Originally Posted by DuesPaid
Originally Posted by Irishman12
Nice, enjoy the Sam Adams and Miller High Life! Just picked up 12 pack's of MGD and High Life as I'm hanging with friends the next 2 nights.

Thanks i12 …..enjoy.

I’m really looking forward to the new Blue Point Winter Ale …says it has a Vanilla flavor.

Geez , u guys really take ur beer seriously...f--k that..gimme a 12 pack of Blue Moon & I'll shut up..& that's coming from a dude that drank Bud in his early teens 2 the late 90s..as a chef , I have learned a little from my latter day chef alky buddies ..lol..Hefenweiser anyone?..German is sometimes good..Smithwicks Irish is the 1rst warm ale I had in Ireland when I was 14 ..Mom snuck it 2 me , 1977..

I didn't want to leave blood on your carpet...