
GF2 Attempt On Mikeys Life Question!?

Posted By: Benny Roastbeef

GF2 Attempt On Mikeys Life Question!? - 09/13/05 07:40 AM

Hey people...this is my first post so hello to you all....

I have a question about the Godfather part 2.... after the attempt on Michaels life and he gets his window all shot up, they close the gates to his estate and start to search the premises.

When they find the people who did it they are already dead..how is this possible??...what is supposed to have happened?...who killed them?...

Am I missing something really obvious or what?


B Roast B
Posted By: plawrence

Re: GF2 Attempt On Mikeys Life Question!? - 09/13/05 07:51 AM

Welcome, Benny.

No, you're not missing anything obvious. In fact, your question may quite possibly be the one most frequently asked first by new members.

We've had many discussions about this in the past, and as yet no one has come up with a scenario that fits all of the facts.

Try doing a search, using terms like "Tahoe", "Assassins", "Drapes", "Fredo", etc.

Unless we ever get the opportunity to lock FFC in a room somewhere and ask him, this will probably remain a huge plot hole forever.
Posted By: Benny Roastbeef

Re: GF2 Attempt On Mikeys Life Question!? - 09/13/05 09:26 AM

Thanks PLawrence for the reply...

just as a continuation of this question...I am also slightly unclear on exactly how it is that Fredos betrayal assisted Roth in the attempt on Michaels life.

At the time of the shooting Fredo was not even staying with Michael, but yet a point is made of Michael saying something about " who opened these blinds? " when he is in the bedroom.

Who did open the blinds?


B Roast B
Posted By: plawrence

Re: GF2 Attempt On Mikeys Life Question!? - 09/13/05 09:29 AM

It was the drapes that were open.

Kay says to Michael, "Michael.....Why are the drapes open?"

The general consensus is that Fredo's role in the plot was opening them.
Posted By: Benny Roastbeef

Re: GF2 Attempt On Mikeys Life Question!? - 09/13/05 09:43 AM

But Fredo wasn't even in the house at the time was he?


B Roast B
Posted By: plawrence

Re: GF2 Attempt On Mikeys Life Question!? - 09/13/05 10:27 AM

He was on the grounds, and as Michael's brother he wouldn't have raised any eyebrows by entering the house for a minute or two during the party.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: GF2 Attempt On Mikeys Life Question!? - 09/13/05 11:46 AM

Welcome aboard Benny.

Here are some links to past discussions addressing some of your questions :

Speculation on how the hitmen gained access.

Speculation on who opened the drapes.

Speculation on who killed the hitmen.

Some more ideas.

Enjoy. And feel free to post any other Godfather related questions that you may have, in this thread.

Don Cardi cool
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: GF2 Attempt On Mikeys Life Question!? - 09/13/05 12:23 PM

Welcome BR,

It's always good to resurface an old question. It gets the juices flowing and makes us go home, pop in the DVD and run through the scene again to come up with some crazy theory.

Theory # 537. If you recall the assasins (who look like they are out of NY) were found in a small stream / drainage ditch. There is a large drainage pipe there. They probably snuck onto the grounds through that pipe. There were three of them; two button men and one Luca Brasi-type who was associated with the Rosatos. The button men did the shooting, ran back to the pipe and got killed by Luca Rosato. Luca escaped back out the pipe and hopped into his waiting boat and sped across the Lake before security could button down the place.

The drapes were opened by Fredo. The ruse was this, Hyman told Johnny O to get Fredo to open the drapes because they were planning to take pictures of Kay in her nightgown to use as a little joke / surprise for Michael's birthday. tongue
Posted By: Benny Roastbeef

Re: GF2 Attempt On Mikeys Life Question!? - 09/13/05 02:00 PM

Thanks for the links....I didn't realise this was such a common question and that it had been so heavily discussed in the past...

Loads of interesting theories...I think its a shame none of us can actually grope up Mario or Francis and give them a good grilling on what they were thinking..

I could go with the Third Man / Luca Rasato / Drainage Pipe Theory because for me this is more feesable than Fredo killing anyone...especially as we have never seen him so much as hold a gun or a knife to anyone in either of the films.

