
One scene thats not in the Dvd

Posted By: Don Fanucci

One scene thats not in the Dvd - 01/29/03 12:09 AM

I read on other posts, that Michael kills Fabrizzo with his Lupra. Yet why isnt it in the movie, Imho That would of been a great act of revenge!.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: One scene thats not in the Dvd - 01/29/03 01:29 AM

Why not indeed? I'd give my left coglione to see that scene. And who knows how many others were left on the proverbial cutting-room floor? (BTW, Fanucci: There are several excellent photos of the lupara scene in Harlan Lebo's book, "The Godfather Legacy.")
Posted By: Dream Master

Re: One scene thats not in the Dvd - 01/29/03 01:47 AM

Yes, I reccommend it!
Posted By: Frankie 5-angels

Re: One scene thats not in the Dvd - 01/29/03 09:01 AM

In the book - Lebo says the Karo blood looked as if it had been applied with a paint roller and was considered way over the top (it was administered by an Italian make up artist while on Siciliy because Paramount would not pay for Dick Smith to travel).

I think because FFC considered the scene far too OTT, it was cut altogether as apposed to being cut for time restraints or plotline continuity.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: One scene thats not in the Dvd - 01/30/03 01:09 AM

Originally posted by Frankie 5-angels:

I think because FFC considered the scene far too OTT, it was cut altogether as apposed to being cut for time restraints or plotline continuity.
That may be, Frankie. But if the scene had been included, it would represent a very sharp break for Michael the Don: doing a murder with his own hands, exposing himself and his family to ruin, completely out of character. It would have required a lot of script-work that perhaps Puzo and FFC wanted to avoid.
Posted By: Frankie 5-angels

Re: One scene thats not in the Dvd - 01/30/03 09:07 AM

Yes Turnbull, once again you are right!

I never thought of it in that way.

It still surprises me when you see the promotional pictures of The Godfather with Michael holding the Lupara - that image jars with the mental picture I have of Michael the Don. eek
Posted By: SC

Re: One scene thats not in the Dvd - 01/30/03 12:15 PM

Originally posted by Turnbull:
But if the scene had been included, it would represent a very sharp break for Michael the Don: doing a murder with his own hands, exposing himself and his family to ruin, completely out of character.
True, but it would have added a sense of Mike following in Vito's footsteps. Remember, Vito killed Don Ciccio and two of his henchmen with his own hands. The fact that Mike (as well as Vito) murdered with his own hands showed that this act of revenge was, in fact, personal, and not business.

Continued from Turnbull's post:

It would have required a lot of script-work that perhaps Puzo and FFC wanted to avoid.
True. Maybe thats why the producers also deleted the scenes of (young) Vito killing Ciccio's henchmen.
Posted By: Ricardo

Re: One scene thats not in the Dvd - 02/01/03 07:48 PM

Why isnt the Santino jr Football reference in the Francesca deleted scene on the DVD?


Why didn't they include stills of this fabrizzio scene in the Photo Galleries on the DVD?

They had a rough cut of GF3 Intro, why not a rough cut of the Fabrizzio murder, i dont care how bad it is

The blood looked pretty damnr eal in the GF Legacy!

I say its GOT to be on their as an Easter Egg SOMEWHERE!
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