
Seinfeld Dialogue game

Posted By: goombah

Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/07/04 04:26 PM

Inspired by Freddie C's quote by Kramer about the Dewey Decimal system, I thought it might be fun to run a Seinfeld dialogue game.

Q: this is the way society functions. Aren't you a part of society? Because if you don't want to be a part of society, why don't you just get in your car and move to the East Side!
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/07/04 06:57 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry in "The Kiss Hello."

Q: "It's smart. It's a smart line, and a smart crowd will appreciate it. And I'm not going to dumb it down for some bonehead mass audience!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/07/04 07:14 PM

Originally posted by Rocky:
A: Kramer to Jerry in "The Kiss Hello."

Q: "It's smart. It's a smart line, and a smart crowd will appreciate it. And I'm not going to dumb it down for some bonehead mass audience!"
A: George to Jerry/Kramer/Elaine regarding his 'jerk-store' comeback.

Actually, my previous post was the one where Puddy was face-painting at the NJ Devils games.

Q: Too bad you can't do that for a living. You'd be very successful at it. You could sell out Madison Square Garden. Thousands of people could watch you! You could be a big star!
Posted By: Paul Pisano

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/07/04 07:30 PM

Answer: George's Mother in The Contest episode.

Q:I had this foot problem.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/07/04 07:33 PM

A: George's mother, Estelle, chastising her son for treating his body like "an amusement park," in "The Contest."

Q: "I don't know if I feel comfortable handing out baloney sandwiches in the building."
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/07/04 07:43 PM

You beat me to it Paul. The answer to your question is Frank Costanza to Elaine, explaining why he wouldn't take off his shoes.

Same Question: "I don't know if I feel comfortable handing out baloney sandwiches in the building."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/07/04 07:47 PM

A: Jerry to Kramer?
Q: That's gonna be trouble
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/07/04 07:52 PM

It was Jerry to Estelle in "The Puffy Shirt."

Answer to your question: Was it Jerry about Kramer and Darren the Intern?

If so, then my question is: "This guy could be a little bonkos."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/07/04 08:36 PM

Mine was Kramer to Jerry about George's world's colliding.

A: Regis to Kathy Lee & crowd about Kramer
Q: She wasn't my type
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/07/04 08:37 PM

Originally posted by Rocky:
It was Jerry to Estelle in "The Puffy Shirt."

Answer to your question: Was it Jerry about Kramer and Darren the Intern?

No, the "that's gonna be trouble" line was when Jerry suggested that Elaine pal up with Susan. Kramer said it would be trouble b/c "George's worlds would collide.

If so, then my question is: "This guy could be a little bonkos."
A: Regis to Kathie Lee about Kramer

Q: Am I a hipster dufus?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/07/04 08:41 PM

From Irishman
Q: She wasn't my type

A: Newman to Jerry
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/07/04 08:47 PM

Originally posted by goombah:
Q: Am I a hipster dufus?
A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: Man, that van is a rockin
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/07/04 10:36 PM

Q: Man, that van is a rockin

George to Jerry, lol, "Don't go a-knocking!"

Q: Elane Wrote a Murphey Brown!?
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/07/04 11:53 PM

Kramer to ?

Q: "All right! But hear me and hear me well - The day will come. Oh yes, mark my words, Seinfeld - your day of reckoning is coming. When an evil wind will blow through your little playworld, and wipe that smug smile off your face. And I'll be there, in all my glory, watching - watching as it all comes crumbling down.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/08/04 12:27 AM

Mine was Jerry to George

Yours is Newman to Jerry

Q: "Tonight's Pipe Night"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/08/04 01:41 AM

Does anyone else find this game kinda hard trying to review 9 seasons of Seinfeld into a single thread??

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: He's the Wiz! And nobody beats him...nobody
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/08/04 01:54 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry about her boyfriend.

Q: "Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/08/04 03:18 PM

A: Frank to Kramer, explaining Festivus

Q: It feels like an Arby's night.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/08/04 05:18 PM

A: Putdy (sp?) to Elaine
Q: But I don't wanna be a pirate!
Posted By: Omar Suarez

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/08/04 11:53 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
A: Putdy (sp?) to Elaine
Q: But I don't wanna be a pirate!
A: Jerry to Kramer

Q: Do you remember your dream where you had a sexual encounter with a chinese woman?
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/09/04 01:21 PM

I think we need to makes these a little more obvious/easier. We should be using only the most classic quotes, or quotes that are part of a reoccuring theme.

New Q: "Do me a personal favor... take the pen!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/10/04 11:58 AM

Originally posted by Freddie C.:
I think we need to makes these a little more obvious/easier. We should be using only the most classic quotes, or quotes that are part of a reoccuring theme.

New Q: "Do me a personal favor... take the pen!"
That's what makes this fun. I recognize the post before yours. I recognized your signature about the Dewey Decimal System. Let's just ride it out until someone is completely stumped. Also, unliked the GF/Goodfellas dialogue games, there aren't nearly as many characters in Seinfeld as in the movies.

Answer to previous post: Elaine's psychiatrist/boyfriend to Elaine

Q: "Do me a personal favor... take the pen!"

A: Jack Klompis to Jerry

Q: Stelllllla, Stellllllllllllla
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/10/04 03:33 PM

Elaine in Del Boca Vista

Q: "I was in the pool! I was in the pool!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/10/04 09:03 PM

A: George to Jerry's girlfriend who saw shrinkage
Q: "Believe it or not George isn't at home, please leave a message at the beep. I must be out, or I'd pick up the phone. Where could I be? Believe it or not, I'm not home!"
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/10/04 09:07 PM

A: George's answering Machine

"Can you stand by the fish tank and make sure nobody taps on the glass"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/11/04 02:49 AM

Funny thing is I was gonna put a quote about this pretty soon

A: Joe Mayo to Jerry
Q: You know sometimes I get the feeling George isn't being completly honest with me
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/11/04 02:53 AM

Jerry to Elaine (while George is on the chair)

Q: "This is a little too much for me - escaped convicts, fugitive sex...I got a cockfight to focus on"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/11/04 01:25 PM

A: Jerry to George, regarding the cockfight with "Little Jerry Seinfeld."

Q: Shut your trap and stop kicking the seats. If I have to tell you again, we're gonna take outside. If you think I'm kidding, just try me. Try me. Because I would LOVE IT.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/11/04 02:18 PM

A: George to guys behind him kicking the seat
Q: What the hell is this? Don't tell me. Velvet?
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/12/04 02:29 AM

Jerry to George

Q: "It's all pipes! What's the difference?!"

Something just happened that made me think of this quote. Friday after my football game, our middle linebacker took a piss in the shower in our lockeroom. As he was doing this, our high school's athletic director walked by and saw him. He completely flipped out. "Mike, what the hell are you doing?!" His reply was classic... "It's cool, there's a drain." I couldn't help but to laugh, but of course the AD didn't think it was funny. We had to do extra sprints after practice today for "bad lockeroom behavior".
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/12/04 03:52 AM

I was gonna something like this too!

A: George to Elaine
Q: Hey! Hey, watch where you're kicking!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/12/04 05:36 PM

Dude, you have me stumped. I've waited for someone to post an answer. My guess is that it's a Kramer line. Give us a hint or something that isn't so obscure.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/12/04 06:34 PM

I'll just give it to you then

A: It's Kramer to one of the swimmer's when Krammer was fighting through the swimmer's in the river
Q: Guess I'll go and read my Time magazine. I might even read it in the park tomorrow. It's supposed to be a beautiful day!
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/12/04 06:59 PM

A: George to the convict in the airport giftshop.

Q: "Biff! What, did you whistle in the elevator?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/12/04 07:28 PM

A: Jerry to George

Q: If you would have told me twenty-five years ago that some day I’d be standing here about to solve the worlds energy problems, I would’ve said you’re crazy… Now let’s push this giant ball of oil out the window.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/12/04 08:42 PM

I love that episode.
A: Kramer to Darren in "The Voice."

Q: "Sagman, Bennet, Robbins, Oppenheim and Taft. Sagman, Bennet, Robbins, Oppenheim and Taft..."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/12/04 09:23 PM

A: Is it Jerry to himself in his head?
Q: A simple joke, from a simple man
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/13/04 12:49 AM

A: George to Jerry, when the former stopped having sex and became smarter.

Q: Alright, alright. Just let me finish my coffee and then we'll go watch 'em slice this fat bastard up.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/13/04 02:01 AM

Jerry to Kramer in "The Junior Mints"

Q: "Men were keeling over all around me. I can still hear the retching, the screaming. I sent sixteen of my own men to the latrines that night. They were just boys."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/13/04 04:21 AM

Man Freddie C, we always think of the same episodes to quote from. I was thinking about this early too

A: Frank to Kramer
Q: Alright I'm cancelling the father-son picnic. But I don't know what he's going to do with all of that potato salad!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/13/04 11:48 AM

A: George to his annoying girlfriend, Daphne, which was just on here last night.

Q: Who? Who does not want to wear the ribbon?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/13/04 02:09 PM

A: Gay hispanic guy to the black guy telling Kramer he has to wear a ribbon
Q: Did he just steal the raisins?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/13/04 02:54 PM

A: Jerry to George regarding the "Kramer" actor in the pilot episode.

Q: I have a hair on my tongue, I can't get it off, you know how much I hate that? Course you do,
you put it there. I know you badmouthed me to the execs at NBC, put the kibosh on my deal. Now I¹m gonnaput the kibosh on you. You know I¹ve kiboshed before, and I will kibosh again.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/13/04 05:19 PM

A: Crazy Joe Davola to Jerry?
Q: He spit on us. And I yell back "I'M HIT!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/13/04 05:56 PM

Irishman - yep, you got it.

A: Kramer, to Newman & Jerry, reacting to the "2nd spitter" Roger McDowell.

Q: They're selling coffee, bran muffins.. you're surrounded by reading material. It's entrapment!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/13/04 07:32 PM

A: George to Jerry & Elaine about taking the book into the bathroom with him
Q: Did you see that? She just took credit for my salad.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/13/04 08:20 PM

A: George to Jerry in "The Big Salad."

Q: "Well, birthdays are merely symbolic of how another year's gone by and how little we've grown. No matter how desperate we are that someday a better self will emerge, each flicker of the candles on the cake we know it's not to be. That for the rest of our sad, wretched, pathetic lives, this is who we are to the bitter end. Inevitably, irrevocably. Happy birthday? No such thing."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/13/04 10:25 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine?
Q: How could anybody not like you?
Posted By: Tony Mosrite

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/13/04 11:17 PM

Jerry's mom to him

"I know myself. And if I'm on the streets, and it starts to go down, I don't back off, until its finished."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/14/04 01:55 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry, I think in reference to why he stores his blood.

Q: I seem to remember the word "loser" peppered throughout the conversation.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/14/04 03:06 PM

A: George to Jerry but I'm not sure about what
Q: Either that or they have something against lying face down in filth.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/14/04 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
A: George to Jerry but I'm not sure about what
Q: Either that or they have something against lying face down in filth.
Irishman - I can't believe I actually got you! No, my quote was when Elaine talked to the blabber mouth Rabbi, explaining how she resented George getting married. The Rabbi told everyone, including Jerry in the quote I gave.

A: Jerry to George, who lied to feel underneath the vending machine when Jerry is buying the car from Puddy.

Q: Sure, we're too old to change the world, but what about that kid, sitting down, opening a book, right now, in a branch at the local library and finding drawings of pee-pees and wee-wees on the Cat in the Hat and the Five Chinese Brothers?
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/14/04 10:47 PM

Bookman to Jerry

Q: "Darling, you see where that glass is? How that glass is near the edge of the table. You got the whole table there to put the glass, why you chose the absolute edge, so half the glass is hanging off the table, you breath and that glass falls over, then you're gonna have broken glass on the carpet, embedded in the carpet fibers, deep, deep in the shag, broken glass, bits of broken glass that you never get out. you can't get it out with a vacuum cleaner. Even on your hands and knees with a magnifying glass, you can't get all the pieces, and then you think you got it all and two years later, you're walkin' barefoot and you step on a piece of broken glass and you kill yourself, is that what you want? I don't think you want that, is it? .. Do ya? Huh?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/15/04 02:03 AM

Freddie-I thought you would appreciate my last posting from Bookman.

A: from the Moile (sp?) - my 2nd least favorite episode of all time. If there wasn't the GF refs, I'd completely hate it, except when George is trying to get restitution for his car from the jumper.

Q: God knows I don't ask you for much.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/15/04 02:17 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: Oh no they revoked our memebership. We're not allowed to go anywhere near that place
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/15/04 12:14 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine & Susan, when he & Newman wouldn't perform CPR on the pool guy named Ramone.

Q: Yeah, you better give me the insurance, because I am gonna beat the hell out of this car.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/15/04 02:16 PM

A: Jerry to the rent-a-car lady
Q: Look, now what you do with your personal life is your business. But when you're on my show, you clean it up mister!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/15/04 03:40 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry, on the Merv Griffin set.

Q: We're talking to Elaine Benes, adult film star, on the set of her new movie.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/15/04 04:11 PM

A: Kramer to Eliane doing a voice over while he's video-taping her
Q: I know the chunky behind these chunkies!
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/15/04 10:03 PM

Jerry to Elaine about Newman

Q: "So we meet at last. I admire your skills, Mr. Peanut."
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/18/04 12:58 AM

It was George to Neil, the guy George became obsessed with

New Q: "That's a lot of potatoes!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/18/04 11:36 AM

A: Kramer, in the meat slicer episode?

Q: You get your toilet book out of here, and I won't jump over this counter and punch you in the brain.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/18/04 02:11 PM

A: Book store employee to George
Q: Are you telling me there's not one condo available in all of Del Boca Vista?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/18/04 02:44 PM

A: Frank, to George & George's mother.

Q: Hey, how come people don't have dip for dinner? Why is it only a snack, why can't it be a meal, you know? I don't understand stuff like that.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/18/04 02:48 PM

A: David Putty to Elaine.

Q: "What is nice? Trying to fill the void in your life with flour and sugar and egg and vanilla? I mean, we are all unhappy. Do we have to be fat too?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/18/04 05:07 PM

A: Elaine to her co-workers, who had cake at nearly every possible occasion.

Q: This son of a bitch is ice cold.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/20/04 04:48 PM

Goombah, is that from the backwards episode where they went to India? Is it Kramer talking about the snowball he made to throw at FDR?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/21/04 06:43 PM

Originally posted by Rocky:
Goombah, is that from the backwards episode where they went to India? Is it Kramer talking about the snowball he made to throw at FDR?
No - it's actually the one where the runner Jean Paul-Jean Paul stays with Elaine. Kramer has the hot tub that breaks while Kramer fell asleep in it.

Kramer came to the coffee shop wrapped in blankets and sweaters and then Jean Paul made the comment I posted.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/21/04 07:06 PM

Oh yeah, I remember that now. Go ahead and post another question.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/21/04 07:07 PM

New Q: "Oh its got cache baby! Its got cache up the ying-yang!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/22/04 01:29 PM

A: George to Susan regarding naming their child "Seven."

Q: You emit a foul and unpleasant odor. I loathe you.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/23/04 04:57 PM

Newman to record store guy

Q: "Serenity now, insanity later."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/23/04 05:25 PM

A: Lloyd Braun to George.

Q: Yamma hamma - it's fright night.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/25/04 02:18 AM

Kramer to Elaine

Q: "No soup for you!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/25/04 03:15 AM

A: Soup Nazi to either George or Jerry's girlfriend
Q: I would give up red meat just to get a glimpse of you in a bra
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/25/04 01:06 PM

A: George to his NY Yankee secretary, who he later promised to give a raise while having sex

Q: Moles. Freckle's ugly cousin.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/25/04 03:40 PM

A: Kramer in "The Slicer."

Q: "Madam, prepare yourself for an all-out bidding war. This time, advantage Varnson!"
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/26/04 12:43 AM

Jerry to realtor in "Puerto Rican Day Parade"

Q: "And by the way... they're real, and they're spectacular"
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/26/04 01:02 AM

Originally posted by Freddie C.:
Jerry to realtor in "Puerto Rican Day Parade"

Q: "And by the way... they're real, and they're spectacular"
I'm trying to pick a good time to jump into this game, because I love Seinfeld, but I'm not sure if I can keep up with the top dogs here... I recognize this quote as being from an episode where Elaine attempted to find out if Jerry's girlfriend's breasts were real, and she had an incident with her in a sauna... However, I'm not certain, so I'll let someone else take it. :p I'll jump in when I can.

Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/26/04 04:23 AM

Originally posted by Freddie C.:
Jerry to realtor in "Puerto Rican Day Parade"

Q: "And by the way... they're real, and they're spectacular"
A: Jerry's girlfriend (played by Teri Hatcher) to Jerry about her breasts
Q: Snoopy & Prickly Pete
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/26/04 01:18 PM

A: That's George telling the Ross's the names of his two horses on their way to his house in the Hamptons.

Q: "The carpet sweeper is the biggest scam perpetrated on the American public since one-hour martinizing."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/26/04 02:59 PM

A: Kramer to Newman
Q: What makes you think I'm looking for trouble?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/26/04 03:33 PM

A: Newman to Babs Kramer

Q: I need the secure packaging of Jockeys. My boys need a house.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/26/04 03:36 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: I had to eat at Regis, REGIS!
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/26/04 04:29 PM

Irishman, is that Jerry complaining because George won't let him eat at Monk's because of the waitress in "The Soup"?

If so, then Q: "Oh listen, before you go, would you mind changing my diaper? HAA!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/26/04 06:03 PM

No Rocky, but you're close

Q: I had to eat at Regis, REGIS...
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/26/04 06:04 PM

Is it from that same episode?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/26/04 06:11 PM

I don't believe so, but is "The Soup" episode about?
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/26/04 06:38 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
I don't believe so, but is "The Soup" episode about?
Jerry has to buy Kenny dinner at Mendi's in exchange for an Armani suit. Elaine has that British guy staying with her and she can't wait to get rid of him. Kramer is dating the waitress from Reggie's and also has decided that he is only eating fresh food, thus getting rid of his refrigerator. And, George goes for a walk with the waitress from Monk's (they talk about manure) and she brings up that she has a boyfriend, so George tries to get her fired by constantly calling her at work.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/26/04 06:41 PM

Now I remember it (I don't usually know the episodes by names, but I've seen most of them) but no, this question isn't from that episode. I'll give you a hint, it's from the episode where Elaine & Susan start hanging out...
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/26/04 06:49 PM

A: George to Jerry (His world's were colliding. they were killing Independant George)

Q: "Oh listen, before you go, would you mind changing my diaper? HAA!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/26/04 07:49 PM

A: The old man, Sid Fields, to Jerry.

Q: Well, you're fired because you don't move your arms when you tap dance, you're like a gorilla out there I've gotta go...
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/26/04 07:53 PM

A: Kramer to Raquel Welch.

Q: "Just crease, crumple, cram. You'll do fine."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/26/04 09:24 PM

A: Newman to Jerry about stuffing mail
Q: That's right, he's a trouble maker
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/27/04 07:51 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
A: Newman to Jerry about stuffing mail
Q: That's right, he's a trouble maker
I'm at a loss. It sounds like something Kramer would say. Is it in reference to Newman sleeping with the super's wife?
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/27/04 08:07 PM

Originally posted by goombah:
[quote]Originally posted by Irishman12:
[b] A: Newman to Jerry about stuffing mail
Q: That's right, he's a trouble maker
I'm at a loss. It sounds like something Kramer would say. Is it in reference to Newman sleeping with the super's wife? [/b][/quote]I think it's either Jerry or Kramer talking about Woody Woodpecker. Right?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/27/04 08:45 PM

You're closer Rocky. It was Kramer to George about Woody Woodpecker. Here's another:

Q: What can be gained from feeling other people's clothes?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/27/04 11:45 PM

Actually, it was feeling people's "material."

A: Estelle to George & Frank

Q: Vile weed. Quick, somebody, honey mustard!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/27/04 11:51 PM

A: Newman after he eats broccoli at that Kenny's Chicken restaurant
Q: My name is George. I'm unemployed and I live with my parents.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/28/04 12:10 AM

George to woman at Monk's

Q: "You know, I think I could have played with dolls if their were dolls in the house. It seems like fun to me. It doesn't seem like a gender thing. I think I would like to play with dolls. What's so terrible?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/28/04 11:48 AM

A: George to the his 'big salad' girlfriend

Q: Lately, though, I've been, uh, - I've been buying the generic brand of waxed beans. You know -I rip of the label. I can hardly tell the difference.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/28/04 01:34 PM

A: That's Newman to Kramer in my favorite episode, "The Merv Griffin Show."

Q: "Oh, you got cookies!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/28/04 03:30 PM

Originally posted by Rocky:

A: That's Newman to Kramer in my favorite episode, "The Merv Griffin Show."

Q: "Oh, you got cookies!"
I love Kramer's repsonse to Newman: "We've officially bottomed out!"

A: Elaine from the coach section of the plane complaining about the first class passengers, which included Jerry and a supermodel

Q: Oh, you're not gonna get caught. Look, let me get him. Man, it's the nineties, it's Hammer time!
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/28/04 04:58 PM

A: Kramer trying to convince Jerry to install illegal cable in "The Baby Shower."

Q: "You know, it's not like changing toothpaste."
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/28/04 07:25 PM

Jerry to George about converting to Latvian Orthodox

Q: "The only thing between us is a thin layer of gabardine."
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/29/04 01:28 PM

A: Jerry, commenting in horor about how Kramer is now "going commando."

Q: "I don't trust this guy. I think he re-gifted, and then he de-gifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp."
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/29/04 01:32 PM

On a side note, I just want to share with you all what my Halloween costume is today at work, because I think you'll all appreciate it.

I am Donald Sanger aka The Bubble Boy.

I've taped a sheet of plastic across my office door and I've got two rubber gloves coming trough it. And, I've got a Trivial Pursuit game sitting outside my office.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/30/04 07:41 PM

Originally posted by Rocky:
Q: "I don't trust this guy. I think he re-gifted, and then he de-gifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp."
Jerry to Elaine about Whatley

Q: "So let me get this straight: you find yourself in the kitchen. You see an eclair, in the receptacle. And you think to yourself, 'What the hell, I'll just eat some trash.'"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/30/04 07:43 PM

A: Jerry to George
Q: I have my pride too. I'm not gonna beg her!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/01/04 12:57 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine re: Kramer not wearing any underwear.

Q: Who wouldn't love a pony? Who wouldn't love a person that had a pony?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/01/04 03:16 PM

A: Jerry to the old lady & everyone at the table after he insulted anyone who had a pony

Mine wasn't correct:
Q: I have my pride too. I'm not gonna beg her!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/01/04 06:14 PM

Originally posted by Rocky:
On a side note, I just want to share with you all what my Halloween costume is today at work, because I think you'll all appreciate it.

I am Donald Sanger aka The Bubble Boy.

I've taped a sheet of plastic across my office door and I've got two rubber gloves coming trough it. And, I've got a Trivial Pursuit game sitting outside my office.
Dude - that is awesome!!

A: George to the unemployment lady about the daughter George was 'dating.'

Q: What's your story? How about taking your top off?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/04/04 12:37 AM

New question por favor :rolleyes:
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/04/04 02:32 PM

A: That was the Bubble Boy to Susan.

Q: "Poor Bastard."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/05/04 05:53 PM

A: Jerry about George getting married? I think that phrase was used several times throughout the series.

Q: Don't be ridiculous. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to fill my freezer with my own blood.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/05/04 06:02 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: I'll see you in hell Costanza
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/05/04 07:09 PM

A: Mr. Thomassoulo to George in "The Voice."

Q: "Oh yeah, I've been known to drink a beer or two, but then again, I've been known to do a lot of things."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/06/04 01:43 PM

A: Kramer, to the sniffing accountant

Q: Damn you, Seinfeld. You useless pustule.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/06/04 02:09 PM

Newman to Jerry, in the one where Kramer tans with butter

Q: "His buttocks are sublime!"
Posted By: Joe Gunch

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/07/04 07:05 PM

A : Calvin Klein and his female associate about Kramer modeling in his underwear

Q : "YES!!! And a more offensive spectacle I cannot recall!!!!"
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/08/04 05:21 AM

Newman to the Seinfelds (Jerry kissing during Schindler's List)

Q: "And you wanna be my latex salesman?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/08/04 05:37 AM

A: Jerry to George
Q: She's got the "Gimmy" legs
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/08/04 07:42 PM

A: Kramer to Frank.

Q: I think he's saying Son of Sam. I knew it wasn't Berkowitz.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/08/04 09:05 PM

A: Is it George to his cousin in the "van"?
Q: (singing) once, twice, three times a lady...
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/08/04 09:52 PM

Irishman - you got it.

A: Newman, when he runs over the paint thinnner & something large that Kramer dropped on the freeway. One of my favorite Newman moments.

Q: I'm homeless! I'm gonna be out on a street corner, dancing for nickels. I'll be with the hobos in the trainyard, eating out of a bucket.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/10/04 08:20 PM

A: Is it Elaine to Jerry??
Q: Got some booze? What do you say you & me get ripped!
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/11/04 07:07 PM

A: Jerry to his girlfriend in "The Merv Griffin Show."

Q: "Hey pops, isn't there a better way to spend your twilight years?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/11/04 09:27 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
A: Is it Elaine to Jerry??
Q: Got some booze? What do you say you & me get ripped!
No the homeless quote was from Newman, when Silvio was going to throw Newman out for 1) sleeping with his wife and 2) reversing the peephole in Newman's & Kramer's apartments

Answer to Rocky's "Hey pops, isn't there a better way to spend your twilight years?":
annoying ball boy to Kramer, who was the first 'ball man'

Q: Let me understand, you got the hen, the chicken and the rooster. The rooster goes with the chicken. So, who's having sex with the hen?
You see my point here? You only hear of a hen, a rooster and a chicken. Something's missing!
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/11/04 10:45 PM

Frank to the Rosses

Q: "My wife has an inner ear infection"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/12/04 02:11 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry about how great it is to begin a sentence with "my wife..."

Q: Well, you're as pretty as any of them, you just need a nose job.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/12/04 02:39 AM

A: Kramer to George's girlfriend
Q: You can stuff your sorries in a sack mister!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/15/04 03:22 AM

A: George to Jerry
Q: It cuts so thin I couldn't even see the meat
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/15/04 03:37 AM

Kramer to Elaine

Q: "I've got good news and bad news and their both the same... you're fired"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/15/04 03:54 AM

A: Mr. Peterman to Elaine?
Q: I'm very hungry. Do you think you could run down to the deli and get me a sandwhich?
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/15/04 04:05 AM

No, mine was Frank to Lloyd Braun.

I12, maybe you could use some easier/more obvious quotes? The one with the meat slicer was good. Please don't take offense.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/15/04 05:23 AM

A: No problem. Mine was George's mother to George in the hospital

Q: You have a garbage disposal in your bathtub?
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/16/04 02:53 AM

Peggy to Kramer

Q: "So, empty calories and male curiosity, eh, Georgie?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/16/04 03:39 AM

(I was gonna use that soon, if I ever remembered)

A: Steinbrenner to George
Q: There's no laws in this place. Anything goes!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/16/04 05:44 PM

A: George to Jerry in the car dealership.

Q: People should plunk down $2,000 to live like him for a week. Do nothing, fall ass backwards into money, mooch food off your neighbors, and have sex without dating - that's a fantasy camp.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/16/04 06:21 PM

A: Jerry to George
Q: No it offends me as a comedian
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/16/04 06:30 PM

A: Jerry to the priest about Tim Watley.

Q: "You look cold. Come over here by the fire and take your clothes off."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/18/04 08:07 PM

I have no idea Rocky

Q: You said it'd be by a mail man I know, and you're a mail man I know!
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/18/04 09:28 PM

Irishman - mine was from the episode where Jerry, Elane and George end up in the same theatre showing "Rochelle, Rochelle." It is part of the movie's dialog while they are watching:
My name is Rochelle. I am from Milan and I'm on my way to Minsk to visit my cousin.
You look cold. Come over here by the fire and take your clothes off.

This cracks me up every time!

Is the answer to your's Kramer to Newman?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/18/04 09:36 PM

Yup, your turn
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/18/04 10:02 PM

Q: "It's like having a circus in my mouth."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/18/04 10:19 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry?
Q: How do you supposed I do that, toots?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/22/04 03:28 AM

A: Kramer to Newman's "birthday wish girl"
Q: I guess I'm Louis Loan
Posted By: El weon manic hispanic

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/22/04 04:34 AM

a: george
q: IT Moved!
Posted By: El weon manic hispanic

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/22/04 04:35 AM

a:george after eating mango
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/22/04 04:59 AM

A: George to Jerry
Q: Let me just clarify, are you in anyway authorized to give raises?
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/22/04 06:39 PM

A: Jerry to George in "The Secretary."

Q: "Looking at cleavage is like looking at the sun. You don't stare at it. It's too risky. You get a sense of it and then you look away."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/22/04 08:13 PM

Jerry to George

Q: Their bacteria traps!
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/22/04 09:22 PM

A: David Putty to Elaine about her slippers.

Q: "What am I... hard of smelling?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/23/04 05:24 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry re: the valet's b.o.

Q: You know, uh, oftentimes, Jerry - he lend me his car and I find myself in a situation where the car is almost out of gas. But, for a variety of reasons, I don’t want to be the one responsible for purchasing costly gasoline.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/23/04 05:35 PM

A: Kramer to car salesman.

Q: "You’re not going to do it?!?!?! What do you mean you’re not going to do it?!?!?!?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/23/04 06:22 PM

A: George to Jerry about the threesome
Q: I've been lying to you for 3 days & now your all screwing me!
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/23/04 09:12 PM

George about the vibrating chair for Joe Mayo

Q: "Look! No one knows how long this parade is gonna last! They are a very festive people. All I know is that it's Sunday night, and I have got to unwind! Now who's with me?"
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/24/04 03:55 PM

A: Elaine in one of my favoriet episodes, "The Puerto Rican Day Parade."

Q: "Who goes anywhere with Newman?"
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/25/04 07:56 PM

Jerry about Whatley going to the Superbowl with Newman

Q: "I got about fifty-feet out and then suddenly the great beast appeared before me. I tell ya he was ten stories high if he was a foot. As if sensing my presence he gave out a big bellow. I said, "Easy big fella!" And then as I watched him struggling I realized something was obstructing his breathing. From where I was standing I could see directly into the eye of the great fish!" (mammal )

Top 10 Seinfeld Sports Moments
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/27/04 01:57 AM

George talking to a girlfriend(?) about a whale he saved
"I can still hear you"
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/27/04 04:20 PM

Vegetable Lasagna to Elaine

Q: "What's a three letter word for candy?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/29/04 02:50 AM

A: George to Jerry
Q: Oxygen! I need oxygen!
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/29/04 04:42 AM

I'm sorry to interrupt the game going on, but I had a Godfather/Seinfeld question, and I figured this was a good place to ask. Can anyone remember the episode where Jerry made the reference to the "In my home! In my bedroom..." quote by Michael in GFII? It was something about Newman coming into his apartment, I believe, but I just thought it'd be nice to know the episode name so I could see how he leads into it... It seems like I've read something about how Seinfeld has done several GF references, but nevertheless, this one cracked me up.

Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/29/04 03:40 PM

I know which episode you're talking about, but I don't know hardly any Seinfeld episode names. But try this to see if you can find it

Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/29/04 06:14 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
Q: Oxygen! I need oxygen! [/QB]
A: George to Jerry, in response to Jerry's admission of having just slept with Elaine.

Q: Well, there's nothin' more sophisticated than diddlin' the maid and then chewin' some gum.
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/29/04 09:48 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
I know which episode you're talking about, but I don't know hardly any Seinfeld episode names. But try this to see if you can find it

Thanks for the link! I'll browse through for this particular episode, but it looks like an interesting site regardless. The Seinfeld Glossary is funny...

Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/29/04 10:02 PM

Originally posted by ginaitaliangirl:
[quote]Originally posted by Irishman12:
[b] I know which episode you're talking about, but I don't know hardly any Seinfeld episode names. But try this to see if you can find it

Thanks for the link! I'll browse through for this particular episode, but it looks like an interesting site regardless. The Seinfeld Glossary is funny...

~Gina [/b][/quote]Eek, I almost forgot. There's a Seinfeld reunion on Oprah right now...I don't know how many people here would get it, but I'm sure it's going to be good!

Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/30/04 02:09 AM

Originally posted by goombah:

Q: Well, there's nothin' more sophisticated than diddlin' the maid and then chewin' some gum.
Elane to Jerry
"...and you want to be my latex salesman?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/30/04 02:58 AM

A: Jerry to George
Q: You know that batter's like 30 years old
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/30/04 03:37 AM

Jerry about the Easy Bake Oven

Q: "You bought a car because it belonged to Jon Voight?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/30/04 04:50 AM

A: Jerry to George (or Kramer, but I think Jerry)
Q: You said YES!? How can you prostitute yourself like this!?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/30/04 03:19 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry, after Jerry agreed to help Keith Hernandez move.

Q: Anything else, Mr. Nosey?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/30/04 04:45 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry?
Q: Go ahead. Go to your fancy fire if that's what you gotta do.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/30/04 05:20 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
A: Elaine to Jerry?
Q: Go ahead. Go to your fancy fire if that's what you gotta do.
Nope. It was Kramer to Jerry when Jerry asked about why Kramer was using butter to shave.

A: Jerry to his mom about Uncle Leo.

Q: We were making out like our plane was going down.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/01/04 09:15 PM

Originally posted by ginaitaliangirl:
I'm sorry to interrupt the game going on, but I had a Godfather/Seinfeld question, and I figured this was a good place to ask. Can anyone remember the episode where Jerry made the reference to the "In my home! In my bedroom..." quote by Michael in GFII? It was something about Newman coming into his apartment, I believe, but I just thought it'd be nice to know the episode name so I could see how he leads into it...
The quote is from "The Andrea Doria" episode. It is Jerry talking to Elaine about why he's going to help Newman get the postal route in Hawaii.

"Newman is my sworn enemy. And he lives down the hall from my home. My home, Elaine! Where I sleep, where I come to play with my toys."
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/01/04 09:18 PM

Originally posted by goombah:
Q: We were making out like our plane was going down.
A: Jerry talking about the way he and his girlfriend were making out at "Shindler's List."

Q: "I will not tolerate infestation!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/01/04 09:49 PM

Originally posted by Rocky:
[quote]Originally posted by goombah:
[b] Q: We were making out like our plane was going down.
A: Jerry talking about the way he and his girlfriend were making out at "Shindler's List."

Q: "I will not tolerate infestation!" [/b][/quote]No actually that was Elaine describing her drunken office party make-out to Jerry/George. It was in the Brentanno's Bookstore episode where the guy Elaine made out with was a heroin addict.

A: Frank to Estelle & George

Q: The Japanese guys had sake in the
hot-tub! You gotta get 'em outta the drawers and get 'em down here, or I don't have a focus group to sell the pilot to Japanese TV!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/01/04 11:39 PM

A: Jerry to Kramer?
Q: This bread has NUTS in it!
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/02/04 03:55 AM

Originally posted by goombah:
Q: The Japanese guys had sake in the
hot-tub! You gotta get 'em outta the drawers and get 'em down here, or I don't have a focus group to sell the pilot to Japanese TV!
Actually it was kramer to Jerry.
I cant think of a quote so we'll use Irish's
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/02/04 06:14 PM

Q: The Japanese guys had sake in the
hot-tub! You gotta get 'em outta the drawers and get 'em down here, or I don't have a focus group to sell the pilot to Japanese TV!
Actually, it was George to Jerry in "The Checks."

Q: This bread has NUTS in it!
A: George to Jerry sitting in Monk's talking about the Rage-a-holics meeting in "The Apology."

Q: "Are, are you sure this is decaf? Where's the orange indicator?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/02/04 06:47 PM

A: George to waitress
Q: We'll tell him we're frighten and we have to go home
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/02/04 07:07 PM

A: George to Jerry about Elaine's father, Alton Benes.

Q: That is *damn* good scotch. I could do a commercial for this stuff. Mmmmm, boy that Hennigans goes down smooth. And afterwords you don't even smell. That's right folks. I just had three shots of Hennigans and I don't smell. Imagine, you can walk around drunk all day. That's Hennigans, the no-smell, no-tell scotch.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/02/04 07:26 PM

A: That's Kramer to Jerry, George and Elaine in "The Red Dot."

Q: "Well I'm very disappointed in George and Elaine. And you know I'm somebody you don't want to have on your bad side."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/02/04 08:51 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry in the parking spot/flea market episode.

Q: I yell Cartwright. Just like that. Nobody came up. I hang up. Yes, yes, I tell her you not here. She said curse word. I hang up.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/02/04 09:21 PM

A: Bruce to George in "The Chinese Restaurant"

Q: "Yamahama, it's fright night!"
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/03/04 03:08 AM

Kramer to Elaine at the Festivus dinner

Q: "There's nothing dirtier than I giant ball of oil"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/03/04 05:36 AM

A: Jerry to George? Or is it Kramer to the kid?
Q: Cigarette? I suck em down like Coca-Cola
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/03/04 03:22 PM

A: Kramer to Barry in "The Sniffing Accountant" You must have watched that episode on TBS yesterday too!

Q: "Relax man. There's enough juice here to keep us all fat and giggley."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/03/04 06:11 PM

A: Kramer to Mr. Peterman at Walden Books
Q: I can't believe she took the money
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/03/04 06:34 PM

A: George to Jerry about Susan in "The Ticket."

Q: "Oh, this power! Look what I'm doing! I'm dangerous, Jerry! I'm very very dangerous!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/03/04 07:53 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry when Kramer had the 'kavorka.'

Q: This is the most public of my many humiliations.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/04/04 02:45 AM

A: Jackie to Kramer
Q: You have to know how to do that. You can't have people stuffing their arms in 600 degree ovens!
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/04/04 03:47 AM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
A: Jackie to Kramer
Q: You have to know how to do that. You can't have people stuffing their arms in 600 degree ovens!
A. George to Kramer about his idea for a self-made pizza restaurant.

Q. "What am I... hard of smelling?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/04/04 04:32 AM

A: Elaine to Jerry
Q: Stella! STELLA!
Posted By: SicilianMafia

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/04/04 05:29 AM

A: Elaine to Jerry's Parents

Q: Am I crazy or is that alot of gum?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/04/04 05:36 AM

A: Loyd to Jerry
Q: Jerry can't handle that, he's sensitive
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/06/04 05:58 PM

A: Kramer to George & Elaine

Q: See, no one wants to admit to them that they stuck something up there. Never! It's always an accident. Every proctologist story ends in
the same way: "It was a million to one shot, Doc. Million to one."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/06/04 08:10 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry?
Q: Nobody needs to talk
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/07/04 08:19 PM

A: Jerry to George in "The Susie."

Q: "I choose not to run."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/07/04 09:46 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine or George or his girlfriend or the guy he was supposed to run against
Q: I don't know about this Joe Mayo character. Frankly, it sounds made up!
Posted By: SicilianMafia

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/08/04 02:08 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry/George I think..

Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/08/04 02:44 AM

A: Newman to Jerry about Keith Hernandez
Q: Is it anything like hitting a home run in softball? Because I hit a whooper last week!
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/08/04 02:30 PM

A: Jerry to the "Pimple-popper MD" Dr. Sara Sitarides in "The Slicer."

Q: "Be realistic George."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/09/04 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Rocky:
A: Jerry to the "Pimple-popper MD" Dr. Sara Sitarides in "The Slicer."

Q: "Be realistic George."
I'm stumped Rocky.

I have a suggestion for all who post. Obviously, most of the dialogue is going to be between the four main characters of "Seinfeld." Instead of answering "George to Jerry" or whoever is involved, how about we describe (briefly) the episode or at least what the scene was about. I think it might make things a bit more interesting.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/15/04 06:51 PM

Q: Do you ever yearn? Often I sit and yearn.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/17/04 02:15 AM

Kramer to George before he goes to Cali
"Well, he called up at about 4:00 last night and we got to talking"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/17/04 01:52 PM

A: Jerry, about Bob Sacamano, when Jerry was living in Kramer's apartment during the Kenny Rogers Roaster episode.

Q: You get your toilet book out of here and I won't jump over this counter and punch you in the brain.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/17/04 09:47 PM

A: Black woman behind the counter to George about his book that he brought into the bathroom
Q: You can stuff your sorries in a sack mister!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/18/04 01:28 AM

A: George to Jerry and Susan to George in the 'reverse' episode where they go to India.

Q: Oh how I've longed for this day. To take you from your cushy lair and expose you for the monster you are.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/18/04 03:44 AM

Newman to Jerry at the post office
"Are you still afraid of clowns?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/18/04 07:37 PM

A: Joe Duvola to Kramer

Q: We had a funny guy with us in Korea. A tailgunner. They blew his brains out all over the Pacific. There's nothing funny about that.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/18/04 08:49 PM

A: Elaine's father to Jerry
Q: It's not like she's in the back saying, G I can't believe Jerry didn't show
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/21/04 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
A: Elaine's father to Jerry
Q: It's not like she's in the back saying, G I can't believe Jerry didn't show
Could you tell us the answer to the obscure one or post something different so we can move on? I thought it might have been Elaine to Jerry in the Chinese restaurant when Jerry saw the woman he knew from Uncle Leo's office.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/21/04 02:32 PM

A: George to Jerry about Manya at her own funeral in "The Pony Remark."

Q: "No, he jumped from the second floor."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/21/04 08:10 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry about Newman, who threatened suicide by jumping from the bldg.

