
Genco Land Co.

Posted By: lucylu

Genco Land Co. - 08/08/07 09:25 PM

At the very end of GF I, there's a sign on the stone wall at the compound that says "5.6 acres for future commercial development and SOLD". Clemenza and Pentangeli both lived there, as is stated in GF II. Did the deal fall through or did Clemenza buy it?
Posted By: SC

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/08/07 09:33 PM

 Originally Posted By: lucylu
Did the deal fall through or did Clemenza buy it?

Neither. Part II was made instead.

It was intended that the Corleones would sell the mall (and make a huge profit) and that would be the end of the story. The producer discovered that he could make a huge profit himself if he filmed a sequel (and I'm happy he did) but no thought was given the continuity issue of the mall (it really isn't an important issue IMO).
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/08/07 09:47 PM

Could Genco land company have been a front company that was set up to make the sale to a Mr. Peter Clemenza?
Posted By: olivant

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/08/07 10:04 PM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
Could Genco land company have been a front company that was set up to make the sale to a Mr. Peter Clemenza?

Given that the Corleones had no problem murdering people, I'd say that setting up a front company to cover their land deal tracks or avoid associated taxes was certainly within the realm of possibility.
Posted By: johnny ola

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/08/07 11:32 PM

 Originally Posted By: lucylu
At the very end of GF I, there's a sign on the stone wall at the compound that says "5.6 acres for future commercial development and SOLD". Clemenza and Pentangeli both lived there, as is stated in GF II. Did the deal fall through or did Clemenza buy it?

Damn, I noticed that also, and was going to make a post concering it, but thought it would be too nit picking
Posted By: 90caliber

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 12:10 AM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
Could Genco land company have been a front company that was set up to make the sale to a Mr. Peter Clemenza?

The Genco real estate company existed long before Michael became Don. The novel explains that real estate was one of Vito's sources of income. The novel also says that the company was named after Genco because Vito was "too modest" to attach his own name to it.
Posted By: whisper

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 12:14 AM

Some times the GF threads really do become full of nit picking.This isn't an important issue at all.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 12:43 AM

I'm sorry but that was a crappy thing to say. I hope you were teasing.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 12:52 AM

 Originally Posted By: whisper the don from down under
Some times the GF threads really do become full of nit picking.This isn't an important issue at all.

What's a nit? And how does one go about picking one?
Posted By: SC

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 12:56 AM

 Originally Posted By: whisper the don from down under
Some times the GF threads really do become full of nit picking.This isn't an important issue at all.

Nit picking? Maybe. But (IMO) its an honest question about an observation from the movie (and some plausible explanations - I still like mine best \:D ).

BTW - Thats quite a statement from someone who frequents the Games forum so much. \:p
Posted By: SC

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 12:58 AM

 Originally Posted By: olivant
What's a nit? And how does one go about picking one?

A nitwit? A knit sweater?

I wonder if its like picking a nose.
Posted By: whisper

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 01:12 AM

Hey i barely go into the Games forum anymore.It's become repetitive and stagnent.
It's just me opinion.We all know part two wasn't written yet and it's the fact that the sign reads that way because of it.
Yes i know it's an observational question,but i found it a little too "nit picking". Fair enough.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 01:12 AM

 Originally Posted By: whisper the don from down under
Some times the GF threads really do become full of nit picking.This isn't an important issue at all.

"Let he who is without nitpicks among you cast the first stone." \:p

Both SC and DC are right. No sequel was in the works when GF was finished, so the sale of the mall and its property could simply have been a fait accomplias Michael moved the family West. But the "sale" of the property could have been a tax shelter and money-laundering move: Michael could have "sold" it to his New York underboss, Clemenza, for a fraction of its real worth, and taken a big tax credit. Clemenza could then list the deflated price of the mall as his main asset, and escape his own big tax bill. He could also have set up a dummy corporation to buy the mall, then "leased" it from his own company to launder money.
Posted By: whisper

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 01:13 AM

...And for the record i frequent the GF section a lot more than the friggin games.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 01:13 AM

A nit is lice.
Posted By: SC

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 01:29 AM

 Originally Posted By: whisper the don from down under
Hey i barely go into the Games forum anymore.It's become repetitive and stagnent.
It's just me opinion. Yes i know it's an observational question,but i found it a little too "nit picking". Fair enough.

Relax... I was just bustin' your balls. \:\)
Posted By: whisper

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 01:30 AM

HAHA yeah i know.

It's sometimes hard to convey sarcasm over the net,i was trying to sound sarcastic,looks like i failed.
Posted By: SC

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 01:33 AM

 Originally Posted By: whisper the don from down under
It's sometimes hard to convey sarcasm over the net,i was trying to sound sarcastic,looks like i failed.

