
Official Goofs in GF

Posted By: Sorentino

Official Goofs in GF - 10/25/05 06:42 AM

Just the Godfather, not 2 and 3.

Can you add to the list?

Continuity: A glass of wine in the wedding scene.

Anachronisms: In several scenes wine bottles are shown with the DOC Italian wine classification designation shown on the bottle. DOC designations did not come in effect until the 1960s.

Continuity: The waiter fills Tom Hagen's glass twice within seconds during his dinner with Woltz.

Continuity: Kay's hands when she asks Michael when she will see him again.

Continuity: When Michael decides to kill Sollozzo, Tom and Sonny fight over how the family business will suffer. On the Don's desk there is a cigar humidor with the lid closed. The next shot shows Sonny closing it again without it ever having been opened.

Anachronisms: A building reflected in the window of the police car during the assassination of Barzini would not be built until more than ten years after the supposed time frame of the assassination.

Continuity: Level of wine in the glasses while Michael and Kay are having dinner following the attempted assassination of Vito Corleone.

Continuity: The windshield of Sonny's car is shattered by machine-gun fire, but is whole again by the time his bodyguards arrive.

Revealing mistakes: The bullet hole on McClusky's forehead appears before Michael fires the gun.

Anachronisms: 50 star U.S. flag in 1947 (on the building where the "peace conference" is held).

Anachronisms: At the airport at night, a swept tail Cessna 182 is shown. Production of this airplane didn't start until approximately the mid-1960s.

Continuity: A shot of Michael in the hospital walking past the camera is obviously reused a couple of minutes later.

Continuity: The placement of Moe Green's drink during his meeting with Michael.

Continuity: Fredo removes his sunglasses twice during Michael's meeting with Moe Green.

Crew or equipment visible: During Vito's funeral, when Michael stands up to talk to Tessio, the face of Mama can be briefly seen under his arm, tinted orange-red and chewing gum. After Roger Ebert reported this in his "Movie Answer Man" column in 2001, Francis Ford Coppola and Kim Aubry investigated: they confirmed that King was not supposed to be in the shot, but had gotten into it by an accidental reflection in the optics, probably off a filter (hence the tint) in the matte box.

Continuity: The level of wine in Vito Corleone's glass when he is discussing Barzini's move to kill Michael.

Continuity: When the dons meet, one of them sits back twice: once before and once after an edit.

Continuity: When Sonny is machine-gunned on the causeway, bullet holes appear at the roof line of his '47 Lincoln Continental, then disappear, then appear again.

Factual errors: When Michael Corleone calls home after his father is shot, the dial on the pay phone is clearly out of alignment.

Continuity: During the string of shootings during the baptism, one guy is shot while running upstairs. Shot in the back, you can see blood and other stuff coming out of his back. While rolling down the stairs, however, the back of his shirt is untouched.

Continuity: During the string of shootings during the baptism, the guy in the bed with the woman falls down twice. Just before and after the cut from far to close.

Continuity: When Woltz shows Khartoum to Tom Hagen in the stable, the horse has a large white patch on it's forehead called a "star". The horse head in Woltz's bed has no star. It appears completely dark.

Continuity: When McCluskey is harassing Michael at the hospital, Michael's jacket changes. Michael's jacket is open a few inches near his tie as McCluskey is puling back his arm to hit Michael. After the cut his jacket is closed and straight when he gets punched.

Anachronisms: The first anachronism has to do with the DOC designation on Italian Wines. It actually took effect in 1963.

Continuity: When Michael kills Sollozzo and McClusky, the maitre d' is seen with a pipe in his mouth; in the next shot it is absent.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: The exterior set-up shot for the summit meeting of all families is of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. While this seems like an unlikely place for a "family" meeting, it's an indication of how high their influence reaches.

Continuity: While Michael is talking to Apollonia's father after he has given her the necklace. The same two people pass by twice - once in a close-up of Apollonia and the other in a wider shot.

Revealing mistakes: The blood on the bed in the "horse head" scene. First it's there, then it disappears.

Continuity: When Woltz first sees Khartoum's head lying on his bed, the blanket is covering part of the neck stump. In the next shot, the blanket has been completely removed from the stump.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: The punch to Michael's face broke his cheek bone which gave him a permanent black eye (and caused his sinuses to continually run - hence the use of a handkerchief all the time) until he got back to America and had surgery to fix it (Freddie says, "that doctor did a good job.")

Anachronisms: The movie's chronology indicates the time frame of the movie when Sonny is gunned down is late 1948 or 1949; however, he was listening to the 3 October 1951 radio broadcast of Russ Hodges calling the Dodgers-Giants playoff, a half-inning before Bobby Thomson's "Shot Heard 'Round the World," specifically identifying the date of the murder as two years later than the movie's timeline indicates it should be.