Q: He was moving in on her like the storm troopers through Poland. A more offensive spectacle I cannot recall.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/21/04 08:33 PM

A: Newman to Jerry's ma about Jerry making out during Schindler's List?
Q: If those kind of superfical things bother you, this probably isn't going to work
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/21/04 09:51 PM

You got it Irishman

A: George to the girl in the one where he does the opposite

Q: I'm not, under any circumstances, doing any inserting in that area.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/23/04 09:11 PM

Originally posted by Rocky:
Q: "Be realistic George."
Kramer: You got room in the car for the Pig Man, huh?

George: The Pig Man can take the bus.

Kramer: George, if the Pig Man had a car, he would give you a ride.

George: How do you know? What if the Pig Man had a two-seater?

Kramer: Be realistic, George.

Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/23/04 09:14 PM

Originally posted by goombah:
Q: I'm not, under any circumstances, doing any inserting in that area.
Kramer to Jerry about his constipation

Q: "Ttttttwwwwiiiiiixxxxx!!!!!!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/23/04 09:18 PM

A: George yelling at the car dealership
Q: Whoa whoa, who said anything about kids? I don't wanna have kids.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/24/04 12:12 PM

A: Pam to Jerry and Kramer.

Q: Until you pin me, Festivus is not over.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/24/04 05:11 PM

A: Frank to George
Q: The very pants I was returning. Now that's interesting writing!
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/24/04 08:35 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
A: Frank to George
Q: The very pants I was returning. Now that's interesting writing!
A: Mr. Peterman to Elaine (Funny episode... )

Q: "Between you and me, I always thought Kramer was a bit of a doofus. But, he believed in me. You did not. So, as I see it, he's not the doofus. You are the doofus."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/25/04 04:15 AM

A: Elaine to Jerry
Q: I don't think we should, we really don't know each other
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/27/04 03:56 AM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
A: Elaine to Jerry
Q: I don't think we should, we really don't know each other
I don't know it, Irish, but I don't want it to die! Here's a bump for the thread, at least.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/27/04 04:18 AM

A: George to that girl he met in the coffee shop when he was trying to be "opposite"
Q: In fact I hated anyone who had a pony growing up
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/27/04 04:31 AM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
A: George to that girl he met in the coffee shop when he was trying to be "opposite"
Q: In fact I hated anyone who had a pony growing up
And I just saw that episode... :rolleyes:

A: Jerry (I could've sworn the episode name contained the word 'pony'...oh well, I remember it, at least.)
Q: "Yank it like you're starting a mower."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/27/04 03:56 PM

A: Elaine to the doctor (played by Ben Stein) and Kramer, when Kramer asks Elaine to decide different scenarios whether he should be on life support.

Q: You're eating my peanut butter with your disgusting index finger? This is a sickening display.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/27/04 05:20 PM

A: Jerry to George?
Q: They have all this coffee and muffins and all these books. It's entrapment!
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/27/04 11:03 PM

George to Jerry about Brentano's

Q: "Yes, the "surprise-blindfold-greeting". That wasn't in the manual, I don't know."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/28/04 02:12 PM

A: George to Jerry
Q: You know I'm getting to a point in my life where I need something more than just...a good time
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/28/04 02:56 PM

Kramer to George at Palmodoro restaurant

Q: "All right, now here's the lowdown. From a certain connection, I've been able to locate some black market shower heads. They're all made in the former Yugoslavia, and from what I hear the Serbs are fanatic about their showers... sometime this afternoon, behind the Market Diner, an unmarked van will be waiting. I'm expecting the call at any time. Are you in?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/28/04 03:00 PM

A: Newman to Jerry
Q: The nerve of her. Talking about you behind your back and right to your face
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/28/04 03:41 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine, when Elaine was referred to as "Suz."

Q: You need to shut up. I'm sorry - I hadn't spoken in a few days.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/28/04 03:48 PM

A: Kramer to the woman comedian who would refer to Jerry as "The Devil"
Q: The ocean was angry that day my friends
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/28/04 06:04 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
A: Kramer to the woman comedian who would refer to Jerry as "The Devil"
Q: The ocean was angry that day my friends
A: George in The Marine Biologist
Q: "Jerk store would've smoked that guy!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/28/04 06:10 PM

A: George to Jerry & Elaine
Q: Oh, I spend that much on after shave. Yes, I buy and sell men like myself every day. Now, I assume that there's a waterfall grotto?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/28/04 06:15 PM

A: Kramer to Punta de Mayo store clerk, when Kramer acts as R.J. Pennypacker

Q: What's your rooster's name? Little Jerry Seinfeld - does he bounce checks too?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/28/04 06:19 PM

A: Store owner (can't remember his name) who's into cock fighting to Kramer
Q: Because they're terrified of her. I heard from someone that when they cut one of her lines, she climbed up the rope on side of the stage and started dropping lights on peoples heads. Story like that has got to be true.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/29/04 03:03 AM

Kramer to Jerry (great episode)
"Vile Weed!!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/29/04 04:04 AM

A: Newman to himself/Jerry after eating Brocolli
Q: Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had - but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way!
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/29/04 05:34 AM

A: The lovely Frank Costanza
Q: "This is address discrimination!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/29/04 05:38 AM

A: Elaine to Chinese delivery guy
Q: It's all PIPES! What's the difference!?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/29/04 12:41 PM

A: George to the gang after he was caught urinating in the shower of a health club.

Q: You're gambling again, aren't you? You weak, weak man.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/29/04 01:42 PM

A: Jerry to Kramer?
Q: Let's just say they never turn on their own kind
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/29/04 03:04 PM

Originally posted by goombah:
Q: You're gambling again, aren't you? You weak, weak man.
Newman to Kramer when he is betting on plane arrivals

Q: "I don't understand you. I really don't. You have nothing better to do at three o' clock in the afternoon? I go out for a quart of milk, I come home, and find my son treating his body like it was an amusement park!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/29/04 03:12 PM

A: Estelle to George
Q: Let's just say they never turn on their own kind
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/29/04 06:16 PM

A: Kramer to George about the secret sign of the Van Buren boys.

Q: Rimske-a great book, sir. I almost read the whole thing.
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/31/04 06:51 AM

Originally posted by goombah:
Q: Rimske-a great book, sir. I almost read the whole thing.
This seems like a George quote, but I'm not certain. Anyway, this'll bump up the thread, and maybe someone knows for sure?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/02/05 11:43 PM

I don't know either. What's the answer there goombah?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/03/05 01:42 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
I don't know either. What's the answer there goombah?
Sorry about that-didn't chk the thread all weekend. It was Jerry to the guy Elaine was working with. Elaine told the guy, who was supposed to be a famous author, that Tolstoy was supposed to name "War and Peace" with its original title:"War-what is it good for"

New question:
You can't break up with me - I have hand.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/03/05 04:57 PM

A: George to his girlfriend
Q: I'm all awkward pauses
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/03/05 06:51 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
A: George to his girlfriend
Q: I'm all awkward pauses
A: George to Jerry about the girl that Jerry once dated in the 'backwards' episode.

Q: Are you confident in the 'I love you' return? If not, that's a pretty big matzza ball hanging out there.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/03/05 07:42 PM

A: Jerry to George
Q: Elaine you don't like the movie?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/03/05 08:52 PM

A: J. Peterman to Elaine about the "English Patient."

Q: A little empty calories and male curiousity, eh Georgie...
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/03/05 09:27 PM

A: Steinbrenner to George
Q: Excuse me your majesty but we don't except $20 with the lips painted on
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/04/05 12:42 PM

A: The convenient store owner to George, who had mistakenly accused the Monk's cashier of taking his $20.

Q: Prediction-I never see you or that mutt for the rest of my life.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/04/05 06:03 PM

A: Jerry to the guy on the plane who made him take care of his dog while he was in the hospital
Q: Interference, you can't count that! Are you nuts?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/05/05 01:22 PM

A: was that George & Jerry during their game of "choose" for the apartment?

if so, new question

Q: I'm in love with Svetlana and I want the whole world to know it. Except for Silvio, who would throw me out in the street where I'd be dancing for nickels...
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/05/05 05:37 PM

A: Newman to Elaine
Q: I'll burn myself! I'll burn my parents!!
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/05/05 09:09 PM

A: George to the gorgeous Danielle in "The English Patient" after she tells him that she is taking Neil to a clinic in England.

Q: "Booing and hissing are not part of the show. You boo puppets. You hiss villains in silent movies."
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/05/05 09:16 PM

Jerry to Toby after she made a scene at one of his shows in The Fire (That lady was so funny, yet annoying!)

"I got it. Cups in the front, loops in the back."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/06/05 03:09 PM

A: George to Frank, who was lecturing about bras.

Q: If I don't get a black and white cookie, I'm not going to be very pleasant to be around.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/07/05 02:04 AM

Jerry to Elane and the rest of the bakery
"It smells like a toilet in here"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/07/05 12:54 PM

Originally posted by Don Sonny Corleone:
Jerry to Elane and the rest of the bakery
"It smells like a toilet in here"
Your answer to the 'black and white' cookie is not correct.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/07/05 04:27 PM

Answer to Goombah: Bette Midler to Kramer in "The Understudy."

Answer to DSC: The Scientologist woman that gave George, Jerry and Elaine a ride in "The Parking Garage."

New Question: "Did he use a lot of slang? Did he use the word 'man'?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/07/05 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Rocky:
New Question: "Did he use a lot of slang? Did he use the word 'man'?"
A: Kramer to Jerry, in reference to the sniffing accountant.

Q: I need to secure packaging of Jockeys. My boys need a house.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/07/05 10:03 PM

Kramer to Elaine

Q: "Breathtaking? I'm breathtaking?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/08/05 01:46 AM

A: Elaine to guy in street who called her breathtaking?
Q: That's no tragedy!
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/08/05 09:02 PM

I'm thinking this was George in reference to his "opponent" when he was telling his depressing life story in order to get an apartment...I don't know the name of the episode, but Elaine's boyfriend ending up getting it...the one who said she had a big head...

"Do I need a shot?"
"Not shot. Dog bite. Woof woof, not bang bang."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/09/05 01:46 AM

Originally posted by ginaitaliangirl:
"Do I need a shot?"
"Not shot. Dog bite. Woof woof, not bang bang."
A: Vet to Elaine

Q: Maybe the test was gender-biased. You know, a lot of questions about hunting and testicles.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/09/05 03:12 AM

A: Jerry to Elaine about her failing George's test.

Q: Woa woa woa, the inspector of the library's name is Bookman? That's like an ice cream man named Cone!
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/09/05 04:39 AM

Kramer to Jerry, George, Marian

Q: "Look at these boys. If they were any more
Cuban, Castro would've smoked them himself."
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/09/05 04:40 AM

Kramer to Jerry, George, Marian

Q: "Look at these boys. If they were any more
Cuban, Castro would've smoked them himself."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/09/05 05:09 PM

A: Kramer to the business tycoon named Earle.

Q: Uh, what kind of man are you? Well, you're weak, spineless, a man of temptations, but what tempts you? Oh you may stray, but you'll always return to your dark master, the cocoa bean.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/12/05 04:50 AM

Kramer to George (Bosco )

Q: "Oh, that's interesting, because as everyone knows, since there was no year zero, the millennium doesn't begin until the year two-thousand and one. Which would make your party, one year late, and thus, quite lame."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/12/05 02:50 PM

A: Jerry to Newman about the "Newmanium"

Q: You were having sex on our bed?! Who told you you could have sex in our bed? Your bed is too small? I'm gone two weeks and you turn our house into, into Bourbon Street!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/12/05 06:36 PM

A: Frank to George
Q: We can't show up with Pepsi and Ding Dong's to a party
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/12/05 06:44 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
A: Frank to George
Q: We can't show up with Pepsi and Ding Dong's to a party
A: actually it's "ring dings" not ding dongs. But it's Elaine to George.

Q: letting my emotions out was the best thing I've ever done. Sure I'm not funny anymore, but there's more to life than making shallow, fairly-obvious observations. How about you?
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/14/05 01:28 AM

Jerry to George
"How do I put this....you've been in her bed"
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/14/05 01:29 AM

Jerry to George
"How do I put this....you've been in her bed"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/14/05 02:30 AM

A: Elaine's boyfriend (can't remember his name) to Kramer (that episode was on TBS tonight)
Q: Oh it's a scene man
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/14/05 06:45 PM

A: Jerry to George, when Jerry's girlfriend & roommate agreed to the menage a tois.

Q: You tell your friend George that if he keeps calling here, I'm going to make him my own personal hand puppet.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/15/05 07:00 AM

A: Black waiter or owner at Monk's to Jerry & Elaine
Q: Ah, $8,000. It's a Honda!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/17/05 06:27 PM

How about a hint Irishman?

Is it when Jerry was returning the rental car that he let George borrow?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/18/05 05:26 AM

A: George to Jerry & Elaine after he made money keeping his stock when Jerry dropped out of it
Q: I'm on no sleep, NO sleep. You don't know what it's like over there. All night long things are creaking & cracking and that red light is frying my brain!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/18/05 12:50 PM

A: Jerry, when he was living in Kramer's apartment with the Kenny Rogers Roaster's sign.

Q: Yesterday, I'm a volcano. I try one more call, the machine comes on, and I let fly like Mussolini from the balcony. "Where the hell do you get the nerve? You invite me up for coffee and then you don't call me back for four days?! I don't like coffee! I don't have to come up! I'd like to get one more shot at the coffee just so I cans spit in your face!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/18/05 05:08 PM

A: George to Jerry after his girlfriend is out of town & couldn't return his phone calls
Q: Of course I'm concerned, I'm paying for those meals!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/18/05 06:26 PM

A: George to Elaine & Jerry, about George's skinny girlfriend who ate like a horse.

Q: I'm like ice buddy. If I don't like you, you've got problems.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/19/05 02:50 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry about why it is bad for George and Elaine to get on his bad side in "The Parking Space."

Q: "Wait a second. Mr. Pennypacker, if you're here, and Mr. Vandelay is also here, then who's watching the factory?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/19/05 04:10 PM

A: Jerry to George & Kramer about who is watching the car in the Puerto Rican Day parade.

Q: Male mammal. Approximately 30 to 60 years of age. Weight...uh indeterminate.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/19/05 05:12 PM

A: Kramer as Dr. Van Nostrand examining Kruger in "The Slicer."

Q: "When you're shopping on Madison Avenue, you don't want to skimp on the swank."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/19/05 05:47 PM

A: Kramer to Elaine when they were shopping together and he was using the skin creme. (One of all-time favorite Kramer lines)

Q: I didn't get the transfer.. They knew it wasn't me doing my route! Too many people got their mail! Close to 80%. Nobody from the post office has ever cracked the 50% barrier! It's like the 3-minute mile!
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/19/05 05:56 PM

A: Newman to Jerry in "The Andrea Doria" after Jerry delivered the mail for Newman to help him get transferred to Hawaii. I love the scene where Jerry is walking down the street delivering mail.

Q: "She's not a maid. She might be a news woman!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/20/05 01:45 AM

A: Seinfeld to Elaine about the maid/call-girl he hired/dated

Q: Well, there's nothing more sophisticated than diddling the maid and chewing some gum.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/20/05 03:02 AM

Elane to Jerry
"Well, thats peculiar"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/20/05 02:10 PM

A: Kramer to Jake Jarmel

Q: Oh, no. No. No. No. No. Nothing. I'm fine. Everything's fine. Fine. Just get a little nervous on the weekends, that's all. Could I, uh, could I get a glass of water?
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/20/05 03:00 PM

A: George, waiting for Kramer and Rusty to arrive and pick up Mr. and Mrs. Ross is "The Rye."

Q: "You've never felt remorse."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/20/05 08:40 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry about how Jerry never shows emotion.

Q: Jackie's cashin' in on your wretched disfigurement.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/20/05 10:22 PM

A: Jackie to Kramer
Q: This is Morning Mist
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/21/05 02:21 PM

A: George to Jerry about his clothes on the LA trip

Q: Oh no, I'm sorry. The correct is 'moops.'
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/21/05 03:22 PM

A: George to Donald in "The Bubble Boy."

Q: "Hey, I ain't goin' to no Bellevue! Look at me, I'm fallin' apart here."
Posted By: Tony Mosrite

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/21/05 03:39 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry inside the train

Q: "I'd say when the nipple makes its first appearance"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/21/05 07:15 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine (and George possibly)
Q: I thought it was milk
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/22/05 01:10 AM

Kramer to Jerry in the Kenny Rogers episode(one of the best, I may add)
"Rachael wont be seeing any more of you"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/22/05 01:22 AM

A: Rachel's father to Jerry, after Newman informed the father of Jerry & Rachel's make-out during "Schindler's List"

Q: I'm going to kill him. I'm going to sew his ass to his face.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/24/05 04:04 PM

Originally posted by goombah:
A: Rachel's father to Jerry, after Newman informed the father of Jerry & Rachel's make-out during "Schindler's List"

Q: I'm going to kill him. I'm going to sew his ass to his face.
Was this one too obscure? It was just on so I thought Rocky or Irishman might have gotten it. It was when George had sex with one of Elaine's married friends. The quote was what the husband told Elaine what he was going to do with George.

New question:
Q: So you just thought to yourself, 'what the hell I'll just eat some trash.'
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/24/05 07:00 PM

A: Jerry to George
Q: Mr. Seinfeld? What about Mr. Constanza, what I'm not here?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/24/05 07:43 PM

A: George to Jerry & NBC Secretary.

Q: Oh, you're getting together with some of your jackass friends, and you want me to take notes?
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/24/05 09:59 PM

Wasn't that Elaine to Kramer when she was using him for Mr. Peterman's biography?

"This guy could be a little bonkos." (Non-regular)
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/24/05 10:41 PM

A: Regis about Kramer on the Regis & then Kathy Lee show
Q: From now on no more desks...
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/24/05 11:48 PM

Steinbrenner after George's desk "bomb," right?

"I need the secure packaging of Jockeys. My boys need a house!"
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/24/05 11:51 PM

Kramer to Elaine

Q: "I'm not a pimp!!!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/25/05 12:46 PM

A: Kramer to the cop.

Q: You wanna get nuts? Let's get nuts!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/25/05 04:57 PM

A: George to the Ross'?

If so
Q: Hey look at you
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/25/05 05:06 PM

A: Jerry to George

Q: Oh, don't you Joke Boy? You really think you can manipulate that beautiful young woman like the half-soused nightclub rabble that lap up your inane "observations"?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/25/05 05:13 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: I was just seeing what it was that you wanted for dessert?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/25/05 07:19 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Irishman12:
Q: Oh, don't you Joke Boy? You really think you can manipulate that beautiful young woman like the half-soused nightclub rabble that lap up your inane "observations"?
[QB] A: Kramer to Jerry

Your answer is incorrect
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/25/05 07:43 PM

A: George to Jerry?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/25/05 08:52 PM

Mine was Newman to Jerry, when Newman was telling Kramer what to say to the girl Pam, whom both Jerry & Kramer liked.

Answer to yours: George to his girlfriend, who he thought was refunding

Q: The story is the foundation of all entertainment. You must have a good story. Otherwise it's just masturbation.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/25/05 10:16 PM

A: George to the NBC execs
Q: Believe me I wouldn't even be bothering you if they hadn't closed down that base in Sarasota
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/26/05 02:41 AM

Morty to Leo's kid at the funeral
"I like Dillion"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/27/05 01:12 PM

A: George to Jerry, when they were using fake names to take the limo that was scheduled to pick up O'Brien.

Q: I lived with him for forty years, I never saw him trying on my underwear. As soon as he leaves the house, he turns into J. Edgar Hoover!
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/27/05 02:47 PM

A: Estelle to George about seeing Frank try on the "Bro/Mansier" in "The Doorman."

Q: "Well, whoever he was, he sure knew a lot about The A-Team."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/27/05 03:45 PM

A: George to Jerry, when George thought he had been talking to George Peppard.

Q: It's three-thirty in the morning. I'm at a cockfight. What am I clinging to?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/27/05 05:52 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry
Q: You fixed me up with a BALD woman!
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/27/05 06:40 PM

A: George to Kramer in "The Beard."

Q: "Oh, hello professor."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/27/05 06:52 PM

A: George to Elaine in the one where she took the IQ test for George

Q: Well, let me give you a hint, junior. Maybe we can live without libraries, people like you and me. Maybe. Sure, we're too old to change the world, but what about that kid, sitting down, opening a book, right now, in a branch at the local library and finding drawings of pee-pees and wee-wees on the Cat in the Hat and the Five Chinese Brothers?
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/27/05 07:46 PM

A: Bookman to Jerry in "The Library."

Q: "Liar! Liar! You were never going to call me! You thought you could waltz throught the rest of your life and never bump into me again! But you were wrong, Jerry! You were wrong! What do you think, I'm some sort of poor, pathetic wretch?!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/27/05 07:57 PM

A: Mary to Jerry
Q: I'm sorry I'm not familiar with that term
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/27/05 08:05 PM

A: Jerry to Winona

Q: "The very pants I was returning. That's perfect irony!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/27/05 08:52 PM

A: Peterman to Elaine about her writing in Peterman's book, where she stole Kramer's pants story.

Q: Of course, uh, this is Central Park. Uh, this was designed in 1850 by Joe Peppitone. Um, built during the Civil War so the northern armies could practice fighting on...on grass. Oh, yeah. Giddyup. On Rusty!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/27/05 10:56 PM

A: Kramer to the Ross'
Q: I'm not gonna be nice, that's how I got the job
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/27/05 11:23 PM

Was that George acting opposite when he got the job with the Yanks? I'll add a quote, but correct me if I'm wrong...

"It's like they chopped off your arms and legs, dipped you in plastic, then screwed you all back together again and stuck you on a pedestal. It's really quite exquisite."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/27/05 11:53 PM

Yeah it was Frank to George when he got his job with the Yankees

A: Jerry to Elanie
Q: She had man hands. It was like something out of Greek mythology
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/28/05 12:52 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine about the woman Elaine set Jerry up with.

Q: Then Mr. Seinfeld went to the restroom, at which point Mr. Costanza scooped ice out of Mr. Seinfeld's drink with his bare hands using it to wash up. Then Mr. Costanza remarked to me, "This never happened."
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/28/05 02:12 PM

A: Darren the Intern briefing Kramer on what he missed at the coffee shop. (I love that episode)

Q: "OK, I lied about the car, but everything else is true."
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/28/05 08:31 PM

George to Jerry about the guy with no arms

Q: "Eat hickory!"
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/28/05 09:08 PM

Tough one Freddie...
A: The old man chasing George in the Rascal Scooter just after Mr. Thomassoulo sees George carrying the scooter.

Q: "That's not gonna be good for anybody."
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/29/05 12:15 AM

Jerry to the manager of Kenny Rogers
"Have you ever seen him throw up?"
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/29/05 05:48 AM

George to Elaine about Jerry

Q: "That's why I can never be president.. It always irked me. That's why, even at an early age, I had no interest in politics. I refuse to vote. They don't want me, I don't want them!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/29/05 06:20 PM

A: Frank to Elaine & George. Perhaps my favorite Frank Costanza line ever.

Q: Do you find a need to use a lot of obscenities when you're at the dentist?
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/30/05 11:03 PM

Jerry to Cosmo

Q: "Jambalaya!!!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/31/05 12:49 PM

A: Newman to himself after getting his order from the Soup Nazi.

Q: I'd appreciate it if you would cease and desist to allow us to continue our relationship unfettered.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/01/05 03:20 PM

Originally posted by goombah:
Q: I'd appreciate it if you would cease and desist to allow us to continue our relationship unfettered.
Anybody need a hint? Rocky, Irishman? I didn't think this was too difficult. Another line from the same episode, between the same two people as the quote above, was: "Uh yeah. Do you have a decaf cappucinno?"
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/01/05 03:57 PM

A: Kramer to Elaine's therapist. I knew that, just haven't been on the boards lately.

Q: "Jerry, you're not in show business. You don't know what these people are like."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/01/05 04:05 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry.

Q: It's like I'm Neil Armstrong. I turn around for a sip of Tang and you jump out first.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/01/05 04:42 PM

A: George to Jerry after it was revealed that Jerry saw George's girlfriend, Jane, topless before he did.

Q: "I'll handle this, Violet. Why don't you take your three hour break?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/01/05 05:52 PM

A: Newman to Violet, when Kramer announced that he wanted to permanently cancel his mail.

Q: This thing is a, is a behemoth.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/01/05 06:04 PM

A: Jack Klompus to Jerry about the Cadillac that he drove into the pond.

Q: "I'm guessing you're not a 'half-grapefruit and black coffee' guy."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/02/05 12:56 PM

A: Jerry to the fat nudist guy on the subway.

Q: You're not the only one improving yourself. I worked out with a dumbbell yesterday. I feel vigorous.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/02/05 03:32 PM

Man you guys have been doing a great job at stumping me this week
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/02/05 10:59 PM

Frank to Estelle

Q: "I'm a joke maker"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/03/05 01:00 PM

A: Jerry to Brody, the film bootlegger.

Q: Never mind who I am. I know who I am. Do you know who you are? Why is it every time you park a car in this block, everything gets disrupted and disjointed?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/03/05 05:21 PM

A: The car parker to George?
Q: I've lost my fiance, the poor baby
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/03/05 05:29 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
A: The car parker to George?
Q: I've lost my fiance, the poor baby
Weirdo lady at Dingo Party to Elaine.

Q: "Hey Buddy" (Being Imagined in the form of a glazed turkey)

The Doc
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/03/05 05:47 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: NO! You hate him because he'll do more with your name than you ever will. YEAH YEAH!
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/03/05 07:18 PM

Kramer to Jerry (concerning Little Jerry)

"Holy cow" (Hint: Inanimate object)

The Doc
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/03/05 07:25 PM

A: The Phil Rizzito keychain that George lost?
Q: She eats her peas, one at a time
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/03/05 08:41 PM

A: Jerry to George, about Jerry's date.

Q: Let me ask you something. You having any personal problems at home? Girl trouble, love trouble of any kind? What about drugs? You doing some of that crack cocaine? You on the pipe?
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/03/05 11:09 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
A: The Phil Rizzito keychain that George lost?
Very Good! Hahaha, I love that scene!

The Doc
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/04/05 04:12 PM

A: Steinbrenner to George after Wilhelm turned in the project in "The Bottle Deposits."

Q: "You know I can't get this damn thing to sleep..."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/06/05 12:16 PM

A: Jerry to the Elaine, her 'fat' boyfriend, and the doctor, when Jerry was referring to his yo-yo.

Q: I ran out of butter so I had to borrow yours. Anything else, Mr. Nosy?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/07/05 04:14 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: Look at him, they're stealing jackets here
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/07/05 02:58 PM

A: George to Jerry about the Sandos Brothers who "stole" Jerry's crested blazer.

Q: "The nerve of that woman. Walking into my house, stealing my collectible!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/07/05 07:03 PM

A: Frank to Jerry & George about Elaine, who took Frank's TV Guide.

Q: Me forget it? You should forget it! You're livin' in the past, man! You're hung up on some clown from the sixties, man!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/07/05 07:06 PM

A: Eric the Clown at the birthday party to George
Q: Pipe down choir boy
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/07/05 07:17 PM

A: Elaine's father, Alton Benes, to George.

Q: "I'm not joking. She looks like Lyndon Johnson."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/07/05 08:24 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry and the parents of "the baby"
Q: They're bacteria traps!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/07/05 08:27 PM

A: Puddy to Elaine

Q: Love is spice of many tastes. A dizzying array of textures...and moments.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/07/05 08:30 PM

A: Puddy about Elaine's bunny slippers.

Q: "Well, what was I supposed to do? Get out of the shower, put on my bathrobe? Go all the way down to the other end? Come all the way back?"
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/07/05 08:33 PM

You beat me goombah...

A: Newman to Kramer

Q: "Well, what was I supposed to do? Get out of the shower, put on my bathrobe? Go all the way down to the other end? Come all the way back?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/08/05 01:37 PM

A: George, to Jerry Elaine, about why he urinated in the shower.

Q: I may have to take it, but I don't have to like it.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/09/05 10:15 PM

Kramer to Jerry about his health food

Q: "...the perfect combination of Mountain Dew and mozzarella...just the right amount of grease on the joy stick..."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/10/05 01:44 AM

A: George to Jerry, about the Frogger game.

Q: Is it me, or was that the ugliest baby you have ever seen?
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/11/05 02:56 AM

Either Elaine to Jerry or Jerry to Elaine
"...like the yeti, or its North American cousin, the Sasquatch."
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/11/05 05:12 PM

A: The Rabbi, talking about the myth of "shiks-appeal."

Q: "How about, it sucked?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/13/05 02:55 PM

A: I know it was Elaine, referring to "The English Patient." Was it to her female friends coming out of the movie or was it to J. Peterman?

Q: It's all this meaningless time. Laundry, grocery, shopping, coming in here talking to you. Do you have any idea how much time I waste in this apartment?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/13/05 06:58 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: I guess you could be an architect?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/13/05 07:10 PM

A: George to Jerry

Q: It's good to have you back, Stan. (Hint: Stan the Caddie has nothing to do with this quote)
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/14/05 02:40 PM

A: Kramer to the car salesman (who's name isn't Stan) in "The Dealership."

Q: "But that’s your routine!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/16/05 05:38 PM

A: Jerry to George about inventing the "it's not you it's me" routine.

Q: You don't eat Oreos? The way you break them open? You're practically having sex with them.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/16/05 06:36 PM

A: Kramer to Elaine about why he thinks that she's getting fat.

Q: "All right, snap out of it you stupid jerk. You're eating a turkey sandwich. What do want, a nobel prize?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/16/05 07:18 PM

A: Jerry to himself when he's in Baboo's "Dream Cafe."

Q: Are you kidding me? For 50 bucks, I'd put my face in their soup and blow.
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/16/05 10:01 PM

A: George in the Chinese Restaurant episode

Q: "Instead of an apology, he was be-boppin' and scattin' all over me."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/16/05 11:09 PM

A: George to Jerry?
Q: We love you like a son, but even parents have their limits
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/17/05 01:56 AM

Frank to George
"Sometimes I like to help the humans out."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/17/05 01:43 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry

Q: That's the phrase the ruined my life. Kaaaaaaaahhhhhhn!
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/17/05 05:58 PM

A: George to Jerry (as he squirts mustard in Jerry's coffee).

Q: "You couldn't smooth a silk sheet if you had a hot date with a babe.. I lost my train of thought."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/17/05 07:32 PM

A: Frank to Krueger at the Festivus dinner. (One of Frank's best lines)

Q: Apparently she doesn't think much of this George fellow either. I recall the word 'loser' peppered throughout her conversation.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/17/05 07:37 PM

A: Rabbi to George or Jerry
Q: Did anybody see that picture in there? Wow, some weird, wild stuff
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/17/05 09:02 PM

A: George to the party guests after he was in the bathroom with the 3-D art. He comes out with his shirt off.

Q: Alright. I don't have grace, I don't want grace...I don't even say grace, OK?
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/18/05 05:28 PM

Elaine to interviewer woman

Q: "Adios muchacho!!!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/18/05 06:05 PM

A: Soup Nazi to Spanish customer
Q: Cotton dockers. If they're not dockers, they're just pants
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/18/05 06:18 PM

A: Kramer mimicking the Dockers commercial to Jerry's soon-to-be ex-girlfriend Donna.

Q: A matador! Well, well, well. Uno momento por favor. Pray tell, what was the young man's name? Eduardo, Carochio! That's good. That's very good. Kind of just rolls of the tongue. I wonder where on the upper west side a single girl might meet a matador? Perhaps Zabars? Or Les Pizza!
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/18/05 06:22 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine

Q: "You're all winners!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/18/05 07:34 PM

A: Lady hosting a NY Marathon party in her apartment to the runners when Jerry tried to get Elaine an apartment in his building before regretting making the offer.

Q: Yes, the volume. There was a separate knob for the radio alarm. Yes, separate knob. Why separate knob?! Why separate knob?!
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/19/05 12:22 AM

Jean Paul to Jerry
"I dont know how you guys walk around with those things"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/19/05 04:27 AM

A: Elaine to Jerry & George about their cocks
Q: Bread...beautiful
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/22/05 01:44 PM

A: George to the Soup Nazi

Q: Well, there goes the money for the lipo...
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/23/05 09:12 PM

A: Jerry to the group in "The Finale."

Q: "Oh, calm down, maroon Golf. He thinks I cut him off. He accelerated."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/24/05 01:31 AM

A: Jerry to Elaine about the driver in the Puerto Rican Day parade who won't let Jerry in.

Q: You think you could keep us out of Florida? We're moving in lock, stock and barrel. We're gonna be in the pool. We're gonna be in the clubhouse. We're gonna be all over that shuffleboard court! And I dare you to keep me out!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/24/05 03:11 AM

A: Frank to Morty
Q: Hi Mike...Indiana
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/24/05 04:57 PM

A: Jerry to Mike (the phony) and George, aka Indiana Jones (b/c of his hat)

Q: If I'm curt, then I appologize. But as I understand it, we have a situation here and time is of the essence.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/24/05 05:22 PM

I can only think of The Wolf from Pulp Fiction
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/24/05 06:24 PM

A: Newman to Mr. Lippman at the end of the Muffin Tops episode.

Q: "Bologna?! No one eats bologna anymore!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/24/05 09:35 PM

A: George to Estelle, when she offered Kramer, George & Jerry sandwiches when George moved back in with his parents.

Q: Do you mean the panties your mother laid out for you?
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/24/05 09:41 PM

A: Jerry to Sandra when he was trying to talk dirty back to her.

Q: "You couldn't "keep track" of everybody?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/25/05 12:47 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry when she was mad about her character not being in the "pilot."

Q: I'm not goin' along. I can just see you in Berlin in 1939 goose-stepping past me: "C'mon Jerry, go along, go along..."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/25/05 03:14 PM

A: Jerry to George
Q: Do you wanna get hurt? Because I can hurt you....what is your problem!? We're taking the arm-wa (sp?) and that's all there is to it!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/25/05 04:23 PM

A: Cedric and Bob (the two "street toughs") to Kramer in the Soup Nazi episode.

Q: What about the homeless? They're always walking around the city. Why not just strap something to them?
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/26/05 11:06 PM

Kramer to Newman

Q: "You stole my Jesus fish, didn't you?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/27/05 01:40 AM

A: Puddy to Elaine

Q: Are you blind? He's a writer. He said his name was Sal Bass. Bass! Instead of salmon, he went with bass. He just substituted one fish for another!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/27/05 07:13 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: "I'm very close to giving this car, that my celebrity friend is considering, my full endorsement. Oooh, let's see if I can get a smile from these femininas. Hey, Ladies! It's the Saab 900! What do you think? Can I interest you in a little supplemental restraint?!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/28/05 12:48 AM

A: Kramer to the car salesman, who Kramer called Stan.

Q: Remember that night I found you at Dinky Donuts? You were all hopped up on cinnamon swirls! They wouldn't serve you anymore! You wouldn't even have any teeth if it wasn't for me taking you over to Joe's fruit stand and stuff a cantaloupe down your throat! So much for gratitude... yeah, yeah, yeah!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/28/05 01:03 AM

A: Kramer to his optometrist friend
Q: I call you pimple popper MD!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/28/05 01:47 PM

A: Jerry to his doctor girlfriend Sara.

Q: And so the legend grew. Everyone wanted me to race. They begged me. The track coach called my parents. Pleading. Telling them it was a sin to waste my god given talent. But I answered him in the same way I answered everyone. I chose not to run.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/28/05 01:55 PM

Jerry to Elaine

Q: "They're gonna take you away to a nice place where you can get some help. They're very friendly people there. My brother-in-law was there for a couple of weeks. The man was obsessed with lactating women. They completely cured him, although he still eats a lot of cheese."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/28/05 07:16 PM

A: Steinbrenner to George before sending Costanza to the nut house.

Q: Well, I hope you're satisfied. Every word out of my son's mouth now is 'f--k, f--k, f--k'. You know what he said to me five minutes ago?
'Where's my f--king cupcake?'
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/01/05 01:13 AM

The cursing kid's father to Jerry
"There's more to life than making shallow, fairly obvious remarks"
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/01/05 03:46 AM

Jerry to Elaine

Q: "Oh yeah, it's the best part. It's crunchy, it's explosive, it's where the muffin breaks free of the pan and sort of does it's own thing, I'll tell you. That's a million dollar idea right there - just sell the tops"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/01/05 12:53 PM

A: Elaine to Lippman

Q: Why is it every half-wit and sitcom star has his own book out now?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/07/05 12:46 PM

Originally posted by goombah:
A: Elaine to Lippman

Q: Why is it every half-wit and sitcom star has his own book out now?
Well, I don't know whether I stumped you guys or not. But that was Lippman to Elaine about working on the J. Peterman book that used Kramer's stories.

New question:

Q: If you can find a woman who can stand you for more than 2 seconds, you should hang on to her like grim death, which isn't far away I might add.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/07/05 02:21 PM

A: Jerry to Uncle Leo.

Q: "Sweet Fancy Moses!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/07/05 02:37 PM

A: George reacting to Elaine's horrible dancing. ("That ain't dancing, Sally.")

Q: But he's outta my life, starting in the year 2000. For me, the next millennium must be Jerry-free!
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/07/05 03:32 PM

A: Newman to Kramer about why he doesn't want Jerry at his Newmanium party!

Q: "You've been the bad employee, the bad son, the bad friend...the bad fiance, the bad dinner guest, the bad credit risk...the bad date, the bad sport, the bad citizen...the bad tipper!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/07/05 03:41 PM

A: Jerry to George
Q: You're a ribbon bully
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/07/05 03:45 PM

A: Kramer to the woman passing out the ribbons at the AIDS walk.

Q: But she really looks like a Lilly.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/08/05 03:31 PM

A: Kramer, who thought Susan's name was Lily.

Q: "All you got to do is jiggle it with this screwdriver."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/08/05 04:34 PM

A: Kramer to the used clothes guy, Rudy.

Q: Again with the sweatpants? You know the message you're sending out to the world with these sweat pants? You're telling the world: "I give up. I can't compete in normal society. I'm miserable, so I might as well be comfortable."
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/08/05 04:54 PM

Goombah, guess again.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/08/05 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Rocky:
Goombah, guess again.
Oh, that's Jerry to George & Kramer when Jerry is accused of mail fraud with his stereo.

Q: Again with the sweatpants? You know the message you're sending out to the world with these sweat pants? You're telling the world: "I give up. I can't compete in normal society. I'm miserable, so I might as well be comfortable."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/08/05 06:22 PM

A: Jerry to George
Q: If you know what happened during the Mets game, don't tell me, I taped it. Hello?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/08/05 07:05 PM

A: Jerry answering the phone in the first episode.

Q: Olly, olly oxen free!
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/08/05 07:23 PM

A: Newman, as he is running and jumping into the pool (on top of Ramon the pool guy) at Jerry's health club.

Q: "I used to be a flight attendant."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/09/05 02:29 PM

A: Wow, Rocky, that was an obscure one. I really had to rack my brain. That was the massage guy talking to George where George though "it" moved. I loved how George kept giving the same answers b/c he was so uncomfortable: "hamstring" and "Korea"

Q: These people work and wait their whole lives to move down here, sit in the heat, pretend it's not hot, and enforce these rules."
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/09/05 03:24 PM

Wow, Goombah, I thought it would take a lot longer before anyone would get that one.

A: Jerry, talking about the old people who move down to Flordia to Kramer.

Q: "What are you like a sadist? No matter how bad somebody feels, you can make 'em feel worse. I bet you're rooting for a tumor."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/09/05 03:40 PM

A: George to his female therapist.

Q: No, no I told you I don't want to do that! If you bring it up again I will feed your genitals to a wolf! Kids!
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/09/05 04:36 PM

A: Raquel Welch on the phone.

Q: "It's a foreign movie... a film, is what it is, actually."
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/09/05 04:38 PM

By the way Goombah...how is your lenten resolution to not watch Seinfeld going? That's got to be tough...a real sacrifice if you ask me.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/09/05 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Rocky:
A: Raquel Welch on the phone.

Q: "It's a foreign movie... a film, is what it is, actually."
A: George to Susan
Q: Oh what a name. Pam...Pam...PAM!
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/09/05 11:05 PM

Kramer to Jerry

Q: "Are you the guy who put us in that Ramada in Milwaukee?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/09/05 11:22 PM

A: Bernie Williams to George
Q: In 6 games (one of my favorite lines)
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/09/05 11:26 PM

George to Derek Jeter (that episode is on FOX tonight )

Q: "No, I mentioned the bisk"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/09/05 11:34 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry & George (I was just thinking about that line yesterday BTW)
Q: He's a mystery wrapped in a Twinkie
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/10/05 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Rocky:
By the way Goombah...how is your lenten resolution to not watch Seinfeld going? That's got to be tough...a real sacrifice if you ask me.
I'm still master of my domain

It's tough. I'm glad there are less than 3 weeks to Easter.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/10/05 12:40 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
A: Elaine to Jerry & George (I was just thinking about that line yesterday BTW)
Q: He's a mystery wrapped in a Twinkie
A: Jerry to Elaine about Newman

Q: May I ask, what do you read in the bathroom?
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/10/05 06:26 PM

A: George to Jerry

Q: "The Andrea Doria collided with the Stockholm in dense fog 21 miles off the coast of Nantucket."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/10/05 06:54 PM

A: Kramer to George & Jerry

Q: Well for starters I want a calzone of my own ...and a slice of pepperoni pizza and a large soda and three times a week - I shall require a canolie .
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/10/05 07:41 PM

A: Mr. Steinbrenner to George?

