
What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out?

Posted By: Cristina's Way

What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/03/05 01:01 AM

For those of you who remember seeing or hearing about The Godfather when it first came out in 1972 (or who have older family & relatives who've given them first hand accounts), I'm curious to know this:

Was there a particular scene (or scenes) that really got tongues wagging at that time -- that was considered shocking or controversial? (not only among viewers, but also in the press or in reviews, if you recall reading anything).

What scene drew the biggest gasp from the audience when you were in the theatre?

Was there a particular scene you heard people talk about so much that it made you want to see the movie so you could experience it for yourself?

Did any scenes cause someone in your life (parent, teacher, clergy) to forbid you to see the movie?

It would be interesting to read what people considered "buzz worthy" in 1972.
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/03/05 01:09 AM

Not that I was alive back then, but I'm sure the horse's-head scene caused a little stir. Quite graphic and bloody even for today.

[Linked Image]
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/03/05 01:15 AM

Originally posted by MistaMista Tom Hagen:
Not that I was alive back then, but I'm sure the horse's-head scene caused a little stir. Quite graphic and bloody even for today.

[Linked Image]
Most definitely that scene. With Sonny's demise the runner up. That was considered a very graphic scene back in those days.

Don Cardi cool
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/03/05 01:19 AM

I agree, the horse's head! eek I remember being a family gathering and most of my relatives/family had just seen it. That was the "shocker". Everyone was talking about that scene.

And DC's right as far as Sonny's death. So bloody/gruesome for it's time.

Posted By: Just Lou

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/03/05 01:30 AM

Carlo's abuse of Connie was pretty controversial too, back then.
Posted By: Don Lights

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/03/05 02:07 AM

The ending of the family with the brutal assasination of the heads of the five families was considered brutal. The scene of Michael killing Sollozo and McClusky was considered violent.
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/03/05 02:15 AM

Sonny's death supposedly still holds the record for most squibs used in shooting scene, which I guess can also sort of translate to most greusome death by shooting, so that shows you how different it must have been back then if that still holds up today.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/03/05 04:27 AM

If I recall the reviews correctly, the horse's head scene caused the most stir. Sonny's shooting was remarked upon, but many reviewers said it was a clone of the conclusion of "Bonnie and Clyde," which appeared years earlier.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/03/05 10:40 AM

Chalk up another vote for Khartoum.

Not only did that scene create the greatest "buzz", but it was the one that viewers must eagerly anticipated seeing.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/03/05 11:50 AM

I'll echo the recollection of the other old-timers who saw the first run like I did (and you know who you are lol ) Definetly the bloody horse head - big yech noise in the audience and then the Sonny Swiss Cheese scene.

But as far as other buzz, I think the Brando casting as Vito received the large share of press chatter. Was he washed up? Was he the right type? Wouldn't Anthony Quinn have been better. Lots of doubt. Look how it turned out.
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/03/05 12:46 PM

What about Sonny and Lucy in their first scene together?
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/03/05 05:44 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
Originally posted by MistaMista Tom Hagen:
[b] Not that I was alive back then, but I'm sure the horse's-head scene caused a little stir. Quite graphic and bloody even for today.

[Linked Image]
Most definitely that scene. With Sonny's demise the runner up. That was considered a very graphic scene back in those days.

Don Cardi cool [/b]
[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]

Pretty graphic for it's time.