Continuity: The amount of blood on Sonny after he is murdered on the causeway.

Anachronisms: Just before he is shot, Don Corleone shops for fruit at a shop. Cardboard boxes of Sunkist oranges in that shot feature graphics that weren't introduced until the Seventies. And in 1945 most oranges were still shipped in wooden crates.

Revealing mistakes: When Vito Corleone shows Johnny Fontane out of his office, we see an extra walk onto the frame from the left, but as soon as she sees Vito, she quickly lets out a little smile and backs away, as if she was in the wrong place.

Anachronisms: When Michael is arriving in Las Vegas, supposedly set in the very early 1950s, when he, Fredo, Tom and others are getting out of the car in the hotel driveway, two long-haired, bearded "hippie types" from the early '70s can be seen through the window in the lobby. (In the DVD commentary, Coppola admits that he is embarrassed by this oversight, but that the shot was done on the cheap by the second unit)

Revealing mistakes: When Michael gets out of the car in front of the hotel in Las Vegas, he is with his brother, Fredo. However, it is clearly not John Cazale (Fredo) getting out of the car, but someone else (notice the hairstyle in the scene).

Continuity: In the wedding scene, immediately after Kay Adams meets Tom Hagan, the cigarette in her hand disappears and then reappears.

Crew or equipment visible: When Clemenza goes for a pee, crew reflected in side window of car in which Rocco has just shot Paulie.

Continuity: The gun that Sonny gets from the drawer in the dining room when Clemenza comes to the house following the attempt on the Don's life, is in his belt, disappears when he throws Clemenza against the counters and reappears as he turns around after talking to his wife.

Anachronisms: The stop sign in New England when Michael returns from Sicily is red and white. Stop signs were yellow and black at that time and did not change to red and white until the 1960s.

Continuity: When Michael announces that he will kill Sollozzo and Capt. McCluskey, the swelling in the left side of Michael's face (from having his jaw broken by McCluskey) disappears by the time he gets to his closing line, "It's not personal, Sonny. It's strictly business."

Continuity: While Michael is telling Kay the story of Luca Brasi, the gun and the contract, Michael is leaning back in his chair, but we cut to Kay on the other side of the table and Michael is leaning forward.

Anachronisms: In late 1945, the Empire State Building is shown with the 222-foot television antenna mast that it did not acquire until 1950.

Continuity: When the cop shoots the man at the top of the stairs during the baptism sequence, three shots are fired, but only two can be heard.

Revealing mistakes: When Sollozzo's car pulls a "surprise" U-turn to throw off any tails on the way to the sit-down with Michael, the car in the left-hand lane slows down and stops before Sollozzo's car cuts in front of it.

Continuity: When the package of dead fish is placed in Sonny's lap, the position of his hands changes in close-up.

Audio/visual unsynchronized: During Sonny and Carlo's fight, one of Sonny's "movie" punches is shot from the wrong angle and clearly misses, but still produces the sound of an impact.

Anachronisms: When Michael moves his father's bed from the hospital room into the hallway, there is a sign on the wall over Michael's shoulder which lists Robert O'Lowery as the Fire Commissioner. He was Commissioner during the time the movie was filmed, not during the 1940s (it should have been Patrick Walsh).

Anachronisms: Sonny is killed on Captree State Parkway, so named until 1963 when it was renamed the Robt. Moses Causeway.

Continuity: When Sonny talks to Paulie in the meeting room and tells him to get some brandy for his cold, his right hand is between his legs. In the next shot, Sonny's right hand is on top of the couch.

Revealing mistakes: When Michael is moving his father to another room in the hospital, the apparently unconscious Don is pulls his hand away when it hits the door frame.

Audio/visual unsynchronized: When Vito is gunned down by the fruit stand, one of the hitmen's pistols emits a muzzle flash, visible just after a cut to the overhead shot of them running away, but there is no accompanying sound effect for this last gunshot.

Anachronisms: Tom Hagan flies to California to see the movie producer in a Lockheed Constellation. The first production model of the Lockheed Constellation was not produced until 1947, and did not enter commercial service until even later. Tom's flight was apparently in 1945 ("almost 1946" according to movie dialog).

Revealing mistakes: When Cuneo is killed in the revolving door of the hotel the first shot breaks the glass in front of him but no blood squib appears on his shirt. It is not until the second shot goes off does blood appear.

Continuity: In the first scene of the film, Bonasera approaches Don Corleone to whisper to him. He keeps his left arm by his side. In the next shot he takes his left hand from Don Corleone's chair back.

Continuity: When Tom addresses Woltz studio, he is carrying the suitcase in his left hand. But indoors he appears with the suitcase in his right hand.