If so
Q: Alright, let's not get into PANIC mode!
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/10/05 07:56 PM

Answer to Goombah: Newman to George

Answer to Irishman: George to Estelle

Q: "Oh my God! Cosmo, wake up!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/10/05 10:18 PM

A: Kramer's girlfriend (don't know her name) to Kramer when he fell asleep on top of her
Q: And give you an opportunity to see some real disappointed kids
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/11/05 04:23 PM

Irishman, that sounds like something Jerry would condescendingly say to George. Or perhaps Kramer being sarcastic to Jerry? A clue?
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/11/05 04:55 PM

A: That was Jerry's response to George saying that he could "give the kids a chance to see a real live Yankee" at the school presentation.

Q: "I see you're drinking coffee. Just so you know, they also have decaf as well, and I talked to the hostess, they'll also be serving coffee on the plane along with a selection of cocktails and soft drinks."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/11/05 06:21 PM

Good call Rocky.

A: Jerry's manager to Jerry on the plane.

Q: You know, a lot of restaurants are serving brewed decaf now, too.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/12/05 01:48 AM

I think its Bookman to Jerry, but I dont think I'm right
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/12/05 03:59 PM

Q: You know, a lot of restaurants are serving brewed decaf now, too.

Originally posted by Don Sonny Corleone:
I think its Bookman to Jerry, but I dont think I'm right
You have one of the people, but your answer is incorrect.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/14/05 02:28 PM

A: Jerry to Kramer's girlfriend Toby (the heckler who loses her pinky toe).

Q: "Well, there's nothin' more sophisticated than diddlin' the maid and then chewin' some gum."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/14/05 02:51 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry about his maid/prostitute

Q: This is slightly different b/c there's a line in here that I find so funny, but it wouldn't make any sense without the full context. Who was in the exchange below? I'm particularly interested to the answer of the last statement.

Do you go (to the bathroom)in the shower?

No, never.

Do you?

I take baths.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/14/05 03:40 PM

Elaine: Do you go (to the bathroom)in the shower?
Jerry: No, never.
Elaine: Do you?
Kramer: I take baths.

I just took a bath, Jerry. A bath?

No good?

It's disgusting. I'm sitting there in a tepid pool of my own filth. All kinds of microscopic parasites and organisms having sex all around me.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/14/05 04:34 PM

Originally posted by Rocky:
Elaine: Do you go (to the bathroom)in the shower?
Jerry: No, never.
Elaine: Do you?
Kramer: I take baths.

I just took a bath, Jerry. A bath?

No good?

It's disgusting. I'm sitting there in a tepid pool of my own filth. All kinds of microscopic parasites and organisms having sex all around me.
I just think it's hilarious that Kramer leaves open the possibility that he still goes to the bathroom while in a bath.

A: Kramer to Jerry.

Q: Hey, pistol-packin mama, you swing that gal around, Allemande left with the old gray hag, around and around you go. Yee-ha!!
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/16/05 05:26 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry, George and Elaine after he "went for the Big E" in The Pilot, Part II.

Q: "Well, it is good cape weather. Cool. Breezy."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/16/05 07:08 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine about Frank's attorney

Q: Everyone just settle down. We have three hours left on this thing, and I can't drive and argue with you rubes all at the same time.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/21/05 04:05 AM

I think we might need a new question there guy :rolleyes:
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/21/05 12:47 PM

Oh man, I thought that was pretty easy. It was Kramer driving the bus on the Peterman reality tour.

Q: Lately, though, I've been...I've been buying the generic brand of waxed beans, you know. I rip of the label. I can hardly tell the difference.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/22/05 05:22 AM

A: Newman to Kramer
Q: Yeah, why don’t we take this boiler out for a shakedown?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/22/05 02:36 PM

A: Kramer to the car salesman where Puddy works

Q: Oh, hey, I'm being helpful. I am the only one being helpful! I'm trying to prevent my friend from becoming one of those guys people snicker at behind their back, because they look ridiculous! No offense to you personally!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/22/05 05:13 PM

A: Jerry to the wig guy trying to "help" George pick a wig
Q: You extended your hand and I shook it
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/22/05 05:58 PM

A: Jerry to George about the "pact"

Q: So you have fleas. Maybe you keep your house in a state of disrepair. Maybe you live in squalor.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/22/05 06:29 PM

A: Newman to Jerry
Q: This guy doesn't want to wear a ribbon!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/22/05 10:51 PM

A: AIDS walkers to Cedric & Bob, the guys intimidating Kramer

Q: It's not a lie if you believe it.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/22/05 11:29 PM

A: George to Jerry about passing the polygraph test
Q: You can even read the paper
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/24/05 08:21 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry, trying to convince him to have sex with her.

Q: "Boy, I tell ya', knowing you is like going out in the jungle. I never know what I'm going to find next, and I'm real scared."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/24/05 09:04 PM

A: Jerry to George, after George reveals that he takes his shirt off when going to the bathroom.

Q: "A more offensive spectacle I cannot recall."
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/25/05 02:55 PM

Newman to Morty and Helen about Jerry "necking" during Schindler's List

"Her bouquet cleaved his hardened shell
And fondled his muscled heart
He embibed her glistening spell
Just before the other shoe fell
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/25/05 07:00 PM

A: Newman whispering into Kramer's ear to Pam.

Q: In honor of Barney Martin, who passed away today - RIP:
"My wallet's gone. My wallet's gone."
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/26/05 07:46 PM

Morty at the doctor's office

Q: "I didn't know whether to try and keep her from falling, or zip up"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/27/05 01:19 AM

A: George to the gang about when his mother caught him.

Q: Moving cars from one side of the street to the other don't take no more sense than putting on a pair of pants. My question to you is: who's putting your pants on?
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/27/05 01:44 AM

the black guy who normally parked the cars (cant remember his name) to George
"He was running from a bee"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/28/05 04:42 AM

A: Jerry to George, Elaine, and Kramer
Q: Yeah, yeah, I am Batman. Then the mugger, he comes to and he starts choking me
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/28/05 06:51 AM

Kramer for sure; was that the story he was telling about driving a bus and fighting off a robber and he kept making all the stops because the people kept ringing the bell?

"Fourteen years, down the drain."
(Might not be tough for you big Seinfeld buffs, but if so, think about it literally... )
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/28/05 12:42 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine about his vomit streak. (Nice one, Gina)

Q: Did I tell you this guy was a little bonkos?
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/28/05 02:13 PM


A: Regis referring to Kramer when he came on his show to advertise the coffee table book, right?

Q: Inevitably...irrevocably...happy birthday? There is no such thing.
(That's off the top of my head, so it might not be accurate. I usually get the quotes from a site to make sure they're right...)
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/28/05 02:25 PM

A: Jerry to the Chinese lawyer, Cheryl, whom George was dating. (GINA: you need to play this dialogue game more often - you bring some great quotes to the table!)

Q: "The man makes a pretty strong bird. It's the wood that makes it good."
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/28/05 04:06 PM

Originally posted by goombah:
(GINA: you need to play this dialogue game more often - you bring some great quotes to the table!)
I appreciate the compliment! But I was wondering...do y'all think of all of these off the top of your heads? I just can't do that...I'm terrible at that...so I go to a Seinfeld quote site. I only pick quotes that I know from episodes I've seen, of course, and it helps me to get it accurate where I'm not guessing the exact words. Is that "cheating"? I hope not. Anyway, don't think I know yours now...but I'll try to join in again next time I know the one up for grabs.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/28/05 06:45 PM

Originally posted by ginaitaliangirl:
Originally posted by goombah:
(GINA: you need to play this dialogue game more often - you bring some great quotes to the table!)
I appreciate the compliment! But I was wondering...do y'all think of all of these off the top of your heads? I just can't do that...I'm terrible at that...so I go to a Seinfeld quote site. I only pick quotes that I know from episodes I've seen, of course, and it helps me to get it accurate where I'm not guessing the exact words. Is that "cheating"? Anyway, Gina, keep posting when you can. Rocky has been the one who has stumped me the most.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/28/05 06:55 PM

Originally posted by goombah:
Q: "The man makes a pretty strong bird. It's the wood that makes it good."
A: Newman to Kramer, trying to convince him to try the Kenny Rogers Chicken.

Q: "We don't have any feta. How about cottage cheese and Egg Beaters?"
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/28/05 06:58 PM

Originally posted by goombah:
What I do is try to think of something funny and then, to make sure I post it as accurately as possible, check it on a quotation site. I must confess that I've seen some of the episodes so many times that I could recite nearly the entire show. Anyway, Gina, keep posting when you can. Rocky has been the one who has stumped me the most.
Okay, that makes me feel better about checking them on quote sites. I've gotten out of my Seinfeld mode a bit, perhaps with Spring Break, but I think I'll remember better when school starts back because I can keep in mind it'll be on every evening when I get home. Oh, and being able to recite an entire episode is a gift, my friend. Nothing to be ashamed of!

Sorry to butt into the game, here. We oughta start a Seinfeld chat thread just to talk about the show.

Back to the game....from Rocky's quote:

Originally posted by Rocky:
Q: "We don't have any feta. How about cottage cheese and Egg Beaters?"
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/28/05 06:58 PM

Originally posted by goombah:
Rocky has been the one who has stumped me the most.
Don't sell yourself short...you've stumped me a few times. And Irishman is always coming up with some obscure ones too.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/28/05 07:58 PM

A: Helen (Jerry's Mom) to Kramer when Kramer 'retires' down to Florida.

Guess what I'm watching tonight? It's been a long 40 days.

You're thing about 'selling myself short' reminded me of a great exchange b/w Ted Knight & Chevy Chase in "Caddyshack"

Knight: The Bishop is club champion and I'm no slouch myself

Chevy: Don't sell yourself short, Judge. You're a tremendous slouch.

Back to the game:
Q: "Because it is not me that has been exposed, but you! For I have seen the nipple on your soul."
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/28/05 08:17 PM

Congrats on making it through the whole 40 days...that was quite a sacrifice. You'll have to make sure you watch all four episodes tonight; TBS at 6 & 6:30, WUAB at 7:30 and 11.

I love that Chevy Chase comment.

On with the game...

A: Elaine to Fred after her nipple was exposed on her Christmas card.

Q: "A little round circular protuberance. What's the big deal? See everybody's got them."
(I know this is easy, but it was too funny to pass up).
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/28/05 09:07 PM

You'll have to make sure you watch all four episodes tonight; TBS at 6 & 6:30, WUAB at 7:30 and 11.

To quote Kramer: You got that straight!

A: Jerry to Elaine & Kramer

Q: You know they are doing wonderful things at mental institutions these days. I'd be happy to set-up a meet and greet.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/30/05 06:59 PM

Originally posted by goombah:
You'll have to make sure you watch all four episodes tonight; TBS at 6 & 6:30, WUAB at 7:30 and 11.

To quote Kramer: You got that straight!

A: Jerry to Elaine & Kramer

Q: You know they are doing wonderful things at mental institutions these days. I'd be happy to set-up a meet and greet.
Looks like nobody knew this. Jerry to George when George said he'd get married if he had to so Al Nechi wouldn't speak badly of him.

New question:
I'm a man who respects a good coma.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/30/05 07:04 PM

A: Jerry to Gina
Q: I don't have time to smell cars
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/30/05 07:14 PM

A: The restaurant guy to Jerry

Q: No way, this is bogus man!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/30/05 08:52 PM

A: Puddy to Elaine
Q: Oh pull over, we'll get you a house warming gift
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/30/05 09:30 PM

A: Mrs Ross to George about his fake house in the Hamptons.

Q: He won't survive a day in prison with his priors.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/01/05 12:45 PM

A: My last post was Helen to Jerry about Uncle Leo's arrest at Brentanno's bookstore.

Q: "Well, I have to say this seems capricious and arbitrary."
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/05/05 01:41 AM

Kramer to NYU Dean

Q: "Wow! Xanadu!"
Posted By: DonColletti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/05/05 07:06 AM

Kramer to Jerry

"Is it hot?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/05/05 11:51 AM

A: Morty to Jerry about the Wizard aka Tip Calculator

Q: I'll tell you what you did Caligula - you combined food and sex in to one disgusting uncontrollable urge.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/05/05 03:17 PM

A: Jerry to George
Q: No. He doesn't know I ate it. In fact, he almost caught me. I have to sneak back in and even it out.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/05/05 03:20 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry & George about the 19th century cake she ate out of Peterman's fridge.

Q: Two months ago, I saw a provocative movie on cable TV. It was called The Net, with that girl from the bus. I did a little reading and I realized it wasn't that farfetched.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/05/05 03:34 PM

A: Frank to George
Q: It was all an act. They conned us, and they scored, big time.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/05/05 11:57 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry & Elaine about 'Mom & Pop'

Q: Who's this chucker?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/06/05 12:35 AM

A: Keith Hernandez to Jerry about George
Q: I would except I forgot to bring a towel
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/06/05 12:55 PM

A: Jerry to the hot roommate who Jerry wanted to make the 'switch' with

Q: I've seen guys like you before - flashy, making the scene.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/10/05 10:20 AM

A: Library cop Bookman to Jerry

Q: Let's go with an easier one: "All right! But hear me and hear me well - The day will come. Oh yes, mark my words, Seinfeld - your day of reckoning is coming. When an evil wind will blow through your little playworld, and wipe that smug smile off your face. And I'll be there, in all my glory, watching - watching as it all comes crumbling down."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/11/05 02:16 AM

A: Newman to Jerry
Q: He says "I don't want to sleep alone." She says, oh boy, "love to."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/11/05 01:36 PM

A: Kramer interpreting the lip reader for George - his ex-girlfriend Gwynn was talking to a guy named Todd.

Q: No, that ain't dancing Sally.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/11/05 02:21 PM

A: Kramer to Elaine
Q: Marcy comes up and she tells me her ex-boyfriend was over late last night, and "yada yada yada, I'm really tired today."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/11/05 03:24 PM

A: George to Elaine & Jerry about his girlfriend who glosses over her stories with 'yadda yadda yadda.'

Q: David Berkowitz - Son of Sam. The worst mass murderer the post office ever produced.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/11/05 07:35 PM

A: Newman to Earl
Q: You know what I would do to you, if I wasn't in these shackles...
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/11/05 08:03 PM

A: Prisoner being transported on the plane that George sees while making the airport pickup of Jerry.

A: What's he going to do? That's exactly the point. Nobody knows what this guy is capable of. He fires people like it's a bodily function.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/11/05 11:13 PM

George to Jerry re Steinbrenner
"Sure, nobody ever gets shot in the city"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/12/05 12:40 PM

A: Jerry to George about their predicament with the Nazi sympathizers in the limo

Q: Well, I was having this party and I didn't invite him and Jerry tipped him off.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/12/05 06:38 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry and his parents
Q: You know honey for an unadvertised sale you're certainly doing a lot of yapping about it
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/12/05 07:56 PM

A: George to the saleswoman where George was 'guarding' an inexpensive swooshy suit.

Q: If not, I can assure you, doctor, that I can make things very unpleasant for you and your staff - if you have one.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/12/05 09:25 PM

A: Kramer to Elaine's doctor on the phone
Q: I spent my money on the Clapgo D. 29, it's
the most impenetrable lock on the market today...it has only
one design flaw: the door... must be CLOSED!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/13/05 12:18 AM

Hey Irish
Have you seen the Seinfeld dvds? I just got them the other day but haven't watched much. The extras on the last disks of each seem to the best feature (deleted scenes, outtakes, commentary from characters)

A: Jerry to Kramer after Kramer left Jerry's door open resulting in a robbery.

Q: I was in the pool! I was in the pool!
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/13/05 12:22 AM

George referring to his shrinkage

"Shouldn't he say badbye? Isn't that the opposite of goodbye?"

^ I think that was my first full viewing of that episode...I'd only seen bits and pieces until today. Hilarious!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/13/05 01:30 AM

Originally posted by goombah:
Hey Irish
Have you seen the Seinfeld dvds? I just got them the other day but haven't watched much. The extras on the last disks of each seem to the best feature (deleted scenes, outtakes, commentary from characters)
I own them but haven't watched them either. Got them for Christmas but haven't found the time to sit down and watch all of them plus the special features (because I think each volume has 13 hours of special features and I can't watch that, plus the shows with school going on right now). You know Season 4 is coming out next month already
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/13/05 01:34 AM

Originally posted by ginaitaliangirl:
George referring to his shrinkage

"Shouldn't he say badbye? Isn't that the opposite of goodbye?"

^ I think that was my first full viewing of that episode...I'd only seen bits and pieces until today. Hilarious!
A: Elaine to Jerry
Q: Uh, I just went out, I went to look for my friend?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/13/05 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
You know Season 4 is coming out next month already
No I hadn't heard. Season 4, IMO, is when the show really took off. Don't get me wrong, there are some very funny things in the 1st three seasons, but 4 & beyond are really where the show got great.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/13/05 11:42 AM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
Q: Uh, I just went out, I went to look for my friend?
A: George to the movie guy who made George use his extra stub

Q: Can't you just switch with another midget?
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/14/05 02:52 AM

George to Mickey
"Up here, I'm already gone."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/14/05 04:59 AM

A: Kramer to George
Q: He stopped short? That's my move. I'm gonna kill him!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/14/05 12:02 PM

A: Frank to Estelle after Kramer "made a grab" according to Estelle.

Q: If Jerry finds out I'm hooked on Roger's chicken I'm back there with the red menace.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/14/05 12:37 PM

A: Kramer to Newman
Q: Wait a second..I think I see something here. Lets go to the videotape.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/14/05 01:53 PM

A: Kramer when he thinks he sees a bud of hair growing on George's head.

Q: Hey, I'm being heckled on stage. People are yelling out Galloully.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/14/05 04:13 PM

A: Jerry to George & Gennice
Q: You know, it's amazing Peterman hasn't fired that dolt.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/14/05 04:20 PM

A: Peggy talking about Elaine to Elaine, but Peggy mistakenly thought Elaine's name was Suzie.

Q: Well, I wouldn't hear of it. I said, "Nice try, granny!" And I sent her to the back of the line!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/18/05 11:52 AM

A: Newman in the non-fat yogurt shop to his postal employee buddies.

Q: Has anyone ever told you you look exactly like Al Pacino? You know - "Scent Of A Woman?" Who-ah! Who-ah!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/18/05 02:18 PM

A: Elaine to the Soup Nazi
Q: Where's that breeze coming from?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/18/05 02:54 PM

A: Frank to George in the Andrea Doria episode.

Q: My doctor gave me a relaxation cassette. When my blood pressure gets too high, the man on the tape tells me to say "Serenity now!"
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/21/05 12:53 AM

Frank to either Kramer of George
"Not our all the way, thier all the way"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/21/05 12:17 PM

The 'serenity now' to which I was referring was to George & Estelle in the beginning of the episode & then repeated many times. Like you said, to Kramer & George for sure.

A: Jerry to George about engagement

Q: Can you believe it? I'm vomiting on June 29th again.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/25/05 06:41 PM

A: Jerry recalling to Elaine his vomit streak.

Q: In the past twenty years you have caused myself and the city of New York, a good deal of
distress...as we have watched you take our beloved Yankees and reduced them to a laughing stock, all for the glorification of your massive ego!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/25/05 06:54 PM

A: George to "Mr. Steinbrenner"
Q: You heard the man. I guess you gotta be moving your car.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/25/05 08:22 PM

A: George to the "phony" Mike arguing over the parking space in front of Jerry's building.

Q: You can't let the defendant have control of the key piece of evidence. Plus, she's trying it on over a leotard, of course a bra's not gonna fit on over a leotard. A bra gotta fit right up a person's skin, like a glove!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/25/05 09:48 PM

A: Jackie to Kramer
Q: All right, all right, let's go already. They keep you in here a year. They don't give a damn
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/26/05 12:30 AM

A: Morty to the nurses & doctors as he waited to be x-rayed.

Q: "Quiet, you'll get yours in a minute. You couldn't smooth a silk sheet if you had a hot date with a babe...I lost my train of thought."
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/28/05 11:12 PM

Christ goombah, you've stumped me...in the interest of keeping the game going.....
"Excuse me, you majesty, we dont accept bills with lips drawn on the president"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/28/05 11:14 PM

A: Street Vender to George
Q: You got butchered
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/28/05 11:17 PM

Kramer to Geoge's girlfriend who got the nose-job

I had this quote in mind for a while, but I forgot what the first part was, but I'm 90% sure it's

Got that, Cupie Doll?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/29/05 12:22 PM

Sorry I thought that mine was an easier Frank Costanza quote to Krueger at the Festivus dinner.

A: Library cop Bookman to Leslie the librarian.

Q: "Well women do it. I'll tell you what - I'll pick you up a sundress and a parasol and you can just sashey your pretty little self around the town square."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/29/05 01:57 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: I thought I smelled lilac
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/29/05 02:33 PM

A: Jerry to the stewardess

Q: "Yeah - you better give me the insurance. I'm going to beat the hell out of this thing."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/29/05 02:38 PM

A: Jerry to woman behind the counter renting him a car
Q: Alright get out of my way. Alright don't make me get physical here!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/29/05 05:52 PM

A: George to Elaine & Jerry standing in George's way.

Q: You have nothing better to do at three o' clock in the afternoon? I go out for a quart of milk, I come home, and find my son treating his body like it was an amusement park!
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/29/05 11:12 PM

Estelle to George
"Ooh, test tubes, cool."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/30/05 12:06 PM

A: Kramer to the chemist analyzing the non-fat yogurt.

Q: "The sea was angry that day, my friends. Like an old man trying to send back soup at a deli."
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/30/05 06:51 PM

George about his adventures in "marine biology"

Q: "Game Over"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/01/05 12:12 PM

A: Jerry to Kramer after George's Frogger machine was smashed by the oncoming truck.

Q: You stole my Jesus fish, didn't you?
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/02/05 11:34 PM

Puddy to Elaine?
"It looks like your belt is digesting a small animal"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/02/05 11:42 PM

A: Jerry to George
Q: I will show you the stooges
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/02/05 11:57 PM

Jerry to his neighbor in the coma episode.

But something was pulling me back.....he was.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/03/05 12:01 PM

Donny Sonny Corleone: Yes it was Puddy to Elaine

A: George to Jerry & Elaine about the ex-gym teacher Heiman

Q: Maybe the dingo ate your baby.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/03/05 05:13 PM

A: Elaine to woman at party
Q: I can't stand to see you like this! It's eating me up inside
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/03/05 05:25 PM

Kramer to Jerry

Q: That is damn good scotch. I could do a commercial for this stuff. Mmmmm, boy that Hennigan goes down smooth. And afterwords you don't even smell. That's right folks. I just had three shots of Hennigans and I don't smell. Imagine, you can walk around drunk all day. That's Hennigans: the no-smell, no-tell scotch.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/03/05 05:47 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: You have no eye for fashion!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/03/05 06:24 PM

A: Estelle to Frank

Q: What do I need to talk for? To blab to the neighbors about George has a new fem-Jerry
friend or to tell everybody at the coffee shop how George is all mixed up in a perverse sexual amalgam of some girl and his best friend. See now, I've done all that. Now it's time for silence.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/03/05 06:56 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry

Mine wasn't correct (close though)
Q: You have no eye for fashion!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/03/05 07:40 PM

I originally had Frank to Estelle but then changed it.

Your turn.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/03/05 08:01 PM

The Frank part is right but I don't believe it's Estelle
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/03/05 08:23 PM

Here's the scene:
GEORGE: All right. So let me ask you a question. Who was the man in the cape?

FRANK: He was my lawyer.

GEORGE: You lawyer wears a cape..?

FRANK: Yeah. So what?

GEORGE: Who wears a cape?

FRANK: He's very independent & doesn't follow the trends.

ESTELLE: He looks ridiculous in that thing.

FRANK: You have no eye for fashion!!!

ESTELLE: I have no eye for fashion?!?!?!

Go ahead & post a new one.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/03/05 10:32 PM

Yeah that's it. My bad, I thought it was to George. I'll post another one later after my final
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/04/05 05:28 AM

Q: Are you deaf Bradley? I said sit down!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/04/05 12:05 PM

A: Mickey to Kramer when the two were acting out a scene

Q: You think you can keep me out of Del Boca Vista? We're moving in lock, stock & barrell. We're gonna be in the pool. We're gonna be in the clubhouse. We're gonna be all over that shuffleboard court! And I dare you to keep me out!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/04/05 05:11 PM

A: Frank to the Seinfelds
Q: Do you realize in the entire history of western civilization no one has
successfully accomplished the Roommate Switch? In the Middle Ages you
could get locked up for even suggesting it!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/05/05 12:38 AM

A: George to Jerry about dating the hotter roommate.

Q: Ruth, Gehrig, DiMaggio, Mantle ... Costanza?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/05/05 01:18 AM

A: Jerry to George
Q: Listen lady, I got six minutes left on that meter, and I'm not budging til you admit you stole my twenty dollars.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/05/05 02:07 AM

George to the cashier
"Well, what kind of person are you, running around killing people?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/05/05 02:59 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: As far as I can tell your entire enterprise is nothing more than a solitary man with a messy apartment which may or may not contain a chicken.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/05/05 11:47 AM

A: NYU Dean to Kramer

Q: Oh, don't you, Joke Boy? You really think you can manipulate that beautiful young woman like the half-soused nightclub rabble that lap up your inane "observations"?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/05/05 12:31 PM

A: Newman to Jerry
Q: This judge has to use it for some scofflaw. And you know you can't fight
City Hall.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/05/05 06:02 PM

A: Gary (played by Jon Lebowitz) to George about the parking spot

Q: "She call you and your friends big liars. You think she nice girl? Wait till you see her in court - she's a shark! They call her the Terminator. She never lose a case. Now you make her mad. She double the damages. Hasta la vista, baby."
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/06/05 12:06 AM

Ping to Elaine
"Well, I'm great!"
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/06/05 12:57 AM

Jerry to Elaine

Q: "All signs point to yes"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/06/05 12:03 PM

A: Puddy in his "magic 8 ball jacket" to Elaine

Q: This is the most public yet of my many humiliations.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/07/05 02:05 AM

Jackie Chils to audience/Kramer
"That's whats so fascinating!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/07/05 05:14 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine about the chatterbox Rabbi

Q: "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to make love to your mother."
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/07/05 11:08 PM

Frank to George
"Somebody asks me which way Israel is, I dont flip out."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/08/05 12:38 PM

A: Jerry to George in the Cigar Store Indian episode

Q: "Blast! There's no way I can handle eight in addition to my ususal load of one! I'll never get to Hawaii! I'll be stuck in this apartment building forever - the dream is dead."
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/08/05 10:10 PM

Newman to Jerry
"I hate her like poison"
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/08/05 10:41 PM

Mrs Seinfeld about Uncle Leo's wife

Q: "Who's the suit?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/09/05 12:51 PM

A: Frank to George about Krueger, who came to the Festivus dinner

Q: All right, now here's the lowdown. From a certain connection, I've been able to locate some black market shower heads. They're all made in the former Yugoslavia, and from what I hear the Serbs are fanatic about their showers.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/09/05 02:55 PM

I beleive its Newman to Jerry and Kramer, but it might be Kramer to Newman and Jerry.
"We've never had so many complaints.'Where's the rest of this muffin?' 'Who ate the rest of this muffin?'"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/09/05 05:15 PM

A: Rebecca DeMornay to Lippman & Elaine

Q: "You know, one of these days, something terrible is gonna happen to you. It has to!"
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/11/05 11:19 PM

For some reason, I think its to Jerry. It might be George on the episode he keeps saying- "we had a pact"
"He just sunk like a stone!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/11/05 11:25 PM

Don Sonny-
You were close. It was to Jerry, but from Elaine. You had the right episode.

A: Kramer to Kitzmiller about the old guy jumping in East River

Q: "It was like a flabby armed spanking machine."
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/11/05 11:57 PM

Kramer to Jerry
"...which was risky,becuase its near all the knives"
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/12/05 12:00 AM

George to Jerry about screwing his girlfriend in the kitchen.

....is that a.....Drake's Coffee Cake?
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/12/05 12:08 AM

correct, but your reason was wrong. It was about breaking up w/ his girlfriend in the kitchen
Yours was Elane to Newman
"When you're on a stake out, do you find it better to stand up against the wall, or crouch down behind a big plant?"
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/12/05 12:20 AM

Yeah you're right, although mine was Newman to Jerry.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/12/05 01:22 PM

Originally posted by Don Sonny Corleone:
correct, but your reason was wrong. It was about breaking up w/ his girlfriend in the kitchen
Yours was Elane to Newman
"When you're on a stake out, do you find it better to stand up against the wall, or crouch down behind a big plant?"
A: Jerry's monologue when he staked out that female attorney.

Q: Well, I don't wanna get into the whole physics of carbonation with you here, but you know the sound a can makes when you open it? That is the sound of you buying a whole can.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/13/05 01:35 AM

Jerry to Kramer

Q: "What is this? A prophylactic wrapper?"
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/13/05 02:18 AM

Frank to George
"She laughed, so he accused her of being an anti-semite."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/13/05 12:55 PM

A: Jerry on the phone. Jerry thought he was talking to George but wound up dialing the wrong number.

Q: "Yeah, and you can forget about watching TV while you're eating. You know why? Because it's dinner time. And you know what you do at dinner? You talk about your day: 'How was your day today? Did you have a good day today or a bad day today? Well, what kind of day was it? Well, I don't know. How about you? How was your day?'"
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/13/05 04:29 PM

Kramer to Jerry re what its like to be married.
"Why does eveyone think that I'll like people? I hate everyone"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/13/05 06:45 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine

Q: "Yeah, that's how they talk. You know, everyone's either a "bastard" or a "son of a bitch." Yeah, it's like uh.. 'Boy, that son of a bitch Boggs can really hit, uh?!'"
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/14/05 02:22 AM

George to Jerry, w/ Jean Paul Jean Paul listening
"Nothing's finer than being in your diner!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/14/05 06:14 AM

A: Elaine reading what Jerry signed on his picture back to Jerry
Q: Yes, I'm sure! I would know if a tray of food had been served
to me.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/14/05 11:07 AM

A: Elaine to the snotty airline steward serving dinner.

Q: Oh her. She steals from me. Steals my money. She says she doesn't speak English. My ass she doesn't speak English. Plays that freakin' "voo-doo" music, tries to hypnotize me. She thinks she's gonna turn me into a zombie and then rob me blind.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/14/05 06:19 PM

Sid Fields to Jerry

Q: "Well, I think that one of us should leave"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/15/05 03:53 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry

Q: "For a variety of reasons, I don't want to be the one responsible for purchasing costly gasoline."
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/21/05 02:03 AM

In the interest of keeping the game going....
I could see either Jerry or George saying it, but I dont know.
"Jerry wouldnt know delicate beauty if it bludgened him over the head"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/21/05 12:20 PM

BTW, my prev one was Kramer to the car salesman when Kramer was testing driving Jerry's new car on an empty tank of gas.

A: Newman to Kramer in the "Soul Mate" episode

Q: "I love the name Isosceles. If I had a kid, I would name him Isosceles."
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/22/05 11:01 PM

Kramer to Jerry

Q: "He had to use cork-screw pasta"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/23/05 11:49 AM

A: Jerry to Kramer, George & Elaine while waiting for Frank after Frank's "accident."

Q: "Everyone wanted me to race. They begged me. The track coach called my parents pleading. Telling them it was a sin to waste my God-given talent. But I answered him in the same way I answered everyone: 'I choose not to run!'"
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/23/05 11:10 PM

Jerry to, I believe, Elaine
"I'm just a sadist with newer magazines"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/24/05 11:08 PM

A: Tim Watley to Jerry

Q: "Broccoli? You wouldn't eat broccoli if it was deep fried in chocolate sauce."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/25/05 12:30 AM

A: Jerry to Newman
Q: Canceled? Do I still get credit for the pick up? I was here!
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/25/05 01:17 AM

George to Kramer
"...son of a BANG, son of a BOOM!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/25/05 01:50 PM

A: George describing the reaction of the girl he just broke up with to Jerry.

Q: "I can't spend the rest of my life coming into this stinking apartment every ten minutes to pour over the excruciating minutiae of every, single, daily event."
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/25/05 07:18 PM

Elaine to Jerry
"Why? I'm not Jewish"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/26/05 01:11 PM

Good grief, that's a tough one. Kind of vague. I would hazard two guesses: 1) Elaine (probably to Jerry) since she wasn't Jewish or 2) Tim Watley to Jerry?
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/27/05 08:47 PM

Good guess. It was Elaine to Kramer, when he invites her and Jerry to the Jewish Singles Night at the Knights of Columbus. Sorry about the vaugeness
"I'm trying to get a little squirrel to come over to me. I dont want to make any BIG SUDDEN movements."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/28/05 12:30 AM

A: Elaine to Jerry about how her new boyfriend won't do "everything" in the bedroom.

Q: "Please leave a message at the beep. I must be out, or I'd pick up the phone. Where could I be? Believe it or not, I'm not home."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/28/05 01:02 AM

A: George's answering machine
Q: If you don't mind, sir. I'll be here at 8.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/28/05 12:00 PM

A: George to Sid Farkus about George's 1st day as a bra salesman.

Q: "Adjacent to refuse is refuse. You, my friend, have crossed the line that divides man and bum. You are now a bum."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/28/05 05:24 PM

A: Jerry to George
Q: If you're one of us, you'll take a bit
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/29/05 01:01 PM

A: Guy interviewing George, who was wearing the "swooshy" suit

Q: "What the f--- are you doing, you little piece of sh--?!!!"
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/30/05 09:34 PM

Jerry to that kid, Matthew I believe his name was
"Not really. Your voice kind of raises to this comedic ptich."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/31/05 03:47 PM

A: George to Jerry, after Jerry's girfriend explained that Jerry never gets mad.

Q: "Yesterday, I'm a volcano. I try one more call, the machine comes on, and I let fly like Mussolini from the balcony. "Where the hell do you get the nerve? You invite me up for coffee and then you don't call me back for four days?!! I don't like coffee - I don't have to come up. I'd like to get one more shot at the coffee just so I can spit it in your face!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/31/05 04:01 PM

A: George to Jerry
Q: Oh, they are my keys, how weird.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/31/05 06:18 PM

A: George to his date when he was going to 'leave behind' his keys in her apt to get a 2nd date

Q: "Over there, that's Brooklyn. That's where Spike Lee lives. No, that's probably just a dead body, son. You see when the mob kills someone, they through the body in the river."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/31/05 06:25 PM

A: Father to his son seeing Kramer in the river I think
Q: Hey, man what are you hassling me for? This is just a gig, it's not my life. I don't know who Bozo is, what, is he a clown?
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/01/05 12:42 AM

The Birthday clown (named Erik I think) to George
"I dont think we have any bread, but we have water."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/01/05 12:53 AM

A: Mrs. Ross to George, about the missing rye from Schnitzer's

Q: "Before we go any further, I'd just like to point out how disturbing it is that you equate eating a block of cheese with some sort of bachelor paradise."
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/01/05 01:51 AM

Jerry to George
"I've been working out. I'm huge"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/01/05 03:24 AM

A: Kenny to Jerry
Q: He knows how to read. And he also knows finishing an entire book doesn't prove anything. And get this, he's into architecture.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/01/05 06:20 PM

A: George to Jerry about the kid up for the Susan Ross scholarship

Q: "That was the Vice President of the post office. I didn't get the transfer. They knew it wasn't me doing my route! Too many people go their mail! Close to 80%. No body from the post office has ever cracked the 50% barrier! It's like the 3-minute mile!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/01/05 08:00 PM

A: Newman to Jerry
Q: So, my blood is not enough? Would you like a kidney too, because I'll give it to you? I'll rip it out right here and stack it on the table!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/02/05 12:37 AM

Woooah! Irishman - a new avatar? I need a few moments to adjust my eyes...

A: Kramer to Jerry about giving Jerry his blood

Q: "Look at this, look at the hair on the back of my neck. It's all bramble, see it's like thicket back there. Look, I need somebody to shave it for me, huh? "
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/02/05 01:10 AM

I know that's what I always hated about people getting new ones, because you never knew who it was You likes?

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: A velvet scrunchie!
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/02/05 02:04 AM

Kramer to Jerry, and Jerry to Kramer re Pam
"Not too much. You know, they tend to shrink in the water."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/02/05 02:40 AM

A: George to Rachel
Q: Well, there's very little sleeping going on.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/02/05 11:40 AM

Where is the avator from Irish? It's cool, but seeing Scarface was synonymous with you, so it just take some getting used to. Like seeing Joe Montana in a Chiefs uniform.

A: Newman to Kramer about Newman's affair with the super's wife

Q: "I could have been a millionaire. I could have been a fragrance millionaire!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/02/05 01:30 PM

Yeah well now Bill & his sword will have to be synonymous with me. I don't remember how long I had that old avatar but I think it was time for a change. Plus, I think a lot of members know how obsessed I am with the Kill Bill movies and I was always looking for a Kill Bill avatar. I got this from a message board here when I signed up as a member. (I just signed up for the avatar)

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: Common sense and a guy in a wheelchair
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/02/05 02:23 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine about Kramer running a puppet regime in Del Boca Vista for Morty

Q: "Wait till that Uma smells this Uva."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/02/05 02:29 PM

A: Kramer to Elaine about his lotion
Q: Will you stop, I'm on the telephone.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/02/05 06:16 PM

Is that Jerry to Courtney Cox?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/02/05 06:20 PM

No. Sorry, I didn't realize it was used more than once
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/02/05 08:11 PM

How about Estelle to Frank?

If so...

Q: "And we discover yet another talent: posing as a girlfriend for homosexuals."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/02/05 08:17 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine
Q: And you believe this course of action will have a two-pronged effect.
Firstly, the very mention of the idea will cause Sandy to recoil in
disgust, whereupon she will insist that I remove myself from the
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/03/05 12:42 AM

A: Jerry to George about the proposed roommate switch

Q: "I think he's saying 'Son of Sam'! Oh, my God! I knew it wasn't Berkowitz!"
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/03/05 01:25 AM

George to his cousin/girlfriend when Fragile Frankie Merman looked in the window of Jerry's van
"Excuse me, Master Packer, just give me the keys."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/03/05 02:10 AM

A: Elaine to Jerry
Q: Just what you want to see, yeah, you want to trade your hair for some phlegm
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/03/05 12:08 PM

A: Jerry commenting to Elaine about the bakery clerk hacking up a lung while handling their food.

Q: "As far as I can tell, your entire enterprise is no more than a solitary man with a messy apartment which may or may not contain a chicken."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/03/05 01:29 PM

A: Dean Jones to Kramer about Darren's involvement with Kramerica
Q: They're men with jobs! They wear suits and ties. They're married, they have secretaries.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/03/05 06:15 PM

A: George to Jerry right before pitching their tv series idea to NBC

Q: "What are you - out of your mind? Look at you, you're disgusting. You're bald, you're paunchy, all kinds of sounds are emanating from your body 24 hours a day. If there's a woman that can take your presence for more than ten consecutive seconds, you should hang on to her like grim death, which is not far off by the way."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/03/05 06:20 PM

A: Jerry to Uncle Leo
Q: Alright, alright, fine! Don't chip in! But some day, we're gonna be driving along,
we're gonna look out the window, and see her crawling along 5th avenue! Is that what you want?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/03/05 06:28 PM

Awesome line! Kramer to George about the wheelchair that needs to be replaced.

Q: "She's got everything I ever wanted in another human being - except for the walking."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/03/05 06:31 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry & Elaine
Q: I'd rather go to a hanging
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/03/05 07:04 PM

A: George to Elaine when discussing going to a bris

Q: "Did you see me up there? I was killing, ______. Killing. I killed. I'm gonna go pick up some chicks. Good-looking ones, too!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/03/05 07:08 PM

A: Kenny to Jerry
Q: Aw look, I just want you to know that the car is fine. I got her
all fixed up. We're in a nice area, no potholes, no traffic. So there's nothing
to worry about. Okay? In fact, here, somebody wants to talk to you.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/03/05 07:39 PM

A: Tony the mechanic (Robert on 'Everybody Loves Raymond') to Jerry

Q: "Let me see that. That's not 'moops,' you jerk. It's 'Moors.' It's a misprint."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/03/05 07:45 PM

A: Bubbleboy to George
Q: Look, if you think I'm just going to step aside and do nothing while you defile this woman, you're crazy.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/04/05 01:11 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry about the beauty pagent contestant

Q: ""Now see the two of you need to work on trust. And then, and only then, will there be a free exchange of sex and discounts - cornerstones of a healthy relationship."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/04/05 01:47 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry and Elaine
Q: I couldn't help it. We hadn't been alone together in a long time and we just kinda started up a little during the coming attractions and the next thing we knew, the war was over.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/04/05 02:52 AM

Jerry to his mother about making out during Schindler's List
"Nevertheless, someone was crying, and I want to know who it was."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/06/05 06:28 PM

How about a hint Don Sonny? You seem to have us stumped. Or another line from the dialogue.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/06/05 06:43 PM

That is what Mr Pitt said to Elaine as she noticed he was eating his snickers bar with a knife and fork.
"You cant over die, you cant overdry"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/06/05 07:18 PM

A: Jerry to George in the first episode

Q: "Alright, alright, look - I don't have grace, I don't want grace. I don't even say grace, O.K.?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/06/05 08:00 PM

A: Elaine to Ms. Landis
Q: To see Ramon?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/06/05 08:19 PM

A: The two jackass health club employees to Jerry

Q: "Hey, how did you know about the guy in the park?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/06/05 08:40 PM

A: Kramer to Lt. Martel
Q: No thanks, they look like they came out of a cereal box.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/06/05 09:05 PM

A: Jerry in response to Kramer's offer of a bag of condoms

Q: "The man's a goblin. He's only been exposed to smoke for four days. By the time this case gets to trial, he'll be nothing more than a shrunken head."
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/06/05 09:12 PM

Jackie Chils to tobacco execs
"Why not? We're neighbors. What's mine is yours."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/06/05 09:35 PM

A: Jerry in the 'reverse episode' to Kramer when Jerry is shown first moving in.

