
Il Padrino or Il Patino?

Posted By: Michael Corleone 14

Il Padrino or Il Patino? - 11/28/02 10:28 AM

The novel (Dutch version) says Il Patino, but on italian filmposters it says Il Padrino, what are the right words?

And alsow, In the novel (Dutch version) Tom Hagen and Genco were called Consigliori, I thought it was Consigliere.
Posted By: goodfellaoggie

Re: Il Padrino or Il Patino? - 11/28/02 10:44 AM

in other language, Padrino means Godfather. have no idea about Patino . . .

Posted By: Michael Corleone 14

Re: Il Padrino or Il Patino? - 11/28/02 10:47 AM

Originally posted by goodfellaoggie:
in other language, Padrino means Godfather. have no idea about Patino . . .

Il Padrino is italian for The Godfather, thanks Goodfellaoggie!

Does anyone else know what Il Patino means, is it a dialect or something?
Posted By: Michael Corleone 14

Re: Il Padrino or Il Patino? - 11/28/02 06:22 PM

Nobody responding confused
Posted By: The Spanish Inquisition

Re: Il Padrino or Il Patino? - 11/28/02 07:31 PM

I can't find anything, I'm assuming it's a dialect or slang.
Posted By: Michael Corleone 14

Re: Il Padrino or Il Patino? - 11/28/02 07:32 PM

So, the right words are Il Padrino. (Or not?)
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Il Padrino or Il Patino? - 11/29/02 01:40 AM

Michael, I believe other of your countrymen have noted this discrepancy in the Dutch-language version of "The Godfather." "Patino" isn't an Italian word. The closest match is in Spanish, where it means, "to skate" or "to skid." "Padrino" definitely is Italian for "Godfather." Consigliere is singular for "counselor"; consiglieri is plural. Hope this helps.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Il Padrino or Il Patino? - 11/29/02 04:52 AM

Padrino is the Italian word for Godfather. In my family growing up I always addressed my Godfather as "Padrino" and my Godmother as "Padrina".

Posted By: Miquelino Corleone

Re: Il Padrino or Il Patino? - 11/29/02 08:50 AM

O.K.Turnbull, "patino" come to the verb "Patinar" (to skate- I skate). In spanish lengauge is "El Padrino". I speak the catalan a north-east lengauge of Spain. We are six millions of people who speak catalan. In my lengauge Godfather is "El Padrí" and Godmother "La Padrina" like in Italy. Our culture is very similar than the Italian culture. By the way the phrase "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse" in catalan is "Li vaig a fer un oferiment que no podrà rebutjar"
I'm sorry for my english.
Posted By: M.M. Floors

Re: Il Padrino or Il Patino? - 11/29/02 09:27 AM

Originally posted by Turnbull:
Michael, I believe other of your countrymen have noted this discrepancy in the Dutch-language version of "The Godfather." "Patino" isn't an Italian word. The closest match is in Spanish, where it means, "to skate" or "to skid." "Padrino" definitely is Italian for "Godfather." Consigliere is singular for "counselor"; consiglieri is plural. Hope this helps.
I can agree with this. There are some spelling faults in the Dutch translated version of the Godfather. They want to translate it in a kind of 'Dutch way' and then they make these faults.
Posted By: Michael Corleone 14

Re: Il Padrino or Il Patino? - 11/29/02 11:04 AM

Thanks a lot you guys! The dutch translation is so stupid. For examle, when the "Consigliere" Tom goes to see Woltz in the studio Woltz says: "You daigo grease goomba...", in dutch translation it says: "Wood-eating worm.", or something like that.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Il Padrino or Il Patino? - 11/29/02 11:13 PM

Originally posted by Miquelino Corleone:
O.K.Turnbull, "patino" come to the verb "Patinar" (to skate- I skate). In spanish lengauge is "El Padrino". I speak the catalan a north-east lengauge of Spain. We are six millions of people who speak catalan. In my lengauge Godfather is "El Padrí" and Godmother "La Padrina" like in Italy. Our culture is very similar than the Italian culture. By the way the phrase "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse" in catalan is "Li vaig a fer un oferiment que no podrà rebutjar"
I'm sorry for my english.
Welcome, Miquelino, and gracias for your very interesting explanation about Catalan language and culture!
Posted By: GodYankee