Continuity: After he gets shot, Don Corleone lays on his back with his right arm folded on his chest. Thereafter he appears turned to his left side, with his right arm stretched-out on his right side.

Continuity: When Tessio brings the package of dead fishe to the meeting room, the paper is disarranged and a little open. But when Sonny takes it, it is tidy.

Continuity: While he instructs Michael how to behave after to kill Sollozzo and McCluskey, Clemenza has a cigarette in the mouth. From one shot to another, when Michael passes in front of him, the cigarette jumps to his left hand.

Continuity: When Michael gets in the car in which Sollozzo and McCluskey are, we see that there is a long distance between the two men on the back seat and Michael on the front seat. However, in the next shot, with Michael in close-up, the two others appear just behind him.

Anachronisms: When Vito is taken home in the ambulance, the kerbing on the side of the road is painted yellow to indicate "no parking." However, this practice was not incorporated until the 1960s.
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Official Goofs in GF - 10/25/05 07:25 AM

I'm not sure if you consider this a goof, but Frank Sivero appears as an extra in GFI in a scene set in about 1950 or so, and then appears as Genco Abbandando in GFII in a scene set in like the 1920's.
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Official Goofs in GF - 10/25/05 07:51 AM

eek I would never be able to detect this sort of things. Never. IMO, watching a movie like that is like performing an autopsy on a corpse in the morgue. Absolutely not for me! lol
Posted By: Harry

Re: Official Goofs in GF - 10/25/05 11:32 AM

Originally posted by Sorentino:
Can you add to the list?
your list is long enough! with all respect, give it a break!
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Official Goofs in GF - 10/25/05 12:12 PM

There are people like that, who just watch movies looking for mistakes, cigarettes being different lengths, drinks less filled, etc. Kinda a waste of time.
Posted By: johnny ola

Re: Official Goofs in GF - 10/25/05 01:17 PM

Originally posted by MistaMista Tom Hagen:
There are people like that, who just watch movies looking for mistakes, cigarettes being different lengths, drinks less filled, etc. Kinda a waste of time.
I don't think there are really that many people that watch movies, just to find mistakes. I think its more of a matter as these "goofs" being discovered after being seen by many people, and are of some interest to many people. They are pointed out not to be critical. lol
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Official Goofs in GF - 10/25/05 02:12 PM

What I think has happened, specifically with many of us and The Godfather Trilogy, is that we've seen the movies so many times that we now just naturally look at other things going on in a scene or what is taking place with regards to props and extras. And because of this many of us pick up on these goofs and mistakes.

Don Cardi cool
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Official Goofs in GF - 10/25/05 02:45 PM

Originally posted by Harry:
Originally posted by Sorentino:
[b]Can you add to the list?
your list is long enough! with all respect, give it a break! [/b]
Well with all respect lets give credit where it is due, the list is from www.imdb.com

Godfather Goofs
Posted By: Cristina's Way

Re: Official Goofs in GF - 10/25/05 02:50 PM

Wow, imagine what the list for Godfather Part II and Godfather Part III must look like.

This is not an official goof, but dontomasso brought this up in the thread Sollozzo and Mike Dinner . McCluskey orders veal and the waiter brings it within seconds. (At first I thought it could be his salad; but he's eating it with a knife and fork, so it's likely his main course.) Also, Mike and Sollozzo aren't eating anything; in fact, they didn't even order anything.

And how about those crude table manners of McCluskey's? There he is stuffing his face while his fellow diners haven't even ordered. lol

But getting back to the official goofs, I've got a thought about those: I think some of them are quite natural and are not goofs at all. So Moe Green's wine glass moved a few inches. He could have moved it himself (to see Michael better, after taking a sip, etc.) while the shot was focused on Michael. So Michael is leaning back while conversing with Kay, then he's leaning forward. He could have simply shifted in his chair to make himself more comfortable, and the viewer missed it because the shot was focused on Kay. Less wine in the glass than there was 10 seconds ago? Well, someone took a drink when the camera wasn't on them. wink

I think that in the challenge to spot more goofs, the editors/contributors can sometimes get a little "goof crazy." grin
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Official Goofs in GF - 10/25/05 08:12 PM

Sometimes though theyre just cuts to different angles, where literally someone will change position over a split second cut.

And I can definetly agree with what was stated earlier, how having seen the films so many times you start to look around at the other stuff in the shot after a while.

My favorite example of this isnt in the Godfather but in Goodfellas. After seeing the movie a number of times I started to notice that there was this big pug dog just sitting around in a number of shots in the beginning.

The funny thing is that he is always sitting silently near someone important, almost as if theyre asking him for advice or something. lol lol
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