Originally Posted by Hollander
Originally Posted by NYMafia
I'd just continue to pound Gaza with bombs and artillery from above, and eventually destroy many of those tunnels with so-called "Bunker Busters" --- way before I'd send even one foot soldier in there.

If they're hiding in buildings or even subterranean tunnels, many will be killed this way, and many of those who survive the bombs will die anyway through suffocation because the remaining tunnels will collapse or seal entrances/exits.

Then go in when Gaza is literally reduced to rubble...

It'll be much safer that way for the Israeli soldiers.

I'm far from a military expert, but the Israelis are smart people Israel's Sayeret Matkal is one of the world's most elite units.

indeed we are strong and maybe even more war experience and tougher then the random american and russian men, moroccan jews (like me) are tough people. (american jews are different entirely from us the israeli one's)
but we lack in numbers that's the problem...