
Your own "SICILIAN" adaptation, filmed as a Godfather spin-off

Posted By: Don Al DeBrando

Your own "SICILIAN" adaptation, filmed as a Godfather spin-off - 09/06/05 06:47 AM

Imagine you had the opportunity to film THE SICILIAN, the novel which among others describes how Michael got back from Sicily.

What would you do in terms of casting/directing of the film. And of course who would be Hagen/Michael/Vito in this version. Obviously none of the original actors can play them now.

What do you think?
Posted By: Joe Batters

Re: Your own "SICILIAN" adaptation, filmed as a Godfather spin-off - 09/06/05 07:45 AM

I would definitly want FFC to direct it or Scorsese

[Linked Image]
Joe Batters
Posted By: Don Pappo Napolitano

Re: Your own "SICILIAN" adaptation, filmed as a Godfather spin-off - 09/06/05 11:25 PM

There is a movie called "The Sicilian" the starring is Christopher Lambert as Salvatore Giuliano. And it was not a good movie, it was boring. if It was made, I wish it was made in the 70`s with the same casting as Godfather, Al Pacino, Robert Duvall, etc. if Al Pacino had to perform Michael Corleone for The Sicilian, he would need a surgery and TOO TOO TOO MUCH MUCH MUCH make up to look younger. The same for Robert Duvall...
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Your own "SICILIAN" adaptation, filmed as a Godfather spin-off - 09/07/05 12:24 AM

There really is no reason for The Godfather characters to be in The Sicilian. It was Giuliano's story, and that's the way it should remain.
Posted By: Joe Batters

Re: Your own "SICILIAN" adaptation, filmed as a Godfather spin-off - 09/07/05 07:31 AM

Michael Corleone was in the Sicilian and so was Clemenza.......

[Linked Image]
Joe BAtters
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Your own "SICILIAN" adaptation, filmed as a Godfather spin-off - 09/07/05 09:54 AM

Writing in the characters from The Godfather into parts of The Sicilian was a smart move by Puzo as that alone probably enticed many fans of his Godfather book buy The Sicilian.

Don Cardi cool
Posted By: Don Arnaldo

Re: Your own "SICILIAN" adaptation, filmed as a Godfather spin-off - 09/07/05 12:04 PM

FFC to direct, definitely, but I think I'd have to cast unknowns, anybody really famous like Leo DiCaprio or the like would just ruin it. Thats the problem with movies these days, I mean in 1972, Al Pacino was an unknown, ditto with Robert De Niro in 1974. Nowadays...you get Colin Firth as Alexander! Wtf?!
Posted By: Brando88

Re: Your own "SICILIAN" adaptation, filmed as a Godfather spin-off - 09/07/05 01:53 PM


I think it would be a good idea to film the sicilian, but not now. The movie should be filmed after the 1st part. Now 30 years later it's impossible to make this film. All actors are already aged and many are dead. Marlo Brando the Don won't be in the film?
Forget it! It's too late to discuss about this film now!
The only thing we can do, is to read the book and try to visualise the events.

ksexase to!
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Your own "SICILIAN" adaptation, filmed as a Godfather spin-off - 09/07/05 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Joe Batters:
Michael Corleone was in the Sicilian and so was Clemenza.......

[Linked Image]
Joe BAtters
Yes, I know, but I think that they didn't NEED to be in the book. The Sicilian was Giuliano's story, and if I were to make a film, the characters from The Godfather wouldn't be in it. Anyway, as previously posted by someone else, the original actors could never play those roles now.
Posted By: DeathByClotheshanger

Re: Your own "SICILIAN" adaptation, filmed as a Godfather spin-off - 09/07/05 05:46 PM

No need to have any of the characters from the GF universe appear in a Sicilian movie. They ultimately serve no purpose in advancing the story. While it is cool to have them there, it's just a ploy to sell books, and it worked for Puzo.

As for a new Sicilian movie, I would love to see it. I never saw the original, nor do I want to, but I loved the book.

It could be made today but it will probably have to be made outside of Hollywood for it to be any good.
Posted By: Don Pappo Napolitano

Re: Your own "SICILIAN" adaptation, filmed as a Godfather spin-off - 09/07/05 07:05 PM

The movie is already made by Christopher Lambert, haven`t you seen it? You don`t lose anything.It`s boring
Posted By: SCARFACE jr

Re: Your own "SICILIAN" adaptation, filmed as a Godfather spin-off - 10/06/05 06:02 PM

i bought the movie last year at gamespot for 7 dollars have not finished it yet it is kinda boring though but i read some of the book good book
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Your own "SICILIAN" adaptation, filmed as a Godfather spin-off - 10/06/05 06:29 PM

Originally posted by Don Arnaldo:
Nowadays...you get Colin Firth as Alexander! Wtf?!
Errr... You probably mean Colin Farrell?

Wait - Pacino has a son. Who knows, 20 years later he may look very like him. Then, everything is possible, even Godfather prequel. wink
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Your own "SICILIAN" adaptation, filmed as a Godfather spin-off - 10/07/05 08:30 PM

Originally posted by Don Pappo Napolitano:
if It was made, I wish it was made in the 70`s with the same casting as Godfather, Al Pacino, Robert Duvall, etc.
Posted By: Tony Love

Re: Your own "SICILIAN" adaptation, filmed as a Godfather spin-off - 10/07/05 09:02 PM

I thought the book was boring. I quit reading 50 pages through. Perhaps I should give it another shot when I finish with Fools Die.
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