Now YOU'RE nitpicking!!!
Posted By: whisper

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 01:38 AM


i know.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 05:15 AM

Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 05:23 PM

 Originally Posted By: lucylu
At the very end of GF I, there's a sign on the stone wall at the compound that says "5.6 acres for future commercial development and SOLD". Clemenza and Pentangeli both lived there, as is stated in GF II. Did the deal fall through or did Clemenza buy it?

If the sale was some kind of elaborate self dealing operation as has been suggested here, then it would make sense that the property was "sold" for commercial development. If for some reason commercial development could not take place (here the Corleones would have to fix a zoning board to rule against them),
then the commercial "buyer" would probably have had an escape clause in the contract. This would make the land much less valuable, which in turn would allow for a huge price reduction for Clemenza. My guess is that some Corleone owned entity continued to own the property because after Clemenza died it passed to Pentangeli, to there was probably some provision that the person running the New York operations could live there for life....which speaking of nit picking.....raises the question, what did they do with Clemenza's wife and kids? Put them on the street?
Posted By: olivant

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 06:17 PM

Organized crime organizations have a plethora of ways to disguise financial transactions. Puzo may have actually intended that the property was sold legitimately to underscore Vito's acumen as he expressed in the novel. But we are allowed to speculate and, in light of the unplanned GFII, we speculate like crazy.

Clemenza's family would not need all that room or upkeep expense. Anything's possible. His wife might have died before him, etc. the timeline is so screwed up in GFII, it's nearly impossible to make any logical sense of it.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 06:34 PM

 Originally Posted By: olivant

Clemenza's family would not need all that room or upkeep expense. Anything's possible. His wife might have died before him, etc. the timeline is so screwed up in GFII, it's nearly impossible to make any logical sense of it.

Yes but Michael said the house went to Clemenza. And as I recall in GFI Clemenza had kids cause he told Paulie to watch out for them when he was backing out of the driveway.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 06:36 PM

 Originally Posted By: dontomasso
 Originally Posted By: olivant

Clemenza's family would not need all that room or upkeep expense. Anything's possible. His wife might have died before him, etc. the timeline is so screwed up in GFII, it's nearly impossible to make any logical sense of it.

Yes but Michael said the house went to Clemenza. And as I recall in GFI Clemenza had kids cause he told Paulie to watch out for them when he was backing out of the driveway.

I've always wondered about those kids.

Clemenza, being roughly Vito's age, would have been in his mid 50's in 1945, a bit old (at that time) to be the father of such young children.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 06:38 PM

 Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
I've always wondered about those kids.

Clemenza, being roughly Vito's age, would have been in his mid 50's in 1945, a bit old (at that time) to be the father of such young children.

Clemenza was known among his close friends as "the human tripod"
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 06:40 PM

 Originally Posted By: dontomasso
 Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
I've always wondered about those kids.

Clemenza, being roughly Vito's age, would have been in his mid 50's in 1945, a bit old (at that time) to be the father of such young children.

Clemenza was known among his close friends as "the human tripod"

Yeah, him and Anthony Quinn, knocking 'em up from the nursing home.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 07:04 PM

Maybe they were his grandchildren
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 07:09 PM

 Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Maybe they were his grandchildren

Nah, then she would've asked for miniature cannoli.

"Leave the gun, take the miniature..."

It just doesn't work.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 07:17 PM

I always thought Clemenza divorced his wife for wearing that hairnet.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 07:21 PM

 Originally Posted By: Turnbull
I always thought Clemenza divorced his wife for wearing that hairnet.

She wouldn't have blended very well at one of the hostess parties in GOODFELLAS, but if you brushed her with some tacky blue eye shadow, she'd be chewing bubble gum and cursing her husband in no time at all.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 07:30 PM

 Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

I've always wondered about those kids.

Clemenza, being roughly Vito's age, would have been in his mid 50's in 1945, a bit old (at that time) to be the father of such young children.

They weren't neccesarily Clemnza's children. They could have been kids playing outside his driveway that lived on the block.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 07:31 PM

That's what I always thought.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 07:32 PM

So when Clemenza moved to Vito's house did Pentangeli get Clemenza's house, and then when he moved did Cicci get it?
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 08:24 PM

 Originally Posted By: dontomasso
So when Clemenza moved to Vito's house did Pentangeli get Clemenza's house, and then when he moved did Cicci get it?

