
Is it worth it?

Posted By: Paul Cornelio

Is it worth it? - 06/08/02 03:08 PM

Today I just so happen to have exactly the right amount of money to buy the dvd collection. If I buy it, I will have no money left; is it really worth it? rolleyes
Posted By: CamillusDon

Re: Is it worth it? - 06/08/02 04:17 PM

If you are that low in funds, Keep your money and RENT it!
Then you will have enjoyed the films and still have money left.

Now someday you will learn these tricks of life and become a Don yourself!
Posted By: Paul Cornelio

Re: Is it worth it? - 06/08/02 05:45 PM

Thanks Camillus Don. I guess you're right. It would be foolish to spend all my money on dvd's. The bad thing is, its not for rent. ohwell
Posted By: goodfellaoggie

Re: Is it worth it? - 06/08/02 06:50 PM

you have a lot of time to think of it. but if you have a little extra, go for it! its worth every cent!

Posted By: CamillusDon

Re: Is it worth it? - 06/09/02 02:05 AM

Originally posted by Paul Cornelio:
Thanks Camillus Don. I guess you're right. It would be foolish to spend all my money on dvd's. The bad thing is, its not for rent. ohwell
sorry to hear that...it is here in Central New York
Posted By: Don Corpuzzi

Re: Is it worth it? - 06/10/02 11:53 PM

If you have the dough for the DVDs and you really love the trilogy, then buy!
Posted By: Ricardo

Re: Is it worth it? - 06/11/02 01:00 AM

Originally posted by CamillusDon:
Originally posted by Paul Cornelio:
[b]Thanks Camillus Don. I guess you're right. It would be foolish to spend all my money on dvd's. The bad thing is, its not for rent. ohwell
sorry to hear that...it is here in Central New York[/b]
I'm sorry to inform you Amerigo, but... Ze Godfather Trilogy Di-VD Collection iz not available for rental. Ze movies are separated by disc, and ze extra special bonus disc iz not available for ze rental. It iz disappointing, but ve vill spring for ze seventy dollars to buy ze collection!
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Is it worth it? - 06/11/02 06:17 PM

Ricardo, you've gone mental.

Paul, I'd say it is well worth having. You've easy got about 10 hours worth of stuff on the discs. And it is rewatchable over and over. What else you gonna spend the money on? Beer? Think of the hangover mang.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Is it worth it? - 06/11/02 09:36 PM

Paul, let's put it this way...how old are you?

Judging from your original post, it seems as though you're under 18 & the cost of the DVD is practically your life savings. If that's the case I would recommend you enjoy the videos & save your $$$ for now, despite all the neato 'new' stuff, it's probably not worth the money and might go down in price somewhere down the road. Better yet...ask for it (or money towards it) as a gift when the holidays roll around.

However...if you are OVER 18 and buying the DVD would clean you out, then maybe you need a better source of income grin !!!

In any case, your post is dated June 8th, so I'm assuming you've already made the decision. Please let us know!!

Posted By: wfrank_99

Re: Is it worth it? - 06/12/02 02:19 AM

Hey man....Check out the used DVD stores..there are 4 used dvd stores here in SD..the average cost for used is $35...it is worth looking into
Posted By: Alexander Supalov

Re: Is it worth it? - 06/12/02 08:22 AM


Originally posted by Paul Cornelio:
Today I just so happen to have exactly the right amount of money to buy the dvd collection. If I buy it, I will have no money left; is it really worth it? rolleyes
No. The mentioned used price of $35 is closer to the worth of it: cut legs, cut heads, some extra view sideways due to artificial widescreen format; quite dark and sometimes equally inaudible as the VHS; bonus disk full of cheap rubbish and extra scenes one can live without, and by far not all one has heard of, by the way; Coppola's commentary's *nearly* trivial - what else?

Best regards.

Posted By: deathkiss

Re: Is it worth it? - 06/12/02 05:58 PM

YES! it is worth the $70. Hell, I spent $70 alone for my first GF movie back in the early 80's. And I was flat broke! Anyway, check BestBuy, they usually have some good deals on DVD's. I would never buy an used DVD because they tend to skip due to the numerous of scatches. Oh well, that's my take. The added features that is on the DVD is priceless.
Posted By: CamillusDon

Re: Is it worth it? - 06/12/02 08:02 PM

Hey, my grass needs to be cut, and the windows have to be washed... and during your breaks I'll let you watch the DVD.... grin
Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: Is it worth it? - 06/12/02 09:14 PM

I think its worth it they are great movies.
Posted By: Paul Cornelio

Re: Is it worth it? - 06/12/02 10:26 PM

I finally figured out what I'm going to with my money. Today I'm go shopping for summer clothes.
Next week I'm going to a mall in Charlotte,NC. I'll buy it there.

Thanks for the help and replies. grin orange
Posted By: deathkiss

Re: Is it worth it? - 06/12/02 11:55 PM

Summer Clothes!...for $70??
Posted By: Calogero

Re: Is it worth it? - 06/13/02 07:22 AM

In Donnie Brasco, doesn't Lefty ask Donnie, "Why did you pay for that DVD? A wiseguy never pays for a DVD...always on the arm."

problem solved.
Posted By: Paul Cornelio

Re: Is it worth it? - 06/14/02 03:07 AM

Deathkiss-No,$100.00. I have very little summer clothes. No shorts at all. Most of my t-shirts are long sleeve. orange
Posted By: Tony Montana

Re: Is it worth it? - 06/16/02 08:56 PM

Buy it. It's the DVD i've watched the most. smile

Re: Is it worth it? - 06/18/02 06:07 AM

hey man, you gotta be smart and look for the best deals, if you don't want to pay over 100 bucks for it, shop around and you'll find that you can get it for as low as 30 bucks (not your life savings i hope), just look around i got it at ebay for 40 bucks
Posted By: Daniel Corleone

Re: Is it worth it? - 06/18/02 07:54 PM

I suggest looking at www.half.com or if you have a used store like Dr. Wax (who sells used or sometimes wrapped DVD's for a bargain price). Happy hunting and goodluck. [Linked Image]
Posted By: bige2times

Re: Is it worth it? - 06/19/02 06:22 AM

Let me tell you. I learn a long time ago that if enjoy a movie a lot and it is available to buy. GET IT!! You never know when you will have the opportunity to get again. Buy it. Enjoy.
Posted By: Liz_85

Re: Is it worth it? - 06/19/02 07:32 AM

Originally posted by bige2times:
Let me tell you. I learn a long time ago that if enjoy a movie a lot and it is available to buy. GET IT!! You never know when you will have the opportunity to get again. Buy it. Enjoy.
That's so true, I saw A Bronx Tale for sale once about 2 years ago and I never bought it, and I've never seen it in a store since.
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