
Its gotta be said....

Posted By: Robert DeNiro

Its gotta be said.... - 10/17/01 02:21 AM

Damn this is the greatest movie ever made! How can anyone not agree with that? There is not another movie that even comes close to I & even II. I mean what the hell were these movie makers doing spoiling us like that?
Posted By: Bogus Castellano

Re: Its gotta be said.... - 10/17/01 02:38 AM

Originally posted by Robert DeNiro:
Damn this is the greatest movie ever made! How can anyone not agree with that? There is not another movie that even comes close to I & even II. I mean what the hell were these movie makers doing spoiling us like that?

Huh? What now? What did the movie makers do?

Well, you could compare with great "classic" movies like Casablanca, Gone with the Wind, Fritz Lang's M, Metropolis, or Greed.

Only because they were one of the most influential movies of all time.

Also, Scarface (1932) is known as the "ONE THAT STARTED 'IT' ALL"...meaning the original mobster movie. Of course, I think that Godfather is the best movie. But many people have good points that it isn't.
Posted By: Robert DeNiro

Re: Its gotta be said.... - 10/17/01 04:10 AM

I agree that Casablanca, and Gone With the Wind were great movies, however in my opinion this wonderful movie had every quality you can ask for, and was almost perfectly made. I dont sit around thinking about those movies as I do about this one even when its been a while since I've seen it. I might just be a little obsessed.
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