No. They were taking turns keeping Lucy Mancini satisfied and helping her to raise Vincent. ;\)
Posted By: 45ACP

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 09:22 PM

When Michael said to Frankie, "I was glad you were able to keep the house after Clemenza . . ." (or words to that effect), it appears there was a chance the house could have gone to a "legitimate" owner.

As big as that house was, it would have been easy for Clemenza's wife and children to stay in the house with Frankie and his wife. As a matter of fact, who was the other woman standing next to Pentangeli's wife the day Frankie came home and found out Mike was waiting for him in the study? Clemenza's wife?
Posted By: olivant

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 09:38 PM

"I was glad this house never went to strangers. First, Clemenza took it over, then you." It sounds like its inhabitants had right of first refusal.

Now, let's watch the films a little more closely. Who might you first think the "woman" would be? Maybe Frankie's daughter?

You know, some get so far afield with their speculations. Maybe the Munsters lived in the house also.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 10:21 PM

 Originally Posted By: olivant
You know, some get so far afield with their speculations. Maybe the Munsters lived in the house also.

Wasn't Lurch one of the guys who greeted Cicci and Frankie when they pulled up in the black Cad?
Posted By: 45ACP

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/09/07 10:59 PM

 Originally Posted By: olivant
. . . Now, let's watch the films a little more closely. . .

That's why I ordered the CDs so I can watch them over and over and over . . .
Posted By: johnny ola

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/10/07 04:55 AM

 Originally Posted By: whisper the don from down under
Some times the GF threads really do become full of nit picking.This isn't an important issue at all.

I personally think this is the most important issue surrounding all the Godfathers film, since it involves the changing of the guard in New York.
Posted By: johnny ola

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/10/07 04:59 AM

 Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
 Originally Posted By: dontomasso
 Originally Posted By: olivant

Clemenza's family would not need all that room or upkeep expense. Anything's possible. His wife might have died before him, etc. the timeline is so screwed up in GFII, it's nearly impossible to make any logical sense of it.

Yes but Michael said the house went to Clemenza. And as I recall in GFI Clemenza had kids cause he told Paulie to watch out for them when he was backing out of the driveway.

I've always wondered about those kids.

Clemenza, being roughly Vito's age, would have been in his mid 50's in 1945, a bit old (at that time) to be the father of such young children.

With all due respect, you obviously don't have a full knowledge of the procreating abilities of the older man.....
Posted By: johnny ola

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/10/07 05:10 AM

 Originally Posted By: olivant
"I was glad this house never went to strangers. First, Clemenza took it over, then you." It sounds like its inhabitants had right of first refusal.

Now, let's watch the films a little more closely. Who might you first think the "woman" would be? Maybe Frankie's daughter?

You know, some get so far afield with their speculations. Maybe the Munsters lived in the house also.

Nah the Munsters lived here

Posted By: olivant

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/10/07 02:12 PM

 Originally Posted By: johnny ola
 Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
 Originally Posted By: dontomasso
 Originally Posted By: olivant

Clemenza's family would not need all that room or upkeep expense. Anything's possible. His wife might have died before him, etc. the timeline is so screwed up in GFII, it's nearly impossible to make any logical sense of it.

Yes but Michael said the house went to Clemenza. And as I recall in GFI Clemenza had kids cause he told Paulie to watch out for them when he was backing out of the driveway.

I've always wondered about those kids.

Clemenza, being roughly Vito's age, would have been in his mid 50's in 1945, a bit old (at that time) to be the father of such young children.

With all due respect, you obviously don't have a full knowledge of the procreating abilities of the older man.....

Like they say ... "The older the bull, the stiffer the horn."
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/10/07 02:16 PM

The ability to procreate wasn't my point. Late life children were just rare back then, that's all.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/10/07 02:20 PM

Just ask Larry King.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/10/07 04:13 PM

 Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
The ability to procreate wasn't my point. Late life children were just rare back then, that's all.

Stats? Sources?
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/10/07 04:16 PM

 Originally Posted By: olivant
 Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
The ability to procreate wasn't my point. Late life children were just rare back then, that's all.

Stats? Sources?

Uh, no. \:p
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/10/07 04:40 PM

Who taught Michael how to use a GUN?? Clemenza.
Who looks "teriff" out there on the dance floor? Clemenza.
Who makes the meanest pasta this side of Palermo? Clemenza.
Who saysthey should have stopped hitler in Munich? Clemenza.
Who takes a leak near the Statue of Liberty? Clemenza.
Who Garrottes Carlo? Clemenza.
Who stays loyal to the Corleones? Clemenza.
Who is the real stud in the family......???
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/10/07 04:48 PM

 Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Who taught Michael how to use a GUN?? Clemenza.
Who looks "teriff" out there on the dance floor? Clemenza.
Who makes the meanest pasta this side of Palermo? Clemenza.
Who saysthey should have stopped hitler in Munich? Clemenza.
Who takes a leak near the Statue of Liberty? Clemenza.
Who Garrottes Carlo? Clemenza.
Who stays loyal to the Corleones? Clemenza.
Who is the real stud in the family......???


Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/10/07 04:56 PM

 Originally Posted By: dontomasso

Who is the real stud in the family......???

Pizzaboy Corleone, born in October 1959. He can be seen in the foreground of the Tahoe estate, at the end of Part II. He's being fit for a custom made, large in the crotch diaper.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/10/07 05:33 PM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
 Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Who taught Michael how to use a GUN?? Clemenza.
Who looks "teriff" out there on the dance floor? Clemenza.
Who makes the meanest pasta this side of Palermo? Clemenza.
Who saysthey should have stopped hitler in Munich? Clemenza.
Who takes a leak near the Statue of Liberty? Clemenza.
Who Garrottes Carlo? Clemenza.
Who stays loyal to the Corleones? Clemenza.
Who is the real stud in the family......???


That little farce he played with Vincent's mother? That never fooled a Corleone. Even Vito said it was all "comedy" that was making him soft in the head. Sonny was one of those guys who talked a lot, but at the end of the day even his widow supposedly found more happiness with Tom Hagen.

Nah its never the guys that brag... its the quiet ones...like Clemenza.
Posted By: Carson_Corleone

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/10/07 05:50 PM

 Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Who taught Michael how to use a GUN?? Clemenza.
Who looks "teriff" out there on the dance floor? Clemenza.
Who makes the meanest pasta this side of Palermo? Clemenza.
Who saysthey should have stopped hitler in Munich? Clemenza.
Who takes a leak near the Statue of Liberty? Clemenza.
Who Garrottes Carlo? Clemenza.
Who stays loyal to the Corleones? Clemenza.
Who is the real stud in the family......???

Posted By: 45ACP

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/10/07 11:13 PM

Who taught Michael how to use a GUN?? Marines
Who looks "teriff" out there on the dance floor? Clemenza.
Who makes the meanest pasta this side of Palermo? Clemenza.
Who saysthey should have stopped hitler in Munich? Clemenza.
Who takes a leak near the Statue of Liberty? Clemenza.
Who Garrottes Carlo? Clemenza.
Who stays loyal to the Corleones? Clemenza.
Who is the real stud in the family......???
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/10/07 11:45 PM

 Originally Posted By: 45ACP
Who taught Michael how to use a GUN?? Marines

Technically yes.

But Clemenza taught him how to execute two people up close with a handgun and then what to do after the execution. There's a big difference.

Read my signature below. ;\)
Posted By: 45ACP

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/10/07 11:59 PM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
 Originally Posted By: 45ACP
Who taught Michael how to use a GUN?? Marines

Technically yes.

But Clemenza taught him how to execute two people up close with a handgun and then what to do after the execution. There's a big difference.

Read my signature below. ;\)

Point well taken . . . takes me back to the scene during the "rug heist. . . " young Clemenza was ready to blow out the brains of that cop had he opened the door and stepped inside the house.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/11/07 12:24 AM

There's nothing in the novel or film to preclude Clemenza or anyone else from having instructed Mike in firearms use prior to his Marines experience.

Also, you notice how Tessio is used kind of second hand. He has to get the package at the gate; he drives Mike and picks him up; he's sent to pick up the cake; his regime is assigned hospital duty. There are probably a few more instances. It's surprising considering that he was with Vito right from the beginning just like Clemenza.
Posted By: SC

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/11/07 12:27 AM

 Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Pizzaboy Corleone, born in October 1959. He can be seen in the foreground of the Tahoe estate, at the end of Part II. He's being fit for a custom made, large in the crotch diaper.

You wore your diapers backwards??
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/11/07 01:13 AM

 Originally Posted By: olivant
Also, you notice how Tessio is used kind of second hand. He has to get the package at the gate; he drives Mike and picks him up; he's sent to pick up the cake; his regime is assigned hospital duty. There are probably a few more instances. It's surprising considering that he was with Vito right from the beginning just like Clemenza.

I can see an alternate to the scene at the end of GF when Cicci asks Tom if he can get him off the hook for old times' sake:

"It ain't the way I wanted it, Tom. 'Sent Tessio to do this...send Tessio to do that...send Tessio to drive some car, pick up a dead fish, buy a birthday cake...' "
Posted By: johnny ola

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/11/07 01:30 AM

 Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Who taught Michael how to use a GUN?? Clemenza.
Who looks "teriff" out there on the dance floor? Clemenza.
Who makes the meanest pasta this side of Palermo? Clemenza.
Who saysthey should have stopped hitler in Munich? Clemenza.
Who takes a leak near the Statue of Liberty? Clemenza.
Who Garrottes Carlo? Clemenza.
Who stays loyal to the Corleones? Clemenza.
Who is the real stud in the family......???

