A: Ginger to Amy while she's doing something with cocaine (looks like cutting it up (like its not cut up enough to begin with) on some phone box dial button like thing) before snorting or ingesting it with Lester.

Anyway, ..... in quote denotes other person speaking.
Q: All right now, take easy.......ok that's enough.....I know I know, but take easy.....Come on, take it easy. You're going to give yourself a heart attack.

Hey there buddy, What’s Up? Patricia told us you were coming. My name is Luke and I’m team hoarden all the way. I ain’t no bad hombre. Everybody’s gonna tell you I got a big mouth though. I spoil the endings to movies. -Dennis from GLASS

Hey, can we keep it under 60? I’m still trying to pay for all this dental work. -Simon from TRUE LIES