
An Interesting Observation....

Posted By: Don Cardi

An Interesting Observation.... - 01/02/04 05:24 PM

This morning I was watching TV and was flicking around and came across the FOx Movie Channel and they had a show on called The Posiedon Adventure The Cult, or something to that title. Anyway it was about this fan club consisting of people who were obsessed with the Posiedon Adventure Movie. They have a convention once a year on the Queen Mary, and members of the fan club travel from all over the world to attend. The show the movie on board, have memorabilia, signings by original stars, parties, re-enactments, etc. Now mind you I happen to like the movie, but I didn't think that it had such a HUGE worldwide fan base that would make up such a large fan club! I turned to my wife and said " This is unbeleivable! A Posiedon Adventure fan club and convention. Damn, if they could do this, then us Godfather Fans on the boards should DEFINATELY be able to pull something like this off, as I know that we have a larger base of worldwide fans just from our boards." Mind you it seems that the producer and several of the actors did not mind getting involved with the convention, which probably made it much easier to promote. But seriously, if the fan base of that movie can pull something like that off, then why in the world can't we for a great Trilogy such as The Godfather? I know that the idea was thrown around here in the past, but hey, let's really try to join in and put something like this together.

( Don Geoff, SC, if I posted this to the wrong folder, I sincerely apologize, but I wanted to get this message out to the whole GODFATHER fan base here ).

Don Cardi
Posted By: Beth E

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/02/04 05:35 PM

Excellent idea. Unfortunately, one that's been tossed about before and never taken very far. Maybe one of these years it'll happen.

Count me in!
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/02/04 05:36 PM

Hi Don C. smile

The idea of all meeting someplace for a convention, of sorts, has been discussed here before. I agree, sounds great. However, if I recall, the travel was/is a problem to many. All the East people would want to meet in the East and the West in the West, etc. Plus, many are from other countires, making the trip very expensive. Too, many of our members are very young and wouldn't be able to afford a trip.

However, I think it is a great idea, and I for one, would go for a "convention" of some kind. My suggestion would be "Vegas Baby". grin

Of course if we got FFC to attend, that would be a big draw now wouldn't it???? grin I really wouldn't be surprised if there isn't already something like that and we just don't know about it. However, knowing all the people here it would be nice for "this" group to do.

Posted By: M.M. Floors

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/02/04 06:19 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
Hi Don C. smile

The idea of all meeting someplace for a convention, of sorts, has been discussed here before. I agree, sounds great. However, if I recall, the travel was/is a problem to many. All the East people would want to meet in the East and the West in the West, etc. Plus, many are from other countires, making the trip very expensive. Too, many of our members are very young and wouldn't be able to afford a trip.

However, I think it is a great idea, and I for one, would go for a "convention" of some kind. My suggestion would be "Vegas Baby". grin

Of course if we got FFC to attend, that would be a big draw now wouldn't it???? grin I really wouldn't be surprised if there isn't already something like that and we just don't know about it. However, knowing all the people here it would be nice for "this" group to do.

East or West. What the hell. If somebody pulls this off and there is enough support I'm coming too. All the way from Holland. But I'll be there(Only if TIS is taking me off the airfield and guides me to the meeting place wink ).
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/02/04 06:37 PM

Ha ha, I'm just playing around checking a Vegas site (already thinking next New Year's Eve). Wouldn't the "Flamingo" be appropriate for a "gangster meeting"? grin I see right now rooms are 75 a night.

MM Floors, I will be glad to show you to the meeting place. Just don't take my gambling advice, unless you wanna lose your a**. lol

Posted By: TheCrazyMan

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/02/04 07:15 PM

I would say for a good spot to meet up for this convention would be the famed Corleone Vegas Compound.

If you also want, maybe in New York or New Jersey since they are what u call the birthplace of the Sicilian Mafia.

Just my take on it.
Posted By: johnny ola

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/02/04 07:43 PM

This would be tough to pull off, because mainly of the location. An easy solution would be to have a annual event rotating between Las Vegas and Atlantic City casinos.

