hi! I just watched the first two godafather movies and I have to admit, I was a little disappointed. I think that it's a fantastic book, but the movies just didn't fufil the depth of the charecters. Like you don't see the generosity of Sonny's chrcter when he brings home Tom Hagen, you don't see the the love there really was in between Michael and Apploinia (Spelling check there) (...which brings me onto another point...did I blink and miss the part where Michael avenges her death by killing Fabrizzio, or did they just not stick it in?) you dont see how Tom Hagen is truly an oddment, an 'object of curiosity, a freak', nor do you see how he truly becomes lik e the Don's son. (Tom's my favourite charecter in the book)
The books are full of interesting little side stories that trly complte a great saga.
I've been told the third movie is even worse...someboody please convince me why I should watch the 3rd one.

'I made him an offer he couldn't refuse'