
The Most Emotional Scene for me....

Posted By: Sonny Forelli

The Most Emotional Scene for me.... - 03/31/05 10:48 PM

It has too me when Vito Corleone is shot while leaving the building. John Cazale's weeping is absoutly phenominal and it's the only scene in the entire trilogy that reduces me to tears. He's faint cries of "Papa" are absoutly incredible, one of my favorite scenes movies, periods
Posted By: Fanucci Al-Fredo

Re: The Most Emotional Scene for me.... - 03/31/05 10:59 PM

There were many emotional scenes for me, but for some reason at the end of gf 3 (michael passing away with no one)i get so emotional.

However two other scenes that got to me were the end of gf 2 (the flashback scene) this makes me feel bad, seeing all the family together alive, it especially makes me feel bad when Fredo congrats michael and then is told off by santino, this gets to me because we just witnessed the death of fredo.

And lastly in gf 3 when michael confesses his sins, and they way he presents his sin of killing his brother saying, my fathers son, mothers son etc.

but yea, most emotional definitely end of p. 3
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: The Most Emotional Scene for me.... - 03/31/05 11:02 PM

"Look how they massacred my boy" - that line says it all
Posted By: Sonny Forelli

Re: The Most Emotional Scene for me.... - 03/31/05 11:09 PM

I havent seen GF2 or GF3, my folks are pretty uptight so they've just been letting me off a little bit and let me watch some mafia movies if i have some spare time.

For some reason i feel that Marlon Brando's "See how they have massacered my boy" is...cheesy. If my son was shot down because of my sins I would show much more emotion then he did as i said that.

Though Brando does a beyond terrific job in GF1 i think he's slightly over rated in the film. In my humble opinion James Caan and Al Pacino stole the show
Posted By: Rudik

Re: The Most Emotional Scene for me.... - 03/31/05 11:33 PM

The most emotional scene for me is the flashback on part 2. When all of them are young. No my question is when was that scene actually filmed. Was it during GFI?
Posted By: Fanucci Al-Fredo

Re: The Most Emotional Scene for me.... - 03/31/05 11:57 PM

This was filmed during party two, marlon brando was suppose to be in the scene but he canceled last minute because of money issues, i guess he was ripped off as far as pay from the first movie, but any ways coppola changed the scenerio to a "surprise" b-day, which i believe worked quite well.
Posted By: olivant

Re: The Most Emotional Scene for me.... - 04/01/05 12:26 AM

Sonny, I think you are wrong on both counts. Although John Cazale did play his crying scene excellently after his father was shot, the silent scream in GFIII leaves it emotionally in the dust. Again, as a parent and someone who has committed his share of sins in life, I could competely identify with Michael's anguish, despair, and utter hopelessness at that point.

As far as Brando is concerned, don't forget that the characters that Pacino and Caan got to portray allowed for far more range than did Brando's. Afterall, he was the Don and was expected to be stoic and thoughtful in the face of adversity. Even the novel referred to his controlled sorrow when he learned of Sonny's death. Puzo describes his reaction as the wall of his will breaking down for just a moment. Pacino got to evolve his character from an estranged family member into a Don while Caan could be flamboyantly agressive and angry both physically and verbally.
Posted By: Darulerric

Re: The Most Emotional Scene for me.... - 04/01/05 01:20 AM

Originally posted by Sonny Forelli:

For some reason i feel that Marlon Brando's "See how they have massacered my boy" is...cheesy. If my son was shot down because of my sins I would show much more emotion then he did as i said that.
This shows Don vito's emotional control and such, this is a big difference between Don Vito and Don Micheal. Micheal is much more emotional then his father which in his life stlye is a flaw
Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

Re: The Most Emotional Scene for me.... - 04/01/05 02:35 AM

The most emotional scene for me is the "Look how they've massacred my boy" scene. I've seen it a million times, and a million times it's given me chills. Marlon Brando is effin brilliant.
Posted By: Leslie

Re: The Most Emotional Scene for me.... - 04/01/05 03:59 AM

They shot Sonny on the Causeway, he's dead.

Can't you give me a straight answer anymore...was it a boy.

In my home. In my bedroom. Where my wife sleeps. Where my children come to play with their toys...in my home.