The success of other conventions usually revolve around the attendence of stars of the movie/TV series. With all due respect the other conventions [star trek] have an abundance of supporting actors that attend and proably at a doable price. I don't think theres much chance of getting Brando, Cann, Pacino,DeNiro, [Duvall maybe] to attend at a bargain price!
frown rolleyes blush
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/02/04 08:17 PM

Originally posted by johnny ola:
This would be tough to pull off, because mainly of the location. An easy solution would be to have a annual event rotating between Las Vegas and Atlantic City casinos.
frown rolleyes blush
Now Atlantic City, that's a good idea. I have "connections " in two Hotels in AC and if we reached the point where it looked like we would do it, I could contact two of the Casino Hosts that I know and probably get some sort of a deal on the rooms. Maybe if we just started off small in 2004 without an actual "official " convention and 25 or so ( more would really be great ) of us agreed on a place, let's say Atlantic City. We could all agree to meet there and if we needed like a dozen or more rooms, and I was able to get them for us, we could UNOFFICIALLY bill ourselves in the hotel as guests of the hotel under "The Godfather Trilogy 1st Annual Convention" and probably get the hotel to give us a meeting room where we could cater food, watch the Movie, etc. This may be the way to go, start out small, get together, and hopefully build this thing up from there. We could start off with a two day thing. Say the first night have a buffett ( Italian Of Course ) and show GFI. The next day have a brunch and show GFII and III or maybe just show THE COMPLETE EPIC over both days. That's a minor detail. The main thing is that we get enough people from here to commit and then I could take it from there to try and get us Rooms and a Meeting room. SC my most valued and trusted friend, would you be interested in assisting me in putting this together? Does anyone else have any other ideas?

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/02/04 08:17 PM

I've thought about this and I would make an effort to go, wherever it would be but cost, and some of the members being minors or under 21 wouldn't work out too well. We could do it if we planned for about 3 years.
Posted By: Don Pope

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/02/04 08:45 PM

thats a great idea where we can finally meet everyone in person.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/02/04 08:50 PM

Don Cardi,

If I recall everytime someone does post the suggestion of meeting, it does seem to end up where all the people in the East say they will meet if it is in NYC or somewhere back East, and those from the West would consider it if it is in the West. ohwell Somewhere in-between for those that are not on either coast. Don't know the happy solution, but it's worth tossing around again to see if there is interest.

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/02/04 09:59 PM

Not a bad idea Part! At least financilly, it would cost most everyone about the same to meet in the middle somewhere (except you of course tongue ) I don't know much about the mob history there or about KC in general. lol

Posted By: Don Pope

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/02/04 10:51 PM

thats wat makes me angry, us the people made them famous and rich, and all we ask is to come to a talk show or a convention etc. and their rude to the fans when they want autographs like on celebretys uncensored. it makes me angry. mad
Posted By: fathersson

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/02/04 11:40 PM

rolleyes rolleyes
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/03/04 01:34 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
Don Cardi,

If I recall everytime someone does post the suggestion of meeting, it does seem to end up where all the people in the East say they will meet if it is in NYC or somewhere back East, and those from the West would consider it if it is in the West. ohwell Somewhere in-between for those that are not on either coast. Don't know the happy solution, but it's worth tossing around again to see if there is interest.

I wouldn't have any objection at all to a meeting on middle ground. One of the main reasons that I suggested AC was that I would be willing to play a major part in putting it together. I was thinking along the lines of taking 10 months to get this thing together and maybe have it in October, say from a Friday Night into a Saturday Night and leave on Sunday. But if as you say, somewhere in between would be more convenient, that's fine, but then we would need someone who lives in the midwest to take the bull by the horns and put this thing together. Another great place would be Chicago. Lot's of Mob History there and probably a very convenient place for all to gather. Anyone live in or near Chicago that would be willing to try and coordinate this?

