As of this morning, the death toll in Israel has risen to over 1,200 dead, and more than 2,700 additional wounded. And, unfortunately, as the days pass, I suspect those numbers will greatly increase as they sift through rubble and discover more victims.

This is Israel's 9/11. In fact, proportionately speaking in relation to their population compared to NYC, the horror perpetrated against them is even worse than what NYC/America suffered through.

Hamas, Hezbollah, and similar Middle Eastern organizations are nothing but terrorists. Plain and simple! They are pure, unadulterated evil and regardless of what bullshit propaganda they try and put out there to the world, there is NO justification for their unconscionable attacks on innocent people.

This is not one nation declaring war against another nation. (for as bad as that is, because war is always horrific under any circumstances.) This is a sick fanatical ideology, a twisted version of reality and religion, that these degenerates use to perpetrate and justify their devilish actions.
Politics aside, because no nation, whether is be the U.S.A., Israel, England, Japan, etc.,etc., etc., is perfect....all have made mistakes and implemented bad policies over the years, once again, THERE IS NO JUSTIFYING MASS SLAUGHTER as we have been witnessing over these last few days.

Innocent children and babies slaughtered, decapitated, women captured - raped - and then desecrated, old people being shot dead, innocents wantonly destroyed.

Who the fuck does that??? What type of degenerates could even consider such actions? These are not God fearing folks. They are fanatics.

Don't misunderstand me. Because aside from "soldiers" of war killings one another, which in and of itself is terrible. There is always so-called "collateral damage" with civilians getting in the way and also killed. It is an unfortunate reality of war. Any war!

But to intentionally go out of your way to target civilians and innocents from the start? That that was your goal as you planned this attack?
In my opinion, there is only one way to deal with these animals, these ungodly devils. You gotta go in 100% fully committed and completely knock them out of the box....quickly!

And since they claim they love Allah so much, and so many of them "claim" they want to go to him, so they can reap their heavenly reward of (how many young virgins is it?, LOL)...I say let's fucking accommodate them!

These sickies need to be dealt with one time. Once!...not pussyfooting back and forth as the Western world has done with them for so many decades. But ONE TIME!

And whoever is found to be backing these terrorists, regardless of whether its Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, or any other Middle Eastern nation, bang them out too.

Let them stick the threat of nuclear arms up their ass! They got em? We got more! If they wanna dance and fuck around, then lets take em out to the dance floor!

I liken it to Japan's so-called "Kamikaze pilots" during WWII. Where they would forsake their own lives to crash their planes into U.S. and Allied targets; ships, buildings, etc.

After all was said and done, the Emperor of Japan, waived the white flag and surrendered Japan to U.S. Forces on that battleship in full view of the world.

What happened tough guys? No more Kamikazes? You had enough? Its the same with these Middle Eastern suicide bombers and their entire lot. When push comes to shove, lets see how many of them are REALLY willing to die for the "cause."

Enough is enough already. It's time to take serious action.
PS: Its also reported that after slaughtering woman and children, these depraved animals actually took the cell phones of their victims, took photos of their massacred bodies, and then texted them to the victim's relatives phone numbers and contacts found on the phones. They are bad actors....

Last edited by NYMafia; 10/11/23 12:45 PM.