
Favourite GF II sequence

Posted By: Michael/Corleone

Favourite GF II sequence - 01/20/04 03:03 PM

-Michael as Don
-Young Vito
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Favourite GF II sequence - 01/21/04 12:18 AM

Gee you really narrowed it down, Mike as the Don and Young Vito, what else was in the movie besides that? tongue My favourite GF2 scene/sequence is the first 2 Vito scenes (w/o moustache),You're nothing to me now and the flashback at the very end.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Favourite GF II sequence - 01/21/04 02:04 AM

While it is really hard to choose because there are so many great scenes in that movie, my personal favorites are Pentangelli at the communion complaing that there are no "sauzeege and peppers" and the flashback scene at the end, especially when Fredo congratulates Mike for joining the service and Sonny loses his mind! smile

Don Cardi cool
Posted By: Dynamike

Re: Favourite GF II sequence - 01/21/04 02:18 AM

My favorite scene was not very flashy, but it's the part where Tom Hagen and Frank Pentangeli share a cigar on the base where he is being protected. They discuss how in Roman times, when a plot against the emperor failed, the only honorable thing for the plotter to do was take a hot bath, open up his wrists and bleed to death. (“Don’t you worry about a thing, Frankie Five-Angels.”)

That scene always makes me wanna go light up a nice cigar.
Posted By: cannoli

Re: Favourite GF II sequence - 01/21/04 07:08 AM

To me, it has to be when Roth delivers his "This is the business we've chosen" speech. To me, that is the most significant scene in all THREE movies.

There is so much going on here. On the surface, of course, it's just a WONDERFUL bit of dialogue. But underneath? You could interpret it SO many ways. Roth is obviously telling Michael he knows darn well who set up the hit on Moe Green. But I've always wondered whether this went deeper ... whether it was Roth's way to telling Michael (without telling him, of course) that he hadn't forgotten and that his time would come. Sort of like the "revenge is a dish that is best served cold" line in the book.

Thoughts, anyone?
Posted By: Bella Mafia UK

Re: Favourite GF II sequence - 01/21/04 11:50 AM

- "You broke my heart", Michael and Fredo in Cuba

- When Kay and Michael have their fight when she tells him about the abortion.

Both scenes had such superb acting from Al Pacino.

- When Vito kills the old Mafia chief (Don Cicci?) who killed his father.

It's all bloody good though, too much to choose from really! smile
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Favourite GF II sequence - 01/21/04 01:27 PM

I always enjoy the final sequence leading up to and including Fredo's death (and Frankie's as well!)...right from the lowering of the boat through to Michael finally sitting alone in the lakehouse.

Though you know full well what's going to happen, I think the buildup and tension of those final moments are superb filmmaking. Many times, I even find myself reciting the Hail Mary along with Fredo...right up until the sound of the gunshot (and yes, he IS given time by Neri to finish the prayer).

Never fails to give me chills.

Though you know
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Favourite GF II sequence - 01/21/04 02:02 PM

My response to this is usually the Young Vito scenes, but to add to Apple's response, I like the short scene of Michael gazing out the window after Fredo's murder. Chilling!!!

Also another "small" scene, when Anthony draws the picture for Michael and asks if he can go to work with him. Michael says "someday", and just the look on his face making one wonder if he was proud of his boy, and hoping he'd be in the "family" one day. smile

Posted By: johnny ola

Re: Favourite GF II sequence - 01/21/04 03:21 PM

Tough question. I would just say the whole film wink

Two scenes that stick out in my mind:

#1 Young Vito stalking Fannuci on the rooftops. Great combination of scenery, photography and sound.

#2 Asking of Roberto the landlord to give the widow back her apt. We see Vito coming into his own, ceasing to be the meek hard worker to changing to the confident don. cool
Posted By: angiez23

Re: Favourite GF II sequence - 01/21/04 03:29 PM

- young vito
-"you broke my hart" michael to fredo
- when fredo is murder and michael is in the window
- the fight with kay for the baby stuff
etc, etc
Posted By: Don Lights

Re: Favourite GF II sequence - 01/21/04 08:45 PM

What was the picture that anothany drew for michael? I can never make it out in Part II and III.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Favourite GF II sequence - 01/21/04 08:50 PM

Originally posted by Don Lights:
What was the picture that anothany drew for michael?...
I believe it's a car, with Anthony pointing out 'Daddy' and 'Me' with arrows.

Something like that...indicating that daddy goes away alot, and Anthony wishes he could go with him.

Interesting how in GFIII the adult Tony had gone in the opposite direction. Apparently the message is he's seen what his father REALLY does and now wants no part of it (probably beginning with the 'mysterious' death of his uncle Fredo).

Posted By: Don Lights

Re: Favourite GF II sequence - 01/21/04 10:33 PM

ok thanks apple for the confirmation I knew it was a limo, but I wanted to know more detail about it.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Favourite GF II sequence - 01/21/04 10:59 PM

Y'know...it's really amazing after seeing a movie so many times, the details you never think about, but then seem to know all about when someone asks.

Think I've seen GF/GFIII one time too many???


Best grin ,
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Favourite GF II sequence - 01/23/04 09:20 PM

This is gonna sound strange but my fav. is when when Kay tells Mike about the abortion. Right before he hits her the look in his eyes. His eyes gives me chills.

I was also wandering why the communion party seems it is more for the adults than Anthony's age group. confused
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Favourite GF II sequence - 01/23/04 09:32 PM

Originally posted by Mignon:
..I was also wandering why the communion party seems it is more for the adults than Anthony's age group...
Well, let's face it there were more adults there than children. They had to be entertained.

The children with whom Anthony received First Communion did have their own table to sit at. Kids that age don't sit still though, and they probably had more fun just running around the grounds. Let's assume there was a clown show or something to keep them amused that FFC decided not to film.

Also...people are naming particular scenes or moments as their favorites, and that's fine. But I recall the initial post was as to everone's favorite sequence. It's a little different and frankly, quite a bit more interesting discussion that way.

Posted By: boneear

Re: Favourite GF II sequence - 01/25/04 04:15 PM

When Michael hits Kay in the face, and when he shuts the door in her... face.
Kay is my least favourite character...
Posted By: Don Vanchenzo

Re: Favourite GF II sequence - 01/25/04 06:14 PM

The table discussion of Vito, Clemenza and Tessio regarding Fanucci's payment demand. I love it when Clemenza gets so put out with Vito, he clicks his pinky ring on the table and motions to Tessio as if to say "You try to talk some sense into him."

It's very poinant, I believe, to watch Vito quietly convince them to leave the Fanucci problem in his hands. This is the magical beginning of Vito's transformation into "Un uomo di rispetto" orange
Posted By: Connie_Corleone

Re: Favourite GF II sequence - 01/30/04 07:49 AM

To me, the 'December 7, 1941 - Pearl Harbor Attack - Don Corleone's birthday' scene. It perfectly encapsulates all of the characters - Sonny, hothead, traditional. Tom - compromising, thinking. Fredo - simple, trusting, good hearted basically (he was the only one to congratulate Michael). Connie - pleasing, repressed personality. and of course Michael - going his own way.

And when you see Michael sitting alone, remembering that day ... it's perfection, truly.
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