Q: "If you feed him, he'll never leave."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/07/05 01:33 PM

A: Jerry to Helen
Q: You can make all the laws you want, he's still going to annoy people
Posted By: HalJordan

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/07/05 04:16 PM

what season is that from?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/07/05 04:37 PM

I don't know which season
Posted By: HalJordan

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/07/05 06:52 PM

towards the beginning or end
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/07/05 07:00 PM

Towards the beginning more than the end
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/07/05 07:13 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
A: Jerry to Helen
Q: You can make all the laws you want, he's still going to annoy people
Is that Jerry to Elaine? If so, what were they talking about - I can picture it...
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/07/05 07:26 PM

Jerry's talking about Kramer, but are you SURE it's to Elaine?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/07/05 07:46 PM

I'm sure of nothing

How about Jerry to Helen? If that's not it, how about another line from the scene as a hint...
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/07/05 07:48 PM

Honestly, I don't remember who Jerry was talking to. I remember that line very clearly and remember it was in the coffee shop but can't remember who it was to

You can post a new one if you'd like
Posted By: HalJordan

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/07/05 07:48 PM

Please do
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/07/05 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
Honestly, I don't remember who Jerry was talking to. I remember that line very clearly and remember it was in the coffee shop but can't remember who it was to

You can post a new one if you'd like
Damn you, Irishman, you useless pustule! (to paraphrase Newman)

OK, new question:

Q: "It was very nice of you to bring the man you're currently sleeping with over to talk to me, but I assure you, I don't have any problem with germs."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/07/05 08:12 PM

A: Peggy to Elaine
Q: Do you see the irony here? You're rejecting somebody because they're bald.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/08/05 12:07 PM

A: Elaine to George

Q: "Well what about you? What do you think The Gap in Rome has that's not in The Gap on Broadway?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/08/05 01:22 PM

A: Puddy to Elaine
Q: Excited? I'm gonna kill her! She knew she was coming here and she made me carry that box?!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/08/05 02:06 PM

A: Jerry to George about Sally

Q: "Me forget it? You should forget it! You're livin' in the past, man! You're hung up on some clown from the sixties, man!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/08/05 02:52 PM

A: Eric the clown to George
Q: Saturday night with your parents. Unless I'm your sister this is a date.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/08/05 03:16 PM

A: Elaine to Todd Gak

Q: "So then I start doing these yelping noises. Like 'yip...yip'. No reaction because the guy is so focused, you see, he can just block out anything that's going on around him. See - that's how he played baseball. He dunks like he hits."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/08/05 03:18 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry (I think Elaine & George might have been there too, but definitely Jerry)
Q: Yes, I'm sure. I went in to get my X-Ray, somebody takes my wallet. Is that the operation here?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/08/05 03:49 PM

Q: Morty to the back specialist Leo set up

A: "The Dominicans are rolling them too tight. Well, that's why you gotta get real Cubans."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/08/05 04:46 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: It's overtipping. I just left five bucks for a BLT.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/09/05 12:44 PM

A: The old guy in the restaurant to Morty about the "Willard" tip calculator, the "Wizard's" cheap knock-off.

Q: "Oh... here's a fact. Uh, I'm... the Wiz! I'm the Wiz & noooobody beats me!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/09/05 12:58 PM

A: Elaine's boyfriend (can't remember his name in the show) to Elaine in the coffee shop when he gets his job back
Q: Well, we've discussed this, here's the feeling. You got a greeting starts with an 'H', how's twenty bucks sound?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/09/05 01:39 PM

A: I love that scene Bank manager to Kramer

Q: "Hey, I had the show of my life last night. I ad-libbed
like ten new minutes. I did this thing on the Ottoman Empire. Like, what was this? A whole empire based on putting your feet up?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/09/05 01:46 PM

A: Jerry to Kramer
Q: Is that so unforgivable? Is that like breaking a commandment? Did God say to Moses thou shalt not pick?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/09/05 01:52 PM

A: Jerry to George

Q: "Let's see if you can get it in your head that this is not an Easter egg hunt for your childish amusement."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/09/05 01:54 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry about his key
Q: It's wrinkled. It's worthless
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/09/05 03:17 PM

A: George to Jerry about the dollar Jerry lended George in the car dealer.

Q: "Have you ever been through an audit? It's hell. It's the financial equivalent of a complete rectal examination. I would have killed this man. Torn him limb from limb, ripped the flesh right off his bones."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/09/05 03:58 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine
Q: You think I want another family? My father's demanding my uncle to pay interest on $50 he was supposed to give my mother in 1941, and my uncle put my nana in a home to try and shut her up!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/09/05 06:59 PM

A: Jerry to George

Q: "I remember when the librarian was a much older woman. Kindly, discreet, unattractive. We didn't know anything about her private life. We didn't want to know anything about her private life. She didn't have a private life."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/09/05 07:04 PM

A: Bookman to Marian and Kramer

Sorry mine wasn't correct (although it was close)
Q: You think I want another family? My father's demanding my uncle to pay interest on $50 he was supposed to give my mother in 1941, and my uncle put my nana in a home to try and shut her up!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/09/05 07:37 PM

How about Jerry to the K-man?

If so...

Q: "What do think I tell Jerry everything? It's not like he's my wife."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/09/05 07:41 PM


A: George to Gary
Q: Yeah, well, Joe Pepitone or not, I own the inside of that plate. So I throw one, you know, inside, you know, a little chin music, put him right on his pants. Cause I gotta intimidate when I'm on the mound. Well the next pitch,
he's right back in the same place. So, I had to plunk him.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/10/05 03:22 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry & Elaine about fantasy camp

Q: "You're on, cowboy!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/10/05 03:30 AM

A: Kramer to Earl
Q: Who put cookies in his mouth?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/10/05 11:56 AM

A: Paramedics to Elaine, Jerry & Kramer about Elaine's 66 yr old boyfriend.

Q: "Hey these are very comfortable pants. You know what I paid for these _______? They're good around the house and they're good for outside."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/10/05 12:30 PM

A: Morty to Jerry
Q: And I got news for you. I show up with Ring Dings and Pepsi, I become the biggest hit at the party. People be coming up to me, "just between you and me I'm really excited about the Ring Dings and the Pepsi.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/10/05 04:29 PM

A: George in the car to Elaine, Jerry & Kramer

Q: "Two months ago, I saw a provocative movie on cable TV. It was called The Net, with that girl from the bus. I did a little reading and I realized - it wasn't that far-fetched."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/10/05 04:38 PM

Sounds familiar, I think it's Elaine but I'm not 100% sure
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/10/05 04:39 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
Sounds familiar, I think it's Elaine but I'm not 100% sure
Good guess, but no. Hint: it wasn't one of the 4 main characters speaking the line.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/10/05 04:48 PM

In my best Jerry voice: NEWMAN! But I don't know to whom. I'd say either to Kramer or Jerry
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/10/05 05:59 PM

Frank Costanza to George

Q: "How do you know we're not together? Two guys ,sitting laughing, drinking Champagne Coolies."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/10/05 06:03 PM

A: Jerry to Jessie
Q: Excuse me. Am I talking to you, Pinhead? Am I!?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/10/05 06:13 PM

A: George to the Rage-a-holic speaker.

Q: "Uh, you know what? Why don't you put it in the car so I don't accidentally toss it in that dumpster?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/12/05 02:22 PM

A: Jerry to the woman he was going on the weekend with to Pennsylvania Dutch country, whom he broke up with for 10 hours while hiding from the "Lopper."

Q: "You screwed me again, Pennypacker."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/13/05 03:30 PM

I think you have me goombah
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/13/05 03:42 PM

"A.J. Pennypacker" was the alias Kramer used when posing as a businessman in the Punta de Mayo store with Elaine. After he messed up pricing all items down to 99 cents, Elaine made the comment to the K-man.

Go ahead with a question.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/13/05 03:43 PM

Na you stumped me, it's still you
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/13/05 04:24 PM

Q: "Somebody put a cane on my foot. Just like the one I'm going to put up your..."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/13/05 04:31 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry
Q: You're killing independent George!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/13/05 07:03 PM

A: George to Elaine

Q: "Attention Steinbrenner and front-office morons! Your triumphs mean nothing. You all stink. You can sit on it and rotate!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/13/05 09:49 PM

A: George in the parking lot of Yankee Stadium
Q: I'll call a plumber right now!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/14/05 01:44 AM

A: George to Elaine & Jerry about when he peed in the shower at the health club

Q: "We've never gotten so many complaints. Every two minutes, 'Where is the top of this muffin? Who ate the rest of this?' Why don't you just drop off some chicken skins and lobster shells?"
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/14/05 02:19 AM

The homeless shelter lady complaining to Elaine about the Top of the Muffin To You store

Saw that one today; I either had never seen it, or forgotten it, and it was hilarious! It seems I always catch re-runs, so it was nice to see a new one.

"The last thing this guy's qualified to give a tour of is reality."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/14/05 02:40 AM

A: Jery to George
Q: Lady you sold me
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/14/05 05:58 PM

A: Cop to Elaine when she walked by with her shirt unbuttoned

Q: "Alright, hobo Joe. I didn't wanna put a damper on your little smorgasborgh here, but it's the end of the week so I added up your tab."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/14/05 06:02 PM

A: Jerry to Kramer
Q: The Duty Free Shop? Duty Free is the biggest sucker deal in retail. Do you know how much duty is?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/14/05 06:59 PM

A: George to Kramer

Q: "Remember that night I found you at Dinky Donuts? You were all hopped up on cinnamon swirls! They wouldn't serve you anymore! You wouldn't even have any teeth if it wasn't for me taking you over to Joe's fruit stand and stuff a cantelope down your throat! So much for gratitude... yeah, yeah, yeah!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/14/05 07:02 PM

A: Kramer to Dwayne
Q: Um, interesting texture. It's chewy. I gotta get, some air.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/14/05 09:22 PM

A: Kramer to Lloyd Braun & the movie hot dog vendor

Q: "I don't want her to think I'm one of those low-rise brief kind of guys."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/16/05 02:51 PM

A: Jerry to George about why Jerry doesn't want his girlfriend to know he shaves his chest

Q: This thing is a...is a behemoth. I was making a simple lane change. I...I put on the blinker and it took off on me. And the next thing you know, I was submerged. I'm telling you, I'm very lucky that those crocs didn't get me."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/16/05 03:00 PM

A: Jack to Jerry about the car he smashed
Q: I really wouldn't know about that. I don't watch much TV. I like to read. So what do you do, a lot of that "did you ever notice?" this kind of stuff.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/16/05 04:16 PM

A: George pretending to have run into Jerry in the coffee shop when Jerry was with Duncan, discussing the infamous race from high school.

Q: "Are you having an affair with George?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/16/05 04:28 PM

A: Susan to Elaine
Q: Well, if I hear you correctly and I think that I do, my advice to you is to finish your meal, pay your check, leave here, and never mention this to anyone again.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/16/05 08:42 PM

A: George to Jerry re: the proposed roommate switch

Q: "I can't do this knowing that Ted Danson makes that much more than me. Who is he?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/16/05 08:50 PM

A: George to Jerry about the pilate
Q: You are promoting a benefit to CLOTHE homeless people. You can't come out dressed like that! You're all puffed up! You look like the Count of Monte Cristo!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/17/05 12:00 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry

Q: "Look at this. I told them medium rare, it's medium. I bet that cook is an anti-Semite."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/17/05 01:43 PM

A: Uncle Leo to Jerry
Q: Actually, I did. I put it on last night and slept in it.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/17/05 02:55 PM

A: Jerry to Banya

Q: "Look away. I'm hideous."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/17/05 03:36 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: You've got to get back down to the dealer. Puddy is screwin? me on this car, which is yellow now!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/17/05 07:48 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine

Q: "You know if you take everything I've ever done in my entire life and condense it down into one day...it looks decent."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/17/05 08:20 PM

A: George to Jerry & Kramer
Q: I wasn't going to say anything, but then I could see that he wasn't
going to open his mouth.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/19/05 05:44 PM

A: George to Robin (Elaine's friend) and her husband

Q: "Now you gotta shut up! I'm sorry, I..I haven't spoken in days."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/19/05 07:08 PM

A: Kramer to Sally
Q: Well we're talking with Elaine Benes, Adult film star on the set of her new picture "Elaine does the Upper
West side"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/20/05 12:44 AM

A: Kramer narrating as he videotaped Elaine while also videotaping George in hopes of seeing the later grow hair.

Q: "I feel like a naked innocent boy roaming the countryside."
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/20/05 06:48 PM

Sorry to interrupt the game, but I figure this is the best place to find the answer.

Does anyone here know the title of the episode in which Jerry gives his girlfriend's belly/bellybutton a "voice"? Where it goes "H-E-L-L-O-O-O-O!" and "LA, LA, LA!" in a "jovial" way? If not, I'll just browse through an episode guide, but I figured I'd check here first. Thanks.

Back to goombah's quote:

Q: "I feel like a naked innocent boy roaming the countryside."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/20/05 07:38 PM

Originally posted by ginaitaliangirl:
Sorry to interrupt the game, but I figure this is the best place to find the answer.

Does anyone here know the title of the episode in which Jerry gives his girlfriend's belly/bellybutton a "voice"? Where it goes "H-E-L-L-O-O-O-O!" and "LA, LA, LA!" in a "jovial" way? If not, I'll just browse through an episode guide, but I figured I'd check here first. Thanks.


It's "The Voice" from Season 9, 2nd episode of the season. At least, that's according to Stan The Caddy

One of my favorite episdoes. I love the Kramerica intern storyline, as well as the "voice."

Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/20/05 08:07 PM

Goombah, thanks a million!

I caught some of it a couple of days ago, and I've been imitating it ever since. I think I'd seen it before then, but I didn't remember much. I actually missed a lot of the Kramerica part... Anyway, it was just cracking me up, and I'll probably overuse the line just like Jerry did. Thanks!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/20/05 08:16 PM

This is how Kramer decided he needed an intern after deeming himself "too busy."

Kramer: Look at this, they are redoing the Cloud Club.

Jerry: Oh, that restaurant on top of the Chrysler building? Yeah, that's a good idea.

Kramer: Of course it's a good idea - it's my idea. I conceived this whole project two years ago.

Jerry: Which part? The renovating the restaurant you don't own part or spending the two hundred million you don't have part?

Kramer: You see I come up with these things, I know they're gold, but nothing happens. You know why?

Jerry: No resources, no skill, no talent, no ability, no brains?

Kramer: (interrupts) No - no time! It's all this meaningless time. Laundry, grocery, shopping, coming in here talking to you. Do you have any idea how much time I waste in this apartment?

Jerry: I can ball park it.
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/20/05 08:32 PM

Oh, that's hilarious! Kramer's got his own beat, I tell you. The intern part that I did see was toward the end, I believe, when he was going to leave. Kramer kept opening the door over and over.

Oh, here's the lines, thanks to the site you posted:

(Kramer slams door)

(Kramer opens door)

Kramer: Well, you're still here?

Darren: I haven't had time to leave.

Kramer: Well, I haven't changed my mind.

(Kramer slams door)

(Kramer opens door)

Kramer: Well, you are a tenacious little monkey. Alright, I'll do it. Kramerica industries lives! Let's get back to work!

(Kramer slams door)

(Kramer opens door)

Kramer: Let's see what Jerry has to eat.

Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/21/05 08:30 PM

Originally posted by goombah:
A: Kramer narrating as he videotaped Elaine while also videotaping George in hopes of seeing the later grow hair.

Q: "I feel like a naked innocent boy roaming the countryside."
I'm stumped goombah
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/21/05 08:38 PM

A: Kramer describing not wearing any underwear to Elaine & Jerry

Q: "My wallet's gone, my wallet's gone!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/21/05 08:39 PM

A: Jerry's father in the doctor's office after he went for his X-Ray
Q: Alright I'm canceling the father-son picnic. I don't know what he's gonna do with all that potato salad
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/21/05 08:50 PM

A: George to Daphne

Q: "Oh that's interesting because as everyone knows, since there was no year zero, the millennium doesn't begin until the year two-thousand and one. Which would make your party, one year late, and thus, quite lame. Ooooooohhhh!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/22/05 02:00 AM

A: Kramer to Newman
Q: Alright, that's it. Alright, good, eight thousand dollars. Cynthia, again, nice meeting you.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/22/05 07:13 PM

A: George to NBC exec Dowripple & his date

Q: "I like to think I'm like you - only successful."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/22/05 07:51 PM

A: Jerry to George
Q: Rugged? The man's a goblin. He's only been exposed to smoke for four days. By the time this case gets to trial, he'll be nothing more than a shrunken head.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/23/05 05:29 PM

A: Jackie Chiles to the other attorneys in Kramer's case against the tobacco companies

Q: "Nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine bottles and cans in the trunk, nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine bottles and cans. At ten cents a bottle and ten cents a can, we're pulling in five hundred dollars a man!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/23/05 08:15 PM

A: Kramer & Newman singing to each other
Q: Well, looks like you're in the hole $3200. Will that be cash or check?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/24/05 01:13 PM

A: Earl to Kramer while betting on arrivals at the airport

Q: "Don't you see what Whatley is after? Total joke telling immunity. He's already got the two big religions covered, if he ever gets Polish citizenship there'll be no stopping him."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/24/05 03:42 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine
Q: I recall the word loser peppered throughout her conversation.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/24/05 05:53 PM

A: The Rabbi to Jerry

Q: "I'm sure "Jon" probably mispelled his own name. I know sometimes I spell Jerry with a 'G'...and an 'I'!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/24/05 06:17 PM

A: Jerry to George
Q: Hey, I just chalked down the message. I didn't know I was required to capture the mood of each caller.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/25/05 01:16 AM

A: Jake Jarmel to Elaine

Q: "Look who's eating at six o'clock. Your suddenly well-to-do president. But you enjoy your last meal in office. Tomorrow, when they kick you out, you'll have plenty of time to drive around in your Cadillac."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/25/05 01:27 AM

A: Jack to Morty
Q: Take it easy. Take it easy. It's not the end of the world
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/25/05 06:04 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry about the sauce that was smashed in Jerry's suitcase

Q: "I've been reading some of your material here. I gotta be honest with you: you make a pretty strong case. I mean, just imagine. An army of men in wool pants running through the neighborhood handing out pottery catalogs, door to door."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/25/05 06:31 PM

Mine wasn't correct

Q: Take it easy. Take it easy. It's not the end of the world
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/26/05 10:04 AM

A: George to his girlfriend when a car cut him off and he was reacting in the opposite of how he normally would.

Same question:
Q: "I've been reading some of your material here. I gotta be honest with you: you make a pretty strong case. I mean, just imagine. An army of men in wool pants running through the neighborhood handing out pottery catalogs, door to door."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/26/05 03:37 PM

A: Postmaster General to Kramer
Q: What typical? Gimme typical. Gimme some typical.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/26/05 11:58 PM

A: George to Jerry

Q: "I mean I love just seeing you and having sex. Not having to do all that, you know - work. Hearing about how everyone at work isn't as smart as you. It's brutal."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/29/05 01:40 PM

I'm gonna need a new one goombah
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/29/05 03:04 PM

A: My previous one was Puddy to Elaine

Q: "I should be giving you money. But I'm not!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/30/05 12:30 PM


I'm heading for vacation after today, so carry on the Seinfeld dialogue game 'til I get back. Have a good 4th!

Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/30/05 01:01 PM

Thanks yoy too. You've got me stumped again Besides, you are I seem to be the only consistent posters in this thread
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/30/05 02:09 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
Thanks yoy too. You've got me stumped again Besides, you are I seem to be the only consistent posters in this thread
I know, I don't understand what happened to some of the other posters as of late. My latest question was Uncle Leo to Jerry. I'm not as busy as I thought today, so I'll post an easy one and check back throughout the day.

Q: "Oh, and by the way, they're real and they're spectacular!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/30/05 07:18 PM

A: Sidra to Jerry
Q: How do you get fired from a volunteer job?
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/03/05 03:07 PM

Jerry to George (the old man episode)

Q: "Tell that to Bobby Colby. All that kid wanted to do was go home. Well he went home alright, with a crater in his colon the size of a cutlet! They had to sit him on a cork the eighteen-hour flight home!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/03/05 03:10 PM

A: Frank to Kramer
Q: She probably never heard it. Don't you see what this means? It's like the whole thing never happened. It's like when Superman reversed the rotation of the earth to save Lois Lane!
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/03/05 03:21 PM

George to Jerry (about the "I love you")

Q: "If I'm curt, then I appologize. But as I understand it, we have a situation here and time is of the essence"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/03/05 03:37 PM

A: Newman to Mr. Lippman & Elaine
Q: Get a good look Costanza?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/06/05 11:05 AM

A: NBC exec Russell Dowripple to George after Costanza gawks at Russell's daughter's nice cleavage.

Q: "Just when I think you're the shallowest man I know, you somehow manage to drain a little bit more out of the pool."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/06/05 12:53 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry
Q: Well, of course they're trying to screw you. What do you think? That's what they do. They can make up anything. Nobody knows. "By the way, you need a new Johnson rod in there." "Oh, a Johnson rod. Yeah, well, you better put one of those on."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/06/05 04:15 PM

A: One of my favorite George lines to Jerry.

Q: "What's the deal with styrofoam? I mean, why do we need this stuff? And, why...do they make it so small?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/06/05 04:20 PM

You have got me there
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/06/05 08:10 PM

It's Kramer giving Jerry "advice" of adding that specific bit to his act.

Q: "Who figures an immigrant is gonna have a pony?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/06/05 08:13 PM

A: Jerry to everyone at the dinner table about Nana's pony
Q: Twelve dollars? I knew we should have gone to the bakery. I guarantee you they aren't getting no twelve dollar cake.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/07/05 08:55 PM

A: George to Kramer about having to get the wine for the dinner party.

Q: "The man makes a pretty strong bird. It's the wood that makes it good."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/07/05 10:11 PM

A: Newman to Kramer
Q: ook, I know what I?m doing here George.
GEORGE: This is not a Metallica concert, it?s an opera alright, a little dignity, a little class, just give me my ticket, I will stand over here and sell it.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/08/05 12:21 AM

A: Exchange b/w George & Kramer about selling the extra opera ticket

Q: "He's a mystery wrapped in a Twinkee."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/08/05 12:45 AM

A: Jerry to Elaine
Q: Sand, I can get rid of the sand. Look there is still some in here, it won't go away! Look I even got sand in the pockets!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/08/05 08:11 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry

Q: "It's like I'm Neil Armstrong. I turn around for a sip of Tang and you jump out first."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/09/05 01:00 AM

A: Kramer to George
Q: No, no, no. Seriously. You're in the owner's box, and I don't think it's a good idea.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/09/05 02:09 AM


You were half right about who was involved in your answer to my question. I'll give you a hint that it was in the one where everybody but George saw George's girlfriend topless before he did.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/09/05 02:16 AM

It's not George to Kramer?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/09/05 01:50 PM

Nope, it was George to Jerry.

A: Nina's father to Elaine about wearing the Orioles hat in the Yankees owner's box.

Q: "You wanna know what happened to Kramer? I'll tell you what happened to Kramer. He was ticked off. About the keys. Yeah, that's right - about the keys. Thought he got a bad rap."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/09/05 11:46 PM

A: Newman to Jerry
Q: She thinks a guy who lies about a life-threatening illness, so he can get some phony hair has perspective?
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/10/05 12:18 AM

Jerry to George, or prehaps its Kramer
"Yes, I hope my parents go long before I do."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/10/05 12:18 AM

A: Jerry to George re: Jon Lovitz's character

Q: "What does this guy listen to the all "Desparado" station?"
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/10/05 12:29 AM

Jerry to Elaine
mine still stands
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/10/05 02:31 AM

Answer to Don Sonny:
George to Susan's parents

Q: My prev question still stands
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/10/05 02:48 AM

Originally posted by goombah:
A: Jerry to George re: Jon Lovitz's character

Q: "What does this guy listen to the all "Desparado" station?"
A: Jerry to Elaine
Q: My Broadway takes people like you and eats them up and spits them out. My Broadway is the Broadway of Merman, and Martin, and Fontaine, and if you think you can build yourself up by knocking other people down
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/10/05 03:04 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry's girlfriend, who was Bette Midler's understudy in "Rochelle Rochelle."

Q: In 1979 I ticketed a brown Dodge Diplomat for parking in a Church zone. That fine was never paid and since then that scofflaw has piled up more parking tickets than anyone in New York City. For sixteen years I pursued him, only to see him give me the slip time and time again. I never got a clean look at his face, but he's become my
'white whale'. ________, that day was yesterday! But thanks to you, I don't know if I'll ever get that chance again!"
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/13/05 02:46 PM

Police Officer to Kramer

Q: "I don't know how official any of these rankings really are"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/13/05 03:31 PM

A: Jerry to Izzy
Q: An hour and a half! I was reading a manuscript, I just couldn't put it down.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/13/05 03:53 PM

A: Kramer after being in Jerry's toxic apartment

Q: "You think you're better than me? It's "go" time!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/13/05 03:58 PM

A: Izzy Jr. to Jerry
Q: Nobodies going to believe him, he's a door man
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/13/05 06:27 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry

Q: "We had a funny guy with us in Korea. A tailgunner. They blew his brains out all over the Pacific...there's nothing funny about that."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/13/05 06:35 PM

A: Alton to George and Jerry
Q: Say you go to the bathroom at two o'clock in the morning, what's the outfit? I mean, you dressing up or is it come as you are?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/14/05 12:52 AM

A: George to his girlfriend Bonnie

Q: "That's why I can never be president...it always irked me. That's why, even at an early age, I had no interest in politics. I refuse to vote. They don't want me, I don't want them!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/14/05 01:40 AM

A: Frank to Elaine and George
Q: It's like I'm thinking of something, and you're one step ahead of me.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/14/05 11:47 AM

A: George to his NY Yankee secretary Ava

Q: "What's the deal with you and Vegetable Lasagna here? If it were up to me, we'd still be together."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/14/05 12:41 PM

A: Puddy to Elaine
Q: No, Lindsay, I had accidentally spilled coffee on the gentleman's windshield. Why would I do that? I have a job! Well, did she see a squeegee? Well, you're not going to make a dime without a squeegee.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/14/05 01:56 PM

A: George to Lindsay

Q: "So you're so grateful to have sex, that you'll just shout out anything that comes into your head?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/14/05 02:09 PM

A: Jerry to George
Q: Yes, they're important! If you stumble, if you hesitate, you can kiss the crown goodbye. Now if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times - poise counts! It's just as important as the others. Swimsuit! Evening wear! Talent! POISE!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/14/05 11:20 PM

A: Kramer to the Miss America contestant

Q: "Biff..."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/14/05 11:54 PM

A: Carrie to George?
Q: My parents? They don't know what's going on
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/15/05 01:52 PM

Mine was not correct. It was used frequently in the first 2-3 seasons of the show.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/15/05 02:00 PM

I have no idea then
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/15/05 05:03 PM

It was Jerry to George

Answer to yours: George to the NYU reporter Sharon

Q: "There were old people there, all the relatives. You were like a Redd Foxx record. I mean, at the end of the toast nobody even drank. They were just standing there - they were just frozen! That might have been one of the worst all-time toasts."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/18/05 02:06 PM

A: Jerry to George
Q: No I'm sorry, not on my watch!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/18/05 04:08 PM

A: That could actually be two scenes: 1) Kramer to Jerry's girlfriend about trying the shrimp in the Hamptons or 2) Peterman thinking Kramer was selling opium to Elaine

Q: "I think the horse is gassy."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/18/05 04:16 PM

It was #1

A: Mrs. Ross to Mr. Ross about Rusty the horse
Q: Oh...oh...oh, wanna get some pizza!?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/18/05 07:05 PM

A: Jerry to girlfriend Amy, whom he accused of making out with cousin Jeffrey

Q: "You know who you are? Even Steven!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/18/05 07:10 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: You know, I could hear you on the other line...
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/18/05 08:19 PM

A: George to Jerry about the two-line phone.

Q: "Oh, no. It's not that I don't think you can. I know that you can't, and I'm positive that you won't.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/18/05 09:13 PM

A: Jerry to Kramer
Q: I'm proud of you (that one might be a little hard but I believe it's towards the beginning of the series as opposed to later episodes)
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/19/05 01:57 PM

Don't have the slightest clue
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/19/05 02:11 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry when Kramer tears up a women's phone number for Jerry
Q: Pretentious!? The woman has my tax papers. You told her she was pretentious? The IRS. They're like the MAFIA. They can take anything they want
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/19/05 03:14 PM

A: Jerry to George

Q: "It was all over! Taken care of. Done! Finished! $5,000...Where's she gonna get five thousand? She doesn't have five thousand. Clean. Good bye. She's gone. Then you come in, "Why don't you loan her five thousand? What do you care? You've got five thousand. Give her the five thousand..."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/19/05 03:20 PM

A: Jerry to Kramer
Q: How 'bout taking your top off?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/19/05 03:27 PM

A: The Bubble Boy to Susan

Q: I don't know, my bathing suit? That's a little familiar, I don't want your..."boys" down there.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/19/05 03:28 PM

A: Jerry to Kramer
Q: Bye, thanks. I can't believe she took the money
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/19/05 06:44 PM

A: George to Jerry about Susan taking the dry cleaning $.

Q: "What? What is nice? Trying to fill the void in your life with flour and sugar and egg and vanilla? I mean, we are all unhappy. Do we have to be fat, too? Not you Becky, I know you have a slow metabolism. I don't want one more piece of cake in my office!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/19/05 07:03 PM

A: Elaine to her workers
Q: Don't you understand the very thought, the very idea, I'll never be comfortable again.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/19/05 08:55 PM

A: Frank to Estelle & George about the idea of a mouse in the house

Q: "You're as attractive as any of them - you just need a nose job."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/19/05 09:54 PM

A: Kramer to George's girlfriend (can't think of her name)
Q: No you can't. Now let's cut the ball, sister! You think I don't know about you swapping spit with somebody yesterday on Columbus Avenue?
Posted By: Tony Love

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/19/05 10:24 PM

Wasn't that Jerry to his girlfriend?

"You contribute nothing to society!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/19/05 10:42 PM

A: Kramer to his girlfriend
Q: Ah hah. You see Father, I'm I'm incredibly anxious to become a member. Um, don't you offer any kind of an express conversion? A quick change?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/20/05 12:30 AM

A: George to the Latvian Orthodox rabbi/father

Q: "So then I start doing these yelping noises. Like 'yiiip yiiip'. No reaction because the guy is so focused, you see, he can just block out anything that's going on around him. See, that's how he played baseball. He dunks like he hits."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/20/05 12:40 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry, Elaine (and George might have been there) about Joe DiMaggio
Q: Yeah, well, Joe Pepitone or not, I own the inside of that plate. So I throw one, you know, inside, you know, a little chin music, put him right on his pants. Cause I gotta intimidate when I'm on the mound. Well the next pitch, he's right back in the same place. So, I had to plunk him
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/20/05 12:43 AM

A: Kramer to Elaine & Jerry about fantasy baseball camp

Q: "You go through painstaking efforts to hide your nipple and suddenly hundreds of people get their own personal shot of it."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/20/05 12:47 AM

A: George to Elaine
Q: Malaysia. I was in the area.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/20/05 01:05 PM

You had mine reversed. It was Elaine speaking.

A: Elaine to Jake Jarmel

Q: "Yes. I just got a call. I yell 'Cartwright.' Just like that. Nobody came up. I hang up."
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/20/05 06:11 PM

Chinese restaurant host to George

Q: "You don't sell the steak, you sell the sizzle"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/20/05 06:36 PM

A: Kramer to his Brandt-Leyland co-workers

Q: "Oh, you're getting together with some of your jackass friends and you want me to take notes?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/20/05 06:46 PM

A: Elaine to Kramer
Q: Whew! Anybody see that poster in there? That is weird, wild stuff, huh? Whew!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/20/05 08:54 PM

A: George to the party guests after he took off his shirt while going to the bathroom.

Q: "Before we go any further, I'd just like to point out how disturbing it is that you equate eating a block of cheese with some sort of bachelor paradise."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/20/05 09:40 PM

A: Jerry to George
Q: Ah, Rochelle, Rochelle. "A young girl's strange, erotic journey from Milan to Minsk"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/21/05 12:14 PM

A: That was said a few times. One was by Susan to George. Another was the video checkout guy to George. Another was the restaurant guy who was checking out the smelly valet odor. Restaurant guy said it to George & Jerry.

Q: "Then Mr. Seinfeld went to the restroom, at which point Mr. Costanza scooped ice out of Mr. Seinfeld's drink with his bare hands using it to wash up. Then Mr. Costanza remarked to me, 'this never happened.'"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/21/05 12:39 PM

A: Kramer's intern (Darrin maybe?) to Kramer, Jerry, George
Q: Yes it is. She just took credit for my salad. That's not right.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/21/05 06:18 PM

A: George to Jerry

Q: "So I sped home to save my friend's life and I was stopped for speeding. Yes I admit I was speeding, but it was to save a man's life. A close friend. An innocent person who wanted nothing more out of life than to love, to be loved and to be a banker."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/21/05 06:27 PM

A: Newman in court about "saving Kramer from suicide"
Q: For $50? I'd put my face in the soup and blow
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/22/05 01:10 PM

A: George to Elaine & Jerry in the Chinese restaurant

Q: "Did that cigarette warning label mention anything about damage to your appearance? So you're a victim. Now your face is shallow, unattractive, disgusting."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/22/05 01:12 PM

A: Jackie to Kramer
Q: The only thing between us is a thin layer of gabardine
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/22/05 04:14 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine & Kramer about the K-man going "commando" (Friends reference)

Q: "It failed here! Because here, every time you turn on a TV, all you see is four morons sitting round an apartment, whining about their dates!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/22/05 05:25 PM

A: George to Jerry
Q: Matthew, Luke, Paul, what you're cheating on your conversion chest?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/22/05 08:12 PM

A: Jerry to George

Q: "Number one. Take her leg.... Oh, my god! Crib notes? You've got crib notes?!!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/22/05 08:24 PM

A: Nancy to George
Q: He was uncomfortable because it was our first time so he felt he would perform better if we did it in the kitchen. He said the kitchen is always the most sociable room in the house. And he was serious.
Posted By: The Dr. who fixed Lucy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/23/05 12:42 AM

A: Cynthia to Elaine

Q: It's a perfectly legitimate business
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/23/05 01:18 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry about bootlegging movies
Q: Excuse me, sweetheart? I think you may have overcharged us. What is this?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/23/05 01:45 AM

A: George to the waitress at Monk's

Q: "I haven't seen four women like this together outside of a Russ Meyer film."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/23/05 02:41 AM

A: Jerry to Elaine
Q: Oh, can you? That's funny, because, as it happens, I don't have call-waiting. Seems to me that the phone company
would know that.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/23/05 02:40 PM

A: Kramer to McNabb, the Plaza Cable guy.

Q: "Hey! See these? Cinqo de Mayo! Sales commission, bye-bye-o!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/23/05 02:48 PM

A: Elaine to Glady
Q: No. Pizza man was here. Maybe some fall off. He's going bald.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/25/05 02:29 PM

A: Wow, that was a rare one b/w two non-regular characters. Gino to Enzo the barber.

Q: "Well, to get right to it, we're having a bit of a problem with Barry - the chimpanzee. He's not functioning the way he normally does. He seems depressed. He's lost his appetite. He's even curtailed his auto-erotic activities."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/25/05 02:50 PM

I like to mix things up and keep you on your toes

A: Kramer to Mr. Pless
Q: Okay, THAT'S IT! "oki on awa" Where's my tail? I heard every word you said. You got some nerve.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/25/05 06:34 PM

A: Frank to the Korean beauty shop workers

Q: "Cancel! Think again, Longshanks! I started planning this 1978. I put a deposit down on that revolving restaurant that overlooks Times Square, and I booked Christopher Cross."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/25/05 06:38 PM

A: Newman to Kramer
Q: Yeah. There ya go. That's Beef-A-Reeno. I'm so keen-o
On Beef-A-Reeno
What a delicious cuisine-o
Fit for a king and queen-o!
Yeah. Eat up. I got thirty four more cans.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/25/05 09:33 PM

A: Kramer to Rusty the horse

Q: "Merlot? I never heard of it. Did they just invent it?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/25/05 10:53 PM

A: Estelle to Mrs. Ross
Q: You're returning used fruit?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/26/05 12:10 AM

A: Jerry to Kramer

Q: "This chick's playing with confederate money."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/28/05 02:35 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry about whether Teri Hatcher's breasts were real.

Q: "It was very nice of you to bring the man you're currently sleeping with over to talk to me, but I assure you, I don't have any problem with germs."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/28/05 02:42 PM

A: Peggy to Elaine about brining Puddy over
Q: Why? Because I choose NOT to run!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/28/05 03:04 PM

A: Jerry to Duncan

Q: "Coughing naked... It's a turn-off, man."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/28/05 03:13 PM

A: Jerry to George
Q: Listen carefully. My mother has never laughed. Ever. Not a giggle, not a chuckle, not a tee-hee. Never went 'Ha!'
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/28/05 04:14 PM

A: George to Jerry about moving back in with the parents.

Q: "You know, the stupidest guy in my fraternity became an architect - after he flunked out of dental school!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/28/05 04:17 PM

A: The head of the Susan Ross Foundation to George
Q: Oh yeah? Well I had sex with your wife!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/29/05 12:55 PM

A: George to the guy who told him "The ocean called and they're running out of shrimp."

Q: "It takes about as much sense to park car as it does to put on a pair of pants. My question to you is - who puts your pants on?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/29/05 12:58 PM

A: Sid to George
Q: Alright, that's it. Alright, good, eight thousand dollars. Cynthia, again, nice meeting you. Have I commented on the shoes? I love suede, it's so thick and rich. Did you ever, you ever rub it against the grain?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/30/05 12:47 AM

A: George to NBC exec Russel Dowripple & his date

Q: "I will show you the Stooges."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/30/05 12:55 AM

A: Jerry to Gina
Q: Well you screwed me again! Now how am I supposed to sign the card, it's under glass
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/31/05 01:50 PM

A: Mr. Morgan to George

Q: "What can be gained by feeling someone's material? It's insanity!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/31/05 02:28 PM

A: Mrs. Castanza to George (I LOVE that line)
Q: I'm never eating here again
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/02/05 12:53 AM

I have no idea about that one. Sounds like something George might say. Or maybe Elaine?

Hey, Irishman. I have an idea since we're the only regular posters any more. How about some show-based trivia? Nothing ridiculous, just trivia about certain scenes or episodes/who said what to whom, etc.

Q: What was Jerry's cousin's name who we never saw, but whose father, Uncle Leo, always talked about? He worked for the Parks Dept & looked like a horse.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/02/05 01:05 AM

Cousin GEOFFrey

Q: What was Jerry's address?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/02/05 01:29 AM

Originally posted by goombah:
Hey, Irishman. I have an idea since we're the only regular posters any more. How about some show-based trivia? Nothing ridiculous, just trivia about certain scenes or episodes/who said what to whom, etc.
Do you want to just start a seperate thread for it? I don't know how much "trivia" knowledge I have

BTW, the answer to my question was Elaine in the restaurant to the manager/owner when the bus boy set a napkin on fire accidently
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/02/05 12:10 PM

It doesn't even have to be "trivia" per se. Just questions instead? Just a thought...

A: Jerry's address was 129 W. 181st St Apt 5-A

Q: What was Elaine's father's first name?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/03/05 06:39 PM

A: Alton Benes

Q: "Male mammal. Approximately 30 to 60 years of age. Weight...ummm...indeterminate."
Posted By: The Dr. who fixed Lucy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/03/05 06:42 PM

A: Kramer, re Mr Kruger

Q: This doll looks like my mother!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/03/05 06:44 PM

A: Kramer to himself about Mr. Kruger
Q: He's a bad breaker upper
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/03/05 07:55 PM

A1: This doll look like my mother - George to Susan
A2: He's a bad breaker-upper - Elaine to Jerry

Q: "It's come to my attention that you and the cleaning woman engaged in sexual intercourse on the desk in your office."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/10/05 07:17 PM

A: George's Boss to George
Q: Yeah. $37.50 for a Three Musketeers
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/11/05 02:46 PM

A: Jerry to Kramer about the Peterman Reality Bus Tour.

Q: "No, your mother found it. Son, this is the most wonderful and thoughtful thing you've ever done for me."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/11/05 02:48 PM

A: Morty to Jerry
Q: I don't know what your parents did to you
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/11/05 03:23 PM

A: Elaine to George

Q: "Look at this, look at the hair on the back of my neck. It's all bramble, see it's like thicket back there. Look, I need somebody to shave it for me, huh?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/11/05 04:27 PM

goombah, where do you get these quotes from? The page I went to doesn't have them anymore

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: What, are you using my babies now?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/11/05 06:50 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
goombah, where do you get these quotes from? The page I went to doesn't have them anymore

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: What, are you using my babies now?
Irishman - I bet you're referring to stanthecaddy.com ? If you go up to the "Search," you can still pull up the episdoes. But I don't know why they re-did it b/c it's not as user-friendly as it was.

