
GF Saga: Dubbed or Sub-titled?

Posted By: Signor Vitelli

GF Saga: Dubbed or Sub-titled? - 08/01/07 03:41 AM

I've seen it mentioned in discussions how the Saga had parts dubbed into English that had, in the original films, been sub-titled instead.

I'm ashamed to admit that after repeated viewings, this never dawned on me and I cannot recall which scenes people are referring to.

Can anyone tell me which parts were dubbed into English specifically for the Saga?

Or, perhaps provide a link to a thread where this was previously discussed?

Signor V.
Posted By: DeathByClotheshanger

Re: GF Saga: Dubbed or Sub-titled? - 08/01/07 01:22 PM

There are a lot of them.

For instance, Vito on speaks English once or twice in the original film. But in the epic/saga, he speaks it much more as do his men.
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