
Scene that defines Don Vito.

Posted By: johnny ola

Scene that defines Don Vito. - 01/06/04 08:41 PM

What scene do you think most defines what Don Vito was all about? I personally think its the scenes with Roberto the landlord. Sometimes the poignancy of the scene is lost in the humor of the scene. We see don Vito acting as a confident and strong don. And doing what a don is suppossed to do, namely keep fairness in the community. He never bullied, threaten or strongarmed Roberto. He made a plea, then simply told him to ask around the neighborhood. Even when Roberto, conceded he still treated Roberto with respect [at least to his face]. It is no wonder that don Vito had so many at his daughters wedding.

It would have been interesting to see what happened when Roberto asked around the neighborhood grin
Posted By: Michael Corleone 14

Re: Scene that defines Don Vito. - 01/06/04 08:46 PM

The scene, that to me defines Vito is when he whacks Fanucci, and then joins Carmella and his children on those steps and enjoys the festa. Ruthless when it comes to business, but on the other hand so family-orientated. smile
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Scene that defines Don Vito. - 01/06/04 08:58 PM

This is much harder then the question about what was it "about" Pacino.

I agree with the comments made, but when I think of Vito (old Vito anyway), I think of the very opening scene, him sitting at his desk calmly, sort of royaly, hearing and granting favors on his daughter's wedding day. ohwell Showing a soft spoken, gentle man, yet capable of giving a whacking order just as calmly.

Posted By: Don Lights

Re: Scene that defines Don Vito. - 01/06/04 09:21 PM

Way too many good scenes to pick from, but when Don Vito Corleone gives his speech to the fellow Dons at the bank. It shows just how reasonable and how charismatic his person is, as instead of simply wielding and starting a war, he ends one before it starts.
Posted By: johnny ola

Re: Scene that defines Don Vito. - 01/06/04 10:46 PM

Originally posted by Don Lights:
Way too many good scenes to pick from, but when Don Vito Corleone gives his speech to the fellow Dons at the bank. It shows just how reasonable and how charismatic his person is, as instead of simply wielding and starting a war, he ends one before it starts.
Of all the three films, that is my personal favorite. Nothing I enjoy more then a great actor giving a speech in character ala Humprhrey Bogart in "The Caine Mutiny" and Jack Nicholson in "A Few Good Men".

Bogart shows strength and fairness with his speech. You just know he had to piss off Barazini, with his response grin
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Scene that defines Don Vito. - 01/06/04 10:50 PM

All of the above posts are very good replies. The scene that I think defined what Vito was all about was when he sits down with Tessio and Clemenza after they are worried about giving tribute to Fannucci. In that scene Vito shows his calmness, cunningness, smartness, and confidence all at the same time. He has already figured out that he will offer Fannucci so much money and collect so much from both Clemenza and Tessio and at the same time keep a few $$ for himself as he realizes that he is the one who will risk his own life when making this offer to Fannucci, so therefore he justifies his keeping so many $$ for himself. In this scene is when I think Coppolla/Puzo wanted to show the audience what Vito was really all about. Kept his friends happy, his enemy happy, and took care of his own family at the same time.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Scene that defines Don Vito. - 01/06/04 11:48 PM

There's too many but one that stands out in my mind is when he is talking to Tessio and Clemenza telling them he will take care of Fannucci, but he doesnt tell them how. They are more experianced in that business, but he is in control.
Posted By: TheCrazyMan

Re: Scene that defines Don Vito. - 01/07/04 12:48 AM

The beginning scene would be his most defining moment, but there is more to Don Vito than meets the eye.

I guess my one scene that seems to come out would be when Vito visits Genco. I know it wasn't a part of the film, but to me, it shows who Vito truly was, both as a father and Godfather.

Vito talking to Michael about his plan, and then visiting his old friend, and how Genco felt he was in the presence of God. Just a scene like that just truly defines Vito Corleone.
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