A: George to Jerry

Q: "Yeah, you're better off sitting around here, reading comic books, and eating spaghetti at two in the morning..."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/12/05 03:05 PM

Yes that was the site. I found a script but they're not in their own section now? I thought they did away with them completely. Yeah, I don't like the new format now either

A: Elaine to Jerry
Q: Hey! This is the kind of room Sinatra stays in. Hey look, Macadamian nuts.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/12/05 04:01 PM

A: Morty to Helen & Uncle Leo

Q: "Well, it seems that due to the vagaries of the production parameters, vis-a-vis of this fragmenting of the audience to the cable television, carnivals, water parks..."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/12/05 04:18 PM

A: Is it Kramer to Raquel Welch or Elaine making fun of Molly Shannon's character?
Q: Stealing!? You loaned her the racket!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/12/05 06:28 PM

It was Kramer to Raquel

A: Jerry to Elaine

Q: "What's going on? What's going on? I'll tell you what's going on. I'm fired! Because you kissed me. You kissed me, you stupid idiot! Rita called Russell and he fired me over the phone."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/12/05 06:45 PM

A: Susan to George
Q: No I can't, maybe you're faking.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/12/05 08:05 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine

Q: "Let me ask you something. You having any personal problems at home? Girl trouble, love trouble of any kind? What about drugs? You doing some of that crack cocaine? You on the pipe?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/12/05 08:08 PM

A: Mr. Steinbrenner to George
Q: I hate the Drake! Maybe the whole thing was a scam. Anybody can just get engaged and get presents and just keep them all. Maybe they're on their way to Chicago tomorrow and do the whole thing all over again.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/12/05 08:26 PM

Boy, it's not hard to tell it's a Friday afternoon based on the quick response time.

A: Jerry to Elaine

Q: "I bet she was one of those rich handicapped people who just wanted to sit in her chair and take it easy!"
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/23/05 06:25 PM

George to Jerry, Kramer?

Q: "Let's bagel!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/23/05 06:58 PM

You got it Freddie C.

A: Kramer to the bagel shop owner at J&J's.

Q: "They gave me the Penske file."
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/02/05 02:36 AM

George to Jerry/Elaine
"Do your thing there, where you lie to everyone"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/08/05 11:55 AM

A: Sounds like something Jerry would say to George?

If so...

Q: "I never knew you were so into breasts. I thought you were a leg man."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/19/05 01:57 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry about Teri Hatcher

Q: "When I was a young boy, there were rumors that mama had taken a lover. Perhaps "Bosco" was this man's name..."
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/21/05 02:58 AM

Peterman to George and whoever else was listening.
"What's the deal w/ politics?!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/22/05 08:19 PM

A: Kramer pretending to impersonate Jerry's stand-up

Q: "You don't get that toilet book out of here and I won't jump over this counter and punch you in the brain."
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/23/05 10:59 PM

A: Slightly misquoted, but it was Rebecca, the woman working the counter at the homeless donation center.

Q: "I'm at the corner of 1st and 1st."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/24/05 06:43 PM

I'm glad you knew what I meant - I knew the gist of it but figured the wording might be off.

A: Kramer to Jerry

Q: But I answered him in the same way I answered everyone. I choose not to run.
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/24/05 10:05 PM

Jerry to Elaine

"There are no delicatessens under Communism"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/25/05 12:14 AM

A: Kramer to Mickey
Q: No I don't drink coffee at night. It keeps me up
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/25/05 05:15 AM

George to Carol

"Boy, I bet you got a regular Algonquin round table there."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/26/05 01:54 PM

A: Jerry to the girl he dated who liked the "Dockers" commercial

Q: "Say you've got a big job interview and you're a little nervous. Well throw back a couple shots of Hennigans and you'll be as loose as a goose and ready to roll in no time. And because it's odorless, why, it will be our little secret."
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/26/05 06:45 PM

A: Kramer advertising for hennigans

Q: The road less taken is less taken for a reason.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/26/05 08:32 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine's friend Leslie

Q: "There was this guy, and we had a few too many...and we made out at the table like our plane was going down!"
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/27/05 11:20 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry in "The Bookstore."

Q: "I found it morose. Why dwell on these negative themes?"
Posted By: donpaulpino

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/28/05 01:36 AM

George to Jerry

Next: "Ninety-four years old. I found her yesterday. She didn’t have her wig on. It was horrifying."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/28/05 01:48 PM

A: Harold to Jerry
Q: Yeah, like Diane Fosse. You know she's the only person that's ever been accepted into gorilla society. And you know, once those gorillas accept you, you got it made in the shade.
Posted By: donpaulpino

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/28/05 03:42 PM

Kramer to George

Next: "I must have been out of my mind. Look at you. Why don't you do something with your life?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/28/05 03:56 PM

A: Kramer breaking up with his girlfriend
Q: This woman hates me so much. I'm starting to like her
Posted By: donpaulpino

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/28/05 04:06 PM

George to Jerry

Next: "Because my cousin's imbecile dog was rolling around outside and they got in his carpet."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/28/05 04:13 PM

A: George to Jerry
Q: My neck is one gargantuan monkey fist
Posted By: donpaulpino

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/28/05 05:02 PM

Peterman to Elaine

Next: "This is an emergency? You need a bathing suit?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/28/05 05:11 PM

BTW, good to see you again, Rocky.

A: Jerry to Kramer

Q: "You know, I didn't realize it, but I'm a needy person."
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/29/05 07:33 PM

Kramer to Jerry

"Well, this is all very sophisticated."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/30/05 02:00 PM

A: Jerry to the cop after being busted for solicitation

Q: "____________, we love you like a son. But even parents have limits."
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/30/05 07:53 PM

A: George's parents to George (I'm not sure if it was Frank or Estelle who said it).

Q: "Because I could get uromysitisis poisening and die!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/01/05 01:35 PM

A: Seinfeld to the parking garage cop who caught Jerry urinating

Q: "Oh, I get it. You're friends with the urinator, aren't ya?"
Posted By: donpaulpino

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/01/05 05:48 PM

Greg to Elaine


"There's no hazing of the fetus, or anything, is there?"
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/01/05 07:57 PM

Jerry to Elaine

"You're Batman."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/02/05 12:38 AM

A: George to Kramer

Q: "I’m just saying there's a chance she may not have been enamored with your thoughts and feelings on manure."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/02/05 07:24 AM

A: Jerry to George
Q: This woman is bending my mind into a pretzel
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/02/05 11:44 AM

A: Jerry to Elaine

Q: "Wait a minute...do you think? Yep, that's Jon Voight's pencil."
Posted By: donpaulpino

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/02/05 02:19 PM

Tim to George

Next: "You got a problem with Woody Woodpecker?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/02/05 04:26 PM

Mine about Jon Voight was actually George to Jerry

A: Kramer to George

Q: "Yah, yah! You see in Little Jerry Seinfeld the unlimited future you once had. Now, just because Jerry Seinfeld is a has-been, don't make Little Jerry Seinfeld a never-was!"
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/03/05 04:15 AM

Kramer to Jerry

"Yeah...meatball...fell out of my sandwich."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/03/05 06:07 AM

A: Kurt to Elaine
Q: "You know, I think I could have played with dolls if their were dolls in the house. It seems like fun to me. It doesn't seem like a gender thing. I think I would like to play with dolls. What's so terrible?"
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/03/05 07:15 AM

George to Julie

"My neck is one gargantuan monkey fist."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/03/05 12:59 PM

A: Peterman to Elaine

Q: "Oh no! The letter...Newman...it's got exclamation points all over it!"
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/05/05 09:50 AM

Jerry to Kramer

"And you call that the tractor story?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/05/05 01:48 PM

A: Jerry to that hot GF Sophie

Q: "Okay uh, yeah. I'll have a uh, you have a decaf cappuccino?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/05/05 02:18 PM

A: Jerry to Sophie
Q: The nerve. Talkin' about ya behind your back and right to your face!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/05/05 03:22 PM

Mine wasn't correct.

Q: "Okay uh, yeah. I'll have a uh, you have a decaf cappuccino?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/05/05 04:10 PM

A: Kramer to Reston
Q: The nerve. Talkin' about ya behind your back and right to your face!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/05/05 09:39 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine about her fake co-worker, the Suze.

Q: "Look at me. I'm all covered in oregano and Parmesan, and it's sticking to me because of the butter! Look at me!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/09/05 12:16 AM

A: Kramer to Newman
Q: People with guns don't understand. That's why they get guns. Too many misunderstandings.
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/09/05 06:13 AM

Jerry to Kramer

"I can do hard time for this one. And community service!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/09/05 10:34 AM

A: George to Anna

Q: "I could drop you like a bag of dirt."
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/09/05 10:28 PM

Elaine to Mr Costanza

"You've had your last egg sandwich."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/10/05 01:43 PM

Wow, Hagen - that was a toughie!

A: Kramer to Jerry

Q: "Well, you're fired because you don't move your arms when you tap dance, you're like a gorilla out there I've gotta go..."
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/11/05 03:25 AM

Kramer to Raquel

"Thief! Stop him! Stop him, he's got my rye!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/11/05 01:20 PM

A: Mrs. Choate to Jerry

Q: "Merlot? I never heard of it. Did they just invent it?"
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/12/05 04:20 AM

Estelle to Mrs Ross

One of my favorites....

"And you better not screw up again Seinfeld, because if you do, I'll be all over you like a pitbull on a poodle."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/12/05 03:47 PM

A: Library Cop Bookman to Jerry

Q: "You know _______, if you would have told me twenty-five years ago that some day I'd be standing here about to solve the worlds energy problems, I would've said 'you're crazy' Now let's push this giant ball of oil out the window."
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/14/05 05:53 AM

Kramer to Darren

"He's making a bouillabaisse."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/17/05 03:54 PM

A: Jerry to his mom

Q: "What? I gave you my blood. Listen to your pulse: 'hey buddy-hey buddy-hey buddy...'"
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/18/05 02:55 AM

Kramer to Jerry

"I couldn't raise a kid? Come on, I love bossing people around."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/18/05 02:06 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry

Q: "It's Benes, you jackass!"
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/18/05 07:59 PM

Elaine to Kramer

"He's all smooth now. Look's like a seal."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/20/05 03:24 PM

Wow, Mista - you're posting some obscure gems.

A: Jerry to Elaine about Uncle Leo's singed eyebrows.

Q: "Well, there's nothing more sophisticated than diddlin' the maid and then chewin' some gum."
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/20/05 07:54 PM

Thanks Goombah, I try to make em good ones

Elaine to Jerry

"I never assume. Leads to assumptions."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/20/05 10:56 PM

A: Jerry to Wynonna

Q: "You sold us a hair with a cake around it."
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/21/05 02:11 AM

Elaine to the Bakery clerk

"I'd like to have shoehorn hands."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/21/05 02:35 AM

A: Jerry to Elaine

Q: "I'm homeless! I'm gonna be out on a street corner, dancing for nickels."
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/21/05 03:52 AM

Newman to Kramer

"Eggplant. Yes. That's a hell of a thing."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/21/05 11:56 AM

A: Steinbrenner to Costanza

Q: "We've never gotten so many complaints. Every two minutes: "Where is the top of this muffin? Who ate the rest of this? Why don't you just drop off some chicken skins and lobster shells?"
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/22/05 05:59 AM

Rebecca to Elaine

"I got about fifty-feet out and then suddenly the great beast appeared before me."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/22/05 02:30 PM

A: George to Elaine, Kramer, & Jerry about his "marine biologist" experience

Q: "Mr. Steinbrenner is over, George is dead, call me back."
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/24/05 04:13 AM

Frank Costanza to Jerry's message machine

"He looks like a frog."
"So do you."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/24/05 02:49 PM

A: Slippery Pete to Schlomo

Q: "Look, you wanna have sex right now? Do want to have sex with me right now? Let's go! C'mon - let's go baby!"
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/25/05 03:28 AM

George to Sharon

"Start packing up your little squeeze toys buddy boy, you're
checking out!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/25/05 04:16 AM

A: Jerry to dog
Q: Got anything to nosh?
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/25/05 04:26 AM

George to Joe

"I'm all a-twitter."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/25/05 06:59 PM

A: Kramer to the girlfriend who mistakenly thought he died and then threw him in East River

Q: "But I'm afraid of clowns!"
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/25/05 07:00 PM

Kramer to Jerry

"We WILL annex Poland by the Spring, at any cost!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/26/05 04:08 PM

A: Mr. Pitt to the stockholders of the water companies he plans to merge

Q: "Now shut your mouths or I'll shut'em for ya. And if you think I'm kidding, just try me. Try me. Because I would LOVE it!"
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/26/05 07:01 PM

George to two seat-kickers in the movie theater

"I'm lukewarm about the Drakette."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/27/05 12:21 AM

A: Elaine to Jerry & Kramer

Q: "You don't work in the rain? You're a mailman. 'Neither rain nor sleet nor snow...' - it's the first one!!"
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/30/05 07:21 AM

George to Newman

"He likes... fruit, and he just got, um... a haircut."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/31/05 09:57 PM

A: Elaine at the bachelor auction to the audience re: Kramer

Q: "Isn't it obvious? There are no parking meters out here."
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/01/05 08:50 PM

Frank to Estelle

"It stinks. Can you smell that?....You stink."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/02/05 09:34 PM

A: Kramer to George when the latter was trying the "hair growing cream."

Q: "You having any personal problems at home? Girl trouble, love trouble of any kind? What about drugs? You doing some of that crack cocaine? You on the pipe?"
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/02/05 11:51 PM

Steinbrenner to George

"What kind of snow blower did you get us mixed up with?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/03/05 01:21 AM

A: Newman to Jerry & Kramer

Q: "Quiet!! You shut up! You make me change restaurant, but nobody comes! But where are people? You see people? Show me people. There are no people!"
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/03/05 05:36 AM

Babu to Jerry

"Look away, I'm hideous!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/03/05 04:45 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry

Q: "Don't be ridiculous. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to fill my freezer with my own blood."
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/04/05 08:01 AM

Kramer to Elaine

"Perry Como helps out a fat tub who's getting robbed."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/08/05 11:27 PM

A: Jackie Chiles to George in the last episode

Q: "This chick's playing with confederate money."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/23/05 04:51 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry about whether Teri Hatcher's breasts were real or fake.

Q: "I go out for a quart of milk and come home to find my son treating his body like it was an amusement park."
Posted By: Tony Mosrite

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/24/05 02:15 AM

Estelle to George on why she bruised her back.

"Surveys show that the #1 fear of Americans is public speaking. #2 is death. Death is #2. That means that at a funeral, the average American would rather be in the casket than doing the eulogy"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/26/05 01:19 AM

A: Jerry doing stand-up to the audience

Q: "You know if you take everything I've ever done in my entire life and condense it down into one day...it looks decent."
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/27/05 10:40 AM

You can tell who it is right away

George to Jerry

"Those brave Krakatoans East of Java. who sacrifice so much for so long."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/28/05 01:33 AM

A: Jerry about why he was being audited to Elaine

Q: "5000 - even better! Okay, Chrissie. Give me a schtickle of flouride."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/28/05 02:59 AM

A: Dr. Watley.

Q: "It's Salman you idiot, not Salmon."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/28/05 01:46 PM

A: Jerry to Kramer about whether the guy Kramer saw at the health club was actually Salman Rushdie.

Q: "They're gonna cut him open. His guts'll be all over the place...they'll saw through bone."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/29/05 03:22 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry about the operation on Elaine's boyfriend.

Q: "I'm back in business baby!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/29/05 05:38 PM

A: George to Jerry & Elaine about the problem in, ahem, George's pants that seems to have been corrected.

Q: "My seat's got a memory, in case somebody moves it. I could be in prison for five years. I come out, my seat goes right back to where I like it."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/29/05 08:50 PM

A: Morty to Jerry
Q: The woman had an orgasm under false pretenses. That's sexual perjury!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/30/05 01:53 PM

A: Jerry to Kramer about Elaine's faking with Jerry

Q: "From a certain connection, I've been able to locate some black market shower heads. They're all made in the former Yugoslavia, and from what I hear the Serbs are fanatic about their showers."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/30/05 11:04 PM

A: Newman to Kramer and Jerry.

Q: "Am I? Or am I so sane I just blew your mind?!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/01/05 04:14 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry re: whether Jerry's girlfriend is secretly working as a phone sex talker.

Q: "I was making a, a simple lane change. I, I put on the blinker and it took off on me. And the next thing you know, I was submerged. I'm telling you, I'm very lucky that those crocs didn't get me."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/04/05 06:42 AM

A: Jack Clompus to Jerry in Florida.

Q: "Are you tellin me there isn't one place available in all of Del Boca Vista?!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/04/05 11:37 AM

A: Frank Costanza to Morty Seinfeld

Q: "Well, I have to say that I'm very surprised...and disappointed...bloodbrother."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/04/05 06:25 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry.

Q: "That Michael Jordan is so phony!...Why'd you tell him?!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/06/05 01:25 AM

A: Kramer's friend, Mike, to Jerry & Kramer

Q: "That Jayne Mansfield had some big breasts."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/09/05 07:41 PM

A: Jerry to Teri Hatcher.

Q: "My little Jerry!!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/10/05 12:34 PM

A: Kramer about the rooster called Little Jerry Seinfeld to Jerry

Q: "You useless postule!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/10/05 04:13 PM

A: Newman to Jerry
Q: If I had a son, I would name him Isosceles
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/10/05 06:02 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry & Elaine

Q: "Really? You never slipped one past the goalie in all these years?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/10/05 06:10 PM

A: Jerry to Kramer
Q: I like flowing, cascading hair. Thick, lustrous hair is important to me
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/11/05 07:22 AM

A: George to Jerry about what he looks for in a girl.

Q: "Nice game pretty boy."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/11/05 07:43 PM

A: Newman to Keith Hernandez
Q: Well, I'm sure at some point between the years 800 and 1200 somewhere there were two women living together
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/11/05 08:38 PM

A: George to Jerry.

Q: "I may know less about women, than anyone in the world."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/11/05 09:31 PM

A: George to Jerry
Q: If I'm out on the street and it starts to go down, I don't back off until it's finished
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/12/05 11:13 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry about why Kramer stockpiles his blood

Q: Because I'm like ice, buddy. If I don't like you, you've got problems."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/12/05 03:44 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: Anyone who would laugh at a recital is probably some sort of lunatic anyway. I mean, only a sick, twisted mind could be that rude and ignorant
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/12/05 10:22 PM

A: Jerry to George's girlfriend about Elaine.

Q: "Allright damnit I'm in!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/12/05 10:31 PM

A: George to Jerry
Q: I had the upper hand in the post-breakup relationship. If he thinks that I said hi, then I lose the upper hand
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/13/05 01:58 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry

Q: "Well, aren't you the boss of him? You shouldn't let him move up! When I was in the Cub Scouts, I got stuck on Weebolos for three years 'cause I kept losing the Pinewood Derby."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/13/05 07:10 PM

A: George to Hanke's sponsor
Q: Okay everybody, I have an announcement to make. From now on, I will be known as Koko the monkey
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/13/05 10:36 PM

A: George, interrupted by his boss Kreuger, to the staff at the office meeting.

Q: "You see Billy was a simple country boy. You might say a cockeyed optimist, who got himself mixed up in the high stakes game of world diplomacy and international intrigue."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/13/05 10:41 PM

A: Kramer to Elaine (I think that was on last night or the night before here in NY)
Q: And we discover yet another talent, posing as a girlfriend for homosexuals
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/15/05 01:04 AM

A: Jerry to Elaine

Q: "Amazing. I drive 'em to lesbianism and Kramer brings 'em back."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/15/05 01:46 AM

A: George to Susan
Q: I could raise enough money to cure polio
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/15/05 03:36 PM

A: Kramer to Elaine & Jerry

Q: "Welcome new comers. The tradition of Festivus begins with the airing of grievances. I got a lot of problems with you people! And now you're gonna hear about it!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/15/05 06:09 PM

A: Frank to George, Kruger and everyone at the dinner table
Q: GLC must live on!
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/15/05 07:55 PM

A: George to Jerry about his high score in Frogger.

Q: "Don't ever go against the family."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/15/05 09:00 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: Starting tonight we're having a little sales contest. The loser gets fired. The winner gets a Water Pik
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/16/05 04:40 PM

A: Frank to Lloyd Braun & George

Q: "My son tells me your company stinks! You couldn't smooth a silk sheet if you had a hot date with a babe...I lost my train of thought."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/16/05 05:50 PM

A: Frank to Kruger
Q: He's a mystery wrapped in a Twinkie
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/16/05 09:00 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine

Q: "But I got a big problem. T he kid I stand in for, he's growing. He was four feet last month, now he's like four-two and a half. He shot up two and a half inches. I can do four-two, four-three is a stretch, any higher than that and I'm gonna be out on my ass doing that paralegal crap."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/16/05 11:57 PM

A: Mickey to Kramer
Q: Yankee beans, Yankee beans, I like my Yankee beans
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/17/05 02:39 AM

A: Elaine singing to her 66 year old boyfriend after he had a stroke

Q: "Parking cars makes about as much sense as putting on a pair of pants. My question to you is - who puts on your pants?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/17/05 03:21 AM

A: Sid to George (I was actually thinking of using that one)
Q: Just to get back at me, just to get back at me!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/17/05 03:11 PM

A: George to Jerry about David using the line "Boy, you could've done a lot better than him."

Q: "I know how you feel about me, and I have to tell you, I'm quite flattered. Oh, yeah. I mean, of all the men that I know, you're the only one who's held down a steady job for several years."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/17/05 09:44 PM

A: Elaine to Newman
Q: Chicks, man. Too many chicks know my number
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/17/05 10:16 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry.

Q: "Game over!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/18/05 02:29 PM

A: Jerry to Kramer about the Frogger machine.

Q: "It's three-thirty in the morning. I'm at a cockfight. What am I clinging to?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/18/05 04:57 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry
Q: Let me understand. You've got the hen, the chicken and the rooster. The rooster goes with the chicken. So, who's having sex with the hen?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/19/05 01:46 AM

A: Frank to the Mr. & Mrs. Ross

Q: Dad? You and John Cheavers?!!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/22/05 05:35 PM

I guess mine was too obscure. It was Susan's brother after they discovered Susan's father had an affair with an author named John Cheavers.

New question:
"I know how you feel. For I, too, have a woman for whom I pine."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/22/05 08:27 PM

A: Newman to Jerry (that was on last night too)
Q: No I think what you're about to experience is punishment enough. Good day!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/23/05 11:34 AM

A: Peterman to Elaine

Q: "Good. Because if I don't get a Black and White cookie I'm not going to be very pleasant to be around.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/23/05 04:36 PM

A: Bette to Kramer
Q: Well if it doesn't concern me, then I can stay!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/23/05 06:15 PM

A: George to Kramer

Q: "Kudos, _____________, on a job...done."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/23/05 06:38 PM

A: Mr. Peterman to Elaine
Q: You know I just realized, you never gave me the change from the toll
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/23/05 08:11 PM

A: George to Susan while watching Susan's family cabin burn

Q: "If I had a nickel for every book he's actually read...I'd be broke."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/24/05 04:44 AM

A: Susan's mother at the dinner table.

Q: "I like a good cheek."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/24/05 05:36 AM

A: George to Jerry
Q: I ordered in, still effort
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/24/05 08:47 AM

Jerry to Kramer

"Oh, he's a dunker."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/24/05 05:25 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry and Elaine
Q: Maybe it needed some air. You know, sometimes they need air. They can't breathe in there. It's inhuman
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/25/05 01:30 AM

A: Kramer to Elaine and Jerry

Q: "You better have a damn good explanation for giving me a fake Christmas present."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/26/05 12:14 AM

A: Mr. Kruger to George.

Q: "I once got 'Happy New Yeared' in March."
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/26/05 12:37 AM

Jerry to Elaine

"Well, one outta twenty thousand. That's not bad."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/26/05 01:55 AM

A: Jerry to George
Q: You ever notice how happy people are when they finally get a table? They feel so special because they've been chosen. It's enough to make you sick
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/26/05 02:27 AM

A: Elaine to Jerry.

Q: "The New York Yankees?!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/26/05 02:27 AM

A: Elaine to Jerry & George at the Chinese Restaurant

Q: "Your whole life, you go throw painstaking efforts to hide your nipple. Then boom, suddenly hundreds of people get their own personal shot of it."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/26/05 02:28 AM

A: Elaine to Jerry.

Q: "The New York Yankees?!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/26/05 02:34 AM

A: Jerry to George
Q: Borrowing money from a friend is like having sex. It just completely changes the relationship
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/26/05 11:51 AM

A: "Move in here? He doesn't even let you go to the bathroom."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/26/05 04:51 PM

You didn't answer my question goombah
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/27/05 07:09 PM

Woops, sorry about that. It was George to Jerry.

Q: "Move in here? He doesn't even let you go to the bathroom."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/27/05 07:22 PM

A: George to Jerry & Kramer
Q: Tell you what, if they win the pennant this year, I'll sit naked with you at the World Series
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/27/05 07:22 PM

A: George to Jerry & Kramer
Q: Tell you what, if they win the pennant this year, I'll sit naked with you at the World Series
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/27/05 09:52 PM

A: Jerry to fat naked guy on the subway.

Q: "Meet the Mets, Meet the Mets. Come right up and greet the Mets."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/27/05 10:51 PM

A: Mr. Wilhelm singing to himself
Q: I say stupid things all the time. I can't go two minutes without saying something stupid
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/28/05 09:22 PM

A: George to Patrice

Q: "A more offensive spectacle I cannot recall!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/28/05 09:28 PM

A: Newman to Jerry's mom
Q: I think I'm pretty much like you -- only successful
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/29/05 01:31 AM

A: Jerry to George

Q: "Jackie's cashing in on your wretched disfigurement."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/29/05 02:35 AM

A: Jackie to Kramer
Q: And with his help we'll get that chicken!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/30/05 06:06 PM

A: Kramer to the NYU Dean

Q: "I need the secure packaging of Jockeys. My boys need a house."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/30/05 06:11 PM

A: Kramer to Elaine
Q: It's not Suz, it's Susie. My name is SUSIE!
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/31/05 03:33 AM

A: Elaine to her germophobe co-worker.

Q: "It's prepostrous to ask someone to take off a baseball cap at a baseball game."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/31/05 11:12 PM

A: Jerry to his girlfriend re: Elaine wearing the Baltimore cap at a Yankee game

Q: "Kramer goes to a fantasy camp? is whole life is a fantasy camp. People should plunk down $2,000 to live like him for a week: Do nothing, fall ass-backwards into money, mooch food off your neighbors and have sex without dating - that's a fantasy camp."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/01/06 12:08 AM

A: George to Jerry
Q: "For all I know, this guy went out of his way to not invite you. How am I going to feel if I show up with an uninvited, unwelcome intruder?"
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/01/06 06:05 AM

A: George to Jerry.

Q: "The way I feel when I go places with you."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/01/06 06:11 AM

A: Jerry to George
Q: Nothing. I'm sure "Jon" probably mispelled his own name. I know sometimes I spell Jerry with a G...and an I!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/01/06 03:13 PM

A: Jerry to George

Q: The next millenium must be Jerry-free!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/01/06 04:34 PM

A: Newman to Kramer
Q: You've probably got fleas all over your little snackbar
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/02/06 02:41 AM

A: Jerry to Newman

Q: "Yes, I'm sure. I went in to get my X-Ray Somebody takes my wallet. Is that the operation here?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/02/06 02:50 AM

A: Morty to nurse
Q: For me to ask a woman out, I've got to get into a mental state like the karate guys before they break the bricks
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/02/06 06:32 AM

A: George to Jerry.

Q: "I'm never doing that again."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/02/06 12:54 PM

A: George to Jerry, Elaine & Kramer
Q: Shut up! One more day and you are pound bound!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/02/06 01:27 PM

A: Jerry to Farfel the dog

Q: "You've been the bad employee, the bad son, the bad friend...the bad fiance, the bad dinner guest, the bad credit risk..."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/02/06 07:13 PM

A: Jerry to George
Q: It's very important not to embellish on your order. No extraneous comments. No questions. No compliments
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/03/06 06:06 PM

A: Jerry to George

Q: "Are you kidding me? For $50, I'd put my face in their soup and blow."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/03/06 07:49 PM

A: George to Elaine
Q: I'm the opposite of every guy you've ever met
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/04/06 02:53 AM

George to his gf in "The Opposite"
"I like the hats"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/04/06 02:14 PM

A: George to the rabbi/priest when George was trying to convert to Latvian Orthodox

Q: "Plus, they botched my vasectimy. I'm even more potent now!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/04/06 02:41 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: I feel like an out-of-work porn star
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/04/06 09:03 PM

A: George to Jerry re: their mustaches

Q: "I just thought of a great name for myself, if I ever become a porno actor."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/04/06 09:10 PM

A: George to Jerry
Q: You don't eat Oreos? The way you break 'em open and.... It's like you're having sex with 'em
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/04/06 09:30 PM

A: Kramer to Elaine

Q: "He's a mystery wrapped in a Twinkee."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/04/06 09:45 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine
Q: How about six? Six is good. You got a problem with six?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/04/06 09:49 PM

A: Jerry to Laura the deaf lineswoman

Q: "It was a whirlwind. They whisked us backstage, the media is swarming, champagne is flowing...whooo! I can't describe how great it is to win."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/04/06 11:42 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: If I were going to change my name, I'd go with Deon
Posted By: Anthony Lombardi

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/05/06 12:45 AM

answer: elaine to joel about changing his name.

question: "smooth, creamy, delicate, yet masculine."
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/05/06 01:02 AM

Kramer about George's hands.

"What if he left a used kleenex, is that a Valentine?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/05/06 01:34 AM

A: George to Elaine
Q: Jerry, now what you do with your personal life is your business. But when you're on my set, you clean it up mister!
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/05/06 06:01 AM

A: Kramer (as Merv Griffin) to Jerry.

Q: "Have you seen the size of that document?! It's like the Declaration of Independence! Who's gonna read that?!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/05/06 02:09 PM

A: Jerry to the car rental woman

Q: "Have you ever had a sexually transmitted disease? Ok, that's it. Here - you got my name and my address - that's enough."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/05/06 02:25 PM

A: Morty to nurse after he fills out the form
Q: Listening to you. I listen to this for fifteen minutes and I'm on top of the world. Your misery is my pleasure
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/05/06 06:34 PM

A: Jerry to George

Q: "Yeah. I'm a little worried. When there's no work, and the people get restless, who do you think they come after? El Presidente!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/05/06 08:48 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: Look at you! You run like a girl! Run like a man! Lift your knees!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/05/06 09:36 PM

A: Kramer to George

Q: "It's like a sauna in here. I feel like I'm back at the desert."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/05/06 10:30 PM

A: Kramer to George & Jerry
Q: Maybe I don't use my exclamation points as haphazardly as you do
Posted By: Anthony Lombardi

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/05/06 11:19 PM

answer: jake garmell to elaine

question: "now do you really want to have some fun, or are you just saying that?"
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/06/06 12:19 AM

Kramer to Jerry and George

"I told him to wave to me when he passed my window."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/06/06 01:16 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: We're not giving away our water pick!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/06/06 04:12 PM

The answer to mine, "It's like a sauna in here. I feel like I'm back at the desert."

was not correct. HINT: That's why I added the second line.
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/07/06 04:05 AM

A: Kramer to Sal Bass.

Q: "...Dolores!"
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/07/06 04:14 AM

Jerry to his girlfriend

"Now shut your mouths before I do it for you! And if you think I'm kidding just try me, because I would love it."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/07/06 04:34 AM

I love this line!

A: George to the two losers at the theatre while he's with his gf.

Q: "Serenity now..Insanity later."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/07/06 02:18 PM

A: Lloyd Braun to George

Q: "I'm going to pick up some chicks. Some good looking ones too."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/07/06 03:38 PM

A: Bania to Jerry & George
Q: Brother Costanza will be taking the vow of silence
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/08/06 03:45 AM

A: George to Jerry (one of my favorite episodes)

Q: "Can't you just switch with another midget?"
Posted By: Anthony Lombardi

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/08/06 06:35 AM

answer: george about the kid mickie is standing in for growing.

question: "oh, there's leg work."
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/08/06 06:47 AM

Kramer to Morty Seinfeld

"You look like you're gonna swing in on a chandelier."
Posted By: Anthony Lombardi

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/08/06 07:53 AM

answer: elaine to jerry about the puffy shirt.

question: "i've been faking it so i don't hurt her feelings."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/09/06 01:34 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry & Elaine about the itch Kramer had

Q: "If Houdini couldn't do it, what chance do I have?"
Posted By: Anthony Lombardi

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/09/06 12:01 PM

answer: george about being impotent.

question: "you know, you're not chinese."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/10/06 03:15 PM

A: Jerry to Donna Chang

Q: "It's not a lie if you believe it."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/10/06 10:37 PM

A: George to Jerry
Q: According to this, it took ten hours. It eased into the water like an old man into a nice warm bath, no offense
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/11/06 03:43 AM

George trying to win the sympaty apartment
"You know, that button is in the worst possible place."
Posted By: Anthony Lombardi

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/11/06 04:30 AM

answer: jerry to george on both the first & last episodes - both the first & last spoken words of dialogue on the show.

question: "break a leg."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/11/06 06:41 AM

A: Jerry to his Romanian girlfriend's brother the circus performer.

Q: "A man without hand, is not a man."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/11/06 01:42 PM

A: George to Jerry

Q: "The male kangaroo doesn't have a pouch. Only the female has it. The male has pouch envy. At least give me a pocket - I have things to carry, too."
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/12/06 02:50 AM

Head Polar Bear/Larry David's Old Standup routine to Elaine
"I'm family! I'm having sex w/ the cousin!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/12/06 08:50 PM

A: George to the doctor of Susan's cousin, who will name the new baby Seven.

Q: "I admit it - I was speeding. But it was only to save a man who wanted nothing more to love, to be loved, and to be a banker."
Posted By: Anthony Lombardi

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/13/06 12:03 AM

answer: newman to the judge about kramer to aid his story to fight getting a traffic ticket.

question: "she's foaming at the mouth!"
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/13/06 12:24 AM

Kramer about Elaine having water drip from her mouth.

"Santa's a commie!"
Posted By: Anthony Lombardi

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/13/06 01:18 AM

answer: one of the little kids in line for kramer & mickie when they're working as a department store santa & elf.

question: "look away, i'm hideous."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/13/06 01:27 AM

A: Kramer, after his face was damaged from 3 days worth of smoking, to Jerry

Q: "And how am I gonna do that, Toots?"
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/14/06 01:12 AM

A: Kramer to Newman's girlfriend about removing the curse put on him by F.D.R.

Q: "The man's a gargoyle."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/15/06 02:44 PM

Are you referring to Jackie Chiles to the attorney about Kramer? If so, Jackie said "the man's a goblin."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/16/06 02:10 AM

Yup that was the quote I meant to post...anywhoo, new question===> "G.L.C. must live on!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/16/06 03:26 AM

A: George to Jerry about GLC's high score on Frogger

Q: "It's cleavage. I couldn't look away. What am I, waiting to win an Oscar here? This all I have in my life."
Posted By: Anthony Lombardi

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/16/06 03:35 AM

answer: george to jerry.

question: "i guess i screwed up!"
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/16/06 03:41 AM

Kramer to Jerry when he forgot to close Jerry's door
"I want everybody OUT!!!"
Posted By: Anthony Lombardi

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/16/06 05:37 AM

i was actually referring to kramer to mickey after he gets them fired from the santa/elf gig, but that's okay.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/16/06 04:12 PM

Originally posted by Don Sonny Corleone:
Kramer to Jerry when he forgot to close Jerry's door
"I want everybody OUT!!!"
A: Jerry to Kramer & Newman

Q: "Arrested? Come on! I'm an old man. I'm confused! I thought I paid for it. What's my name? Will you take me home?"
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/16/06 10:25 PM

Uncle Leo to Jerry

"Is this guy a dentist or Caligula?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/17/06 05:38 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine about Tim Watley

Q: "911? How are ya?"
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/17/06 10:01 PM


"I'm Frank Costanza's lawyer." (bonus if you can name who played him )
Posted By: Anthony Lombardi

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/17/06 11:50 PM

answer: is that the caped lawyer? it was larry david who played him, but i'm not sure if i got this one right, so i'll wait for confirmation before posting my question...
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/17/06 11:53 PM

Right on both. The caped lawyer with the sunglasses who saved Elaine's friend from suicide.
Posted By: Anthony Lombardi

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/17/06 11:55 PM

okay good

question: "what, am i supposed to make sarcastic remarks to strangers?"
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/18/06 12:07 AM

Jerry to Elaine and George about seeing Plan 9 From Outer Space alone.

"Sometimes, don't you just thank God that you know me and have access to my dementia?"
Posted By: Anthony Lombardi

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/18/06 12:25 AM

answer: george to jerry.

question: "his face has alot of character."
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/18/06 12:27 AM

Elaine to her friend about George

"The Ukraine is weak."
Posted By: Anthony Lombardi

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/18/06 12:39 AM

answer: kramer to newman while playing risk.

question: "he's a mystery wrapped in a twinkie."
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/18/06 03:22 AM

Jerry to Elaine about Newman

"I don't know how you guys walk around with those things."
Posted By: Anthony Lombardi

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/18/06 05:16 AM

answer: elaine to jerry & george after she's asked if she knows about "shrinkage."

question: "a man without hand is not a man."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/18/06 04:05 PM

A: George to Jerry

Q: "You know there are tribes in Indonesia where if you keep your coat on in somebody's house, the families go to war!"
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/18/06 04:25 PM

Kramer to his intern

You kept on making all the stops????
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/18/06 06:09 PM

The answer to mine was not correct.

Q: "You know there are tribes in Indonesia where if you keep your coat on in somebody's house, the families go to war!"
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/18/06 07:13 PM

Jerry to Elaine?
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/18/06 07:34 PM

I'm about 70% sure it's Kramer to George

I'll wait to see if I'm right
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/18/06 07:58 PM

It's George to Elaine & Jerry when Elaine refused to take off her coat in the NYU reporter's house. The reporter then wrote the article that George & Jerry were gay.

Someone else can post the next question.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/18/06 08:02 PM

"Do you have any meat?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/19/06 04:58 PM

Wow Vercetti, you have me stumped. Here are 2 guesses: 1) Kramer to Jerry when Kramer gets the meat slicer. 2) Jerry to his girlfriend after he went out with her and had just a salad.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/19/06 07:14 PM

It's the very first pilot episode, where Kramer is "Kessler." He comes in Jerry's apartment in his bathrobe, pulls a slice of bread from each pocket, and asks for any meat.

You can go now.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/19/06 08:17 PM

I forgot about the Kessler to Kramer name switch.

Q: "It's not Moops, you jerk. It's Moors - it's a misprint."
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/19/06 08:42 PM

The Bubble Boy to George

"Then I've already lost interest"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/20/06 01:48 AM

A: Jerry to Elaine

Q: "How would you like it if I just pulled your heart out of your chest right now, and shoved it down your throat?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/23/06 01:29 AM

Hint for quote above: the conversation involved one of the 4 main characters, but the person who spoke it was not a main character. But the speaker was based on one of the main characters...
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/24/06 06:43 PM

The guy potraying Kramer on "The Pilot" to George

"It really wasn't that hard"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/24/06 09:15 PM

A: George to Lois, Jerry & Duncan

Q: "This is the way society functions. Aren't you a part of society? Because if you don't want to be a part of society, why don't you just get in your car and move to the East Side!"
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/24/06 09:40 PM

Kramer to Jerry

"May I have one of those, madam."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/24/06 11:56 PM

A: Kramer to George

Q: "Quit bossing me! This is why you're going to hell."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/25/06 05:39 AM

A: Puddy to Elaine.

Q: "Whaddaya callin me madam fo?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/25/06 05:08 PM

A: George to Kramer

Q: I don't mind someone with a phony personality. But I gotta draw the line somewhere.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/27/06 03:59 AM

Jerry to Elaine(possibly George) about wither his girlfriends breasts are fake
"Imagine, spelling Mom with two oh's"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/27/06 02:06 PM

A: Jerry to Vanessa

Q: "Yesterday, I'm a volcano. I try one more call, the machine comes on, and I let fly like Mussolini from the balcony. "Where the hell do you get the nerve? You invite me up for coffee and then you don't call me back for four days?! I don't like coffee! I don't have to come up! I'd like to get one more shot at the coffee just so I cans spit in your face!"
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/27/06 07:18 PM

George to Jerry about the girl who he didn't go up for "coffee" for.

What am I, a hooker?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/28/06 01:52 AM

A: Elaine to Kramer & Jerry when Kramer gave her the condom samples

Q: "My mother caught me."
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/28/06 01:59 AM

George to Jerry and Elaine about his mother walking in on him masturbating.

"So they can go home and tell their family they saw an actual New York mugging!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/28/06 07:43 PM

A: Kramer pretending to rob George

Q: "Now if you'll excuse me, once again I have to make love to your mother."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/29/06 05:36 AM

A: George's Father Frank to George.

Q: "I'm never doing that, again."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/29/06 08:17 AM

A: George to Jerry, Kramer and Elaine
Q: Would you stop it? All right, look, I'm getting off. No, I'm not telling you. How's this - I'm never telling you. I don't care. No. Fine. Never!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/30/06 12:59 AM

A: George over the phone to his mother, when he & Jerry were in the limo under fake names.

Q: "When you're shopping on Madison Avenue, you don't wanna skimp on the swank."
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/01/06 02:58 AM

Kramer to Elaine about why he's dressed up
"yeah, I am Batman!"
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/01/06 03:28 AM

Kramer about his bus story

"Maybe it's not an insult there. Maybe it's like 'fox.' They said, "Hey, you're a dog!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/02/06 01:42 AM

A: Kramer to Elaine about the Korean women talking about her

Q: "Now listen to me you little quack. There was a half man, half pig in that room over there. Now where is he?! Where is he?!"
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/02/06 10:22 AM

Kramer to the doctor

"Come on! I'm walking around rubbing two sticks together and you got a Zippo!"
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/05/06 05:50 AM

A: George to Jerry about his sexual techniques (a pretty good analogy by the way).

