I just read this thread and was reminded of a story:

About 12-13 years ago my dad was seriously ill with heart problems. I expected that he was going to die and my sister and I flew down to North Carolina (where he was living at the time) to see him. I thought that this might be the last time I'd see him alive so I prepared a little speech in my mind so as to say "goodbye".

I went out drinking the night before with some friends and had about two hours sleep before going to the airport. Got on the first flight and had about a 90 minute layover before catching the small airline that would take us to the small town where my dad was. OK, I had 90 minutes to kill, and I wanted a cigarette or two so I looked for a place to smoke. Only the bars in the airport allowed smoking (in North Carolina, the very heart of tobacco in America!) so I went into the bar and lit up. What the hell... I was already in the bar so I ordered a beer. The bartender (a hot-looking blonde) offered me a sidecar for only a dollar more, so I said "Sure, why not" (feeling very much like Frankie Pentangeli). OK... after three boilermakers I was feeling nice and the bartender looked at me, came over and asked if I'd like to try a Carolina blonde.

I almost fell off the stool... here is this gorgeous woman asking if I'd like to have her (or so I thought). I asked her what she had in mind (knowing that I only had about 25 minutes left before my flight - probably about 24 minutes more than I'd need). She laughed when she realized what I was getting at... I must have had a confused look on my face. She explained that "Carolina Blonde" was the name of a micro-brewed beer there.


(I tried it... it wasn't bad, but talk about a hardon killer).
