
Tessio's plan goes wrong

Posted By: Maple Leafs

Tessio's plan goes wrong - 08/18/05 01:43 PM

Hey there,

When Cicci says something like "The boss says for you guys to go on ahead, he will come in a separate car", Tessio gets upset and says that ruins his plans.
What plans would that be? Was the intention for Sal to kill Michael with his own hands in the car? I would think it would be easier for Barzini's people (or Sal's) to kill Michael at the meeting, no? Wouldn't Sal be putting his own life on the line by riding in the car with Michael??

This part always confused me.

Thanks in advance for any and all answers!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Tessio's plan goes wrong - 08/18/05 02:07 PM

I think part of it is that Tessio was going to see to it that Michael & he would go to meet Barzini together. Secondly, by having Cicci intervene, Tessio was losing control of the situation and now there was an unknown/unexpected element that wasn't part of Tessio's planning.

Here's a similar comparison to visualize - not in any way meant to be disrespectful and not anything against ANY form of religion, etc.:
Do you know the story of Judas turning in Jesus to have Jesus arrested and later crucified? Think of Tessio (Judas) personally delivering Michael (Jesus) to Barzini (high priests/Pilate). By seeing to it personally of turning in Michael, Tessio knew the chance of something going wrong was greatly minimized. I don't think Tessio ever planned on personally whacking Michael - he was just the go-between for himself and Barzini's button men.

It's the old saying: "If you want things done right, do them yourself." Tessio losing control of the situation left the possibility of things getting screwed up.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Tessio's plan goes wrong - 08/18/05 03:18 PM

Tessio had arranged the meeting on his territory and he was to provide the "security." Of course Michael knew that under such "security" he would be assassinated. Therefore when Cicci started to change the plans, Tessio quite honestly said this would mess up all his arrangements. It only took another minute for Tessio to realize he had been found out.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Tessio's plan goes wrong - 08/18/05 03:50 PM

These are life and death people. When you introduce a variable into any situation you stand the risk of wrecking the whole plan.
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Tessio's plan goes wrong - 08/18/05 07:17 PM

This topic brought me to an idea. I'll post it here since it has something to do with this topic.

Do you think that Vito, with his life-long friendship (or at least working-partners) would have killed Tessio?
I doubt it, Vito was too fond of his family (which includes Tessio) to kill one of them.
Any thoughts?
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Tessio's plan goes wrong - 08/18/05 07:25 PM

Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
This topic brought me to an idea. I'll post it here since it has something to do with this topic.

Do you think that Vito, with his life-long friendship (or at least working-partners) would have killed Tessio?
I doubt it, Vito was too fond of his family (which includes Tessio) to kill one of them.
Any thoughts?
I don't think Tessio would have done it if Vito was in power. That might be explained in the book though
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Tessio's plan goes wrong - 08/18/05 07:30 PM

Ow yeah, forgot about that one. eek
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Tessio's plan goes wrong - 08/18/05 07:31 PM

I agree, DMC. Tessio only betrayed the family because he lacked faith in Michael's abilities. He felt that when Vito died, he and Clemenza would be out in the cold, as he didn't believe that Michael was ready to be Don. That's why he allowed Barzini to turn him.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Tessio's plan goes wrong - 08/18/05 07:36 PM

Vito would have definitely killed Tessio. Dont forget that Vito was constantly warning Michael that there was a traitor in the family and that Michael would have to find him. The last time we see him warn Michael about this, he goes into his "I didn't want this for you" speech, which to me meant that he did not want Michael to have to be making decisions to kill people.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Tessio's plan goes wrong - 08/19/05 07:06 AM

Back to the original question:
As part of Tessio's deal with Barzini, he either pledged to deliver Michael to Barzini so he could be killed at the meeting, or to personally kill Michael on the way to the meeting in the car, or to travel with Michael in the car to some other destination where Michael would be killed. Therefore, Michael's last-minute plan (announced by Cicci) to come in a separate car meant that Tessio's part of the deal with Barzini would fail. And Tessio probably was smart enough to figure out, right then and there, that Michael was suspicious of him, or that the jig was up.

Vito definitely would have killed Tessio. If Vito were still in charge and Tessio sold him out, Vito would have to whack him. If Michael were in charge and Vito was still alive (and retired), he would have told Michael that such treason by someone so close could never be forgiven--Tessio would be a danger to him all his life.
Remember, too, that Tessio gave a major hint of future disloyalty at that meeting when Vito was looking at his tropical fish and Michael, by then in charge, was counseling patience. Vito finally turned to Clemenza and Tessio and said, "Do you trust my judgment?" "Always, Godfather," replied Clemenza, fervently. "Yes-s-s-s..." replied Tessio in a strangled voice. That scarcely constituted a hearty endorsement.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Tessio's plan goes wrong - 08/19/05 04:52 PM

Remember, even Michael admits that it's a smart move and Tessio was always smarter (than Clemenza). Of course, with Vito still alive it's unlikely that the Tessio/Barzini scenario would have come to be. But,if it did, Vito would have done what he had to do.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Tessio's plan goes wrong - 08/19/05 06:35 PM

I dont think Tessio would have betrayed Vito unless he had become really weak and hung on too long.
Posted By: Joe Batters

Re: Tessio's plan goes wrong - 08/19/05 07:56 PM

I agree with DT, Tessio had to much respect for Don Vito and probably feared him alot as well....They had been friends since they were young men
So I think since Mike took over and was making desicions that Tessio, Clemenza, and Tom didn't particularily agree with and like at the time I believe Tessio just thought well if I help Barzini I would be in a definitly way better position financiallly and power-wise than I am now, and he probably didn't like Mike to much at that time and didn't respect him near as much as Vito, and with it being only business, it would be only big time business for Tessio after Mike was out of the way and Barzini backing him

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