Q: "I couldn't do it without you."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/05/06 09:25 PM

A: Jerry to George about the roommate switch.

Q: "Well, you know in the old days, when the senators didn't vote the way that the party leaders wanted 'em to... they whipped them..."You better vote the way we want you to, or there's gonna be big trouble."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/06/06 03:43 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry regarding the whip.

Q: "I've got a confesion to make. I've got Super Bowl fever."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/06/06 01:58 PM

A: Elaine to Tim Watley

Q: "I'm on a birthday wish hotstreak."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/06/06 06:05 PM

A: Newman to Kramer.

Q: "They're prisons, self made prisons! You're doing time!"
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/07/06 06:54 PM

Kramer to Jerry

"My father was a very stern man...."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/08/06 07:27 AM

A: Mr. Pitt to Elaine.

Q: "You take tv out of this relationship and it's just torture."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/08/06 01:46 PM

A: George to his mother

Q: "Boy these really do pinch. I tell you, if I ever find the son of a bitch that stole my glasses..."
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/08/06 07:18 PM

George about his missing glasses in the locker room.

He must've thought I was going for his wallet.
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/08/06 09:13 PM

Kramer to George and Jerry about Jon Voigt biting him

"Perhaps you'd like to keep the tape"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/09/06 12:07 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry and George about Jerry's ballerina girlfriend

Q: "Well from now on I'll keep you apprised of my cycles."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/09/06 05:53 AM

A: George's finacee Susan to George.

Q: "You're turning into Jimmy."
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/09/06 07:01 PM

Jerry to George

"Well, if you'd only known, you could have saved some time and given it directly to me"
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/10/06 12:43 AM

Newman to Jerry re his Super Bowl Ticket
"Well, she didnt seem like she was having any fun"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/10/06 01:25 AM

A: Elaine to Jerry about Noreen

Q: "Mr. Steinbrenner's over, George is dead. Call me back."
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/10/06 01:35 AM

Frank to Jerry's answering machine
"I didnt know it was your car."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/10/06 05:14 AM

A: Car thief to Jerry.

Q: "Ahh...They could use the break!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/11/06 08:37 PM

A: George to Jerry upon learning that George's parents think he is dead.

Q: "If you can find a woman that can stand you for more than one second, you should hold onto her like grim death - which isn't far off by the way."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/11/06 09:21 PM

This is a great quote! Jerry to Uncle Leo.

Q: "I may know less about women. Than anyone in the world..But I do know that they're not happy if you don't spend the night."
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/11/06 09:31 PM

George to Jerry about the Jerry/Elaine sex deal.

Where'd you get coffee?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/12/06 07:06 PM

A: George's girlfriend to George, who was pretending to be taking an IQ test in a locked room while Elaine took it for George.

Q: "George is dating a crayon."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/12/06 07:09 PM

A: Jerry to George and Elaine
Q: Oh that Meryl Streep. She's such a phoney baloney!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/12/06 07:13 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine

Q: "George Costanza? A house in the Hampton?! I don't think so."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/12/06 07:55 PM

A: Elaine to the Ross's
Q: I like to be able to take the blankets and swish them and swirl them
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/12/06 09:06 PM

A: George to Lupe the hotel chambermaid.

Q: "We're going 100 mph. Who are you - Mannix?"
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/13/06 07:30 PM

Jerry to George

"Sometimes we like to swap."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/13/06 10:03 PM

A: Tim Watley to Jerry and the dental assistant

Q: "Is that ink on your hands?"
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/13/06 10:05 PM

Mr. Pitt to Elaine

"She wasn't my type."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/14/06 12:04 AM

A: Newman to Jerry.

Q: "Who goes anywhere with Newman?"
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/14/06 03:20 PM

Jerry to George

"You're bald!!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/14/06 05:18 PM

A: Elaine to George

Q: "Yeah, 25% Bran flakes. The 40% was too much so I found a store to mix it up special for me, they take it down another 15%."
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/14/06 06:36 PM

Jerry to Mike

"Take me to your leader"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/14/06 11:04 PM

A: George to Jerry

Q: "That inferno rattling sound that has plagued me these past two days - and I could not find the source. In my office, in the hallway. even in the men's room!"
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/15/06 12:53 AM

A: J. Peterman to Elaine.

Q: "Why should I pay for it, when if I apply myself I can get it for free?"
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/15/06 10:25 PM

George to Elaine

"....Like an old man, trying to send back soup in a deli."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/15/06 10:34 PM

A: George to Kramer, Jerry, & Elaine

Q: "I didn't know whether to try and keep her from falling, or zip up."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/15/06 10:38 PM

A: George to Jerry, Kramer and Elaine.

Q: "I zipped up!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/16/06 02:41 AM

A: George to Jerry, Kramer & Elaine
Q: Apparently I was unable to break up beyond a reasonable doubt
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/16/06 03:35 AM

A: George to Jerry.

Q: Oooh Macadamian nut! These are like 80 cents a nut."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/16/06 03:52 AM

A: Morty to Helen
Q: If you can't say something bad about a relationship you shouldn't say anything at all
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/16/06 01:01 PM

A: George to Jerry

Q: "You had to have the BIIIIIIIG salad!"
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/16/06 06:09 PM

George to Elaine

"More of everything!!!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/16/06 06:29 PM

A: Jerry to Stewardess
Q: Goodbye, Dr. Zaius
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/16/06 06:37 PM

Elaine to what she thinks is Puddy's fur coat.

"I can make some sandwiches!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/16/06 06:47 PM

A: George to Tony
Q: This is morning mist
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/16/06 08:25 PM

George to Jerry

"I want a black and white cookie."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/17/06 06:01 AM

A: Bette Midler to Kramer.

Q: "(singing) Because you are the wind beneath my wings."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/17/06 03:45 PM

A: Kramer to Bette Midler after she was nailed by George in the softball game

Q: "My seat's got a memory, in case somebody moves it. I could be in prison for five years. I come out, my seat goes right back to where I like it."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/17/06 06:44 PM

A: Morty Seinfeld to his son.

Q: "If you feed him he'll never leave."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/18/06 01:43 AM

A: Jerry to Helen about Kramer

Q: "You're gambling again, aren't you? You weak, weak man."
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/18/06 02:21 AM

Newman to Kramer about the borrowed money for the airport bets.

She sees something in him.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/21/06 10:34 PM

A: Jerry to George
Q: I've never heard of a relationship being affected by punctuation
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/21/06 11:24 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine

Q: "So you heard that I was in a car accident and then decided to stop off for some Jujyfruit?"
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/21/06 11:37 PM

Elaine's boyfriend about her buying candy after hearing about his accident.

They're all gone! Although....you can have the pit if you like.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/21/06 11:42 PM

DV - his name was Jake Jarmel

A: Newman to Kramer about the macadamians.

Q: "How could you not know who Bozo is?"
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/21/06 11:45 PM

Goombah, it was The Mackinaws! The Mackinaw peaches!

George to the clown before the fire

You can drape yourself in velvet and I wouldn't care.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/21/06 11:49 PM

DV - You're right! I'm thinking of Morty eating the nuts in the hotel. "These are like 80 cents a nut!"

A: George's girlfriend Paula to George

Q: "This is a little too much for me - escaped convicts, fugitive sex...I got a cockfight to focus on."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/22/06 07:58 AM

A: Jerry to Kramer and George about "Little Jerry Seinfeld's" upcoming match.

Q: "What am I, seeing Sinatra in there?!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/22/06 08:55 AM

A: George to Jerry
Q: Coffee isn't coffee. Coffee is sex
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/22/06 01:01 PM

A: George to Jerry & Elaine about his date

Q: "And what do you suggest, toots?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/22/06 08:24 PM

A: Kramer to Newman's birthday wish girlfriend
Q: First he vomits on me. Then he burns down my father's cabin. And now he's taken Mona away from me
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/22/06 08:28 PM

A: Susan to George & Jerry

Q: "I lived with him for forty years, I never saw him trying on my underwear. As soon as he leaves the house, he turns into J. Edgar Hoover!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/22/06 08:33 PM

A: Estelle to Frank & Kramer
Q: I was clinging to those keys, man, like a branch on the banks of a raging river, and now I have let go and I'm free to go with the current, to float, and I thank you
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/22/06 08:33 PM

Estelle about Frank wearing Kramer's "Bro."

Irish: Kramer about Jerry's extra set of keys.

This ring...this ring could've bought them one more dinner.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/22/06 10:39 PM

A: Aaron the close-talker to Elaine & Jerry

Q: "You look just like Frank...on our honeymoon."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/22/06 10:46 PM

A: Estelle to Kramer
Q: I was clinging to those keys, man, like a branch on the banks of a raging river, and now I have let go and I'm free to go with the current, to float, and I thank you
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/22/06 10:52 PM

DV answered yours already. Go ahead with another one.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/23/06 01:01 AM

No his was an answer to yours as well. We posted at the same time
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/23/06 01:33 AM

Uh, did you miss this? :p

Irish: Kramer about Jerry's extra set of keys.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/23/06 01:35 AM

Guess I did. My bad

Here's a new one
Q: Instead of an apology, he was be-boppin' and scattin' all over me
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/23/06 04:52 PM

A: George to the AA sponsor

Q: "Do me a favor will you? Take the pen and the scotch tape and get the hell out of here!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/23/06 07:11 PM

A: Morty to Jack
Q: It's all pipes. What's the difference!?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/23/06 09:34 PM

A: George to Jerry & Elaine

Q: "So you're so grateful to have sex, you'll just shout out anything that comes into your head?"
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/24/06 04:03 AM

A: Jerry to George.

Q: Das cafes por favore, y un ensalada grande...Ahh, don't mention it."
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/24/06 07:30 PM

George to the waitress

"...he is known, as the comedian."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/25/06 01:31 PM

A: Jerry's girlfriend the gymnast to Jerry

Q: "He's a jokemaker."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/25/06 05:33 PM

A: Kramer to Brody
Q: It's Risk. It's a game of world domination being played by two guys who can barely run their own lives
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/26/06 09:09 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine

Q: I know this doesn't seem like work, but if you wouldn't mind conducting the lunatic convention down the hall...
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/27/06 06:22 AM

A: Jerry to his and George's Parents.

Q: "What about Sharon Besser?"
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/28/06 04:58 PM

George to Jerry

Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/01/06 04:08 AM

^^^ Thats a little vague there, pal.
Mind posting one thats a little more specific?
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/02/06 03:53 AM

Easy one- "Sex...to save the friendship? "
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/02/06 04:26 AM

A: Jerry to Elaine.

Q: "Hey Jurrry. You know sometimes...?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/02/06 03:58 PM

A: Jerry's girlfriend who doesn't respect his being a comedian on Jerry's answering machine.

Q: "I can't believe I'm saying this, but that's not a bad idea."
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/02/06 09:59 PM

Jerry to Cosmo

"Did I tell you to put the balm on?"
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/02/06 11:32 PM

Jackie Chiles to Kramer
"Where'd a nice kid like you learn such a bad word?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/03/06 12:48 PM

A: Mickey to the little kid who said Kramer (dressed as Santa) was a Communist.

Q: "Don't be ridiculous. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go fill my freezer with my own blood."
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/03/06 09:21 PM

Kramer to Elaine

"I had a pony"
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/03/06 09:53 PM

Jerry's old relative about her days in Poland.

I invented 'it's not you, it's me!'
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/04/06 02:08 AM

A: George to his ex-girlfriend Gwyn

Q: "Why don't you go on your three hour break?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/04/06 06:47 AM

A: Newman to Violet
Q: I heard he used to polish off a box of Triscuits. Oh yeah, Gandhi loved Triscuits
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/05/06 02:13 AM

A: Jerry to Elaine

Q: "I'm a man who respects a good coma."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/05/06 02:56 AM

A: Jerry to Gina
Q: Well, there's always a place for you on our team
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/05/06 07:38 AM

A: Jerry to Elaine.

Q: "When they like me, I don't like them. When I like them, they don't like me."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/07/06 04:17 PM

Could be two answers: either George to Jerry or the two old men who they volunteer to help in the same episode.

Q: "Have you ever worn a fake beard?"
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/07/06 07:10 PM

Kramer to Jerry

"You already have an in, you have the same first name."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/07/06 10:28 PM

A: George to Jerry re: meeting Jerry Lee Lewis

Q: "Because I gotta intimidate when I'm on the mound. Well the next pitch, he's right back in the same place. So, I had to plunk him."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/08/06 01:11 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: All these big companies, they write off everything
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/08/06 01:39 AM

Kramer to Jerry re. the Post Office
"He's 9 years old! You dont need karate. You can just ring his neck.":
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/08/06 02:05 AM

A: Jerry to Kramer
Q: Poise counts
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/08/06 02:10 AM

Kramer to Miss Rhode Island
"Most comedians dont cuss"
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/08/06 06:20 AM

A: Jerry to the little kid in the swearing episode.

Q: "Thanks for ruining my Dad's business you fat fuck."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/08/06 06:23 PM

A: Matthew to Seinfeld

Q: "Well, she's talking to blue eyes now, Jack!"
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/08/06 07:50 PM

Gary to Jerry and Kramer

"Allright, I made up the part about the car, but the rest of its true."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/08/06 08:05 PM

A: George to Jerry
Q: What about the underwater espcape?
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/08/06 08:54 PM

Jerry's friend to Jerry as they walk out of theater after seeing Air Force One.

"I was going to say, being a good host."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/08/06 09:10 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine
Q: Find out if she likes you? What, are you in high school?
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/08/06 09:19 PM

Elaine to George

"Yeah, 5.35 an houer, and thats what they're paying now."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/08/06 11:25 PM

A: The K-man to Elaine

Q: "Radar detector? I've never seen you go over twenty miles an hour. You're like the Grand Marshall of the Rose Bowl Parade."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/09/06 04:22 AM

A: Jerry to Morty
Q: So, we jump and roll. You won't get hurt
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/09/06 03:36 PM

A: George, in the limo, to Jerry

Q: "Someone put a cane on my foot. Just like the one I'm going to stick up your ass."
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/09/06 07:11 PM

Elaine to George

I don't know if you should sit or stand for this. Sitting is good if you faint but standing is good for jumping up and down.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/09/06 07:57 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine
Q: It's the obligation. You know, as soon as this person comes in, you know you have to do this. I mean, if you could, say, touch a breast as part of the kiss hello, then I think I could see the value in it a little better
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/09/06 08:39 PM

Jerry to Elaine

'Well, you look like a Lilly."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/09/06 09:35 PM

A: Kramer To Susan.

Q: "Chicks man. Too many chicks know my number."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/09/06 09:57 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry

Q: "Shut your traps and stop kicking the seats!"
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/09/06 10:07 PM

George to the punks in the theater in the OPPOSITE (One of the best shows in the series IMHO)

"I believe thats what you do with garbage, you idiot."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/10/06 06:48 AM

A: Sid to Jerry
Q: I'm much more comfortable criticizing people behind their backs
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/11/06 08:09 PM

A: George to Jerry?

If so...

Q: "Of all the men I know, you're the only one who's held a steady job for several years now."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/11/06 08:43 PM

A: Elaine to Newman
Q: You're a massage teaser
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/13/06 09:47 PM

A: Jerry to his girlfriend, Jody, the massuese.

Q: "Hmmm, that job sounds like it might be worth a year's free haircuts. And a comb."
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/14/06 03:37 AM

Newman to Uncle Enzo
"Here's what I propose. Go down to the stables, see if any high flyin' cashiers have been throwing around 20 dollar bills with lips drawn on them"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/15/06 05:30 PM

A: Jerry to George

Q: "Eh, anti-fur. I mean, who has the energy anymore? This is more about hanging off the arm of an idiot."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/15/06 06:32 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry
Q: You ask me to have lunch, tell me you slept with Elaine, and then say you're not in the mood for details. Now you listen to me. I want details and I want them right now. I don't have a job, I have no place to go. You're not in the mood? Well you get in the mood!
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/16/06 03:44 AM

George to Jerry
"They gotta be able to treat a dog, a lizard, a chicken, a pig, and a frog, and they gotta do it all in the same day"
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/16/06 07:18 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry.

Q: "Thick, lustrous, hair is very important to me."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/16/06 08:18 AM

A: George to Jerry
Q: You can't go in there with Pepsi and Ding Dongs
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/16/06 02:35 PM

A: Elaine to George. BTW, it was Ring Dings, not Ding Dongs.

Q: "Because to pull rickshaws means more than just strong legs. You're also going to need a well-toned upper body...or a shirt."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/16/06 05:00 PM

A: Kramer to the homeless rickshaw driver aspirant.

Q: "You're telling jokes in some nightclub. He was in game 6...game 6!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/16/06 05:37 PM

A: George to Jerry about Keith Hernandez

Q: "Those were real hooters."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/17/06 06:59 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: Shut up! One more day and you are pound bound
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/18/06 02:38 AM

A: Jerry to Farfel

Q: Little Snowball? He runs on batteries.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/18/06 04:46 AM

Either Kramer or George to Elaine
"Hey, why are all those people gathered around my car?"
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/18/06 05:17 AM

A: George to Jerry, Kramer and Elaine.

Q: "I GOT IT!!!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/18/06 07:46 AM

A: George to Jerry
Q: Oh, I know I don't have to. I want to
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/19/06 01:18 PM

A: George to his girlfriend's mother, shortly before eating out of the trash

Q: "How can the same street intersect with itself? I must be at the nexus of the universe."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/20/06 12:30 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry.

Q: "Hey, eh, whoa. Give it to the girl. I'm an independent contractor. Tax purposes."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/20/06 12:44 AM

A: Jerry to Maxwell
Q: This guy could be a little bonkos
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/20/06 12:54 AM

A: Regis to Kathie Lee about Kramer

Q: "And may I ask - what do you read in the bathroom?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/20/06 12:56 AM

A: George to Jerry
Q: Oh my god. An affair. It's so adult. It's like with stockings and martinis and William Holden. On the other hand, it probably wouldn't cost me any money
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/20/06 03:52 AM

George to Elaine/Jerry
"You couldnt figure out the Worlds Theory for yourself?!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/20/06 06:31 AM

A: George to Jerry
Q: I'm the bad boy. I've never been the bad boy
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/20/06 07:11 AM

A: George to Jerry.

Q: "Hey, eh, whoa. Give it to the girl. I'm an independent contractor. Tax purposes."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/20/06 08:31 AM

A: Maxwell (Man) to Jerry
Q: Newman never stops seeing anybody. Newman will see whoever is willing to see him
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/20/06 01:56 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine

Q: "What's the deal with politics?"
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/20/06 04:50 PM

Kramer immitating Jerry (great beginning)
"George doesn't work. He's a bum."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/20/06 06:57 PM

A: Estelle to Slyvia
Q: We're not giving away the waterpick!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/21/06 01:30 AM

A: Estelle to Frank, George, & Lloyd Braun

Q: "They're selling coffee, bran muffins.. you're surrounded by reading material. It's entrapment!"
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/21/06 02:29 AM

George to Jerry
"I'm just a sadist w/ newer magazines."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/21/06 04:45 AM

A: Tim to Jerry
Q: That's it, that's it! I warned you kids. I told you not to play in front of my house. This time, I'm keepin' it. And you're not getting back your rock either!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/21/06 03:45 PM

A: Kramer to the kids in front of the apartment in the "Serenity Now" episode

Q: "Occasionally I like to help the humans."
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/21/06 05:00 PM

K-man to Jerry

"Do you talk to everybody like this?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/21/06 06:50 PM

A: Mr. Cushman to George
Q: $8? I wasted an entire morning with you for $8!?
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/21/06 09:08 PM

Woman from the subway who tied up and robbed George

"I don't know how you can let this guy handle all your money."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/22/06 04:20 PM

A: George to Jerry

Q: "Because I'm like ice, buddy. If I don't like you, you've got problems."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/22/06 05:32 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: Knowing you is like going into the jungle. I never know what I'm going to find next, and I'm real scared
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/22/06 05:56 PM

A: One of my all-time favorite Jerry lines, to George.

Q: "Boxers! How do you wear these things? I've got nothing holding me in place. I'm flippin', I'm floppin'."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/22/06 08:57 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: This isn't fair. This is address discrimination!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/22/06 09:51 PM

A: Elaine to the Hopsings delivery guy

Q: "Yes, yes, I tell her you not here. She said curse word. I hang up."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/23/06 05:24 AM

A: Bruce to George
Q: In the whole world right now there's maybe three emergencies. Why would you think on this entire planet that you're one of those three?
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/23/06 05:06 PM

George to his girlfriend. I want to say her name is Deborah, but In dont think thats right

"Why dont you give up already, at least, thats what Jerry says."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/23/06 06:30 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: It's like I'm Neil Armstrong. I turn around for a sip of Tang, and you jump out first!
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/24/06 06:09 AM

A: George to Jerry complaining about his competition.

Q: "Hire this man!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/24/06 06:43 AM

A: Mr. Steinbrenner to Mr. Cushman
Q: No I will NOT keep my voice DOWN! Nothing can make me keep my voice down!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/24/06 01:10 PM

A: George to Jerry & Elaine

Q: "That's no good. It's terrible. You don't hit home runs like that. It's hard to hit home runs. And where the heck did you get two from?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/24/06 06:19 PM

A: Paul O'Neill to Kramer
Q: I'd love to be a Civil War buff. What do you have to do to be a buff?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/24/06 06:27 PM

A: George to Jerry re: Keith Hernandez

Q: "He must have caught a glimpse of us when I poured that beer on his head."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/24/06 06:32 PM

A: Newman to Kramer and Jerry
Q: Would it kill you not to be so funny all the time? That's all I'm askin'. This woman thinks I'm very funny and now you're gonna be funny, so what am I gonna be? I'm gonna be a short bald guy with glasses who suddenly doesn't seem so funny
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/24/06 08:55 PM

A: George to Jerry

Q: "I thought you said you was bringing a white boy home. I don't see a white boy - I see a damn fool."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/24/06 09:00 PM

A: Grandpa to Anna
Q: A chef who doesn't wash is like a cop who steals. It's a cry for help. He wants to get caught
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/25/06 08:07 PM

A: Jerry to George about Pappi.

Q: "Never go against the family."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/25/06 08:30 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: C'mon relax. Just because they look alike that doesn't mean you're secretly in love with Jerry
Posted By: Tony Mosrite

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/25/06 10:05 PM

Kramer to George

"My father thought George was gay"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/25/06 10:14 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry
Q: What do you think Junior? You think these hands - they've been soaking in Ivory Liquid?
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/26/06 02:17 AM

A: Kramer to hippy on his way to California.

Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/26/06 03:01 AM

A: David to Priest in the car
Q: Hey, who do you think is the most unattractive world leader?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/27/06 02:24 AM

A: Elaine to Jerry

Q: "You know they way I work, I'm like a commercial jingle. First it's a little irritating, then you hear it a few times, you hum it in the shower, by the third date it's 'By Mennen'".
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/27/06 03:17 AM

A: George to Jerry
Q: Because the mail never stops. It just keeps coming and coming and coming, there's never a let-up. It's relentless. Every day it piles up more and more and more! And you gotta get it out but the more you get it out the more it keeps coming in. And then the bar code reader breaks and it's Publisher's Clearing House day!
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/27/06 03:45 AM

A: Newman answering George's query as to why mailmen always seem to flip out and go on a rampage of violence and mayhem.

Q: "I believe that's what you do with garbage. Einstein :rolleyes: ."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/29/06 06:01 PM

A: Sid Fields to Jerry

Q: "I'd like to dip my bald head in oil and rub it all over your body."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/29/06 08:13 PM

A: George to housekeeper
Q: You know, the basic idea of negotiation, as I understand it, is to get your price to go up
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/29/06 10:54 PM

A: Jerry to George

Q: "Amazing. I drive 'em to lesbianism and Kramer brings 'em back."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/30/06 04:14 AM

A: George to Jerry
Q: I like to be able to take the blankets and swish them and swirl them
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/30/06 01:02 PM

A: George to Lupe the chambermaid

Q: "My name is A.J. Pennypacker and I'm a wealthy industrialist..."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/31/06 07:38 AM

A: Kramer to owner of Cinco De Mayo.

Q: "It's not a lie, if you believe it."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/31/06 07:57 AM

A: George to Jerry
Q: So, apparently adoption leads to serial killing
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/31/06 12:56 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry & Elaine about Elaine's boyfriend Joel Rifkin

Q: "This is so unfair. I would've marched on Selma if it was on Long Island."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/31/06 06:46 PM

A: George to Jerry
Q: Hey, I got a rubber pencil thing happening here
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/31/06 07:36 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry

Q: "No I'm not. I-I-I-I was bald."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/31/06 08:37 PM

A: George to Elaine
Q: If we pick, do we not bleed?!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/31/06 09:48 PM

A: Jerry to Tina the model

Q: "It's gotta have something to do with Kramer."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/11/06 04:56 PM

A: Jerry to George (could be Jerry to Elaine not too sure on this one).

Q: "He understands the worlds theory!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/12/06 06:25 PM

Don Jasani- it was Jerry to George

KRAMER: Joey, there you are. Hey
JOEY: (runs into the arms of a police officer) A Monster
KRAMER: I'm the babysitter
(Jump to Mickey laying in Joey's Bed, In walks Joey's mom)
MRS. ANVINO: Goodnight, Honey.
MICKEY: Goodnight
(Jump to Jerry's, Jerry and George sitting on his couch watching TV, Mrs Anvino screams and it is heard at Jerry's)

JERRY: It's gotta have something to do with Kramer

Answer to yours: George to Jerry

Q: "Olly, olly, oxen, free!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/12/06 06:29 PM

A: Newman yelling when jumping into the pool before hitting Ramon
Q: Believe me, somewhere in this hospital the anguished oink of pig-man cries out for help
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/13/06 12:48 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry & Elaine

Q: "Oh no. I'm sorry. The correct answer is "Moops."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/13/06 01:48 AM

A: George to Donald the Bubbleboy
Q: And we discover yet another talent, posing as a girlfriend for homosexuals
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/13/06 02:47 AM

Jerry to Elaine
"So you're tunneling to the center of the earth?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/13/06 11:48 AM

A: Jerry to George

Q: "May I have one of those pretzels, madam?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/13/06 06:42 PM

A: Kramer to George
Q: Did he use a lot of slang? Did he use the word man?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/14/06 12:37 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry

Q: "So I said 'Dude - ya better step off'"
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/15/06 05:06 AM

A: Elaine's mimbo boyfriend to George.

Q: "Ahhh...You screwed me again Costanza. How the hell am I supposed to sign the card now that it's under glass?!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/15/06 09:40 PM

A: Mr. Morgan to George

Q: 75% of the world is carpeted. And soon, we will do the cleaning.
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/16/06 04:29 PM

A: Sunshine carpet cleaning worker to George I think.

Q: "With these two idiots running the show, I don't know how The Yankees won The World Series."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/17/06 12:14 AM

A: The Japanese executives amongst themselves
Q: Uptight. Let's all just have a big pee party. Hey everybody, grab a bucket, we're going up to Jerry's. It's a pee party
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/17/06 06:36 PM

Jerry to George

"Is that how the baby is going to cry, with that loud, sustained squealing...."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/17/06 06:49 PM

A: The Mohel to Jerry & Elaine
Q: What kind of man are you? Well, you're weak, spineless, a man of temptations. But what tempts you? You're a portly fellow. A bit long in the waistband. So what's your pleasure? Is it the salty snacks you crave?
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/17/06 07:02 PM

Kramer to George (I love the, "...you will always return to your dark master, the cocoa bean...")

"Thats BOGUS, man."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/17/06 10:27 PM

A: Puddy to The Priest.

Q: "You see, this is why you're going to hell."
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/17/06 11:43 PM

Puddy to Elaine
"my presence in that office can only hurt me"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/18/06 04:53 AM

A: George to Jerry
Q: Because men think if women are grabbing and clawing at each other, there's a chance they might somehow kiss
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/19/06 05:13 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine

Q: "I just got off a twenty-three hour plane ride. I'm too tired to even vomit at the thought."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/19/06 08:02 PM

A: Elaine to George
Q: I've cut slices so thin, I couldn't even see them
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/21/06 03:52 PM

A: Kramer to Elaine

Q: "If you boys can't keep your voices down, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/21/06 04:50 PM

A: The black cook at Monk's to George
Q: They were mailboxes, you idiot. I didn't have the heart to tell you
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/21/06 04:56 PM

A: Jerry to George

Q: "Did you hear about Newman?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/21/06 05:04 PM

A: Kramer to Elaine
Q: It's a Commando-8, 12,000 BTU's. It's gonna be like a meat locker in here
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/21/06 07:09 PM

A: Jerry to Amy

Q: "Will somebody answer the damn phone!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/21/06 09:23 PM

A: Uncle Leo to Jerry
Q: Not shot. Dog bite. Woof woof, not bang bang
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/21/06 10:54 PM

A: Rabies doctor to Elaine

Q: "It was a crime of passion-leave it alone."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/21/06 10:56 PM

A: Helen to Morty
Q: Ooo, she's a package full of energy
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/23/06 04:41 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry & Elaine

Q: "You killed Fredo!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/23/06 04:55 PM

A: Jerry to Kramer
Q: It must have gotten lost in the mail
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/25/06 12:13 AM

A: Newman to Kramer and all of Newman's postal buddies

Q: "You go ahead and keep her. But remember this - when you control the mail, you control...information!"
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/25/06 12:44 AM

Newman to Jerry

"Yeah, Jellyfish, gotta watch out for those Jellyfish...."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/25/06 03:04 AM

A: George to Kramer regretting passing on a certain trip.

Q: "I'm king of the castle, baby!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/25/06 05:52 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine
Q: I guess I just wasn't ready for the responsibilities of a pretend-marriage
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/25/06 08:47 PM

Jerry to Meryl (or is it Monica!?!?!)

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/26/06 12:10 AM

A: Kramer to Newman
Q: Give me a moan, something. I'd settle for a belch, for God's sake
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/27/06 05:54 PM

A: Constanza to Seinfeld

Q: "Have you ever taken a bath in the dark? If I'm not talking into the soap right now, call me back."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/28/06 06:05 AM

A: Marlene to Jerry
Q: Oh, I'm looking right at you, Big Daddy
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/28/06 03:01 PM

A: Kramer to Newman

Q: "Yes. And a more offensive spectacle I cannot recall."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/29/06 05:46 AM

A: Newman to Mrs. Seinfeld
Q: Street toughs took my armoire?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/29/06 10:03 PM

A: Elaine to Kramer

Q: "So long, jackass!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/30/06 02:17 AM

A: Jerry to Lamar
Q: This is our best model, the Cougar 9000. It's the Rolls Royce of wheelchairs. This is like, you're almost glad to be handicapped
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/02/06 07:34 PM

A: Wheelchair salesman to Kramer & George

Q: "She's got everything I ever wanted in another human being - except for the walking."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/03/06 05:56 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: You know, I've been issued a public urination pass by the city because of my condition. Unfortunately, my little brother ran out of the house with it this morning. Him and his friends are probably peeing all over the place
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/03/06 08:35 PM

Jerry to the security guard

"I haven't vomited in 13 years."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/03/06 09:29 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine

Q: "You! Take off your socks, your pants, your underwear. We're doing the wash."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/04/06 06:41 AM

A: Kramer to Elaine
Q: C'mon relax. Just because they look alike that doesn't mean you're secretly in love with Jerry
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/04/06 04:01 PM

A: Kramer to George

Q: "Excellent...excellent!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/04/06 04:50 PM

A: Newman to Elaine
Q: Hey, I am not a prude, sweetheart. I swing with the best of them
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/04/06 05:00 PM

A: George to Susan

Q: "Pulp can fly, baby!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/04/06 05:47 PM

A: George to Jerry
Q: Because I'm refreshed! I finally found a way to sleep in my office. Under the desk! I lie on my back, I tuck in the chair. I'm invisible
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/04/06 06:09 PM

George to Jerry

"Look, you wanna get hurt?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/04/06 07:01 PM

A: Cedric the gay guy to Kramer before stealing the armoire.

Q: "You should hear the way my boyfriend talks to me."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/07/06 02:49 AM

A: Sharen to George
Q: If I could talk to the mothers and have sex with the daughters, then I'd really have something going
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/08/06 07:20 PM

George to Jerry

I'd like to see that complaint rectified.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/08/06 07:27 PM

A: Mr. Peterman to Elaine
Q: Go fold your little balloon animals, Eric. Eric... What kind of name is that for a clown?
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/08/06 07:33 PM

George to Eric (How can you call yourslf a clown if you've never heard of Bozo the Clown) the Clown

"Dating is really starting to get embarrasing isn't it?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/09/06 03:42 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine

Q: "No. I need a really pretty face. But hey, that's me."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/09/06 07:06 PM

A: Newman to Jerry
Q: It's the timeless art of seduction
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/10/06 02:47 PM

A: I know that was said more than once in a particular episode. One of them was Kramer to George.

Q: "Give my best to Hinckley."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/17/06 07:18 PM

I didn't think mine was as difficult as it appears. It was Jerry to Crazy Joe Duvola.

Someone else can post a question to resume things...
Posted By: reynols

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/17/06 08:53 PM

Q: You had to tell me your father wears sneakers in the pool
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/18/06 07:27 PM

A: George's girlfriend with the answering machine to George

Q: "The next millenium must be Jerry-free!"
Posted By: hova4ever9

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/18/06 09:36 PM

newman's 2000 party
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/19/06 12:48 AM

you need to post a question after you answer correctly.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/07/06 11:18 PM

Q: "Why don't you get a bumper sticker that says 'if this van's-a-rocking, don't come-a-knocking?'"
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/21/06 02:40 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry in The Junkmail.

Q: "What am I, a--a bulimic, chain-smoking, stenographer from Staten Island?"

Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/21/06 03:40 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry

Welcome back Rocky! Hey, I just had the pleasure of finding something funnier than Seinfeld: "Curb Your Enthusiasm." Same writer - Larry David. He's just awesome.

Q: "Hire this man."
Posted By: hova4ever9

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/21/06 04:37 PM

A-george steinbrenner to george

Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/21/06 05:52 PM

Thanks Goombah. I haven't been around in a while (I just checked the last time I posted ... Sep 2005 ) Anyway, its good to be back, my fellow Clevelander.

You're right, Curb Your Enthusiasm is hilarious. That show cracks me up constantly. Now, back to the game ...

A: David Puddy to no one inparticular/everyone.
Q: I mean--what am I--some pom-pom-wavin' Backseat Bimbo?!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/21/06 06:18 PM

What is your fave episode of "Curb?" I've only seen the 1st three seasons. My top ones would be Shaq, the Thong, The Bomb Sniffing Dog, and Porno Gil.

A: Elaine to Jerry

Q: "I could go to prison for 5 years, come back, and my seat is right where I like it."
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/24/06 02:33 PM

It is hards to name a favorite CYE episode ... they are all so hilarious. Porno Gil is a good one. So is The Christ Nail (season 5, I think).

A: Morty in The Cadillac.

Q: "I mean, really, what is the big deal? We go in there. We're in there for a while. We come right back out here. It's not complicated."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/24/06 11:24 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine in "the Deal."

Q: "Then the bar-coder reader breaks...and it's...Publisher's Clearinghouse!!!"
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/29/06 04:50 PM

Newman to Jerry and George (the mail never stops)

Q: "that chimp's alright"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/01/06 08:52 PM

A: I know it was David Puddy. I think it was to Jerry.

Q: "For $50 bucks? I'd put my face in their soup and blow."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/02/06 06:30 PM

George to Jerry and Elaine in a Chinese Restaurant

"You stink."
Posted By: reynols

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/03/06 12:10 AM

kramer to jerry

minding my business
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/03/06 01:17 AM

A: Newman to Babs Kramer

Q: "You know, for a fat guy - you're not very jolly!"
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/05/06 03:29 AM

Kramer to Jerry
"What was my father doing with a man in a cape?"
Posted By: reynols

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/05/06 08:27 PM

george to jerry

making sausages
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/07/06 05:09 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry

Q: "All aboard the pain train."
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/04/06 04:40 AM

Izzy to Jerry?

"I'm taking the Congo as a penalty!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/05/06 07:29 PM

DV - you got it right.

A: Kramer to Newman when playing "Risk"

Q: "It's 3:30 in the morning and I'm at a cock fight. What am I clinging to?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/06/06 06:15 AM

A: Elaine to Jerry
Q: By the way don't use those condoms, they're defective
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/06/06 09:18 PM

A: Kramer to George

Q: "Ooooh noooo. I'm sorry, the correct answer is 'moops.'"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/07/06 04:03 AM

A: George to the Bubble Boy
Q: I've never had so many complaints. "Where's the rest of this muffin?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/07/06 02:19 PM

A: Homeless shelter woman to Elaine

Q: "When I was young I heard rumors that Mama had taken a lover. Maybe his name was 'Bosco.'"
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/07/06 02:24 PM

Peterman to George

Why, it's a perfectly sane food!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/07/06 06:02 PM

A: Kramer to the movie vendor and to Lloyd Braun

Q: "We have a white mammal, aged 35-60, weight...uh, indeterminate."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/08/06 05:12 PM

Was this Kramer to the 911 operator?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/08/06 06:30 PM

No, it was Kramer pretending to be a dermatologist to George's boss, Mr. Krueger. George broke into Krueger's office to airbrush himself out of a photo and needed another picture of Krueger to fix it. That line just cracks me up every time I see it.

Good ahead and post one, Klydon.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/08/06 06:41 PM

Originally posted by goombah:
No, it was Kramer pretending to be a dermatologist to George's boss, Mr. Krueger. George broke into Krueger's office to airbrush himself out of a photo and needed another picture of Krueger to fix it. That line just cracks me up every time I see it.

Good ahead and post one, Klydon.
(That line is hilarious)

Are you an assassin?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/09/06 12:22 PM

A: Peterman while in Berma to Elaine

Q: "Damn you,_________, you useless pustule."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/19/06 09:27 PM

A: Newman to Jerry

Q: "They're real and they're spectacular."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/20/06 08:47 PM

Jerry's girlfriend to Jerry

Where are the holes?
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/21/06 03:23 PM

Slippery Pete to George

Q: "Here's to feeling good all the time"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/29/06 01:45 PM

A: Kramer to Barry, the sniffing accountant

Q: "I don't know how you guys walk around with those things."
Posted By: Ice

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/29/06 02:34 PM

A:Elaine to Jerry and George (shrinkage episode)

Q:"...you're hung up on some clown from the 60's man!"
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/29/06 04:26 PM

Eric the Clown to George

Q: "Tell the world my story!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/29/06 04:49 PM

A: Newman to Kramer after Newman gets in trouble at the post office.

Q: "He was moving on her like the storm troopers into Poland."
Posted By: Ice

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/05/06 06:47 AM

A: Newman to Jerry's parents

Q: Oh...., well, I really think I'm falling for you ....., Joseph Puglia.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/06/06 08:32 PM

A: Jerry to Mulva/Delores

Q: "Poppy's a little sloppy."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/06/06 08:38 PM

Jerry when Poppy didn't wash his hands.

Posted By: Ice

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/06/06 08:38 PM

A:George to pretty boy Tony

Q: 'Look at how they massacred my boy!'
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/06/06 08:44 PM

Alright, let me see if I can answer both:

Klydon's is Elaine to George when he's trying to get in good with her mimbo boyfriend, Hunky Tony.

Ice's is Jerry imitating Vito to Elaine

Q: "So this is beautiful. You, and Puddy, and this new guy, in a big pot of love stew."
Posted By: Ice

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/06/06 08:56 PM

Originally posted by goombah:

Klydon's is Elaine to George when he's trying to get in good with her mimbo boyfriend, Hunky Tony.

no it's george to tony. george suggests they should go bowling! 'you get no rush from bowling george.'.... .. 'no rush? u ever dropped a ball on your foot!' very funny
Posted By: Ice

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/06/06 09:02 PM

Originally posted by goombah:

Q: "So this is beautiful. You, and Puddy, and this new guy, in a big pot of love stew."
A:Jerry to Elaine

Q:Your face, is my case.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/07/06 02:01 AM

A: Jackie Chiles to Kramer

Q: "You're trying to keep us out of Del Boca Vista? We're moving in lock, stock, and barrel."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/09/06 08:33 PM

George's dad to the Seinfelds.

Good for the tuna.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/11/06 06:38 PM

A: George to Jerry

Q: "I hope you're happy. Every word out of my son's mouth is f--k, f--k, f--k. You know what he said to me this morning? 'Where's my f--king cupcake?'"
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/11/06 06:41 PM

Wife of the frozen yogurt maker to Jerry.

Who wouldn't love a pony?
Posted By: Ice

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/11/06 07:33 PM

A: Jerry to Magda(sp?)

Q: It's common courtesy, you come in the house you wipe off your wheels!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/11/06 07:38 PM

A: Mrs. Ross to Mr. Ross' sister

Q: "She's got everything I've ever wanted in another human being - except for the walking."
Posted By: Ice

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/11/06 11:09 PM

A: George to Jerry

Q:You're not very bright are you.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/12/06 12:10 PM

Mine was actually Kramer to Jerry, when Kramer fell in love with the woman whose wheelchair was busted as the result of George parking in the handicap spot.

A: Jerry to George

Q: "Now I'm the office skank."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/12/06 02:07 PM

Elaine to Jerry

My wallet's missing!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/12/06 03:55 PM

A: Morty Seinfeld to the entire doctor's office.