Re: Il Padrino or Il Patino? - 11/30/02 12:27 AM

Turnbull, I'm only in my 4th year of Spanish of HS, but what we learned which is a slightly different dialect is: "Sera un ofrece que el no podra querer." As for you English, Miquelino, it's okay and quite good for someone in a foreign country!
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Il Padrino or Il Patino? - 12/01/02 01:24 AM

Originally posted by Michael Corleone 14:
Thanks a lot you guys! The dutch translation is so stupid. For examle, when the "Consigliere" Tom goes to see Woltz in the studio Woltz says: "You daigo grease goomba...", in dutch translation it says: "Wood-eating worm.", or something like that.
Michael, we could have fabulous possibilities if that Dutch translation were to be included in a remake of The Godfather! Picture a revised scene when Hagen gets back from Hollywood and is conferring with the Don and Sonny to report on his meeting with Woltz:

Don Corleone: What did Woltz say to you?
Hagen: He called me a wood-eating worm.
Don Corleone: He didn't call you a dago greaseball goombah?
Hagen: No. I think he was going to, but he got distracted by that little starlet he keeps upstairs.
Don Corleone: Well, a wood-eating worm isn't as bad as a dago greaseball goombah. I'll give him a pass. (Turns to Sonny): Santino--call Luca. Tell him to cut off the horse's tail instead of its head.
Posted By: Don Giorgio Gambino

Re: Il Padrino or Il Patino? - 12/01/02 04:47 AM

"I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse" is English for: "Le hare una oferta que no podra rechazar."

By the way: Bienvenido al foro Miguel! Que pasa en Barcelona?
(Welcome Miguel! What happens in Barcelona!)

Giorgio Luigi Gambino.
Posted By: M.M. Floors

Re: Il Padrino or Il Patino? - 12/01/02 10:15 AM

Originally posted by Turnbull:
Originally posted by Michael Corleone 14:
[b]Thanks a lot you guys! The dutch translation is so stupid. For examle, when the "Consigliere" Tom goes to see Woltz in the studio Woltz says: "You daigo grease goomba...", in dutch translation it says: "Wood-eating worm.", or something like that.
Michael, we could have fabulous possibilities if that Dutch translation were to be included in a remake of The Godfather! Picture a revised scene when Hagen gets back from Hollywood and is conferring with the Don and Sonny to report on his meeting with Woltz:

Don Corleone: What did Woltz say to you?
Hagen: He called me a wood-eating worm.
Don Corleone: He didn't call you a dago greaseball goombah?
Hagen: No. I think he was going to, but he got distracted by that little starlet he keeps upstairs.
Don Corleone: Well, a wood-eating worm isn't as bad as a dago greaseball goombah. I'll give him a pass. (Turns to Sonny): Santino--call Luca. Tell him to cut off the horse's tail instead of its head.[/b]
Posted By: Pherdy

Re: Il Padrino or Il Patino? - 12/01/02 11:17 AM

Originally posted by M.M. Floors:
I can agree with this. There are some spelling faults in the Dutch translated version of the Godfather. They want to translate it in a kind of 'Dutch way' and then they make these faults.
in fact, the novel in Dutch is called 'De Peetvader' which is a literary translation of Godfather. Yet the word peetvader doesn't exist in Dutch!!!! a person known in Italy as Padrino or English countries as Godfather, we call 'peetoom', which means something like a "God Uncle". But like MM Floors said, a worldwide known bestselling novel called "the Godfather" to be translated into the 'god uncle' would sound ridiculous.. "and we don't like to look ridiculous"
Posted By: Pherdy

Re: Il Padrino or Il Patino? - 12/01/02 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Pherdy:
in fact, the novel in Dutch is called 'De Peetvader' which is a literary translation of Godfather. Yet the word peetvader doesn't exist in Dutch!!!! a person known in Italy as Padrino or English countries as Godfather, we call 'peetoom', which means something like a "God Uncle". But like MM Floors said, a worldwide known bestselling novel called "the Godfather" to be translated into the 'god uncle' would sound ridiculous.. "and we don't like to look ridiculous"
by the way, the Dutch word for God is not 'peet' if you might tink so.

