
missing scenes

Posted By: mr. soprano

missing scenes - 11/02/04 09:09 PM

i bought my dvd collection at blockbuster a few years back. i have noticed and realised that there is two deleted scenes missing in the deleted scene section. it's when clamensa is selling the dresses and enters the woman's apartment. and then when he leaves to see vito. i know this because i was watching the deleted scenes with my friend at his house on his dvd. im not sure how many other scenes might be missing, but should i bother doing anything about it? and what can i do?
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: missing scenes - 11/03/04 03:08 AM

So you're saying all there are is two scenes? Try arrowing up to the film reals and switching between them. If that doent work, you must have some sort of alein copy.
Posted By: goombah

Re: missing scenes - 03/04/05 03:05 PM

Originally posted by mr. soprano:
i bought my dvd collection at blockbuster a few years back. i have noticed and realised that there is two deleted scenes missing in the deleted scene section. it's when clamensa is selling the dresses and enters the woman's apartment. and then when he leaves to see vito. i know this because i was watching the deleted scenes with my friend at his house on his dvd. im not sure how many other scenes might be missing, but should i bother doing anything about it? and what can i do?
I haven't watched the bonus disk in a while, but I don't recall the scenes you mention. I do recall seeing them at some point, most likely in the chronological version. The dvd does not have all the deleted scenes from the trilogy. I know the Bonasera scene where he is dreading meeting the Corleone's at the funeral parlor after Sonny's death is not on the dvd.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: missing scenes - 03/04/05 05:17 PM

There's another tiny but critical missing part:
In the DVD "extras" disc, we see that great scene in which Gardiner Shaw asks for permission to marry Sonny's daughter Francesca. On the DVD, it ends with Michael joking Gardiner about taking a course in business. In the TV chronological version, there's about a ten-second additional piece in which Michael then turns to a big, hulking young man in a plaid sportcoat and says, "How are you, Santino?" "Fine, Uncle Mike," the young man replies. We're seeing Sonny's second son in a (brief) speaking role. We saw his oldest son, Frank, in a speaking role in GF, when he presented Vito with a get-well card when Vito returned from the hospital.
I'm not sure of this, but I think maybe the DVD extras disc doesn't include a scene at that party in which Anthony starts to head for the boathouse while Michael's having his meetings, and Kay, looking very worried, grabs him and stops him. This is a nice setup for the later scene when Michael and Kay are dancing, and she upbraids him about how he pledged to be legit in five years--and "that was seven years ago."
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: missing scenes - 03/05/05 04:34 AM

I don't recall any missing deleted scenes, but it's been awhile since I've watched the bonus disk.

Now I'm going to have to watch it again to find this stuff out for myself.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: missing scenes - 03/25/05 06:01 PM

I don't recall any "missing" deleted scenes.
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