Q: This is a pretty good move for you, huh? No more 'grease monkey.'"
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/12/06 06:38 PM

Is this Jerry to Puddy?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/12/06 07:43 PM

You got it, Klydon. Your turn.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/13/06 01:19 PM

He doesn't look like me.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/13/06 08:43 PM

A: Mr. Ross' sister to Susan, Mr & Mrs. Ross, Jerry & George

Q: "Love is a dizzying array of textures...and moments."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/16/06 02:58 PM

Sounds like something George would say?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/17/06 04:35 PM

It was actually Newman to Kramer

Q: "I prepared this meal while I bathed."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/17/06 06:35 PM


The shrimp is a little stringy.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/17/06 06:53 PM

A: Jerry to Babu

Q: "Hey, how come people don't have dip for dinner? Why is it only a snack? Why can't it be a meal, you know? I don't understand stuff like that."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/17/06 07:16 PM

My guess is George when he double dipped the chip.

If I'm right...

Poor Lily.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/17/06 08:21 PM

I'll give you a hint. It was a secondary character who was on multiple episodes with one of the 4 main characters. This person said things like "It feels like an Arby's night" and "we're the Devils."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/17/06 08:37 PM

Puddy! (Arby's gave it away for me).

Poor Lily
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/18/06 12:09 PM

Kramer to George, Jerry & Elaine after Susan died. One of my favorite Kramer lines.

Q: "How could you give $12 million dollars to Hideki Irabu?"
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/18/06 02:20 PM

That was either George to Steinbrenner in the opposite episode; but I remember George's dad confronting the Boss when he thought George was dead - but I think that involved Jay Buhner.
I'll go with George C. to George S.

If I'm right...

We dine.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/18/06 03:03 PM

It was actually Frank Costanza to Big Stein in the final episode. He was shouting to the Boss when the latter was testifying at their trial.

A: Peterman to George

Q: "No! I will not keep my voice down. Nothing can make me keep my voice down."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/18/06 07:47 PM

I'm going to guess again. Was this George? I recall him complaining to a store clerk or some hospital personnel.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/18/06 08:18 PM

I'm trying to keep these easy - I don't like the 'gotcha' games. You're correct - that was George when Jerry got tickets for "Guys & Dolls" and everyone thought they were gay. Not that there's anything wrong with it...

Q: "I come home and see my son treating his body like it was an amusement park."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/18/06 08:47 PM

George's mother to George in the hospital.

Do you want a piece of me?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/19/06 04:25 PM

A: Frank to Elaine

Q: "I actually prefer to be called 'Maestro.'"
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/19/06 05:21 PM

the Maestro with a house in Tuscany to Elaine

Kramer, what the hell are you talking about?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/20/06 02:57 PM

George to Kramer

Q: "Take it easy. There's enough here to make us all fat and giggly."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/24/06 02:19 PM

The previous was Kramer to J. Peterman during the "Peterman Reality" episode.

Q: "I know the chunky whose been eating these Chunkies."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/24/06 04:19 PM

Jerry to Newman

If I'm right... "You a dentist?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/24/06 06:15 PM

A: Jerry to just about everyone at Tim Watley's party

Q: "I'm out - yeah, I'm outta the contest."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/24/06 06:22 PM

Kramer to Jerry

Hire this man.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/25/06 12:46 PM

A: Steinbrenner to the guy from "Breakfast Club" about George

Q: "Ruth, Mantle, Dimaggio...Costanza?"
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/25/06 04:19 PM

Jerry to George

(Here's one of my favorite quirky lines)
She never would've made it.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/25/06 06:47 PM

Klydon - great one. That was Frank answering George about "Aunt Baby."

Q: "It's not a lie if you believe it."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/26/06 03:17 PM

I've heard it before. Something tells me it's Kramer?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/26/06 03:28 PM

A: Actually Costanza to Jerry

Q: "There I was a grown man, standing on the steps of the library, with a weggie."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/26/06 03:36 PM

George to Jerry

That's right. He's a wise guy.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/27/06 01:55 AM

Not sure. Sounds like it could be Kramer about Jerry to someone.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/27/06 05:37 PM

Yes. He was talking about Woody Woodpecker at the time. Maybe my quote was off a little. take a turn, goombah.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/27/06 05:59 PM

Oh yeah, I remember. I always liked that storyline with Mr. Pitt's obession with Woody.

Q: "I'm like ice, buddy. If I don't like you, you've got problems."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/30/06 07:16 PM

Kramer, I think. I remember the line, but not the episode.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/31/06 03:02 PM

Ironically, it was just on the past few days. It was where Kramer was mad at George & Elaine for not inviting him to the flea market.

Go ahead and post one.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/31/06 03:03 PM

I suck them down like Coca-Cola.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/31/06 05:02 PM

A: Kramer to the sniffing accountant, Barry.

Q: "Tuesday has no feel. Monday has a feel. Friday has a feel, Sunday."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/31/06 05:17 PM

I remember the line, and I'm thinking it's george to Jerry.

If so,

I'm gonna beat the hell out of this car.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/31/06 06:53 PM

Mine was actually Newman to Kramer & Jerry in the sniffing accountant episode.

A: Jerry to the rental car lady

Q: "You call me here to have lunch and tell me you had sex with Elaine and then tell me you're not in the mood for details. Now you listen to me. I have no job and nowhere to go. You're not in the mood? Well you get in the mood."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/31/06 07:33 PM

George to Jerry

You screwed me again, Costanza.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/31/06 08:13 PM

A: Mr. Morgan to George

Q: "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to fill my freezer with my own blood."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/31/06 08:21 PM

By process of elimination, that can only be Kramer. Am I right?

If so,

Are you still afraid of clowns?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/31/06 09:08 PM


A: Joe Duvola to Kramer

Q: "I've got a hair on my tongue. And you put it there. I heard you put the kibosh on my deal with NBC. Now I'm going to put the kibosh on you. You know I've kiboshed before and I will kibosh again.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/31/06 09:41 PM

Joe Duvola to Jerry

Oh, shut the bleep up.
Posted By: Ice

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/31/06 09:50 PM

Jerry to Kramer

Someone else can post
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/02/06 03:09 PM

You just need a nose job.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/02/06 03:48 PM

A: Kramer to George's girlfriend who had the big schnazz

Q: "We went to see 'My Fair Lady' and Elaine came."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/04/06 04:11 AM

A: Jerry's mom to Jerry when the close-talker hoarded in on the Seinfeld parents

Go ahead and post one.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/03/06 06:35 PM

I was thinking of that too, goombah.

These beans are good.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/03/06 07:26 PM

Sounds like either Jerry saying it to or the girl saying it to Jerry who were breaking up for 10 hours?
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/03/06 07:49 PM

You got it. It was Jerry. Go ahead and post one.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/03/06 09:50 PM

Q: "What about the homeless? They're always wandering around the streets. Why not just strap it on them?"
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/09/06 02:55 AM

That was either Kramer or Newman...I'll guess Newman

If so,

Up here I'm already gone.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/09/06 06:25 PM

It was actually Kramer to Newman and Jerry.

Yours: Kramer to George

Q: "I'm free...because the murderer struck again. Hey!"
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/15/06 03:55 AM

Kramer to Jerry and George

Who won't wear the ribbon?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/02/07 09:06 PM

A: Cedric & Bob to Kramer

Q: "If you would have told me 25 years ago that I'd be standing here, about to solve the world's energy problems, I would have said 'you're crazy.' Now let's drop this ball of oil out the window."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/05/07 02:57 PM

Kramer to his intern.

I don't know. Consomee.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/06/07 03:44 PM

Is that Russel Dowripple to George & Jerry when Russel got sick after Elaine sneezed on his lunch?
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/06/07 04:28 PM

Nope. I may have the wording a little off, but it's Jerry to Elaine when Jerry was going to buy dinner for the guy who gave him a suit.

Take a turn, goombah.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/06/07 04:40 PM

Banya - right. I forgot about that one. By the way, did you see the actor who plays Puddy on a new sitcom on CBS last night? It was ok. Puddy was funny, but the rest of it was lame.

Q: "'Well women do it.' I'll tell you what. I'll pick you up a sundress and a parasol and you can just sashey your pretty little self around the town square."
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/21/07 11:03 PM

Kramer to Jerry about shaving his chest

Q: "What is this? A prophylactic wrapper?"
Posted By: reynols

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/25/07 07:45 PM

mr. costanza to george & ms. costanza

Q: the duey decimel system, what a scam that was
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/25/07 09:09 PM

Kramer to Jerry

Q: "Poor little Pinkus"
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/26/07 03:48 PM


He doesn't usually wear glasses!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/07/07 07:36 PM

A: George to Deena when she thinks he belongs in an asylum?

If so...

Q: "Every proctologist story ends in the same way: 'It was a million to one shot, Doc. Million to one.'"
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/07/07 10:02 PM

Kramer to Jerry and George

1%? They can kiss 1% of my ass.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/07/07 10:08 PM

Jerry to girlfriend (Lori Laughlin)

"You want a piece of me ? You GOT IT"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/08/07 12:45 AM

A: Frank to Elaine

Q: "Merlot? Did they just invent that?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/09/07 09:25 PM

A: Estelle to Mrs. Ross

Q: "Damn you, Seinfeld, you useless postule."
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/09/07 09:31 PM

A: Newman to Jerry

Q: "Johnny Yuma was a rebel"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/11/07 02:56 PM

Is that Kramer singing to Elaine, while on hold, waiting to talk to Elaine's psychiatrist ex-boyfriend?

If so...

Q: "The car is a behemoth. It drove itself into the swamp."
Posted By: reynols

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/11/07 04:18 PM

jack klompus to jerry

q: i like to get the daily news
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/12/07 10:12 PM

A: George to Kramer

Q: "Love is a dizzying array of textures...and moments."
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/13/07 03:11 AM

A: Newman to Kramer

Q: I don't know the woman, but she sounds quite fetching.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/13/07 11:55 AM

A: Also Newman to Kramer

Q: "I'll come back later. We'll make out."
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/16/07 03:37 AM

A: Puddy to Elaine

Q: "We're living, in a society!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/16/07 11:59 AM

A: George in the Chinese restaurant to the person who jumped in front of him in line for the phone.

Q: "You're not the only one improving yourself. I worked out with a dumbell yesterday. I feel vigorous."
Posted By: reynols

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/17/07 02:42 PM

frank to estelle costanza

Q: im gonna need some water over here
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/18/07 04:03 PM

A: I think that happened more than once. Definitely George either 1) yelling to a waitress at Monks or 2) George yelling to the NBC execs before pitching their "Pilot" idea

Q: "You emit a foul & unpleasant odor. I loathe you."
Posted By: Ice

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/18/07 04:19 PM

 Originally Posted By: reynols

Q: im gonna need some water over here

I used this one last night(works great when the ladies tell you that they are wearing green panties for St Patty's ). It's definitely George to the waitress in the cafe. It's after Jerry tells about one of his sexual escapades, maybe the Elaine sex(?), or maybe after he talks about the dirty talker sex? Can't wait to hear this answer b/c I have been wondering about this one for a while.

Goombah's is Newman to Kramer

Mine is:
Q: No, no, they got a cure for cancer. See, it's all about big business.
(HINT:The answer is "blank" to phone.)

Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/19/07 02:23 PM

Mine was not Newman to Kramer. The K-man was there, but not being directly spoken to by Newman.
Posted By: Ice

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/19/07 02:53 PM

Ohhh ok, what I meant was Newman was 'feeding' it to Kramer, who then repeats it to the guy in the record store.

So....I change my answer....Is it Kramer 'feeding' it to Newman, who then repeats it to the guy in the record store?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/19/07 03:14 PM


A: Yours was Kramer to Joel, who Jerry didn't want to hang out with anymore

Q: "I'm gonna fix everything! I have a lawyer who knows someone in the Immigration Department, they're gonna straighten the whole thing out, the wheels are in motion, things are happening even as we speak!"
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/19/07 03:40 PM

A: Jerry to Babu

Q: "I was getting jiggy hith it"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/19/07 04:38 PM

A: Jerry to the girlfriend who makes him carry a purse

Q: "The tobacco companies? I've been wanting a piece of them for years."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/19/07 06:01 PM

Jimmy the lawyer (Childs?) to Kramer

The inside part of the plate is mine.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/20/07 05:57 PM

The lawyer's name was Jackie Chiles, but close enough. \:\)

A: Kramer to Jerry & Elaine about the fantasy camp "incident."

Q: "Now something of yours was in the toilet. Gotta go."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/20/07 06:39 PM

Jerry's girlfriend to him

Rules are rules, and let's face it. Without rules, there's chaos.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/21/07 03:20 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry on why Kramer enforced the penalty stroke on his golf partner

Q: "Bran flakes. One hundred percent. I've gotta a big problem."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/21/07 11:28 PM

Is this Kramer wwhen he was constipated?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/22/07 01:11 AM

As Kramer would say, "Giddy up." Your turn.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/22/07 10:30 AM

I love to stop at the duty free shop.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/22/07 12:08 PM

A: Kramer and George singing to one another while on the way to pick up Jerry from the airport

Q: "It's Benes, you jackass."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/18/07 03:05 PM

A: Elaine to Kramer

Q: "Uh yeah. I'll take a decaf cappuccino."
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/20/07 03:41 AM

Kramer to the psychiatrist

Q: "You're not Cartwright"
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/21/07 04:24 PM

A: Jerry to George

Q: "You're eating too much dairy."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/23/07 04:48 PM

A: The herbal guy Thor to Jerry

Q: "Ooooh nooooo. I'm sorry - the correct answer is "moops."
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/23/07 08:46 PM

A: George to the Bubble Boy.

Q: "You're a rabid anti-dentite!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/23/07 08:52 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry

Q: "She steals from me. Steals my money. She says she doesn't speak English. My ass she doesn't speak English. Plays that freakin' voo-doo music, tries to hypnotize me."
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/23/07 08:58 PM

A: Old man (Sid) to Jerry

Q: "He discovered that the Benes tattoo does not wash off so easily.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/24/07 12:27 AM

A: Jerry to George

Q: "You better think again, mujambo."
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/24/07 12:29 AM

A: Newman to Kramer

Q: "Jamba-laya."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/24/07 12:25 PM

A: Newman to himself after successfully completing his order with the Soup Nazi.

Q: "If you would have told me twenty five years ago that some day I’d be standing here about to solve the worlds energy problems, I would’ve said 'you’re crazy.' Now let’s push this giant ball of oil out the window."
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/24/07 02:02 PM

A: Kramer to his protege

Q: "The Dewey Decimal System, what a scam that was."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/24/07 02:52 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry & George

Q: "If somebody ever betrays me, I never forget it."
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/24/07 03:48 PM

A: Uncle Leo to Jerry

Q: "She's a little haw-awwt."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/24/07 04:16 PM

A: Elaine mocking Jerry's girlfriend to Jerry

Q: "I know your type...flashy...making the scene."
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/24/07 04:24 PM

A: Mr. Bookman to Jerry

Q: "That ogre dude's pretty cold, huh."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/25/07 12:20 PM

A: The guy in the van to Kramer when he went to California

Q: "They're selling coffee, bran muffins... you're surrounded by reading material. It's entrapment!"
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/27/07 04:58 PM

A:George to Jerry

Q:"We're not giving away our waterpick!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/27/07 05:14 PM

A: Estelle to Frank & George

Q: "Thanks for ruining my daddy's business, you fat f--k!"
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/27/07 05:18 PM

A: Yogurt boy to Jerry

Q: "You don't eat Oreos? The way you break them open? You're practically having sex with them."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/27/07 05:21 PM

A: Kramer to Elaine

Q: "Mr. Steinbrenner's over. George is dead. Call me back."
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/27/07 05:30 PM

A: Frank to Jerry

Q: "You want a piece of me?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/27/07 06:04 PM

A: Frank to Elaine

Q: "We're moving in lock, stock and barrel. We're gonna be at the pool, we're gonna be in the clubhouse. We're gonna be all over that shuffleboard court. And I dare you to keep me out!"
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/27/07 06:31 PM

A: Frank to Morty (on telephone)

Q: "I can drop you like a bag of dirt."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/27/07 07:02 PM

A: Elaine to Frank

Q: "You look scrumptious."
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/27/07 07:40 PM

A: Weird guy to Elaine

Q: "She just bought me some new panties....and they're all laid out for me."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/27/07 08:22 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry

Q: "Shut your traps and stop kicking the seats! We're trying to watch the movie. And if I have to tell you again, we're gonna take it outside and I'm gonna show you what it's like! You understand me? Now, shut your mouths or I'll shut'em for ya, and if you think I'm kidding, just try me. Try me. Because I would loooooove it!"
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/27/07 08:28 PM

A: George to punks at the movies.

Q: "I'll have the chicken salad, on rye, untoasted, with a side of potato salad, and a cup of tea."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/27/07 08:36 PM

A: George to the Monk's waitress

Q: "You stand on the threshold to the magical world of sensual delights that most men dare not dream of!"
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/30/07 06:32 PM

A: Jerry to Kramer

Q: "And if it's peanut butter, I'm gonna shove it in your face!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/30/07 07:23 PM

A: I actually had a difficult time thinking of the answer. It was the Bubble Boy to his mother. BTW, my previous one was Kramer to Jerry.

Q: "Jackie's cashin' in on your wretched disfigurement."
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/30/07 07:44 PM

A: Jackie to Kramer

Q: "Mmmm mutton, hope you didn't cut the fat off."

BTW- I just realized I posted the other one backwards, thanks.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/30/07 08:53 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine's cousin, who he was dating

Q: "Will somebody answer the damn phone!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/10/07 08:14 PM

A: Uncle Leo to Jerry

Q: "How come dip's not a meal? I don't understand things like that."
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/12/07 04:37 PM

A: David Puddy to Elaine (one of my favorite Puddy lines \:\)

Q: I don't know what we're going to do with all that potato salad!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/13/07 07:45 PM

A: George to Daphne

Q: "Tell George the next time I see I'm gonna make him my personal hand puppet."
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/24/07 04:33 PM

A: Coffee Shop Manager to Jerry.

Q: "Well, she's talkin' a blue streak now, Jack!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/22/08 02:46 PM

A: Gary, the guy who faked cancer, to Jerry

Q: "There better not be one scrap of dark meet, or it's your ass."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/22/08 06:06 PM

A: Kramer regarding Bette Midler's sandwich.

Q: "I'm out there and I'm lovin every minute of it!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/23/08 04:13 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry about not wearing any underwear

Q: "For I am in love with Svetlana and I don't care who knows it. Except for Silvio, who would throw me out on the street where I'd be dancing for nickels..."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/25/08 09:33 PM

A: Newman to Jerry.

Q: "What the hell did you trade Jay Buhner for?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/28/08 12:10 PM

A: Frank to George Steinbrenner, immediately after being told that George Constanza was dead.

Q: "Big Stein can't be floppin' and twitchin'."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/28/08 07:48 PM

A: George Steinbrenner to George about Lou Gehrig's disease.

Q: "You fed the horse beefarino?!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/29/08 04:18 PM

A: George to Kramer

Q: "Well if that air is coming out of this mouth, then it's my idea."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/29/08 06:58 PM

A: Elaine to Lipman.

Q: "They got Giuliani and he doesn't even know it."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/30/08 12:44 AM

A: Jerry to Elaine & Kramer

Q: "Do you really think you can manipulate that beautful young woman like the half-soused nightclub rabble that your inane observations?"
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/30/08 10:11 PM

A: Newman to Jerry.

Q: "You know why? Because people like to say 'salsa'"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/01/08 07:39 PM

A: Jerry to George

Q: "Well, there really is no junk-mail. Everybody wants to get a check or a birthday card, but it takes just as much man-power to deliver it as their precious little greeting cards."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/01/08 08:35 PM

A: Newman to Pam through Kramer.

Q: "Why don't you just tell me the movie you want to see?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/01/08 08:59 PM

A: Kramer acting as "Movie Phone" to George

Q: "If you boys can't control yourselves, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/30/08 04:09 PM

A: Monks owner to Jerry & George

Q: "Well, if she was a criminal and you had to describe her to a police
sketch artist..."
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/30/08 04:50 PM

A: George to Jerry

Q: "And you know, once those gorillas accept you, you got it made in the shade."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/30/08 05:55 PM


A: Kramer to Jerry about that monkey at the zoo where George's girlfriend worked.

Q: "I know. I heard you the first time."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/06/08 04:50 AM

A: George's girlfriend to George.

Q: "Who goes anywhere with Newman?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/11/08 04:52 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine

Q: "That's why I could never be president. That always irked me - they don't want me, I don't want them."
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/11/08 08:11 PM

A: Frank to Elaine

Q: So Mom and Pop's plan was to move into the neighborhood ... establish trust ... for 48 years. And then, run off with Jerry's sneakers.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/11/08 08:47 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry & the K-man

Q: "Oh how I've longed for this day. To push you out of your cushy lair and expose you for the monster you are."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/11/08 10:30 PM

A: Newman to Jerry.

Q: "I can't believe we went all the way to India for a wedding."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/12/08 04:43 PM

A: Jerry to George

Q: "Well you can stuff your 'sorries' in a sack, mister!"
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/27/08 09:33 PM

A: George multiple times (often to Jerry)

Q: "Lou Gehrig's pants. Not a bad fit. Hey, you don't think that nerve disease of his was contagious, do you?"
Posted By: geminitwin

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/01/08 07:25 PM

Originally Posted By: Freddie C.
A: George multiple times (often to Jerry)

Q: "Lou Gehrig's pants. Not a bad fit. Hey, you don't think that nerve disease of his was contagious, do you?"
Posted By: geminitwin

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/01/08 07:38 PM

Q. whats wrong with your face it looks like an catchers mitt
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/08/08 03:59 AM

A: Jerry to Kramer.

Q: "Poor Pinkus, poor little Pinkus."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/22/08 01:50 AM

A: It was Kramer to himself.

Q: "Serenity now!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/22/08 09:28 PM

A: Frank Costanza and George Constanza anytime they were stressed

Q: "No offense, Frank, but this holiday is a little dodatdoodatdoo...out there!"
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/24/08 08:55 PM

A: Kramer to Frank.

Q: "Not that there's anything wrong with that."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/31/08 02:34 AM

A: Jerry & George to the NYU reporter Sharon

Q: "It's like I'm Neil Armstrong. I turn around for a sip of Tang and you jump out first."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/31/08 11:40 PM

A: George to Jerry?

Q: "Look away, I'm hideous."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/01/09 01:51 PM

Yep, it was George to Jerry when everyone but George saw his girlfriend naked first.

A: Kramer to Jerry

Q: "That's preposterous. How could I give you fleas?"
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/01/09 11:43 PM

A: Newman to Jerry.

Q: "When you control the mail, you control...information."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/04/09 10:09 PM

A: Newman to Jerry & George

Q: "I love Yoohoo."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/05/09 12:10 AM

A: Jerry to Elaine.

Q: "I cheated in the contest."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/05/09 01:20 AM

A: George to Elaine & Jerry as the plane was going down

Q: "We've officially bottomed out."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/05/09 03:12 AM

A: Kramer to Newman.

Q: "He's very regimented about his meals."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/05/09 01:28 PM

A: Newman to George

Q: "Ya got girl problems? Doin' some of that crack cocaine?"
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/06/09 03:57 AM

It was George to Newman.

A: Steinbrenner to George. lol

Q: "He's a bad man. A very, very bad man."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/06/09 09:45 PM

A: Babu to his friend after being deported

Q: "Maybe the test was gender biased. You know, a lot of questions on hunting and testicles..."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/09/09 01:21 AM

A: Jerry to Elaine.

Q: "I been goin to the movies for 20 years, no one's ever asked me for the stub."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/09/09 02:56 PM

A: George to the ticket taker at the theatre

Q: "Man, we're missing 'The Death Blow!'"
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/09/09 06:03 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry.

Q: "Look to the cookie."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/09/09 06:51 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine

Q: "She's talking to ol' Blue Eyes now, Jack."
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/22/09 03:14 AM

A: Jon Lovitz to Jerry

Q: "Because you're silly. Get it?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/22/09 01:28 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry

Q: "I haven't celebrated Festivus in years. What's your interest?"
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/23/09 10:05 PM

A: Frank to Kramer

Q: "I suppose we all look alike to you"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/27/09 10:42 PM

A: George's co-worker Mr. Morgan to George

Q: "The first 24 hours are the worst. Better bring a poncho."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/02/09 08:51 PM

A: Peterman to Elaine about her heroin-addict boyfriend

Q: "Who told you to put the cheese on? I didn't tell you to put the cheese on."
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/02/09 10:10 PM

A: Jackie to secretary.

Q: "You don't have to help anybody. That's what this country's all about."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/03/09 04:27 PM

A: Jackie to Kramer

Q: "My wallet's gone, my wallet's gone!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/04/09 12:22 AM

A: Jerry's father yelling in the doctor's office
Q: My name is George. I'm unemployed and I live with my parents lol
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/16/09 01:13 PM

A: George to the woman in the diner when he decided to do the opposite of everything his instincts had been telling him.

Q: "If you would have told me 20 years ago that someday I would be standing here about to solve the world's energy problems, I would've said 'you're crazy.'"
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/12/10 04:33 PM

George to a woman in the coffee shop.

She's bald!
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/12/10 04:38 PM

George to Jerry

"I'm never gonna have a child. If I lose this Frogger high score, that's it for me."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/12/10 05:09 PM

A: George to Jerry

From one of the best episodes of the series:
Q: "And I begin to perceive this impending...intestinal requirement, whose needs are going to surpass by great lengths anything in the sexual realm. So I know I'm gonna have to stop. And as this is happening I'm thinking, even if I can somehow manage to momentarily extricate myself from the proceedings and relieve this unstoppable force, I know that that bathroom is not gonna provide me with the privacy that I know I'm going to need."

Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/12/10 05:23 PM

George to Jerry (the Chinese restaurant)

"You got long balls, Larry." Oops, wrong show.

"Ya know, its not fair people are seated First Come First Served, It should be based on who's hungriest."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/12/10 05:57 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry in the Chinese restaurant

Q: "I say 'Cartwright,' nobody comes so I say 'you no here.' She say curse word, I hang up."
Posted By: VitoC

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/12/10 06:06 PM

A: The Chinese man in charge of seating people at the restaurant to George.

Q: George you're obviously lying!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/12/10 09:08 PM

A: Mr. Wilhelm to George

Q: "When he took out that needle, I let the expletives fly!"
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/13/10 05:04 PM

Originally Posted By: VitoC

Q: George you're obviously lying!

I think this is right, but didn't Peterman say this when the man was trapped in the ATM booth while the building was on fire?
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/13/10 05:06 PM

Originally Posted By: goombah
A: Mr. Wilhelm to George

Q: "When he took out that needle, I let the expletives fly!"

Kramer to Jerry

"You a dentist?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/13/10 06:46 PM

You're right Klydon. Peterman also said it. Obviously many lies were told on the show!

A: Jerry at Watley's party to just about everyone.

Q: "Empty calories and male curiousity, eh _______?"
Posted By: VitoC

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/14/10 04:34 AM

Originally Posted By: klydon1
Originally Posted By: VitoC

Q: George you're obviously lying!

I think this is right, but didn't Peterman say this when the man was trapped in the ATM booth while the building was on fire?

Peterman was who I was thinking of. That episode is called "The Secret Code" (my informal title for it is "Bosco"). It's one of the all time greatest episodes.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/15/10 04:47 PM

Originally Posted By: VitoC
Originally Posted By: klydon1
Originally Posted By: VitoC

Q: George you're obviously lying!

I think this is right, but didn't Peterman say this when the man was trapped in the ATM booth while the building was on fire?

Peterman was who I was thinking of. That episode is called "The Secret Code" (my informal title for it is "Bosco"). It's one of the all time greatest episodes.

That episode has one of my all-time favorite Kramer moments:

George: I am not giving you my code.

Kramer: I'll bet I can guess it.

George: Pssh. Yeah. Right.

Kramer: Oh, alright. Yeah. Uh, let's see. Um, well, we can throw out

birthdays immediately. That's too obvious. And no numbers for you, you're a

word man. Alright, let's go deeper. Uh, what kind of man are you? Well,

you're weak, spineless, a man of temptations, but what tempts you?

George: Huh?

Kramer: You're a portly fellow, a bit long in the waistband. So what's your

pleasure? Is it the salty snacks you crave? No no no no no, yours is a sweet


George: Get out of here.

Kramer: Oh you may stray, but you'll always return to your dark master, the

cocoa bean.

I digress. Anybody have an answer to mine?
Q: "Empty calories and male curiousity, eh _______?"
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/15/10 04:49 PM

Steinbrenner to George.

"Poor little Pinkus."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/15/10 08:25 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry re: the guy who was killed by Steve Gendeson
One in a series of great ways the show poked fun at the OJ Simpson saga

Q: "You can't let the defendant have control of the key piece of evidence. Plus, she's trying it on over a leotard, of course a bra's not gonna fit on over a leotard. A bra gotta fit right up a person's skin - like a glove!"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/15/10 11:38 PM

A: Jackie to Kramer
Q: And I yell, "I'm hit!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/21/10 03:25 PM

A: Kramer recalling getting spit on by Roger McDowell in a brilliant re-enactment of the JFK film.

Q: "Remember - it's not a lie if you believe it."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/21/10 11:09 PM

A: George to Jerry
Q: Oh yeah? Well I had sex with your wife!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/22/10 12:27 AM

A: George to the jerk-store guy

Q: "Even I am not above the store policy."
Posted By: Tony Mosrite

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/08/10 06:20 PM

A: Marcelino to Jerry (about Jerry's clown check standing on Marcelino's bodega)

Q: "this has got disaster written all over it"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/09/10 05:49 PM

A: Jerry to Kramer

Q: "You see those two ladies showing? Do you think they're scared?"
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/09/10 05:53 PM

A: Kramer at card table.

Q: "I'm a man who respects a good coma."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/09/10 08:18 PM

A: Jerry to Gina

Q: "I think the chair is a fantastic gift idea. But I never heard of this Joe Mayo. And frankly it sounds made up."
Posted By: Lovecraft

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/21/10 02:45 PM

A: Kramer in "the Reverse peephole"

Q: "You know, one of these days, something terrible is going to happen to you. It has to!"

"Nooo, I'll be fine"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/19/10 02:27 PM

A: Elaine to Jery

Q: "You useless pustule."
Posted By: Lovecraft

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/01/10 03:19 PM

A: Newman to Jerry

Q: I feel like an out of work porn star!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/01/10 04:49 PM

A: Jerry to George

Q: "Remember - it's not a lie if you believe it."
Posted By: Lovecraft

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/01/10 10:35 PM

A: George to Jerry

Q: Your Nana is missing because she's been passing those bum checks all over town and she finally pissed off the wrong people!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/02/10 01:36 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: You're gonna rub out the dog?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/04/10 04:30 PM

A: Jerry to Kramer

Q: "So I said 'nice try, Granny' and I sent her to the back of the line. Mwaaaahhh hahaha."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/04/10 10:01 PM

A: Newman to his postal buddies
Q: Take out, still effort
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/05/10 02:11 PM

A: Jerry to Kramer

Q: "So let me get this straight. You find yourself in the kitchen. You see an eclair in the receptacle. And you think to yourself, 'What the hell, I'll just eat some trash.'"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/06/10 12:10 AM

A: Jerry to George
Q: 5,000 years, even better
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/06/10 02:50 PM

A: Watley to Jerry

Q: "But my baseball people love Ken Phelps' bat. They kept saying 'Ken
Phelps , Ken Phelps'."
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/06/10 03:04 PM

A: Steinbrenner to Frank Costanza.

Q: "Maybe I'll go visit my mother. She just bought me some new panties, and they're all . . . laid out for me."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/06/10 03:23 PM

A: Classic! Elaine to Jerry

Q: "Someone put a cane on my foot. Just like the one I'm gonna put up your..."

BTW Pizzaboy, have you seen the Season 8 promo for "Curb Your Enthusiasm?"

Leon in NY will be priceless. And Larry talking to Michael J. Fox is a big bowl of wrong.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/06/10 03:27 PM

Originally Posted By: goombah
And Larry talking to Michael J. Fox is a big bowl of wrong.

"You gonna blame that on the Parkinson's, too?" Or something to that effect. Awful!!!! But hysterical.

I am SOOOOO psyched about this season taking place in NYC. The show has such a New York "attitude," it's only fitting.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/06/10 03:31 PM

Originally Posted By: goombah
Q: "Someone put a cane on my foot. Just like the one I'm gonna put up your..."

A: Elaine at the bakery

Q: "There's a hair in my farina. There's a hair in my farina." (same episode)
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/06/10 04:10 PM

Leon Black in NYC - the season could revolve brilliantly around his character alone and be amazing.

A: That was Jerry to Elaine

Q: "You sold me a hair with a cake around it."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/06/10 11:50 PM

A: Elaine to female bakery worker
Q: Has anyone ever told you, you look exactly like Al Pacino?
Posted By: VitoC

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/07/10 03:33 AM

A: Elaine to the Soup Nazi
Q: I'm out, and I wasn't even in!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/07/10 01:10 PM

A: Jerry to George & Elaine

Q: "We had a funny guy with us in Korea. A tailgunner. They blew his brains out all over the Pacific. There's nothing funny about that."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/07/10 01:59 PM

A: Elaine's father to Jerry and George
Q: No, look away I'm hideous
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/08/10 12:40 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry

Q: "Ask your mother. You live with her now, don't you?"
Posted By: VitoC

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/08/10 02:19 PM

A: Elaine to George
Q: Who is this perverted little weasel?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/12/10 02:02 PM

A: Miss Degronmont to Sid Farkus and George

Q: "What would you suggest, Toots?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/12/10 03:15 PM

A: Kramer to Newman's birthday wish model/girlfriend
Q: What are you crazy? This thing's been here since the Silent Era.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/12/10 07:42 PM

A: Jerry to Lloyd Braun about the hotdog

Q: "For a variety of reasons, I don't want to be the one responsible for purchasing costly gasoline."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/12/10 08:34 PM

A: Kramer to car dealership guy he took riding with him

Mine wasn't correct:

Q: What are you crazy? This thing's been here since the Silent Era.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/12/10 08:52 PM

A: Oh right, that was the theater employee to Lloyd Braun.

Go ahead and post a question.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/12/10 08:59 PM

Q: You're not in the mood? Well you get in the mood!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/13/10 01:57 AM

A: George to Jerry

Q: "Then it's fair to say that you have different goals than Thomas Edison, Magellan - these types of people."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/13/10 12:07 PM

A: Jerry to George
Q: I'll see you in hell Costanza
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/13/10 02:37 PM

A: Mr. Tommasullo to George

Q: "You don't just overcook a hamburger."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/22/10 02:14 AM

I think we need another one goombah
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/28/10 12:34 PM

Originally Posted By: goombah

Q: "You don't just overcook a hamburger."

Sorry, I didn't realize that was a tough one. It was Uncle Leo to Jerry, complaining that the cook in Monks was an anti-Semite.

Q: "Do you have any conceivable reason for getting out of bed in the morning?"
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/28/10 01:00 PM

A: Kramer to George
Q: I call you pimple popper M.d.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/29/10 08:04 PM

A: Jerry to his dermatologist girlfriend

Q: "I saw a provocative movie on cable last night. It was with that girl from the bus."
Posted By: Prodigal_Son

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/03/10 02:28 AM

A: Frank to George about why he's selling computers

Q: "Is he from the future?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/12/11 07:34 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine about the bald guy she is dating

Q: "Does he bounce checks too?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/01/13 01:38 AM

Is 2 years long enough to wait for an answer? smile

A: Marcellino to Jerry

Q: Vile weed.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/07/13 04:12 PM

Newman to Kramer?

Not sure so I won't post another one
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/07/13 06:41 PM

It was actually Newman to Jerry, Dontomasso. It was when Jerry made Newman eat the brocculi at the Kenny Rogers chicken joint. Go ahead and post. smile
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/07/13 07:44 PM

Right! Only Newman would use the word "vile."

This is what the astronauts use.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/09/13 01:19 PM

A: Jack Klompis to Jerry

Q: "I let loose like Mussolini from the balcony."
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/09/13 03:50 PM

A: George to Jerry about the message he left on the answering machine.

Q:"You know it's not fair that people are seated first come, first served; it should be based on who's hungriest."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/09/13 04:53 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry at the Chinese restaurant

Q: "I think that I'm just like you. Only successful."
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/09/13 06:04 PM

Jerry to George.

"I'm out."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/09/13 06:52 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry, Elaine & George

Q: "I'm really going to do something with this time. I'm going to read a book from start to finish. In that order."
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/10/13 03:18 PM

George to Jerry.

"Maybe a virgin"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/10/13 04:23 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine

Q: "If you would've told me 25 years ago that someday I'd be sitting here about to solve the world's energy problems, I would've said 'you're crazy.'"
Posted By: Mikey_Sunset

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/17/13 06:31 AM

Kramer to Darrin the intern.

"You're eating too much dairy."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/07/14 07:12 PM

A: The herbalist guy George went to instead of having this tonsils taken out by a doctor. The herbalist said it to Jerry.

Q: "If I'm curt, then I apologize. I understand you have a situation here."
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/14/14 05:04 AM

A: Newman to Elaine and maybe (Lipman)

Q: "Ah well, if it isn't Shakey the Mohel."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/24/14 01:46 PM

A: Jerry to the Mohel who nicked Jerry's finger during the bris

Q: "It's not a lie if you believe it."
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/28/14 04:04 AM

A: George to Jerry;

Q: "Take me to your leader".
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/31/14 12:24 PM

A: George to Jerry when George got smarter by not having sex

Q: "You took my Jesus fish, didn't ya?"
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/08/14 12:34 AM

A: David Puddy to Elaine

Q: "It's refreshing"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/10/14 10:39 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry abou the Junior Mints

Q: "Congratulations on a job...done."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/10/14 11:30 AM

Peterman to Elaine

"Some little bald guy from the city."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/11/14 10:20 AM

Klydon, you have me stumped. Obviously a reference to George. Was that one of the women auditioning for Elaine's role when they were filming the NBC pilot?
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/11/14 11:04 AM

Originally Posted By: goombah
Klydon, you have me stumped. Obviously a reference to George. Was that one of the women auditioning for Elaine's role when they were filming the NBC pilot?

No. A hint: It is a reference to George in an episode that involves a board game being significant in leading to the quote.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/14/14 12:55 PM

Originally Posted By: klydon1
Originally Posted By: goombah
Klydon, you have me stumped. Obviously a reference to George. Was that one of the women auditioning for Elaine's role when they were filming the NBC pilot?

No. A hint: It is a reference to George in an episode that involves a board game being significant in leading to the quote.

This was one of the locals in the restaurant where Jerry and Elaine were when George got into the disagreement with the Bubble Boy.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/15/14 11:29 AM

Originally Posted By: klydon1
Originally Posted By: klydon1
Originally Posted By: goombah
Klydon, you have me stumped. Obviously a reference to George. Was that one of the women auditioning for Elaine's role when they were filming the NBC pilot?

No. A hint: It is a reference to George in an episode that involves a board game being significant in leading to the quote.

This was one of the locals in the restaurant where Jerry and Elaine were when George got into the disagreement with the Bubble Boy.

That was a good one Klydon. One of my fave episodes was the Bubble Boy. "Oh no. I'm sorry, the correct answer is 'Moops.'"

Please post another one. smile
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/16/14 11:34 AM

"Well, that's one of the things we argue about."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/16/14 12:22 PM

A: The Bubble Boy's father about the remote being in the bubble to George & Susan

Q: "He was moving on her like the Storm Troopers into Poland."
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/02/14 03:23 AM

Newman to Mr. and Mrs. Seinfeld (Shindlers list episode)

"I could have done more"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/02/14 12:00 PM

A: Aaron to Elaine & Jerry

Q: "All I said was 'I liked the pen.'"
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/06/14 01:44 AM

Jerry to his mom?

I'm a child. What kind of life is this?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/07/14 05:20 PM

Your answer to mine was correct Frankie.

A: Elaine to George.

Q: "Because it's odorless, why it'll be our little secret."
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/07/14 11:01 PM

A: Kramer to the Jerry and Elaine while doing the Hennigan's "commercial."

Q: "You know how to take the reservation, you just don't know how to hold the reservation."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/08/14 09:56 AM

A: Jerry to the car rental woman ("Yeah, you better give me the insurance. I'm going to beat the hell out of this thing." lol )

Q: "I wasn't born here. That's why I could never be President."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/09/14 01:13 PM

Originally Posted By: goombah
A: Jerry to the car rental woman ("Yeah, you better give me the insurance. I'm going to beat the hell out of this thing." lol )

Q: "I wasn't born here. That's why I could never be President."


"He doesn't look like me."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/13/14 12:56 PM

A: Susan's aunt to Susan's family about George

Q: "I told them you didn't. And I laughed and laughed."
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/13/14 11:58 PM

Elaine to George (about the fictional Hamptons house)

"You can't stop Science"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/14/14 11:38 AM

A: George to Jerry

Q: "If you don't want to be part of society, why don't you just get in your car and move to the east side."
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/14/14 12:47 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry

Q: "Well, I got a flash for ya, joy boy. Party time is over. Y'got seven days, Seinfeld."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/14/14 03:10 PM

A: From Bookman to Jerry. One of the best non-regular characters in the history of the show.

Q: "Coach to India. It's the only way to go."
Posted By: FunnyHow

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/11/14 08:41 PM

A: Jerry

Q: "Well, the female body is a... work of art. The male body is
utilitarian, it's for gettin' around, like a jeep.
... [dialogue from other character]...

