close to Luca because he wanted the violent man's loyalty for himself, exclusively--it was the only way to safely handle the "dynamite." Sonny was trying to contact him as acting Don, otherwise Sonny probably had no relationship with Luca.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Luca Brasi & The Don - 04/13/10 07:15 PM

All true.....and who does Vito send to act as a double agent with Sol and Tatt Jr.?? Nice move Vito.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Luca Brasi & The Don - 04/13/10 07:48 PM

That was one dumb move. As I've posted elsewhere, I'll bet even Vito's grandkids knew about luca's legendary loyalty to Vito, let alone Sollozzo and Barzini.
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Luca Brasi & The Don - 04/13/10 08:39 PM

1) I don't think the Don really trusted anyone completely outside of his sons. He wasn't worried about Brasi doing him any harm at the wedding. He likely didn't want to see Brasi because everyone knew Brasi's business. Brasi was a symbol of the uglier side of the Don's lifestyle which he probably didn't want to be reminded of on his daughter's wedding day. Brasi is like a bad tempered Rott on a short leash. FWIW, IRL supposedly the Outfit bosses similarly did not invite Sam DeStefano to many social gatherings for the same reasons ("Double deal")

Since the Don would have had veto power over the wedding guest list Brasi is there because the Don wanted him there, even if he didn't necessarily want to meet with him.

2)In book Vito shrugs and thinks that even dynamite may be exploded harmlessly if need be. In movie I don't think Vito would be the sort to get rid of people because of what they might do-especially if they were loyal to him.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Luca Brasi & The Don - 04/13/10 08:46 PM

I agree Lilo. The novel states that Luca was on eof the foundation stones of Vito's empire.
Posted By: henry

Re: Luca Brasi & The Don - 04/14/10 06:48 PM

I was always uncomfortable with the relationship of Luke and Don. I have a feeling it wasn't natural, if you know what I mean.
Posted By: Danito

Re: Luca Brasi & The Don - 04/15/10 01:30 PM

Original geschrieben von: Lilo
1) I don't think the Don really trusted anyone completely outside of his sons.

He didn't trust Sonny completely. "And Fredo? *shrug/sigh* "
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Luca Brasi & The Don - 04/15/10 01:41 PM

Originally Posted By: Danito
Originally Posted By: Lilo
1) I don't think the Don really trusted anyone completely outside of his sons.

He didn't trust Sonny completely. "And Fredo? *shrug/sigh* "

In this context I meant "trust" as in "I can trust this person not to put two in the back of my head" lol... though indeed Fredo almost let it happen via bumbling.
Posted By: Louren_Lampone

Re: Luca Brasi & The Don - 04/15/10 04:05 PM

I think that Vito, at the end of the day, really could only TRULY trust himself. He sure didn't trust Sonny and Tom's ideas about the drug business. And he knew that when they asked him, "So, what's your answer gonna be Pop?"
Posted By: Don_Brasi

Re: Luca Brasi & The Don - 05/14/10 05:43 PM

i said it before.. i think the don sent luca to his death
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Luca Brasi & The Don - 05/16/10 03:04 AM

Originally Posted By: Don_Brasi
i said it before.. i think the don sent luca to his death

Here is a fuller discussion of your idea:

Posted By: JDunn9232

Re: Luca Brasi & The Don - 05/26/10 02:23 PM

Speaking of contacting Luca...

During the scene where Sonny, Tom, et al are trying to locate Luca, someone suggests he shacked up with the "broad" and they tell Michael to try him there. Michael just picks up the phhone and starts dialing. How does Michael know the "broad's" phone number?
Posted By: The Last Woltz

Re: Luca Brasi & The Don - 05/26/10 04:16 PM

Originally Posted By: JDunn9232
Speaking of contacting Luca...

During the scene where Sonny, Tom, et al are trying to locate Luca, someone suggests he shacked up with the "broad" and they tell Michael to try him there. Michael just picks up the phhone and starts dialing. How does Michael know the "broad's" phone number?

Actually, they make a point of saying that Luca would never stay at a broad's place. Michael is presumably calling Luca at home. Although it could be argued that it's unlikely that Michael would know that number, either.

From J Goeff's transcript:


Has anyone been able to get in touch with Luca?


Eh, I've been trying all night. He might be shacked up.


Hey, Mick, do me a favor --

TOM (background, to Clemenza)

Luca never sleeps over with a broad -- he always goes home when he's through...

SONNY (to Michael)

-- try ringing him...
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Luca Brasi & The Don - 05/26/10 05:01 PM

I think Tom or especially Sonny would know how to contact Luca if need be in the Don's absence or incapacitation.
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