
Clemenza at the wedding

Posted By: Stylistic

Clemenza at the wedding - 01/21/04 08:12 PM

Does anyone else find it amusing to watch Clemenza dance with that old man at the wedding...

The fun and family atmosphere at the wedding is accentuated by the otherwise ruthless gangster swinging around the old man in the circle with a huge grin on his face...To me that scene captures the essence of family at a wedding...it makes you forget who Clemenza really is as he blends in with the joy that people share at a wedding and with their loved ones ...It is refreshing to see him appear so happy while indulging in a traditional Italian dance, to that cheerful Italian musical tune.
Posted By: Bella Mafia UK

Re: Clemenza at the wedding - 01/22/04 10:06 AM

I also like the bit in the same scene when Tessio is dancing with the little girl standing on his feet. Used to do the same thing with my dad when I was a kid!
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Clemenza at the wedding - 01/22/04 01:33 PM

The wedding scene in GF is one of my favorites of the trilogy. Try to imagine watching the movie for the first time and not knowing who Clemenza is. He's just lovable Uncle Pete who loves to drink wine, dance and laugh. Later we find out he likes a little gun play with his cannolis. I could watch that opening sequence of GF over and over and over....
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Clemenza at the wedding - 01/22/04 01:40 PM

I quite agree with what you've said Stylistic. Good point. That scene directly and purposefully shows the contrast of Clemenzas two family lives. There he is being the happy family man having fun at the daughter of a freinds wedding. But then you see his Soldier Paulie of his 'other' Family sucking up to him and the sharpness Fat Clem snaps back at him. "Go take a walk around the block" or something to that effect. You don't forget who he is for too long.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Clemenza at the wedding - 01/22/04 03:39 PM

The "warm" Clemenza is what makes him a favorite of people on these boards. I can't remember a negative comment about him anywhere.
Posted By: Waiting to be Don

Re: Clemenza at the wedding - 01/22/04 08:12 PM

I love Clemenza, I named my pet betta Pete Clemenza. smile
Posted By: Stylistic

Re: Clemenza at the wedding - 01/22/04 08:50 PM

Wedding scene is most definitely a masterpiece, as is almost every scene in The Godfather...I still grin everytime I see Clemenza swinging around with that old man...Reminds me of the old men at my family's weddings and its almost as if everybody has a Clemenza in their family...That part alone shows how great that wedding scene was done, and how it captured a universal essence of celebration that everyone can relate to...
Posted By: Alonzo the Armless

Re: Clemenza at the wedding - 01/23/04 04:41 PM

I agree with loving that wedding scene in how it deceives you with Clemenza and Tessio. They both come across as loveable uncle-types, instead of the ruthless killers they'll later reveal themselves to be. Still Barzini comes across as cold and heartless in his scene when he demands his photo be ripped from the camera. Look at the look of hate and disgust when he throws the crumbled negative to the ground.

The first time we see Michael, he comes across as somewhat meek and gentle. Fredo is an obnoxious drunk (coincidentally his wife also appears drunk and obnoxious in the beginning of the sequel Part II).
Posted By: cannoli

Re: Clemenza at the wedding - 01/23/04 05:48 PM

TO me, one of the nicest scenes in GFI was when Clemenza told Michael, "we was all proud of you" for enlisting into the Marines. There was genuine affection there. Also -- if you read the book before you saw the movie -- you knew that the family was not at ALL happy that Michael enlisted into the Marines.
Posted By: Alonzo the Armless

Re: Clemenza at the wedding - 01/23/04 06:22 PM

Also -- if you read the book before you saw the movie -- you knew that the family was not at ALL happy that Michael enlisted into the Marines.
You also find out if you watch the last scenes of GODFATHER, PART II. Only Fredo congratulated Michael for enlisting. The other 2 brothers were appalled and angry.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Clemenza at the wedding - 01/23/04 09:04 PM

Just a feeling, but I always thought in the scene where Michael says he enlisted, that Tom wasn't as upset, or perhaps maybe more understanding than Sonny and maybe Vito, but refrained somewhat from expression so as to keep on Michael's side, so to speak. ohwell

Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Clemenza at the wedding - 01/23/04 09:25 PM


Though clearly not as emotional as Sonny Tom clearly taken aback and a little upset by Michael's announcement of enlistment. His first words to Mike, after having the news sink in was to remind him of the strings Pop had to pull to get him a deferrement.

As the level headed brother, it made sent attempted to reason with Michael as to the 'plans' that he & Vito had made for his future, which of course only made things worse.

I don't think Tom was on Michael's side at all. He just didn't think with his fists (and other parts) like Santino did.

Posted By: Alonzo the Armless

Re: Clemenza at the wedding - 01/23/04 09:52 PM

Yeah, Tom is not as demonstrative or explosive as Sonny, but I still think he was angry at Michael at the table. He made a big deal on how he had been talking to Vito about Michael's plans.
Posted By: Don Vanchenzo

Re: Clemenza at the wedding - 01/23/04 10:39 PM

Originally posted by Alonzo the Armless:
Yeah, Tom is not as demonstrative or explosive as Sonny, but I still think he was angry at Michael at the table. He made a big deal on how he had been talking to Vito about Michael's plans.
At the time of Michael's enlistment, Tom was still Consigliere Genco's apprentice. Don Vito had trusted him to make Mike's arraingments, probably because of their similar ages and familiarity with each other. When Mike said "No" to Vito and went into the Marines, Tom must have swallowed a brick. Here was a big assignment and Mike screwed it up. Now, who do you think Tom thought Vito would blame, even though it was totally outside Tom's control? orange
Posted By: Don Vanchenzo

Re: Clemenza at the wedding - 01/23/04 10:41 PM

BTW, back on topic, I love how each member of the Family is seen as a great person during the wedding scene, with the exception of the flesh hungry Sonny. After seeing Clemenza whoop it up and watching Tessio dance with one of the twins (I believe), we later see them as cold blooded killers. Sweet! orange
Posted By: Don Lights

Re: Clemenza at the wedding - 01/23/04 10:58 PM

wow Don Vanchenzo I never thought of the reason why Tom Hagen would be so angry at Mike, not out of the concer for mike's safety, but for his personal gain. I applaud you and you have my deepest respect, as I would never have thought of that.
Posted By: Darky17

Re: Clemenza at the wedding - 01/24/04 04:14 PM

You know I watched the deleted scens for GF1..and I always wondered when Clemenza went and got Cannolis...then I saw it..when he went out to lunch..this really was a revalation for me! blush
Posted By: Don Vanchenzo

Re: Clemenza at the wedding - 01/24/04 09:36 PM

Originally posted by Don Lights:
wow Don Vanchenzo I never thought of the reason why Tom Hagen would be so angry at Mike, not out of the concer for mike's safety, but for his personal gain. I applaud you and you have my deepest respect, as I would never have thought of that.
Grazie orange
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