Fredo without question!!!! Two at a time!!!!
Posted By: johnny ola

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/11/07 01:43 AM

 Originally Posted By: 45ACP
Who taught Michael how to use a GUN?? Marines
Who looks "teriff" out there on the dance floor? Clemenza.
Who makes the meanest pasta this side of Palermo? Clemenza.
Who saysthey should have stopped hitler in Munich? Clemenza.
Who takes a leak near the Statue of Liberty? Clemenza.
Who Garrottes Carlo? Clemenza.
Who stays loyal to the Corleones? Clemenza.
Who is the real stud in the family......???

Marines??? Maybe not, their rifle is their weapon of choice. Watch Full Metal Jacket, Sands of Iwo Jima or The DI and you see how important a rifle is to a Marine.

Posted By: olivant

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/11/07 01:58 AM

 Originally Posted By: johnny ola
 Originally Posted By: 45ACP
Who taught Michael how to use a GUN?? Marines
Who looks "teriff" out there on the dance floor? Clemenza.
Who makes the meanest pasta this side of Palermo? Clemenza.
Who saysthey should have stopped hitler in Munich? Clemenza.
Who takes a leak near the Statue of Liberty? Clemenza.
Who Garrottes Carlo? Clemenza.
Who stays loyal to the Corleones? Clemenza.
Who is the real stud in the family......???

Marines??? Maybe not, their rifle is their weapon of choice. Watch Full Metal Jacket, Sands of Iwo Jima or The DI and you see how important a rifle is to a Marine.

For sure. We Army grunts only had marshmellows to throw at the enemy. Madonne!
Posted By: Carson_Corleone

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/11/07 02:04 AM

Referring to Lee Harvey Oswald and mass murderer Charles Whitman]

DRILL SARGENT: Do any of you people know where these individuals learned how to shoot?... Private Joker.

PRIVATE JOKER: Sir. In the Marines, Sir.

DRILL SARGENT: In the Marines. Outstanding. Those individuals showed what one motivated Marine and his rifle can do. And before you ladies leave my Island, you will all be able to do the same thing.
Posted By: johnny ola

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/11/07 03:08 AM

 Originally Posted By: olivant
 Originally Posted By: johnny ola
 Originally Posted By: 45ACP
Who taught Michael how to use a GUN?? Marines
Who looks "teriff" out there on the dance floor? Clemenza.
Who makes the meanest pasta this side of Palermo? Clemenza.
Who saysthey should have stopped hitler in Munich? Clemenza.
Who takes a leak near the Statue of Liberty? Clemenza.
Who Garrottes Carlo? Clemenza.
Who stays loyal to the Corleones? Clemenza.
Who is the real stud in the family......???

Marines??? Maybe not, their rifle is their weapon of choice. Watch Full Metal Jacket, Sands of Iwo Jima or The DI and you see how important a rifle is to a Marine.

For sure. We Army grunts only had marshmellows to throw at the enemy. Madonne!

Hold on there, no insult was intended for our fine Army men and women and veterans. The army has many heroes also to be proud of:

Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/11/07 07:16 AM

Doberman way on the right, and Ridzik behind Bilko.
Posted By: 45ACP

Re: Genco Land Co. - 08/11/07 06:19 PM

 Originally Posted By: johnny ola
 Originally Posted By: olivant
 Originally Posted By: johnny ola
 Originally Posted By: 45ACP
Who taught Michael how to use a GUN?? Marines
Who looks "teriff" out there on the dance floor? Clemenza.
Who makes the meanest pasta this side of Palermo? Clemenza.
Who saysthey should have stopped hitler in Munich? Clemenza.
Who takes a leak near the Statue of Liberty? Clemenza.
Who Garrottes Carlo? Clemenza.
Who stays loyal to the Corleones? Clemenza.
Who is the real stud in the family......???

Marines??? Maybe not, their rifle is their weapon of choice. Watch Full Metal Jacket, Sands of Iwo Jima or The DI and you see how important a rifle is to a Marine.

For sure. We Army grunts only had marshmellows to throw at the enemy. Madonne!

Hold on there, no insult was intended for our fine Army men and women and veterans. The army has many heroes also to be proud of:

Well Golly! It's Sgt Bilco!
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