
Godfather Saga questions

Posted By: Boss_of_bosses

Godfather Saga questions - 10/10/02 10:15 PM

1. Hagen said they would risk everything they have if they didn't get a piece of the dirty Narcotics Business. What did he actually mean? And he said the Tattaglia would come after them. For what?

2. What if Mike told Connie why he had Carlo killed if they were alone? Would Connie be as fussy as she was or would would that Fade away?

3. When u first saw GF2 and Fredo getting killed what was your first reaction when u realized it was Mike who ordered it?

4. What if Vito explained to Sollozzo that he wanted the Corleone Family to be legitimate in the future one day? After all that's what the Don wanted when Mike Ran it. Would Sollozzo still taken his chance to fulfill his ambitions?

5. What did Micheal want with Joey Zasa? What was he planning to do? Upon learning of his death he seemed Enraged at Wild ephew Vincent, his sister Connie and his right arm of the Corleone Family Al Neri
Posted By: Don Mikey

Re: Godfather Saga questions - 10/10/02 10:50 PM

1. Maybe Tom realized that there is great profit potential in narcotics. (I mean, drugs are big, even today.) Maybe he thought that if they didn't get into the narcotics business, the other families would gain more money and power. Maybe if the other families had more money and influence, then they would try to challenge the Corleone Family's dominance. Hence Tattaglia coming after them.

2. I don't think Connie would have been nearly as upset. Carlo wasn't very nice to her, after all, and she loved her brother, Sonny. If she knew that Carlo was involved in Sonny's death she might have somewhat accepted Michael's actions.

3. My first reaction (before I became a psycho MICHAEL CORLEONE WORSHIPPER) was, "Oh my God! He killed poor Fredo!" (My current reaction is, "Fredo, you betrayed my beloved Michael. Curse you, Fredo.")

4. This is a toughy. It's hard to tell. Sollozzo might have thought it was some kind of excuse or a plot to mislead him.

5. (I won't answer this one because I haven't seen Part III in sooooooo long.)

Those are just my thoughts. I'm probably wrong about some things... lol

That was fun. cool
Posted By: Puppeteer

Re: Godfather Saga questions - 10/11/02 03:44 AM

2. Connie was aware of word that Carlo might have had something to do w/ Sonny's murder ("you always blamed him for Sonny, everybody did...but you never gave a damn about me"). She was aware, but didn't want to believe it. Stupid Connie.

4. Sollozzo would've gone ahead anyway. As Turnbull said that Vito's refusal was taking the food out of Sollozzo's family's mouth. Sollozzo was a Sicilian and took it that way.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Godfather Saga questions - 10/11/02 04:36 AM

Don Mikey and Puppeteer gave you good answers, BofB. I'll try on #5:
Michael knew Zasa was a lowlife gangster, period. He said so, when he described Zasa as "a pazzo (crazy person), and as "pure muscle"--in other words, not a "legitimate" businessman like Michael thought he had become. I think Michael was trying to distance himself from Zasa and everything Zasa stood for. So when Vincent killed Zasa with Connie's and Neri's approval, Michael was pissed because that killing would have consequences--"pulling him back in again." Probably he was also pissed because they acted while he was too weak to stop them, a reminder of his increasing frailty.
Posted By: Don Mikey

Re: Godfather Saga questions - 10/11/02 04:53 AM

2. Puppeteer, you're right about Connie knowing a little bit about the Carlo/Sonny thing. I just think that if... maybe... Michael had taken her aside and explained the whole thing to her then maybe she wouldn't have been upset. Maybe...? It's true that she didn't want to believe. Heh... I don't like Connie much either.

4. And I agree with you about Sollozzo. He would have gone ahead anyway. If Vito had told him he wanted to make the family totally legit, it probably would have made Sollozzo even angrier...
Posted By: Boss_of_bosses

Re: Godfather Saga questions - 10/12/02 03:31 AM

Thanx for answering. i wouldn't think that sollozzo would feel that's an excuse. But he would realize the Don was serious. And I wouldn't go as far being angry but more like disappointment at first. But as time went by that disappointment would turn into resentment
Posted By: pgunn

Re: Godfather Saga questions - 10/12/02 04:10 AM

2. Remember, Connie tells Mike that she thought everyone blamed Carlo for Sonny's death. So there wasn't anything Mike could say that would ease Connie's pain; Connie was bothered by the whole situation. Connie might've even thought that she indirectly caused Sonny's death, by not being a good wife to Carlo. confused

This is one of the reasons the Don had to retire, he no longer had the strength to do something like this. The Don knew that Sonny had to be avenged, but at the cost of his only daughter's happiness. And that was a road the great Don Vito Corleone did not want to cross. So he left it up to Mikey.

If it were as easy as sitting with Connie to explain things, the Don could've done that.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Godfather Saga questions - 12/08/03 12:21 AM

Originally posted by Boss_of_bosses:
1. Hagen said they would risk everything they have if they didn't get a piece of the dirty Narcotics Business. What did he actually mean? And he said the Tattaglia would come after them. For what?

Ok basically the Tataglias would become more powerful with the help of the drug money. They would then attack the Corleones to take over thier territory. They might not be as strong as the Tataglias if they didnt get into the drug business and then would lose everything they had if the Tataglias killed them
Posted By: goombah

Re: Godfather Saga questions - 12/10/03 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Boss_of_bosses:

2. What if Mike told Connie why he had Carlo killed if they were alone? Would Connie be as fussy as she was or would would that Fade away?
I believe that Connie's acceptance of Carlo's death may have been tolerated, but based on the timing of when she was told by Michael. She was certainly not ready for it at the end of GFI. Only toward the end of GFII does Connie feel that she can have a relationship again with Michael. Perhaps the older, wiser(?) Connie of GFIII may have accepted that Carlo needed to die for setting up Sonny. I think deep down that Connie knew Carlo was a scumbag, but she was too insecure to leave him. Then again, Connie may not have ever accepted the explanation because she still believed that Fredo had "drowned." At least that's what she told Michael out loud, maybe deep down she knew the truth.
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