Don Cardi cool
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/03/05 07:49 PM

I have yet to get either of my daughters to watch GF, in spite of my telling them how good it is and in spite of being here on the BB. mad

However, they did catch the "horse's head" scene when I just told them to "look at this" and they didn't know what was gonna happen. To this day, they do know and are grossed out by that one scene. Other than that I don't think they know much else about GF. What a horrible mother I am. tongue

Posted By: Mignon

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/03/05 10:29 PM

What bothers me most about the movie is Carlo beating the crap out of Connie.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/03/05 10:41 PM

Originally posted by Mignon:
What bothers me most about the movie is Carlo beating the crap out of Connie.
That scene bothers me also. Especially when he starts to hit her with the strap. I just want to jump into the TV and kick his ass. mad

Don Cardi cool
Posted By: Don Lights

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/03/05 11:11 PM

I thought the assasination of the heads of the five families at the end of the movie was pretty graphic for the time. I'm surprised they didn't mention that or complain about it to the rating board for motion pictures.
Posted By: Obsessed With The GodFather

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/04/05 02:13 AM

"Mr. Corleone is a man who insists on hearing bad news immediately."

I do recall, the horse's head scene caused the most Buzz!

Wow great photo's Don Cardi!
Posted By: Mignon

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/04/05 02:38 AM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
Originally posted by Mignon:
[b] What bothers me most about the movie is Carlo beating the crap out of Connie.
That scene bothers me also. Especially when he starts to hit her with the strap. I just want to jump into the TV and kick his ass. mad

Don Cardi cool [/b]
She should've stabbed him with that knife mad And with that Sonny like temper you have you would do a good job to haha
Posted By: don illuminati

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/04/05 03:16 AM

Note the Oscar statuete in the window in the Khartoum scene. Another detailed touch that I'm sure no one focused on in the horror of that scene, yet there it is.
Posted By: Maple Leafs

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/04/05 05:46 PM

The scene I remember vividly from when I was a child (late 1970's), was when Moe Greene is shot in the eye through the glasses...that kind of creeped me out back then, more like it shocked me. I still remember my mother getting mad at my father for making me see that part of the movie. lol
Posted By: SCARFACE jr

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/04/05 06:05 PM

someone said i have a sunny temper my cousin slapped me once and i threw him down the stairs my brother pissed me off so much once i threatended him with a knife but carlo rizzi got what was coming to him i like the horses head and the assassanition scene but not sunnys death i wanted to see carlo get his ass whooped i saw gf last year adn gfII this year working on gfIII but let som one hit my sister like carlo did ill kill his ass but a scene that was kinda depressing for me was in part II were michael had to have fredo killed its pretty sad but it wasant in the book some one said i was to young to be reading it im 14 and have already read it when i was 13
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/04/05 07:10 PM

The two scenes I remember hearing about over & over...the horse's head and Sonny's death. For 1972 moviegoers, both were probably considered pretty graphic.

Posted By: svsg

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/04/05 07:17 PM

I was recently watching Apocalypse Now. The final scene has a buffalo slaughter. They actually show the beheading in graphic detail. I would consider it violent any day. Wondering how it was rated in 1979, considering the fact that 7 years back showing a horse head in the bed was treated as graphic violence.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/04/05 08:16 PM

Horse head
Posted By: TonyD

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/05/05 06:23 PM

I saw the movie when it first came out at the drive-in. The horses head scene sent a lot of gasping and talk through the parking lot that you could hear outside of the cars (I was at the concession at that moment) ... definitely the buzz then and afterward too.

How about a "buzz" phrase that the movie introduced? ... "sleeps with the fishes"
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/11/05 12:16 PM

Well, I agree the most controversial scene was the beheaded horse one. I was little when the movie first came out and I was scared just at the idea to see a beheaded horse. Then when the scene arrived I think I was not as terrified as I expected to be. Not that I was comfortable with it, of course, but I guess all the buzz about the scene possibly helped me be prepared. smile
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: What Scene Caused the most Buzz/Controversy when GF first came out? - 10/19/05 04:17 AM

Well let's not forget that five years before hand, Arthur Penn had filmed, "Bonnie and Clyde", a film that also allowed for such violence. Methinks of the similarities between their demise and that of Sonny's. And as the '60's and the '70's progressed, violence on screen became more acceptable.

Just noting that... The murders couldn't be the reason...

I'd figure it would be a bloody horses headtucked away in satan sheets.
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