It's hideous. The hair, the... the lumpiness. It's simian."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/13/14 11:47 AM

A: Elaine to Jerry

Q: "Go. Go to your fancy fire. If that's what you have to do."
Posted By: FunnyHow

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/24/14 05:57 PM

A: Jerry about Uncle Leo

Q: " I'm on no sleep, no sleep!. You don't know what it's

like in there, all night long things are creeping and cracking. And

that red light is burning my brain!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/26/14 02:18 PM

A: Jerry, after spending the night in Kramer's apartment when they switched b/c of the brightness of the Kenny Rogers Chicken sign. (One of my Top 10 Seinfeld faves)

Q: "I offer happiness. James Caan doesn't offer happiness."
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/29/14 09:22 AM

Jerry to Elaine about the letter

"Borrowing money from a friend is like having sex. It just completely changes the relationship."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/29/14 10:00 PM

A: George to Jerry

Q: "I'm like ice, buddy. When I don't like you, you've got problems."
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/01/14 11:22 PM

Kramer to Jerry

"Let's be bad, _______. Let's be really… bad"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/02/14 11:11 AM

A: That was a cringe-worthy moment. George's cousin saying that she wanted to date George. sick

Q: "What about that kid, sitting down, opening a book right now in a branch of the local library and finding pictures of pee-pees and wee-wees in The Cat in the Hat and The Five Chinese Brothers?"
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/25/14 01:19 AM

A. Lt. Bookman to jerry

Q. ....do jou know what jour talking about? Because I don't think jou know what jour taliking about.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/19/15 02:43 PM

A: Bob to Ray in soup nazi episode

Q: what...what.......What're you doing? Did.....did..........did you just double dip that chip?
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/23/15 08:42 PM

A. Unknown person at the function where George double dipped his chip..

Q. ...your a pod....
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/06/15 11:56 AM

A: Jerry to Kramer

Q: "All I can see is that you're a lonely man with a messy apartment which may or may not contain a chicken."
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/28/15 07:36 PM

Lol good one..

A. Lady in charge of intern student to Kramer.

Q. He traveled the world seeking a cure.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/02/15 10:33 AM

A: The hand model representative to George how the predecessor was not "master of his domain."

Q: "No I'm not. I was bald."
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/07/15 03:22 PM

George to Elaine..

.....he doesnt sound like much of a friend...
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/09/15 12:07 PM

A: The "Maid to Order" pimp to Kramer

Q: "You don't just overcook a hamburger."
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/12/15 11:23 PM


Uncle Leo to jerry about the alleged anti-semite

I cant believe you got that old bag.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/16/15 12:06 PM

A: Are you talking about Jerry to Mrs. Chote in the Marble Rye episode?

Q: "I always get a little nervous on the weekends."
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/18/15 01:39 AM

Originally Posted By: goombah
A: Are you talking about Jerry to Mrs. Chote in the Marble Rye episode?

actually Jack Klompus to Morty Seinfeld at the impeachment vote. about her about to vote in favor of Morty.


A. George to Jerry?

Q. I think he may be in love with me. Of course, there's nothing abnormal about that.

Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/21/15 11:52 PM

A: The crazy old lady from Kramer's L.A. apartment to the detective

Q: "There were lots of questions about hunting & testicles."
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/19/15 01:04 AM

A: Jerry to elaine

Q; ...I thought you would've taken the larger office?
Posted By: Mr. Blonde

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/04/15 10:38 PM

A: George's new "boss" (who never really hired him) to George.

Q: I'm the first guy in the pool! Who do you think you're talking to?
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/28/15 10:56 AM

A. George to Susan about his views on experimentation.

Q. "Reparations"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/09/15 05:40 PM

A: George to Jerry & Elaine in the one where they went to India for Sue Ellen Mishke's wedding

Q: "Frog? No frog is wrong."
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/13/15 03:06 AM

A. George to prospective Susan Ross foundation recipient.

Q. "....Mr. Weatherbee.."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/16/15 04:49 PM

A: Kramer to George

Q: "By the time we get to trial, the man will be nothing but a shrunken head."
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/24/15 02:04 PM

Lol thats a great one..

A. Jackie Childs when stating how Kramer is deteriorating because of the tobacco smoking.

Q. "They're real and they're spectacular " (2 people)
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/10/16 10:42 PM

A: First Sidra to Jerry and in the final episode Jackie to Jerry.

Q: "A bra's gotta fit up against a person's skin. Like a gloooooove."
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/11/16 04:34 AM

A. Jackie childs to Kramer etc...

Q. Who told you to put a balm on...
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/11/16 04:44 AM

A. Jackie childs to Kramer etc...

Q. Who told you to put a balm on...
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/11/16 01:24 PM

A: Jackie to Kramer, after the Maestro gave Kramer a balm for his coffee burn.

Q: "It's 3 in the morning and I'm at a cock fight. What am I clinging to?"
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/18/16 04:00 AM

A. guessing that has to be Elaine to herself. . (or Jerry)

Q. "Stop the fight"... "tamale"... (2 people)
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/18/16 05:09 PM

Yeah it was to Jerry

A: Elaine yelling stop the fight and George ordering the tamale. lol

Q: "Well I'm really disappointed to hear that, blood brother."
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/21/16 07:20 AM

A. Gotta be Kramer to Jerry.

Q. How bout a nice box of scram?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/22/16 09:04 PM

A: The bakery lady to Elaine & Jerry, after the lady sold them a hair with a cake around it.

Q: "Yeah, maybe cuz it's a crock of sh..."
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/26/16 05:48 AM

A. George to jerry about Kramer and the key situation.

Q. "...just to get back at me. ..just to get back at me. .."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/29/16 07:58 PM

A: George telling the story to Jerry how another guy said to Susan "You could do a lot better than this guy."

Q: "Well maybe the test was gender biased. You know a lot of questions about hunting and testicles."
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/05/16 04:11 AM

A. I'm guessing Jerry to Elaine after her bad score on the I.Q. test for George.

Q. "These pretzels are making me thirsty". (trick question)
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/23/16 09:23 PM

A. Was Everyone at one time or another...

Q. "......(person's name)..I win"..
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/15/16 01:43 PM

A: Neil (the George look alike) to George

Q: "50,000 yen. Isn't that only a few hundred dollars?"
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/18/16 04:49 AM

Yes that's right.

A. I'm thinking Jerry to Kramer about the tourists who slept in the dresser.

Q. "That's what they tell me!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/18/16 03:21 PM

A: George commenting about the picture he had airbrushed of himself with Mr. Kreuger

Q: "Knowing you is like going into jungle. I never know what I'm gonna find and I'm a little scared."
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/12/16 04:40 AM

A. Jerry to George.

Q. Your dream is my dream too...
Posted By: Gudfadern

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/12/16 06:15 AM

Can I play!? Can I play!? blush

A: Jerry to Newman
Q: "...because I would love it!"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/16/16 02:08 PM

A: George doing the opposite. Yelling at the idiots kicking his seat at the movie theater.

Q: "I would've marched on Selma if it was in Long Island."
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/19/16 06:18 AM

A. George to Jerry.

Q. "Ho Ho Hold on...."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/20/16 03:18 PM

A: Jerry to the maid/hooker

Q: "Where were you? I've been smacking myself silly."
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/26/16 01:39 PM

A. Elaine to Jerry when they were stranded at the party in Long Island.

Q. "Drink up"
Posted By: Gudfadern

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/26/16 08:32 PM

A: George to his first boss.

Q: You are a lover boy!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/27/16 04:07 PM

Originally Posted By: Gudfadern
A: George to his first boss.

Q: You are a lover boy!

A: lol Kramer while photographing George in the timeless art of seduction

Q: "Perhaps you live in squalor and keep your house in a state of disrepair."
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/30/16 04:44 AM

A. Newman to Jerry about the fleas.

Q. "It's to soon. .I don't know you. .."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/30/16 06:33 PM

A: Jerry to Keith Hernandez about helping Keith move

Q: "You don't just over cook a hamburger."
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/01/16 05:07 AM

A. Uncle Leo to hours lady friend about an anti-semite.

Q. "I Could've killed you and nobody would have known." (2 people)
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/01/16 03:23 PM

A: Elaine to the telephone guy who was there to install her new area code.

Q: "Sometimes I get a little nervous on the weekends."
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/04/16 04:34 AM

A. George to Mr and Mrs Ross trying to get them out of the house so he can sneak in the marble rye.

Q. "Gene's trash"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/06/16 02:39 AM

A: Elaine to Gene at the video store.

Q: Let me finish my coffee. Then we'll go watch 'em slice this fat bastard up.
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/10/16 04:24 AM

A. Jerry to Kramer before watching the guy get operated on where Kramer dropped the junior mint inside him.

Q. "Take me to your leader"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/12/16 01:31 PM

A: George to Jerry after he stopped being smart as the result of not having sex

Q: I'm not, under any circumstances, doing any inserting in that area.
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/06/16 04:26 AM

A. Kramer to Jerry about relieving his constipation

Q. "A million to one doc. ."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/08/16 06:00 PM

A: Either Kramer describing why you should talk to a proctologist at a party, or Frank telling his proctologist about how the Fuscilli Jerry got - ahem - inserted.

Q: "I knew it wasn't Berkowitz!"
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/28/16 03:51 AM

A. George to himself in the woods with the Van.

Q. "...doesn't sound like much of a friend"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/29/16 04:28 PM

A: The pimp to Kramer when Kramer was lost downtown & waiting for Jerry.

Q: "You just thought 'what the hell I'll eat some trash?'"
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/18/16 01:26 AM

A. Jerry to George when he ate the donut thing out of the garbage can.

Q. "I think I have what your looking for"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/20/16 07:23 PM

A: Cosmo to the real assman, the proctologist

Q: "Who gets picked off in softball?"
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/15/16 03:25 AM

A. George to Jerry about The softball playoff game after Mania died. (Unless it was Elaine)

Q. 'You really think your better than me?"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/25/16 04:25 PM

A: Izzy Mandelbaum to Jerry

Q: "Because if you don't want to be a part of society, ____, why don't you just get in your car and move to the East Side!"
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/06/16 01:26 AM

A. Kramer to Jerry

Q. 'Where's your friend Kramer?...I'm looking for him. .."
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/08/16 01:02 AM

A: Frank to Jerry

Q: Ask your mother. You live with her now, don't you?
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/18/16 07:20 AM

A. Elaine to George in the coffe shop.

Q. "It got pretty ugly"
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/13/17 07:33 AM

Originally Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Q. "It got pretty ugly"
Posted By: goombah

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/03/17 05:36 PM

Isn't that Elaine to Jerry? She's either talking about getting beat up by Racquel Welch, or having her office trashed by Molly Shannon's character.
Posted By: Frankie_Five_Angels

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/05/17 07:53 PM

A. Yes the one with Raquel Welch.

Q. "Well I didn't take him to the people's court."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/08/18 06:47 PM

No idea but here's another one to get this going again:

Q: Well the jerk store called, they're running out of you.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/24/19 12:32 AM

Well depends.....

A: George to Reilly after he said the oceans 🌊 running out of shrimp or Jerry about getting Reilly back.

Q: 5 cups chopped Porcine mushrooms, half a cup of olive oil, 3 pounds celery.....it’s over.....you’re finished.....NEXT!!!!!!!
Posted By: hoodlum

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/24/19 03:32 AM

A: Elaine to the soup Nazi @ the end of the show. Q: it was a junior mint!
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/24/19 03:44 AM

A. It staved off an infection.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/24/19 09:51 PM

Originally Posted by hoodlum
A: Elaine to the soup Nazi @ the end of the show. Q: it was a junior mint!

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: Here sis, go buy yourself a cup of coffee (handing her change)
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/14/19 05:33 PM

A: Newman to Elaine
Q: But you had to have the BIG salad!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/07/19 03:09 PM

A: George to Elaine

Someone else can post one
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/10/19 03:11 PM

Q: the key doesn’t fit!! Ok?!?! The key doesn’t fit!!!
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/26/19 10:36 AM

Since no one answered

A: Jack to Morty about garage key

Someone else can go now.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/26/19 05:53 PM

Q: He spit on me. And I yelled, "I'M HIT!"
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/01/19 10:48 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry telling about that wild spit story

Q: I change restaurant like you said! But no one come! Do you see people?!? There are no people!!!!!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/02/19 06:36 PM

A: Babu to Jerry
Q: Bosomy? You want to know if your grandmother was bosomy!?
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/18/19 06:49 PM

I give up.

You might as well post a new one since no one else has guessed it yet in over 2 weeks.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/18/19 07:09 PM

A: Estelle to George

You can post one
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/18/19 10:34 PM

Q: it’s not a purse ..... it’s European.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/19/19 08:51 PM

I know it's Jerry but I think he said it a couple of times in the episode
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/19/19 09:59 PM

That’s ok.

It was Jerry to George during George’s thick bulging wallet scene.

You can post one now.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/20/19 02:39 PM

Q: Poise counts! It's just as important as the others. Evening gown, swimsuit, talent, POISE!
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/25/19 09:44 PM

Sounds like
A: Jerry just talking on stage

Assuming I’m right
Q: what the f(boop) are you doing you little piece of sh(boop)?!?!?!?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/27/19 04:46 PM

A: Jerry to the kid (think his name might have been Matthew) when he's pulling apart Jerry's tape he wanted to listen to of his show

Mine wasn't correct:

Q: Poise counts! It's just as important as the others. Evening gown, swimsuit, talent, POISE!
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/28/19 12:03 AM

I’m stumped then. You can leave it open for someone else if you want.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/28/19 05:50 PM

It was Kramer to the Miss America contestant he was coaching

You can post one
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/28/19 08:14 PM

Q: 🙄well ok......🥺😭No No! No!! No!!!!! Wait I need that chicken.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/28/19 08:23 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry about Little Jerry?
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/28/19 11:14 PM

Almost but you got the names correct. But awesome try.

It was Kramer to Jerry about the Kenny’s chicken restaurant which he originally hated because of the red light coming into his apartment.....but Newman got Kramer (slyly / slimyly) hooked on the chicken.

Anyway you can post one.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/29/19 05:35 PM

LoL, oh yes, great episode!

Q: She wasn't my type
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/07/19 03:17 PM

A: Newman to Jerry about the girl Jerry was dating whom Newman broke up with

Someone else can post one
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/08/19 10:33 PM

I haven’t seen Seinfeld in awhile so I’m not as sharp on a lot of these quotes as I used to be

But to keep the game going....

Q: I think I’ll read my Times magazine in the park tomorrow. It’s supposed to be a lovely bea-u-tiful gor-geous day tomorrow.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/09/19 08:38 PM

A: George to the criminal who was on the cover of the Time magazine he grabbed
Q: They're all chickens. The rooster has sex with all of them.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/27/19 05:19 PM

To keep the game going I’m just going to guess

A: Jerry to George?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/27/19 05:59 PM

No, it was Susan's father to Mr. Costanza when they all meet for the first time

Q: What the f*ck are you doing, you little piece of sh*t!?
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/27/19 06:41 PM

A: Jerry to little boy I think his name is Timmy. He had to apologize for cursing and promised to never say that word again and then Timmy started pulling tape wind out of one of his tapes.

Classic test scene.

Q: do you have any idea what a butter frosted cake becomes after sitting in a poorly English ventalited basement for 70 years.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/27/19 08:27 PM

A: Peterman to Elaine
Q: I am eating my dessert. How do you eat yours? With your hands?
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/09/19 11:54 PM

I’ll take a stab here too

A: Elaine to George?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/10/19 05:28 PM

No. It does have George in it but he's the one saying it
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/10/19 07:46 PM

A: George to his gf?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/10/19 08:18 PM

No, it was George to his boss at the Yankees (the black guy, I forgot his name) once he hears about Mr. Pitt eating his Snickers bar with a knife and fork

You can post one
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/11/19 12:48 PM

Q: Serenity now.....iNsANiTY later.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/11/19 03:32 PM

A: Lloyd Braun to George
Q: Has anyone ever told you, you look exactly like Al Pacino? Whoo-ah
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/20/19 11:18 PM

I’m just going to take a stab here.

Q: Elaine to one of her potential bfs?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/21/19 01:23 AM

Partially right. It's Elaine but not to a boyfriend.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/21/19 01:18 PM

A: Elaine to Kramer ?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/21/19 08:22 PM

No, it was Elaine to the soup Nazi. You can post one.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/22/19 12:43 AM

Q: what...what....are you doing?!??? Did you just double dip that chip?!??
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/22/19 01:14 AM

A: Timmy to George
Q: It's not Suz, alright? It's Susie. My name is Susie!
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/22/19 02:46 PM

A: Susie to George?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/22/19 06:21 PM

Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/22/19 07:46 PM

😣 Darn it.

I was semi sure it was Susan the gf George had to him....the one that died licking envelopes.

Well....I’ll keep this open a few days and see if anyone else can get it.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/29/19 06:10 PM

A: It was Elaine to her coworker who thought her name was Susie and kept calling her that and then Elaine got upset when she called her Suz.

You can post one.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/29/19 09:10 PM

Ok here’s either a toughie or easy or just too vague

Q: 60
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/01/19 09:26 PM

A: Pharmist to Elaine about sponges.

You can post one now.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/02/19 12:54 AM

Q: Sweet funky Moses
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/02/19 10:17 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/02/19 11:46 PM

Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/05/19 01:18 AM

George costsnza but I forget who.

Keep it open a few more days.

Right now I’m locked out on my iPhone.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/05/19 06:17 PM

It was George to himself seeing Elaine dance. You can post one.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/07/19 09:10 AM

Oh nice one.

Q: ooh. Look at all these wide lanes. So luxurious.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/07/19 02:30 PM

A: Elaine to herself on Kramer's mile of highway that he was keeping up
Q: A month in Europe with Elaine? That guy's coming home in a body bag!
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/08/19 02:31 PM

Taking my first guess

A: Jerry’s dad to Jerry’s mom about Jerry and Elaine spending a month together in Europe.

I didn’t really watch these shows as much as my family did but I’m sure I’ve seen most of the episodes once. More so I always heard it running in the background so sometimes I recognize the voices.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/08/19 06:31 PM

That wasn't correct
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/24/19 11:48 PM

I dunno, might want to post a fresh one every week.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/25/19 07:14 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry about Puddy going to Europe with Elaine.

You can post one
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/26/19 01:11 PM

Q: how you doing over there? ........not...too...good.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/05/19 07:29 PM

A: Bubble Boy to George while playing that question or whatever game they were playing.

Here’s a fresh one
Q: (name), I am begging 🥺 you...........put the AC...on.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/05/19 09:02 PM

A: Elaine to Mrs. Seinfeld
Q: Ya'll come back real....
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/29/19 08:44 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry and his girlfriend (played by Lori Loughlin) when Kramer got Frank's screen door.

Some one else can post one.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/29/19 09:57 PM

Q: Ahm.....excuse me but what are you doing? Did...Did you take that book into the bathroom with you?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/30/19 02:02 AM

A: Bookstore employee to George
Q: They're all chickens. The rooster has sex with them all.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/12/19 09:52 PM

A: Jerry to Kramer about the cock fighting???
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/13/19 07:12 PM

No, it was Mr. Ross to Mr. Costanza at dinner at the Ross' house. You can post one.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/14/19 08:05 PM

Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/15/19 04:04 PM

A: Cedric to the guy who called him about Kramer not wearing the Aids ribbon
Q: And as we all know, Twix is the only candy with the cookie crunch
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/15/19 09:25 PM

A: George to group of people for the infamous candy bar lineup (after someone ate his Twix)

Q: 🤨🙂😏😈 I’m following him
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/16/19 05:27 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry when his car got stolen?

If so:

Q: You said it'd be a mailman I know and YOU'RE A MAILMAN I KNOW!
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/16/19 11:34 PM

Nope. Want another crack at it?

Yours is
A: Kramer to Newman who had warned him that he was in trouble (since he was boycotting the mail company) and Newman was warning him his only escape would be in a mail van which someone would cordially offer him.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/17/19 05:55 PM

I have no idea then
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/17/19 08:07 PM

A: George to Danny Tartbull (baseball player) after he thought this driver gave them the finger....so in order to get back George decided to follow the driver to confront him.

You can post one now.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/17/19 08:25 PM

Q: Ah, so we pay your friend off and it becomes a Peterman
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/16/19 05:02 PM

Just a guess since no one’s guessed in a month

A: Kramer to Elaine?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/16/19 09:09 PM

Close, it was Peterman to Elaine about buying Kramer's stories to put in his book. You can post one/
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/19/19 12:14 PM

Q: (name), your cousin, Shelly, is talking to you!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/20/19 11:48 PM

A: Mr. Costanza to George?

If so:

Q: So you found out that I was in an accident and stopped off for jujyfruits?
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/21/19 01:55 AM

Nope. But you are right it is to George.

Not sure of your quote.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/21/19 02:13 AM

Mrs. Constanza to George?
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/21/19 07:24 PM

Correct. It was when she was in the hospital after she threw her back out when she screeched at him (because she saw him “doing it”) and then presently he was watching a silhouette sponge bath take place behind a white curtain and immersed by it....not realizing someone was talking to him.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/24/19 04:16 PM

Q: So you found out that I was in an accident and stopped off for jujyfruits?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/11/19 02:37 AM

A: Jake to Elaine

Someone else can post one
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/12/19 02:27 AM

Q: The perfect combination of Mountain Dew and mozzarella...just the right amount of grease on the joy stick...
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/13/19 03:03 AM

A: George to Jerry about the frogger machine
Q: No, these were real hooters!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/09/20 05:03 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry

Someone else can go now
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/16/20 09:26 PM

Q: well you do realize that it is Sunday.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/23/20 08:48 PM

A: Jerry to Kramer after he said his mail strike is going great since no one’s entered the post office.

Someone else can go now.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/02/20 09:17 PM

Here’s a fresh one....

Q: The wig.......is coming off.......one.....tw-
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/04/20 11:41 AM

A: Elaine to George?

If so:

Q: I, ah, got the first name
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/07/20 03:05 AM


It wasn’t to George, but it was George speaking to a lady

Not sure of yours though.

Want another try at mine?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/07/20 07:48 PM

Na, I give up on yours. I remember the line now but can't remember who he said it to.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/07/20 08:23 PM

A: George to Glenda when he was trying to slip the Mickey into his boss’s glass but he needed her chair. She was refusing to give the chair up so that’s when George threatened her.

Still not sure on yours

I had a fresh good quote planned but now I forgot it.

Up to you if you want to keep it open or post a fresh one.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/07/20 08:57 PM

I'll leave it for a few days
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/14/20 12:46 AM

Here I’ll post a fresh one.

Q: this job is killing you. It’s killing us.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/14/20 01:44 AM

Mine was George to Jerry and Elaine when he got Kramer's first name

A: Jerry to Kramer
Q: ...Mr. Steinbrenner's here, George is dead. Call me back.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/16/20 12:44 PM

I remember the episode now, but am trying to picture who it was. I’m very sure it was on the phone.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/16/20 06:53 PM

It was a phone message.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/16/20 11:41 PM

A: Frank Costanza to Jerry on his answering machine
Q: Can I interest you in a little supplemental restraint?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/19/20 10:32 PM

A: Kramer to women while test driving Jerry's new car
Q: No, you don't see it. You're NEVER gonna see it!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/16/20 11:05 PM

A: Elaine to Mr. Pitt about the 3D picture he continually stared at
Q: It's not a lie, if you believe it.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/19/21 11:39 PM

A: George to Jerry
Q: Look it's not Suze, ok? It's Susie. My name, is Susie!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/08/21 11:15 PM

A: Elaine to Peggy
Q: Either that or they knack about lying face down in filth.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/13/21 12:07 PM

I'm just going to take a wild guess.......
Just to keep the game going........

A: Elaine to the rest of the crew (Jerry, Kramer, and George)

Q: I can't believe this happened again. I open up the paper and find this out about my son. I fell right off the toilet seat. I threw my back out again!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/13/21 09:54 PM

A: George's mother to George

Mine was Jerry to George when he's digging under the vending machine at the car dealership, looking for loose change because of how hungry he is.

Q: Look honey, I know you're trying to get Lloyd to notice you, but this is too much.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/01/21 10:36 PM

A: Kramer to Elaine
Q: I'm a fancy boy.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/18/21 12:28 PM

I have no no idea....

Sounds like something George would say
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/18/21 04:57 PM

A: Jerry to Elaine when he's wearing the fur coat and carrying around his "purse."

You can post one now.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/20/21 07:51 PM

Q: Just shoot the picture......so I can get it out on the street!!!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 09/20/21 10:48 PM

A: Brody to Jerry about bootlegging movies lol
Q: You're not giving away our Waterpik!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/17/22 12:01 AM

A: Mrs. Costanza to Mr. Costanza
Q: But they do. And they're the ones writing it off.
Posted By: Gudfadern

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/08/22 03:14 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: "You know, people tell me I'm a funny guy."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/09/22 12:31 AM

A: Don't know the guy's name but he was sitting on the couch to Jerry
Q: Shut up, you old bag!
Posted By: Gudfadern

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/16/22 09:00 PM

A: Jerry to Mrs. Choate while robbing her of a marble rye. lol
Q: I can feel my stomach sucking up against my spine.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/17/22 03:19 AM

A: George to Jerry when he's starving at the car dealership
Q: Who!? Who doesn't want to wear the ribbon!?
Posted By: Gudfadern

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/19/22 06:59 AM

Hispanic tough guy character about Kramer refusing to go the aids walk with ribbon.
Q: Mohair does that to me all the time.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/21/22 12:05 AM

A: The delivery guy to Jerry about the sweater
Q: No I mentioned the bisque.
Posted By: Gudfadern

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/02/22 06:14 PM

Elaine to Jerry
Q: Well she was ten times better than that awful Amber.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/03/22 01:49 AM

A: Helen to Jerry
Q: I'll see you in hell Costanza
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/17/22 08:02 PM

A: Mr. Thomassoulo to George lol
Q: He used to say, "Can't stand ya."
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/08/22 01:21 AM

A: Mr. Heyman to George
Q: They're all chickens. The rooster has sex with all of them.
Posted By: Mr. Blonde

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/06/22 04:20 PM

A: Mr. Ross to Frank
Q: Stella!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/07/22 12:45 AM

A: Elaine to Jerry, Uncle Leo, and his Aunt Stella
Q: I'd love to be a Civil War buff. What do you have to do to become a buff?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/17/22 12:34 AM

A: George to Jerry
Q: With all these ball clubs flying around all season, wouldn't you think they'd be a plane crash?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/19/22 11:41 PM

A: George to Keith Hernandez
Q: Don't tell me how to eat.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/15/22 08:17 PM

A: George to Susan's doll/imaging his mother
Q: You're not giving away our waterpik!
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/16/22 08:31 PM

A: Jerry's dad to Jerry's mom

If so...
Q: Fine......steal the battery.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/23/22 04:02 PM

A: George to Slippery Pete, because he wanted to steal something for the Frogger job.

Q: Are you through?? (after being warned some more) Are you through??
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/23/22 05:45 PM

Mine wasn't correct

Q: You're not giving away our waterpik!
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/24/22 09:23 AM

A: George's mom to George's dad??
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/24/22 08:48 PM

That's the ticket, yes
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/02/22 09:01 AM

Q: I'm going to count to 3. And if you haven't given up the chair by then.....the wig.....is coming off.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/03/22 12:00 AM

A: Elaine to George
Q: Merlot? I never heard of it. Did they just invent it?
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/08/22 12:35 AM

Not sure

My previous one wasn't correct.
It was George and not to Elaine.

Also my one b4 was never answered
It was Kramer to Newman when Newman was trying to warn him about his mail protest.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/08/22 12:38 AM

Mine was Mrs. Costanza to Mrs. Ross at the dinner table.

You can post one VLC.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/09/22 06:26 PM

Previous one about the wig was George to that female co-worker when he needed the chair to slip the mickey

Anyway heres a fresh one...
Q: mmmmm.....smell that. Mmmmm.....that is delicious.....a perfectly sane food.....interesting texture......it's chewy.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/10/22 12:02 AM

A: Kramer to the hot dog guy who sold him the dog that's been there since "the silent era"
Q: Bad chicken! Bad chicken! Mess you up!
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/15/22 01:24 AM

A: Kramer waving banner out his apartment window about chicken restaurant

Q: Because (name)........if I hear one more tic tac......you're out on your can can.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/15/22 02:16 AM

A: Peterman to Elaine
Q: Yeah, and you're an anti-dentite!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/28/22 01:10 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry
Q: Do you know what happens to a butter based frosting after 6 decades in a poorly ventilated English basement?
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/29/22 01:01 AM

A: Peterman to Elaine after she ate his prized antique cake (rofl)

Q: by the time you get back it’ll be too late!!!! Visiting hours are almost over!!!!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/29/22 01:46 AM

A: Mrs. Costanza to George
Q: Now see this is what the holidays are all about. 3 buddies sitting around chewing gum.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/29/22 09:58 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry and that gum guy

Q: I’ve been wanting a piece of them for years
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/30/22 12:25 AM

A: Jackie to Kramer about the tobacco industry
Q: If you were here first, you'd be the one holding the phone.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/01/23 02:24 AM

A: Women to George at the Chinese restaurant
Q: Where's that breeze coming from?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/05/23 11:15 PM

A: Frank Costanza when sitting in the drafty restaurant with George and Estelle.
Q: What do you expect when your name rhymes with a part of the female anatomy?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/12/23 11:28 PM

A: Delores to Jerry
Q: They're prisons, man made prisons. Your doing time!
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/13/23 03:31 PM

A: Jerry's dad to Jerry about Uncle Leo

Assuming I'm right.....

Q: get in that lane. Get in that lane.... you know what I'm awfully sorry. I made a terrible mistake, you should've stayed in that lane. Get back in that lane
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/13/23 11:52 PM

A: George to taxi driver

Mine wasn't correct. It was to Jerry but it wasn't his father.

Q: They're prisons, man made prisons. Your doing time!
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/14/23 12:00 AM

A: Jerry’s mom to Jerry ?

Q: this SOB…..is ice cold.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/14/23 01:51 AM

A: Jean-Paul to Jerry about Kramer lol

Sorry, it wasn't Jerry's mom either

Q: They're prisons, man made prisons. Your doing time!
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/15/23 04:50 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry

Q: hey.....look at these..... (puts test tubes on head pretending them to be ears) Take me to your leader
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/16/23 12:03 AM

A: George to Jerry after he had sex with the Portuguese waitress
Q: Hoochie Mama! Hoochie Mama! Turn on the hose!
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/18/23 06:45 PM

A: Kramer to Jerry trying to spray rowdy kids (while he was using hall as front porch and kids were messing it up)

Q: but they just kept antagonizing us……..and then finally one of them fired a gun into the air!!!!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/19/23 12:35 AM

A: Elaine to Jerry explaining what happened to his car?

If so:

Q: I love a good nap. Sometimes it’s the only thing getting me out of bed in the morning.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/19/23 12:19 PM


Not sure of yours though

A: George to Puddy about wanting a bed under his office desk?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/19/23 10:55 PM

It was George but not to Puddy
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/20/23 10:46 AM

A: George to Jerry ?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/21/23 12:06 AM

Close enough. George to Jerry and Elaine in the coffee shop.

You can go.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/22/23 12:17 AM

Gotta watch more Seinfeld episodes again. We used to watch them like crazy I mean krazy back 10 years ago.

Q: You’re back…… I know but two nights in a row …… you didn’t have to do this.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/28/23 09:07 PM

A: George’s mom to George when he arrived at the hospital thinking he’s visiting her (although it was to watch the 630pm sponge bath)

Here’s hopefully an easy funny fresh one.
Q: My teef!!!! MY TEEF!!!!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/28/23 09:38 PM

A: Sid to George and everyone else in the room
Q: Chrissy, give me a schtickle of fluoride.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/30/23 08:19 PM

A: Jerry's dentist to his assistant?? (The Jewish dentist one??)

If so......
Q: .............I don't know about this now.....maybe we should call it off.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/08/23 06:46 PM

A: Jerry to Kramer about when he was going to put cement in washing machine at laundry mat, because he thought guy took $1500 from him

Someone else may go now.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/09/23 12:23 AM

Q: Alright alright, let's not get into panic mode!
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/04/23 10:27 PM

Since it's been a month I'm just going to take a stab.....

A: Jerry to Elaine???

Q: He's a step skipper!! That man is a step skipper!!! He's bebopping through step 9.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/05/23 01:13 AM

Mine was George to his mother but it's been long enough

A: George about his friend Jason who wouldn't apologize to him
Q: It's the timeless art of seduction, you've gotta join in the dance.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/14/23 05:32 PM

A: Jerry about George in painting where he's just in his underwear??

Q: This is address discrimination!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/14/23 10:49 PM

Close enough, it was Kramer to George

A: Elaine to the Chinese delivery guy since they wouldn't deliver to her across the street
Q: The sex was good, but I threw up from the Hennigan's.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/09/23 12:58 AM

Since it’s been a month, I’m just gonna guess

A: Elaine to Jerry?

Q: I yell Cartwright twice…..you not answer…….I tell her he not here……she said curse word…..I hang up on her.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/09/23 01:55 AM

Close, it was George to Jerry

A: Chinese host to George while they're waiting for a table at the Chinese restaurant.
Q: I mean, I admire the hell out of her. You can't have sex with someone you admire.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/29/23 09:00 PM

I'm just gonna guess again...

A: Jerry to George ?

Here's a fresh one...

In honor of my birthday, although cringing.....
Q:  I know, I haven't thrown up since June 29th, 1980.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 07/09/23 09:57 PM

You were right it was Jerry to George

A: Jerry to Elaine
Q: Your meatloaf is mushy, your salmon croquettes are oily, and your eggplant parmesan is a disgrace to this house!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/06/23 10:18 PM

A: Frank to Estelle
Q: Cheapness is not a sense.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/21/23 11:45 PM

I’m just gonna take a stab…..

A: George to Elaine after she told him he’s very careful with his money.

Q: George………….(gestures him to come closer)…………….I win.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 08/22/23 10:33 PM

Close, it was Jerry to George

A: Neil to George in the hospital
Q: You're an errand girl sent by grocery clerks to collect a bill
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 10/20/23 11:01 PM

A: Peterman to Elaine
Q: Look, I got a few good years left. If I want a Chip Ahoy, I’m having it.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/13/23 05:27 PM

Just to keep it going, I'll take a stab...

A: Kramer to other three?

Q: That's your big boy. I have another one........but I'm saving it for later.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/15/23 12:31 AM

A: Jerry to Newman

Mine was Mr. Seinfeld to Mrs. Seinfeld

Q: “I guarantee you that Moses was a picker. You wander through the desert for 40 years with that dry air. You telling me you’re not going to have occasion to clean house a little bit?”
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/26/23 12:44 PM

A: George to Jerry about picking nose (from the nose picking episode)

Q: all right....history! This is for the game. How ya doing over there??? Not too good, eh??
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 11/27/23 01:00 AM

A; Bubble Boy to George
Q: I’m on first and first. How can the same street intersect with itself? I must be at the nexus of the universe.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/01/23 11:33 PM

A: Kramer to George about his apartment location

Q: You're once, you're twice ..... what the heck was that??? ..... once, twice, three times a lady....ahhhhhhh the humanity.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/02/23 12:52 AM

A: Newman while driving the truck lol
Q: I'm a fancy boy
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/02/23 07:21 PM

A: George about his gortex coat

Q: You got anything to *gnuash* on??

*not sure if that’s the correct spelling*
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/15/23 04:26 PM

A: George to that book club dad and daughter while watching movie Breakfast at Tiffany's

Q: how much did you pay for that? There is no way you paid $200 for that? You're saying $300 omg!!! OK....no....you mean you paid $400 for that?!? $600 or $700?? What's wrong with you???? You mean it was more than $800???!????!??? You are sick!!!!!! $900??????? I don't believe it!!!!! You paid a thousand dollars????!!!???!!!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 12/17/23 11:28 PM

A: George to Jerry
Q: Was that wrong? Should I have not done that?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 01/23/24 01:51 AM

A: George to his boss about having sex with the cleaning lady on his desk
Q: I think he regifted, then he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/17/24 12:47 AM

Just going to guess

A: Jerry to Elaine?

To keep it going….
Q: Get in that lane! Get in that lane!! ……. You know what, that was an awful decision I told you. You’re right. You were in the right lane. Go back into that lane.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/18/24 01:16 AM

A: George to cab driver
Q: The greasy door knob, the constant licking of the fingers, he's hooked to the chicken isn't he?
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/19/24 01:03 AM

A: Jerry to Newman after finding out Kramer was eating Kenny’s chicken after trying to boycott it (he was down there, almost had enough food for 2 people…..as long as one of them wasn’t himself as well……if you catch my drift)

Might be a bit off, but tried to get as accurate as I remember…..
Q: ok. So for whatever reason after we got past the toll booth, these rowdy teenagers started antagonizing us. I mean we didn’t do anything to provoke them and I don’t know why they picked us, but they did. We kept trying ignore them and avoid them, but they just kept swerving in all these lanes and weaver. Then one them took out a gun and fired it into the air!!!!!!! And then like 6 miles from the exit they just turned around and left like nothing had happened.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/19/24 01:56 AM

A: Elaine to Jerry, telling him why his car was making a noise or had some damage done to it
Q: I hope you're watching the clothes because I can't take my eyes off of the passion.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/20/24 01:52 AM

A: Mr. Peterman to Elaine whilst watch English Patient movie

Q: don’t worry about a thing. In 15-20 minutes that police station will be swarming with mail men. We’ll be free and back out on the streets by lunch time.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/25/24 01:32 PM

A: Newman to Kramer and Elaine whilst going to jail in police car for dog nabbing

Q: All right, so look. I just wanted to apologize to you. I lost my temper and took it out on you, when I shouldn’t have. Even though you and I both know you are the one who’s guilty here.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/25/24 09:23 PM

A: Jason to George during his step 9 to recovery
Q: I don't think I'll ever be able to forget Susie. And most of all, I will never forget that one night. Working late on the catalog, just the two of us. And we surrendered to temptation.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/27/24 10:44 AM

A: George but not sure to who about Susan's death from licking the cheap envelopes

Mine was actually incorrect....want another try?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/27/24 10:30 PM

It sounds like Kramer but I can't remember to who (think it was an animal).
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/28/24 12:30 AM

Yeah, it was Kramer to that monkey (I think named Barry) who threw a banana peel at him. Kramer threw the banana peel back at him and then was later forced to apologize by the zookeepers.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 02/29/24 12:28 AM

Q: That’s right, ________. White lotus. Yam-yam. Shanghai Sally.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/13/24 11:00 PM

A: Peterman to Elaine after she tested positive for opium

Q: I couldn’t find it. All I found were these Chunky candy bar wrappers.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/14/24 01:07 AM

Per Irishman (post went on casino game accidentally)

A: Elaine to Jerry
Q: The thing about fleas is that they irritate the skin and they start to itch.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/14/24 01:16 AM

A: Jerry tormenting Newman after he realized how his apartment got infested with fleas.

Q: I'll get you Kramer! I'll get you!! You can’t hide forever!!!! You won’t get away with this!
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/22/24 11:24 PM

A: Cable guy to fleeing Kramer

Q: some of the kids have been playing in the garbage and putting it into their mouths
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/23/24 03:18 PM

A: Mrs. Allister to Elaine
Q: Hey we won the World Series.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/24/24 04:08 PM

A: George shouting out of his car while dragging the trophies ???

If so…
Q: every time you shave it’s going to come in twice as fast and twice as thick
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 03/25/24 12:06 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry about shaving his chest

Mine wasn't correct:

Q: Hey we won the World Series.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/03/24 08:21 PM

A: Derek Jeeter to George

Q: Now Bobby, you must understand…..it’s very difficult to hit two home runs in one game.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/03/24 10:46 PM

A: Kramer to Bobby, the kid in the hospital with the signed birthday card
Q: Now I gotta figure out the hat sizes of 59,000 different people!
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/17/24 11:13 PM

I’m just gonna guess, just to keep the game going….

A: Jerry to Elaine, George, and Kramer??
Q: Ok…….but I’m running out of purses (demonstrates why)
Posted By: Hollander

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/21/24 11:42 PM

I'm watching again lol, the show helped me through the 90s when I was still at school.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/27/24 11:07 AM

A: Elaine to Vivian about watching bratty Jimmy again (because he kept pouting drinks into her purses)

You can go now Hollander, or Irishman, or someone else.
Posted By: Hollander

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/27/24 08:49 PM

George: “What is Holland?”
Jerry: “What do you mean, ‘what is it?’ It’s a country right next to Belgium.”
George: “No, that’s the Netherlands.”
Jerry: “Holland *is* the Netherlands.”
George: “Then who are the Dutch?”
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 04/28/24 12:15 AM

Originally Posted by VanillaLimeCoke
A: Elaine to Vivian about watching bratty Jimmy again (because he kept pouting drinks into her purses)

You can go now Hollander, or Irishman, or someone else.

Q: Somewhere in this hospital, the anguished squeal of Pigman cries out.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/02/24 12:36 AM

A: George to Jerry

Q: they say no one's ever beaten the Van Wyck, but gentlemen, I tell you this....I came as close as anyone as come to before
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/03/24 10:57 PM

A: Elaine to Jerry & George

Mine was Kramer to Jerry

Q: You called me schmoopie, you're schmoopie!
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/07/24 07:27 PM

A: Shelia to Jerry

Q: oh it broke off, baby.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/07/24 09:21 PM

A: Kramer to the car salesman he was driving around with all day
Q: The apples are mealy, the oranges are dry. I don’t know what’s going on with the papayas?
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 05/21/24 12:38 AM

A: Kramer to Jerry about super market.

Q: Now we can do this the easy way......or we can do this......the fun way.
Posted By: VanillaLimeCoke

Re: Seinfeld Dialogue game - 06/04/24 07:27 PM

A: Elaine to Ryan

Here's a fresh easy one
Q: you find yourself in the kitchen. You see an eclaire in the trash receptacle, and you think to yourself... What the Hell....I'll just eat some trash.
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