Nicky narrating on the coffee comes to mind, but never thought of Pisano. I was always thinking about Ace talking about Don Ward thinking he was telling Sherbert or Green “what is with this guy? Do we need him? I mean he could even f—- up a cup of coffee this dumb yoke. I wouldn’t even give him a mopping job.”

Anyway yours is….
A: Curly or that mobster to Nance before shooting him head at close range in Costa Rica

Here’s an easy one….
Q: before I ever got myself blown up or ran a casino, Ace Rothestein was one hell of a handicapper

Hey there buddy, What’s Up? Patricia told us you were coming. My name is Luke and I’m team hoarden all the way. I ain’t no bad hombre. Everybody’s gonna tell you I got a big mouth though. I spoil the endings to movies. -Dennis from GLASS

Hey, can we keep it under 60? I’m still trying to pay for all this dental work. -Simon from TRUE LIES