MICHAEL (to Sonny)
How long do you think it'll be before I can come back?
At least a year, Mike. Listen - um - I'll square it with Mom, uh - you know, your not seeing
her before you leave; and uh, I'll get a message to that girlfriend, when I think the time is right.
(then, after he and Michael embrace)
Take care, huh?
Tattaglia's a pimp he never could've outfought Santino.
Posted By: Forelli

Re: The Most Emotional Scene for me.... - 04/01/05 04:59 AM

Has to be the ending of GFII. Their all so young and
together but really from the characters in that scene,Fredo's dead,Sonny's dead,Carlo's dead and Tessio is dead.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: The Most Emotional Scene for me.... - 04/01/05 11:05 AM

Again for me is at the end of GF3 as when Mary is shot dead and Michael just helplessley sits screaming,brilliant smile
Posted By: micky2guns the barber

Re: The Most Emotional Scene for me.... - 04/01/05 02:11 PM

"so Consiglere(sp) of mine..."

i think this scene is just amazing.
Posted By: Darulerric

Re: The Most Emotional Scene for me.... - 04/01/05 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Forelli:
Has to be the ending of GFII. Their all so young and
together but really from the characters in that scene,Fredo's dead,Sonny's dead,Carlo's dead and Tessio is dead.
the point of this scene is to show how micheal isolated himself from everyone, notice how at the end hes the only one left sitting at the table, how everyone leaves one by one.

One of the most emotional scenes for me was in GFII when Micheal was speakin with Mama about if he could lose ur family. And she says you can neer lose your family, then he says Times are changing. BUt i think it added the emotional effect becuase this was all said in ITalian
Posted By: XDCX

Re: The Most Emotional Scene for me.... - 04/01/05 05:51 PM

The Superman scene is one of the most emotional scenes I've ever had the pleasure of watching. When Fredo stupidly remarks "Johnny Ola knows these places like the back of his hand...old nam Roth would never come here", or something to that effect, the look of anguish on Pacino's face is heartbreaking. It's at that moment that Mike knows it was Fredo, and it completely tears him apart. I also thought the ending of Part II ranks up there. Now the most heartbreaking scene for me would be the "Silent Scream" at the end of Part III. It's the only scene that gets the eyes welling up for me. It's especially difficult, because Michael has always been a man who is in control, and now a tragedy has befallen him, and he has absolutely no control over it, it's completely out of his hands, and there's absolutely nothing he can do about it, so he screams. Absolutely heartbreaking.
Posted By: Tony Kyprianou

Re: The Most Emotional Scene for me.... - 04/01/05 06:03 PM

Did anyone else cry the first time they saw the end dancing scene in gf3? i did
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: The Most Emotional Scene for me.... - 04/01/05 06:09 PM

For me the most INTENSELY emotional scenes are those between Michael & Fredo in the latter parts of GFII.

1. At New Years, 'I know it was you Fredo you BROKE MY HEART...!'

2. Their confrontation in the boathouse (though Michael is completely serene throughout the conversation it is balanced brilliantly by Fredo's emotion making for a VERY tense scene.

3. The embrace between Michael and Fredo at Mama's wake.

Posted By: svsg

Re: The Most Emotional Scene for me.... - 04/03/05 07:40 AM

Originally posted by Tony Kyprianou:
Did anyone else cry the first time they saw the end dancing scene in gf3? i did
Are you referring to the scene where michael recollects the women of his life, when his son is singing? That was a great scene and quite emotional.
It was a great decison of FFC to bring back apollonia flashback scene in GF3.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: The Most Emotional Scene for me.... - 04/04/05 04:14 PM

Who didnt?
Posted By: Lollie

Re: The Most Emotional Scene for me.... - 04/06/05 05:58 AM

The most touching scenes for me are as follows in order of most to least:

1. The scene on the ship when all the immigrants saw the Statue of Liberty--my grandfather was 9 years old (about the same age as little Vito when he came to this country). What must those people must have felt at that moment?

2. When Vito brought the pear to his wife as a little present despite the fact that he just lost his job, and how he kissed her before they started eating their dinner. Very sweet!

3. When Vito held baby Santino in his arms (picking him up from his little crib) and how the little baby cooed at him. Again, very touching.

4. When older Vito presented his daughter at her wedding and then danced with her. Made me think of my own dad.

5. And any other scenes with Marlon Brando and how he loved his family.

~~ Lollie
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