He must of done the drapes though...No one else would've had the access to Michaels bedroom....but I don't think it was for the Kay Nightgown Upskirts Calander tho.


B Roast B
Posted By: Benny Roastbeef

Re: GF2 Attempt On Mikeys Life Question!? - 09/13/05 02:41 PM

I suppose If I could have a word with Coppolla I would rather spend it making him regret every moment of making the Godfather 3.

Your daughter is shit...she should have learnt to act before you put her in such an important movie...., Garcia??? I wouldn't have put him in that movie as an extra...let alone as the next Godfather..that dude is punching well above his weight,... George Hamilton???...what were you thinking???...surely David Hasslehof would've been equally as good....

Snuffing someone with a pair of glasses??...you pulling my leg??? its hardly a fool proof plan is it...

Michael Corleone still single??? all those years have passed and he didnt find someone else??....he's still lusting over Kay?? the broad that aborted his baby?? killed his son??...his possibility of a strong and masculine child to take over the family!!

Vincent has the nerve to bite the ear off one of Michael Corleone's business associates in Michael Corleones own study!?!

Vincent killed those two hitment with such unrealistic confidence in their incompetence that it was just a joke!...Vincent is expecting a frickin hitman to shit himself at seeing someone getting shot????!!!!???!?!?!!....guess what!!...he does!!!!!!!

Anyway,...I must stop

The films a joke


B Roast B
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: GF2 Attempt On Mikeys Life Question!? - 09/13/05 08:17 PM

Originally posted by Benny Roastbeef:
but yet a point is made of Michael saying something about " who opened these blinds? " when he is in the bedroom.

Who did open the blinds?


B Roast B
Doesn't Kay say this to Michael, at which time he hits the floor? And if so why didnt Kay notice this before and get her lazy ass out of bed and close them?
Posted By: Sorentino

Re: GF2 Attempt On Mikeys Life Question!? - 09/14/05 03:29 AM

Yep, Kay says it to Michael not the way around..
Posted By: belle

Re: GF2 Attempt On Mikeys Life Question!? - 09/17/05 03:37 AM

Whoooaaa!!! hold on benny porkchop, mi scusi, roastbeef, GFIII is not a joke, it is simply the "Fredo" of the trilogy.
Just like in the family there are three sons Sonny, Michael and rolleyes Fredo, there are three movies.
Two are great and one is uh, not as great but it is still a Corleone.

Since you are a newbie I will absolve you for your blasphemy this time, but you've been warned. lol lol
Posted By: Benny Roastbeef

Re: GF2 Attempt On Mikeys Life Question!? - 09/17/05 12:40 PM

Listen Fried Chicken...I might be a newbie to these forums but I am no newbie to the films or the book.

At one time I didn't think that GF3 was that bad...but on my most recent watch I really realised exactly how bad a job was done making the film.

It was a story that had to be told and I'm glad it was....but more time and care should have been taken over the storyline and the casting.

Its a sloppy end to such an amazing beggining and middle
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: GF2 Attempt On Mikeys Life Question!? - 09/17/05 12:43 PM

Originally posted by belle:
Whoooaaa!!! hold on benny porkchop, mi scusi, roastbeef, GFIII is not a joke, it is simply the "Fredo" of the trilogy.
Just like in the family there are three sons Sonny, Michael and rolleyes Fredo, there are three movies.
Nice thinking! smile
Part I is Santino
Part II is Michael
Part III is Fredo
The novel is Vito
GF Returns is... Wait ...
Do we have a complete jack-ass in the movie somewhere? Don't think so. So GF Returns simply represents Wienergardtner.
Posted By: Joe Batters

Re: GF2 Attempt On Mikeys Life Question!? - 09/18/05 12:12 AM

It is definitly a very head scratching question, whatever you think of it just doesnt' fit everything about the whole scenerio....but if you can find Plawrence's writings on here, which in my opinion are wonderful (way better than anything that schmuck Winegardner could have come up with) I think the theory he has on what happened is the best.....And by the way PLawrence YOU GOTTA CONTINUE THOSE WRITINGS!!!!!!!It brought back all the nostalgia feelings of reading the Godfather for the first time, so get going!!!
Hahahah wink tongue

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Joe Batters
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