
Oh yeah...

Posted By: Don Noledge

Oh yeah... - 10/20/01 05:44 PM

Just a little message to let you guys know that I picked up The DVD Collection from Woollies last night with a free copy of Goodfellas (thanks Wind). I even passed for 18! Anyway, the DVD is pretty sweet, but I've always imagined it to be bigger, sort of A4 size... I've watched all the bonus footage, which is really cool, but still needs more plus the deleted opening from GF3 which was also sweet... I love the picture of Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro in the same room... By the way, did you know that DeNiro was tested for anthrax recently?

I've listened to half the commentry for GF1, which rules... I'm gonna take the collection back soon and change it for another one as the packaging is a litte damaged...

I've found a codge in the timeline. It says that Sonny died in 1948 and that Apollonia died in 1947, even though Apollonia was thre when Don Tomasino told Michael about Sonny's death...

But on the whole, I'm very happy. All it needs is more deleted scenes plus interviews with Marlon Brando...



[ October 20, 2001: Message edited by: noledge24 ]
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Oh yeah... - 10/22/01 05:10 AM

The Apollonia/Sonny death inversion isn't the only mistake in the "Family Tree," not by a longshot.
Posted By: CamillusDon

Re: Oh yeah... - 10/22/01 07:51 PM

Originally posted by Turnbull:
The Apollonia/Sonny death inversion isn't the only mistake in the "Family Tree," not by a longshot.
Well, how about passing some along to us....odds are 9/5
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Oh yeah... - 10/24/01 05:31 AM

Sorry I didn't spot your request to cite more mistakes until now. Here are some I caught in "The Family Tree":
--Carmella may not be Mama's name. Never mentioned in the saga. May have been misheard when, in an outtake from Part I, Bonasera says to his wife, "I curse the day you and COMMORE Corleone became friends." "Commore" means Godmother.
--1910, Hagen born? He and Sonny were probably the same age. Why would a kid bring home a 6-year-older kid to live?
--1940, Sonny's son Frank born?. The kid Sonny holds while reading his grandfather a get-well card in 1946 looks younger than 6.
--1945, Santino Jr. born? In the extra scene of Francesca/Gardner Shaw that appeared in the TV version of the Saga, after Michael dismisses the lovebirds, he turns to a big, hulking young man and says, "Santino, how are you?" Guy replies, "Fine, Uncle Mike." That guy couldn't have been 13 (This bit of dialog was deleted from the DVD extra scene.)
--Sonny died in '48, Appolonia in '47? Appolonia was alive and dying to show off her driving skills when Don Tomassino told Michael Sonny had been killed.
--1951, Michael and Kay married? In the courtship scene in New Hampshire after Michael returns to the US, his car is a '47 Cad, and the green woodie wagon behind him and Kay when they're talking is a '47 Ford.
--Victor Rizzi born '49? He'd have been only 9 in '58, when Michael said he'd been arrested for some petty theft that Connie knew nothing about. More likely he was born in '46. I believe most of the early action in GFI occured in'45-'46. People who think '48-49 are influenced by the "Dewey for President" poster visible in the scene when Sonny beats up Carlo. Remember: Dewey also ran for President in '44, which could put the action in '46.
--'53, Mary born? Maybe, but she wasn't in the '54 Packard Limo with Michael and Kay and Anthony when Kay tells Michael that Connie wants him to stand godfather to Connie's son. Nor is Mary visible in the baptism scene in '55. The toddler walking up and down the Hotel Washington corridor in '59 when Michael and Kay have their big blowout looks younger than 6.
--'54, the Don dies? His headstone says '55, and it's confirmed by the '55 Cad Clemenza enters with his gift-wrapped shotgun on his way to kill Stracchi in the elevator.
--Michael kills Sollozzo and McCluskey in Louis Restaurant in Brooklyn? Sonny's contact in the precinct said it was Louis Restaurant in the Bronx.
--Fredo put in charge of the family's interests in Havana? The family had no interests in Havana because Michael never gave Roth the $2 million gift for Batista. Also, Michael didn't trust Fredo to do anything except run some Mickey Mouse nightclub somewhere. Fredo was in Havana strictly as a delivery boy.
I'm sure both of us will spot others.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Oh yeah... - 10/24/01 05:53 AM

Wow, you're good, Turnbull - and evidently an expert in cars grin I'm gonna have to compile all this, so thanks for the head start! When I do start doing that, I'll be sure to include any questions here for feedback (although I am pretty certain that we pay more attention to timeline than Coppola ever did, so there will be many discrepencies)

Posted By: SC

Re: Oh yeah... - 10/24/01 12:30 PM

Originally posted by Turnbull:
--1910, Hagen born? He and Sonny were probably the same age. Why would a kid bring home a 6-year-older kid to live?

--1951, Michael and Kay married? In the courtship scene in New Hampshire after Michael returns to the US, his car is a '47 Cad, and the green woodie wagon behind him and Kay when they're talking is a '47 Ford.

I agree that Tom and Sonny were the same age, and that they were both born in 1916. The book, however, stated they were both 35 years old when Connie got married (1945), so thats probably where the 1910 came from.

I'm confused about the years of the cars in the "courtship" scene up in New Hampshire. Why isn't it possible that Mike was in a car that was 4 years old?
Posted By: Mosca

Re: Oh yeah... - 10/24/01 07:33 PM

Yeah, the GF Timeline continues to be a mess. For one, In 1958 (according to the title super that brings us into the current day and Tony's communion), Kay reminds Michael that he promised her "the Corleone family would be completely legitimate -- that was seven years ago." Then that conversation he and Kay had took place in 1951, but Tony wasn't even born yet! They weren't even married! There's no way Tony is born until some time in 1952 which would make him 6 years old at the start of Godfather II. Does he LOOK 6?! How many six year olds make communion at such an early age? The murkiest time period is definitely that time between Michael's return from Sicily where he ssumes control of the family and his reunion with Kay outside her school where he tells her he's been back "a year...maybe longer." Man, what a mess. It doesn't detract from the fact that the GF Trilogy are the best films ever made, but still, it's confusing.
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