the Dutch translation for God is God... smile
Posted By: Michael Corleone 14

Re: Il Padrino or Il Patino? - 12/01/02 02:09 PM

Originally posted by Turnbull:
Originally posted by Michael Corleone 14:
[b]Thanks a lot you guys! The dutch translation is so stupid. For examle, when the "Consigliere" Tom goes to see Woltz in the studio Woltz says: "You daigo grease goomba...", in dutch translation it says: "Wood-eating worm.", or something like that.
Michael, we could have fabulous possibilities if that Dutch translation were to be included in a remake of The Godfather! Picture a revised scene when Hagen gets back from Hollywood and is conferring with the Don and Sonny to report on his meeting with Woltz:

Don Corleone: What did Woltz say to you?
Hagen: He called me a wood-eating worm.
Don Corleone: He didn't call you a dago greaseball goombah?
Hagen: No. I think he was going to, but he got distracted by that little starlet he keeps upstairs.
Don Corleone: Well, a wood-eating worm isn't as bad as a dago greaseball goombah. I'll give him a pass. (Turns to Sonny): Santino--call Luca. Tell him to cut off the horse's tail instead of its head.[/b]
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

Do you know how "Craut-mick-friend" is translated in Dutch? "Green Craut."
Posted By: Don Giorgio Gambino

Re: Il Padrino or Il Patino? - 12/01/02 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Turnbull:
Originally posted by Michael Corleone 14:
[b]Thanks a lot you guys! The dutch translation is so stupid. For examle, when the "Consigliere" Tom goes to see Woltz in the studio Woltz says: "You daigo grease goomba...", in dutch translation it says: "Wood-eating worm.", or something like that.
Michael, we could have fabulous possibilities if that Dutch translation were to be included in a remake of The Godfather! Picture a revised scene when Hagen gets back from Hollywood and is conferring with the Don and Sonny to report on his meeting with Woltz:

Don Corleone: What did Woltz say to you?
Hagen: He called me a wood-eating worm.
Don Corleone: He didn't call you a dago greaseball goombah?
Hagen: No. I think he was going to, but he got distracted by that little starlet he keeps upstairs.
Don Corleone: Well, a wood-eating worm isn't as bad as a dago greaseball goombah. I'll give him a pass. (Turns to Sonny): Santino--call Luca. Tell him to cut off the horse's tail instead of its head.[/b]
lol lol lol lol That was great Turnbull lol lol lol lol
Posted By: M.M. Floors

Re: Il Padrino or Il Patino? - 12/02/02 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Michael Corleone 14:

Do you know how "Craut-mick-friend" is translated in Dutch? "Green Craut."
I thought we called that "mof".
Posted By: Pherdy

Re: Il Padrino or Il Patino? - 12/04/02 01:45 PM

I think MC14 ment that, it's quite hard to translate, and I think we don't have a Dutch word for "Mick"...
Posted By: Michael Corleone 14

Re: Il Padrino or Il Patino? - 12/04/02 05:19 PM

Originally posted by M.M. Floors:
Originally posted by Michael Corleone 14:

Do you know how "Craut-mick-friend" is translated in Dutch? "Green Craut."
I thought we called that "mof".[/b]
Well, I looked at the subtitles in the movie, and it said "groene mof", and "Craut" is the english translation for "mof", that´s why "Green Craut".
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Il Padrino or Il Patino? - 12/05/02 01:20 AM

Originally posted by Michael Corleone 14:
Originally posted by M.M. Floors:
Originally posted by Michael Corleone 14:

Do you know how "Craut-mick-friend" is translated in Dutch? "Green Craut."
I thought we called that "mof".[/b]
Well, I looked at the subtitles in the movie, and it said "groene mof", and "Craut" is the english translation for "mof", that´s why "Green Craut".[/b]
Well, FFC was ahead of his time--the Green Party is very big in Germany now! smile
Posted By: M.M. Floors

Re: Il Padrino or Il Patino? - 12/05/02 06:24 PM

smile lol lol
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