Don Cardi
Posted By: SC

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/03/04 03:23 PM

Don Cardi, my most valued and trusted friend -

Its hard to believe it was three years ago that we were talking about organizing a group for viewing the 30th anniversary of "The Godfather" (where does time fly?).

There's been some talk about meeting up in Chicago this coming September for a "mob convention". I'll PM you with the details I have (as soon as I can find them).
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/03/04 03:32 PM

Oh yes, I forgot about that SC!! eek Shame on me. That sounds like the best idea yet. Gives everyone a chance to plan/make arrangements Anyone here from Chicago????

Posted By: SC

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/03/04 03:47 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
Oh yes, I forgot about that SC!! eek
TIS - I'll bring ya a supply of Gingko Biloba when we meet up in Chi-town. tongue
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/03/04 03:59 PM

LMOA lol

SC, do you mind reposting that link? I'd like to go thru it and see if perhaps somehow as a group we could contact someone for maybe special "deals" or recognition or something. Think it's possible?? Think Geoff would mind if I researched a little, or is that his job?? ohwell

Posted By: SC

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/03/04 04:13 PM


That'd be great if you start the initial legwork. Our own Don Sicilia may be able to suggest some hotels in the area once we get some basic info.
Posted By: johnny ola

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/03/04 04:39 PM

Originally posted by Don Pope:
thats wat makes me angry, us the people made them famous and rich, and all we ask is to come to a talk show or a convention etc. and their rude to the fans when they want autographs like on celebretys uncensored. it makes me angry. mad
I feel your pain, but to be fair, these people are basically doing a "job", and there job is to entertain us. Yes, it would be nice if they from time to time made appearances to show their gratitude, and some do. Keep in mind these people have lives of their own, and sometimes the public have a tendency of getting out control with them.

I personally was involved in making a film with Robin Williams [to be honest I was there because of my car blush ]. During the shooting he was very much involved in the process, but from time to time he was very gracious to the public around him, signing autographs, clowning around etc.

Its just a matter of the individual and the circumstances.
Posted By: johnny ola

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/03/04 05:30 PM

Originally posted by Don Sonny Corleone:
I've thought about this and I would make an effort to go, wherever it would be but cost, and some of the members being minors or under 21 wouldn't work out too well. We could do it if we planned for about 3 years.
Putting together a meeting/convention/dinner with an organized group is tough enough, a message board meeting would be a really tough thing to do.
My suggestion would be to start off informally, with say something like "meeting for dinner", with varied locations around the country. See how this goes. There usually pops up a core group that would plan for a more formal meeting in years to come.

I dont think the 21 age is really an issue. This is a meeting of fans not a wine tasting. I also don't think there has to be a 3 year waiting period. cool
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/03/04 05:58 PM

Yes, I alrleady got a response!!

Right after my last post, I went to that website and e-mailed for info. I already got a response, telling me to let him know how many members we are looking at, and he'd see what he could do.

Geoff, I am going to forward that e-mail to you and you can check it out. He goes on to say that to stay in the hotel where the convention is, it is 79 dollars. Also, he acknowledged that this GF IS GREAT!!! Wonder how often he's visited.

Anyone FYI everyone. Geoff I'll try to forward my e-mail and their respnse now.

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/03/04 05:59 PM

Yes, I alrleady got a response!!

Right after my last post, I went to that website and e-mailed for info. I already got a response, telling me to let him know how many members we are looking at, and he'd see what he could do.

Geoff, I am going to forward that e-mail to you and you can check it out. He goes on to say that to stay in the hotel where the convention is, it is 79 dollars. Also, he acknowledged that this GF IS GREAT!!! Wonder how often he's visited.

Anyone FYI everyone. Geoff I'll try to forward my e-mail and their respnse now.

Posted By: J Geoff

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/03/04 08:13 PM

Many locations would be great for this: AC (45 mins away from me grin ), NYC, but also Vegas, Chicago, and even FFC's vineyard in Cally.

I wouldn't anticipate any celebs showing up, or much publicity, the first couple times -- but if this were to become a regular event, and a big event, I'm sure it would be noticed.

It probably would be best to rotate the location, so those 5 locations could all be viable for the next 5 years.

The problem, though, would be attendance. Some may "just wait 'til next year" when it's closer to them.

As discussed before (and rudely interrupted by 9/11) it'd take much planning and quite an expense.

I like Don Cardi's AC connections. But I also think this Chicago convention may be a good first start as it's already arranged, and it's fairly centrally located (in the US). Perhaps we should start with that one?

TIS, I never got that email confused
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/03/04 08:27 PM


I just PM'd it to you. wink

Posted By: Don Pope

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/03/04 08:54 PM

Originally posted by fathersson:
rolleyes rolleyes
dont roll ur eyes at me you peice of shit. back on topic, chicago is the perfect place its the half way point for everyone in the states, and alot of mob history there. its beautiful!
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/03/04 09:25 PM


I do like the rotation idea. All great places for this type of meeting; Chicago, NYC/AC, Vegas, CA. We can start at the east, midwest and on to the West. One way to get you snowbound Easterners into some sunshine. cool

Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/04/04 01:35 AM

Originally posted by johnny ola:

I dont think the 21 age is really an issue. This is a meeting of fans not a wine tasting. I also don't think there has to be a 3 year waiting period. cool
I'm not really into the gambling thing, but I was under some weird impression you had to be 21 to gamble. I now know that's not true. (i.e. the lottery)When I said three years it was an overexaderation of finding a place to go and all that.
Posted By: johnny ola

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/04/04 03:48 AM

Originally posted by Don Sonny Corleone:

I'm not really into the gambling thing, but I was under some weird impression you had to be 21 to gamble. I now know that's not true. (i.e. the lottery)When I said three years it was an overexaderation of finding a place to go and all that. [/b]
The gambling age in Atlantic City Casinos is 21, but there is no restriction on age to enter or eat in a casino. People under 21 would have no problem enjoying a "convention"
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/04/04 06:39 AM

So Johnny O, you gonna consider joining us in Chicago, if it works out??? Don't know if you go to the general discussion thread, but check it out for more info if you are interested. wink

Posted By: johnny ola

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/04/04 05:50 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
So Johnny O, you gonna consider joining us in Chicago, if it works out??? Don't know if you go to the general discussion thread, but check it out for more info if you are interested. wink

Boy I havent been to Chicago since my Navy days, which is longer then I like to think it is. It will give me a chance to look up an old girlfriend in Cicero. Proably would be nice to see her and her grandchildren lol grin
Posted By: Accardo

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/05/04 02:27 PM

Why don't we all meet in Apalachin, New York?

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/05/04 02:50 PM


Check the General Discussion board, we are planning possibly to attend the Gangster Convention in Chicago in Sept. wink

Posted By: Accardo

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/05/04 03:36 PM

I hope u all got the joke now guys right?!
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/05/04 08:46 PM

I've been away from the board since 12/31/03 and I'm catching up on these Convention threads. When I first started reading this one with the referral to the Poseidon Adventure and then a GangsterBB convention suggestion, I couldn't help but get this vision of Saturday Night Live's spoof on the Star Trek conventions. I know that wouldn't happen, but could you imagine a room full of Michael Corleone's, Virgil Sollozzo's, Kay Adams and Appolonia Vitelli's? lol I know we're much too sophisticated for that. We could reinact the Sonny-Carlo fight quite easily though. I have a few candidates in mind. grin
Posted By: SC

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/05/04 10:42 PM

Originally posted by MaryCas:
We could reinact the Sonny-Carlo fight quite easily though. I have a few candidates in mind.
Hey....I can dress in a striped shirt and be an onlooker!
Posted By: SC

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/05/04 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Accardo:
Why don't we all meet in Apalachin, New York?
We can do that, too. I already have my fake drivers license. rolleyes
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: An Interesting Observation.... - 01/06/04 05:01 AM

I guess it's a NY thing, or it went over my head. ohwell

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